
Misplaced Princess

Emily's 18th birthday would be the day her world would be turned upside down, threw into a new life in a seemingly familiar world how will she cope? With more questions than answers will Emily be able to piece anything together? Emily is not alone in her journey but will the secrets be more than she can bear? A story of supernatural forces, royalty. loyalty. love. and betrayal.

LillianRose · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter Fifteen

Note: Hi Everyone. I'm sorry for the infrequent updates. I'm hard core studying this week, I'm hoping for 3 to 4 updates this week. Next week we should be able to pick back up the pace. Thank you for reading. I hope you leave a comment! I love hearing from you all. 😊

Emily's heart calmed somewhat as she saw the smile melt off Alex's face upon reading the letter. It seemed the words had caught him off guard just as much as herself. At least she hadn't been the only one surprised.

"Where has Adam gone?" Emily asked, cutting through the cold silence between them.

This caused Alex to lower the paper. He looked at Emily. "He left, said he had urgent business in the village. He should be back in a few days, a week at most." Emily had never seen such a serious expression on Alex's face. It usually seemed he took everything so lightly.

"Judging by the look on your face you also don't know what this is about." Emily stated.

"Well, I could guess." He poured two glasses of wine from the table between the two.

"Can I decline?"

This brought a small smile back to the prince's face. "You want to reject?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Emily huffed.

"Look, Emily, this isn't just some piece of paper. This is a letter from the kind announcing your engagement. If I had to guess these have already been delivered far beyond the castle walls. Besides my brother is one of the most powerful men in the world. Why wouldn't you want to marry him? Lord knows enough women have tried."

"I'm not going to marry someone I don't even know." Emily snapped, her anger rising back up. "He clearly could choose anyone in the world to marry. Why me?"

"Politics? A Treaty? Maybe because you're the only woman to ever say no to him. Maybe it was love at first sight." He chuckled. "I'm not the person who has your answers princess."

Emily furrowed her brow and sat in silence. Adam had always acted… strange towards her. Attacking her, then saving her. Friendly yet distant. She had never expected to receive a proposal of marriage, especially not in the form of a letter. Emily was lost in though when there was a knock at the door. Emily was immediately jolted to awareness.

"Enter." Alex called. A guard entered.

"I am sorry to disturb you your highness. Your, er, guest has arrived." The guard bowed.

"Very well. Give me a moment to finish up here then send them in."

After the guard left Emily spoke. "A guest at this hour?"

Alex just smiled. "You may want to leave now Princess. I don't think you'll enjoy the kind of company I tend to keep at this hour. Besides, its less than appropriate for my brother's fiancé to be in my room at such an hour."

Emily blushed. Ruefully she hadn't considered the time when she time when she went barging into the prince's room. Emily would be perceived as less than a proper lady by the people who noticed her insisting on entering a man's room. She had to be more careful. Her anger had gotten the better of her. Before Emily made it to the door Alex spoke one last sentiment.

"Do be careful with your newfound abilities, Princess."

Emily hurried out the door. The guards made no remark. Emily hurried on toward her room. She was filled with such a mix of emotions. She was angry, but also sad and confused. If Adam had some reason to demand their marriage, why hadn't he spoken to her about it? They hadn't spoke since that night.

Emily didn't make it to her room. She left the castle. Few guards watched nervously as she pried the large doors open. It seemed they didn't want to approach her, for this she was grateful. She didn't want to deal with anyone anymore. She walked until her legs began to run. She didn't know where she would go. She didn't know exactly why she left, she just wanted to be gone. To be left alone.

She found herself alone in a dark wooded area, but she felt no worry as she slouched against a tree. How had her life become so complicated? She went from speaking to no one, from cleaning messes, and baking dishes, all while being constantly berated by a drunken father, to royalty. Not just royalty but a royal beast. How had she gotten here?

Emily was wallowing in self-pity when she heard a tree branch snap behind her. She jumped to her feet. She had brought no weapons. Before he eyes a group of 6 or 7 rugged looking men appeared before her. She got a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"What's a pretty young things like you doing in the forest so late at night?" One of the men asked through a toothless grin.

"I'm waiting for someone." She blurted without much thought. She was cursing herself for being so stupid. Could she literally not leave the castle without danger finding her?

"In the middle of the woods?" The man sneered walking closer to her. The remaining waited behind him with equally unnerving smiles.

"Y-yes. My friend should be here any moment." She stood her ground and prepared herself for a fight. She wouldn't go down easily if this man decided to pull something. She wasn't sure she could take all the men, but she would try.

"Why don't you come with us? It's not safe for you out here." The man said, getting close enough to run a hand across Emily's cheek, a knife in his other hand.

Emily grabbed the man's arm and twisted it violently away from his body. The man, caught off guard, screamed in agony as he crumbled to the ground. He didn't expect such strength could come from such a small person.

"Get her!" The man yelled and the rest of the men charged forward.

Emily held her own for some time. Emily had hoped her wolf would make an appearance in such a time, but she had no such luck. Nonetheless he superhuman strength and speed had served her well. She had managed to down four of the seven men with various self-defense moves Alex had taught her. She had gotten cocky with the last three. She left herself open and received a searing stab just below her ribs as a result. Emily winced and stumbled backward. She put her hand over the wound, it bled heavily and stung. Another stab on the other side and another to her front. All it took was one small moment for her victories to crumble. She fell to the ground.

"Get her. Someone's bounds to pay a pretty penny to get this one back." The man who's arm Emily had twisted, that now dangled at his side like a limp noodle said. He harshly grabbed her chin in his hand. "If she lives that is." He used the same hand to punch her across the face.

Seemingly the last blow before she passed out.