
Misogynistic Hololiver (A Hololive Fanfic)

"...This is my life now..." Ishijin Shiro. An ex-soldier. Single, broken-hearted twice, and finally got his heart shattered into pieces after his mom decided to break it by "betraying" him, and now he sits there, really doubting the opposite gender. "...Why did you have to do that, mom?!" However...though he's out of the military now, that closed door led to another open door. Streaming. Holostars' 13th member, a.k.a the Solo Debutant, will give blood, sweat, and tears to rise up to mainstream. But can he do it though? Knowing he's gonna be working alongside Hololive? An idol group consisting of girls? All he knows is that he's determined to be considered one of the greatest Vtubers in the scene. He wishes to be considered a GOAT. Btw, the drawing is not mine. It belongs to a guy named Laovaan that did a drawing tutorial. I also don't own Cover or Hololive. The only thing I own here is my OC, Ishijin Shiro.

MinecUwUberif · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
82 Chs

Ch 28 - 100k Privates, Come and Listen!

"Whoo…" I breathed out as I saw the viewers waiting in the stream.

"7.4k waiting...I expected more, but then again, I guess this is okay. I am still small, after all…"

Well, I guess I don't have much to do other than just to wait until the stream comes.

"Man...still can't believe I just got 100k subs after just debuting…"

Albeit it's rather minuscule compared to my senpais, it's big if we just think about the men alone.

"I wonder how my journey will go in the long run...?"

I even wonder if I really will be able to be remembered as the V-Rapper of Holostars? I wonder if people will even consider me a legend in Vtubing? Then again, probably not, considering I never got into Vtubing until recently...

But who knows? God knows my fate, so the best I can do is just be the V-rapper that everybody knows. From the music label "V-R.A.P.P.", is Vtubing's V-rapper, Ishijin Shiro!

"Shiro on the mic, Shiro on the beat, Shiro with the heat, everybody, thanks for coming to my stream! Yeah, and you know I got the heat, bro. What's my name? Ishijin Shiro!" I clapped.

"Everybody! Thank you for coming to this stream! So, tonight, in Japan, We are gonna do something special before hitting 100k subs!"

"Originally, I was planning to freestyle for 1 hour. 30 minutes in English and in Japanese each, making it 1 hour in total, however...I thought that, not only would that be a really common idea, as if it's unoriginal, but it also seems...lacking. So I thought, 'how about, before I hit 100k subs, I'll answer some questions from my dear Privates?', right?"

"So here we are! I got a live counter on the top left corner, and we're still at 95k subs. So it's still rather far until we get 100k subs. So, as we speak, some Privates are still sending marshmallows, so I just hope I can answer most of your marshmallows by the end of this." I snickered a bit.

"So, without further ado, let's go and read the first marshmallow!" I said as I presented it on the screen.

"Right off the bat, we got an interesting question. The question is, 'Why did you join Hololive, and decide to not go independent/in other companies like Nijisanji, etc.?'"

"So, simple answer is, I just didn't know that there were more Vtubers aside from Kizuna Ai and Hololive." I laughed a bit and put my right hand against my mouth to cover my laugh.

"Long answer is...I didn't know there was another company, or that you could go independent as a Vtuber. Well...actually, I knew it, but I couldn't understand the concept yet, like...I thought I had to learn drawing just to have my own character. I also didn't that there was another company that's as big as Hololive called 'Nijisanji'. I also didn't know that...Independent Vtubers are like rapping. You could hire managers, artists, and other shit so you don't have to do it yourself."

"So that's why I joined Hololive. Aside from just being inspired and aspiring to be like them, I didn't know Nijisanji, Kawaii production, PRISM Project, Lyrica, Kaheru, and other popular Vtubers until like...a month ago. In case some of you don't know, I'm actually new to Vtubing." I giggled.

"Like...I never really got into Vtubers until December...oh wait, sorry. It wasn't December, it was November. I never really started liking Vtubers until November. Mostly 'cause I was busy with my job and also 'cause I focused more on hip-hop news and whatnot rather than something that was considered a niche in Japan, which involved anime girls coming into real-life."

"Even though Kizuna Ai was really popular, I never dug deep into her history, because, like I said a bit earlier, I was busy with my job and I was more focused on improving my craft in rapping rather than procrastinating and doing useless shit. That's not to say watching Vtubers is pointless, but I didn't like the thought of being left behind in rapping just because I decided to be a shut-in weeb and watch anime girls every second." I chuckled.

"So yeah. There's your answer for that question. That was already long even though I wanted to be concise. But anyway...next question!"

I swiped to the next marshmallow, and this question popped up:

"'Aside from rapping, what other musical talents do you have?' Oh, boy. I have A LOT." I laughed.

"First of all, I can play piano, guitar, and bass. I won't play it right now, but just know that I can play a lot of instruments. I don't know how to play drums though. Another thing I have is perfect pitch. I developed this ability since I was young, and I had to keep practicing this as I grew up, even now, in case this ability gets rusty. But I do have perfect pitch. Play me any song, and I can recreate that EXACT SONG to the piano or guitar right after hearing it. Albeit I can't remember everything, I'll recreate the main melody or whatever."

"Another thing as well is that, I know basic beatboxing, and I can scream. I beatboxed because I went through a phase where I got into beatboxing, and also 'cause I found it convenient for making music, for variety purposes, and I got into screaming, since I also went through a phase where I got into metal and rock music, thinking of mixing it into my repertoire to have a wider variety of music, and also 'cause I thought of incorporating screamos into my music."

"Remember my remix of Calli's song? Yeah, I did a 'fry scream' there. I can do a little demonstration right now, but I don't want to be too noisy." I giggled.

"However, I'll do it anyway….WAAAAAAAAA!!!!" I said as I put my vocal cords together, making it closed, and expelled air through it to make a rough scream.

"Alright...that's a fry scream. That's the scream I used in the remix. So! That's it for my musical talents. It's probably obvious that I can make my own beats. You know the intro BGM, and my BGM right now for my stream? Even the remix for Calli's song? I made those myself. I know how to produce my own songs. In the past, I did get a few producers to make the instrumental, but that's because I wanted to collab with them. Aside from that, I like making it myself. I feel like I have more creative control that way. I like working by myself, you know?"

After saying that, the chat went like:

"Damn, this guy like another Charlie Puth LMAO"

"No wonder the source of the BGM came from your channel. It's actually produced by you!"

"Can't wait to hear your future music, Shiro-san!"

"This guy is very talented wwww"

"I'm jealous...he knows so much stuff"

"So, next question!" I said.

The marshmallow read, "How did you get so good at freestyling?"

"Oh, freestyling? Well...take it like this. You know how talented Suisei is, right? Now imagine how shit her voice was when she was young. Even if it was actually good, had she not practiced it, she would be more shit than me, no lie. I could even sing better since I sang here and there."

"Sora is very talented, right? Rewind back to her child or teen years, and imagine how shit she is compared to now. Had she not practiced it, she wouldn't have that heavenly voice."

"Now, imagine ME. You know how I can just fucking spit anything, right? No matter what you gave me, and no matter when you'll give it to me, I can incorporate a random word, and I can instantly freestyle rap. I even rapped for like 20 minutes for you guys as if I ate that shit for breakfast. But that's because I constantly practiced it, no matter how shit I was."

"Now imagine me when I was younger...you think I could even last for 5 seconds in freestyling? I didn't even know how to write lyrics! Let alone be as fluent in English at the time!"

"That's the thing, Privates. As much as it's obvious, PRACTICE. A lot of people overlook this just because they generalize it. When we say practice, we don't just mean, 'oh, just repeat whatever you did and hope you get better in the long run'. When we say 'practice', it means working on your mistakes, fixing them, and then applying them."

"Another thing as well is that some people don't practice because they think they're quote unquote, 'bad'...like, bruh. You think I was born with the talent of rapping? Lemme tell you something…"

"You see, I used to actually sing when I was a child. I was more of a pop, love song, whatever kid that loved melodies and singing. My mom even liked how good I was at singing when I was young. However, my love for hip-hop started when I was around...7? 9? 10? Around 7-9 years old."

"I never got into writing songs until I discovered rap music, and when I finally got into rapping at around 7-9 years old, I started writing lyrics, and trying to imitate rappers. At that time, my rhymes and lyrics were CORNY AS HELL!"

"Not only was it corny, it was so bad, when I gave it to my mom, I knew she cringed at it even though she tried to not hurt my feelings. That's how bad I was at writing lyrics." I laughed and slammed my desk, taking away -10 HP from desk-kun.

"I still remember a fucking song I made...it was in English, and I wrote these exact words,"

"You know that I'm driving with a car. And I'll be famous like a star."

"I like to drink milk, and also tea. And who's the best rapper? Yes, it's me."

I slammed my desk a lot of times, and I shouted in English, "AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! HOLY FUCK, IT'S SO CRINGE!"

"GGRRR…!! Thinking back, I want to slap my past self in the face!" I laughed a bit.

"But yeah...you all get the point. I wasn't actually gifted with writing lyrics. I was just writing, hoping I could become better if I kept writing more."

"But then I listened to people like Kendrick Lamar, and looked more into Eminem's music...and that's when I realized my mistake in writing lyrics. I was so focused on rhyming words that I never actually understood the more technical aspects of it. Instead of rhyming words, why not rhyme the syllabes? Why did I not realize the message behind most words?"

"So I had to practice multisyllabic rhyming like 'Take the money' and 'Get the honey', and I also had to understand how to make meaningful lyrics."

"So that's what I can say! No matter if we're born with a talent for something or not, none of it will come into fruition unless you practice it for a long time. Even 1 month of constant practice can get you very far. Although not as far as 1 year, it's way better than the first day of practice. No matter how bad it is, just do it. Like Shia Labeouf said once, JUST DO IT!" I kept in my laugh and shouted.

"And besides, the more that you actually freestyle rap, the easier it'll become. At first, you might have very shitty lyrics, but the more you practice, the easier it becomes, and the better your lyrics will become. Think of it as the same for Suisei and Sora. Maybe at the start, they actually had some problems in their singing, but they practiced, see what needs improvement, and kept on practicing, no matter if they thought they couldn't do it, and now look! They're like one of Japan's famous artists! Probably not mainstream, but people know them." I chuckled.

"Next marshmallow!" I said as I went to the next one.

The next one read, "Even though you stated that one of your dislikes is girls, do you have a type of girl you like? At least one?"

"Ooh...I don't mind this topic, if I'll be honest, but this is a bit of a risky topic, for me."

"The reason why is because...I don't know. I don't think I have the same passion as before when I was younger in terms of romance. Before, I would think of this all the time, but now...I think I'd rather masturbate, if I'll be honest." I snickered.

"Anyway...to answer the question...if you all haven't noticed, which if you don't, you're a fucking idiot - That's a joke, I love you all - but in all seriousness, you guys must've noticed the three words above my head. See that?" I said as I jerked my face upwards to signal the Privates what I was referencing.

"'Respect, Discipline, and Loyalty'. This slogan is used to teach you Privates my top 3 principles that I highly value. But this also applies to girls."

"Respect, to show that you respect the person's position. Discipline, to keep yourself from acting unmannerly. And Loyalty, to show that you will never betray that person, and give them your full trust. One thing I will never forgive a person for is if they break their loyalty."

"Even if you act disrespectful, even if you act so rowdy, I can forgive you as long as you will never turn your back on me. That also applies to what I want from a woman."

"I want a girl who I can fully trust, no matter how slow our progression is. One that I know will never betray me in any way, and will forever trust me with all her heart. I want one that will never cheat on me. I want one that, even if she's disrespectful or undisciplined, will forever stay true to me...that's a girl I like." I chuckled.

"Well, as of now, I'm not really interested in finding one...Right now, I wanna focus on my career, and when I feel like I can stand on my own two feet alone and think I have established myself on solid ground, I think I can start accepting a girl. Well...I think I have already, considering I'm financially stable and whatnot, but...you get it. Girls nowadays are just...fucking NTR'ing everybody." I giggled a bit.

"Not to say that it's a generalization, but holy fuck, man. I never knew girls could betray you a million times and just be forgiven 999,999 times by being cute." I snickered a bit.

"Anyway...next marshmallow!"

"'Recently, there's been talk about you acting as Rushia's 'big brother figure'. I don't know if it's true, but I heard you've been very good to her, and I'm rather happy, as not only is it Rushia, but also from you, a recent member I'm enjoying! Just wondering though, what do you think of this talk that's been going on?' Good question..."

"Honestly, I don't want people spreading weird rumors like 'Oh, maybe they like each other'. We're not. She's not into me, I'm not into her." I chuckled.

To be honest...she used to. Now, it seems she might've actually gotten together with Marine now, so...I'm technically right.

"However, it is true...me and her have made a Brother-Sister figure relationship, and I'm willing to continue this relationship."

"I don't think there's a lot I can say 'cause it's a bit...personal, so I apologize for that, but what I can say is that, I made a promise to myself from there on out."

"I'll be there for Rushia, and I'll support her all the way. No matter how hard it might seem, no matter how rough the roads will be, no matter how much will be thrown at me, I'm willing to be there for her. I mean...I hate seeing people suffer, regardless if it's friends, family, or pure strangers. That's why...I'll continue to be that person she can look up to, and go to if she ever needs a shoulder to cry on."

"So, that's my answer to the question! It's true, I'm her big brother figure, and she's my little sister figure, and I'm glad people are talking about it, not because I want to boast about it, but because misunderstandings will happen if this isn't clarified. I don't mind it, as long as you guys make sure it's strictly just a sibling-like relationship, and not something 'more-than-friends'. I'm simply just a guy that wants to help a cute necromancer make her life easier."

"With that done, NEXT! MARSHMALLOW!"

The next marshmallow is: "Do you intend to collab with your senpais? If so, who goes first?"

"This is interesting, because I'm actually a bit indecisive right now. Like, I know who I will collab with, but there are a few times where I will be having doubts whether to go with one or the other."

"The first is collabing with my Holostar senpais. I don't care who I will collab with, as long as I can collab with them. Here's the second idea, though. I wanna collab with HoloEN, specifically, Calli."

"My first idea to try is Holostars. The reason why? Japan's idol culture." I said without much thought.

"I thought that I might have to start with the boys first, not just because they're the group I'm associated with, but to also start slow before I get involved with the bigger senpais, and especially if they're from the opposite sex. And even though they're English, so their culture is different from Japan, they still have extreme gachikois. Like bruh...I just wanna chill and rap with Calli. Why would you think I'd be dating her, let alone be romantically interested in the first place if I just arrived in the Vtubing scene?" I chuckled.

"Another thing is that...me and Calli promised something between each other. I won't say it, but we were planning to collab because we were gonna do something together. I hope you guys look forward to it! Me and Calli plan to make our collab fun!"

And the whole chat went like:


"Ite bois, better prepare your asses for the epic collab between Shiro and Calli!"

"Calli spits fire, Shiro spits bars, and now we got BLAZING BARS!"

"I wonder what they 'promised' to each other...? Nonetheless, that collab will be lit!"

"DEFINITELY! Calli's talent is out of this world, and Shiro's potential has already been seen these past few streams. It'll be an amazing collab between the two!"

"But yeah. Even now, I wonder who I really wanna collab with, but if I'm still indecisive until my collab ban, I'm thinking of collabing with Holostars, and I won't have a preference with them. I'll collab with any of them, Astel, Temma, Oga, Miyabi, Roberu, whoever it shall be, we shall have fun and play games." I said.

"And I'm sorry if what I said earlier might've attacked fans. I know some stans are actually good fans and are just really supportive of their oshis, but for the latter...well, it's self-explanatory. I don't need to dig deep into it, especially when it comes to Japan. It can get really extreme. I think that happened to one Nijisanji guy before. I think I saw a clip somewhere. It was the one with pointy ears and glasses, and brown hair."

"I know I'm gonna end up in this situation, sooner or later, but if it ever comes down to it, probably 1 month from now…hoowee, I got some stuff to manage. But I hope you guys won't attack them if they really do exist. That's my only wish. If gachikois from other streamers come and attack me, just ignore them. Please, never EVER try to attack them. I don't like that community, okay? Just act as if it's not even existing in the first place."

"So, with that half-rant done, next marshmallow. We still got like 3-4 thousand subs left until I have to freestyle, Privates! Let's keep on going!"

The marshmallow read, "I'm a huge rapping fan, and this is probably biased of me, but I love the fact that you made this whole week into a freestyle practice session! Though, most probably, next week, you're gonna do gaming streams. If that's the case, what games will you play?"

"Good question...you see, guys. I'm...as much as I might not look like it, I'm good at FPS games, but especially at Counter-Strike. I'm really good at aiming and also manipulating the battlefield. I also sometimes get salty opponents just because I really am that quick at reacting." I laughed.

"But yeah...one game I might do is Counter-Strike. I might have to get permission though, 'cause...it's Japan...for everything you need to do, you need to ask for permission...which is annoying as hell, but there's nothing you can really do other than to do it, since that's how copyright works here in Japan." I said the last statement in a weird voice and shrugged.

"Another game I'm thinking of doing is Yu-Gi-Oh: Link Evolution. The only reason why I don't wanna do it is because, pulling booster packs from the game, and having to constantly grind just to get a couple cards, is not only annoying, but so time-consuming and boring. So I might not play Yu-Gi-Oh in the future. Maybe if Konami releases another game, and where its card system is better, or where it has better game mechanics. Until then, I will not be playing a single Yu-Gi-Oh game. Not even something like...YGO Omega. You guys know that thing? Where you need to open Discord to play that game? Yeah..."

"...Of course I know how to play Yu-Gi-Oh. I might not be familiar with all the cards, but I have played here and there. I like Dark Magician. That's the first deck I got my eyes on. Next deck I tried was the Elemental HERO deck. I was thinking of Ojama, but...I got bored from it." I giggled.

"And yeah...other decks too like Sky Striker and Traptrix. I tried Toons once. I had a lot of fun, but I hate it when my opponent uses it though." I snickered.

"Yeah...well, aside from those two games...I don't know, we'll see. Maybe I'll play Nintendo games. Oh, speaking of Nintendo, I actually don't have a Switch." I laughed.

"Yeah...I think I'm gonna have to order a Switch after this stream. How funny, I'm a streamer, yet I don't have all my streaming equipment."

"So...I think that answers your question. Maybe I'll play Dead Island too. Who knows? I'll just improvise, maybe." I chuckled.

"Next marshmallow...! Ooh, this is interesting. 'Hello! I am a Japanese Private, Shiro-san. I love your debut stream yesterday, and I'm learning English now. I want to know if you have advice for learning languages.'"

"Okay, first of all, hello! Nice to meet you, Private! Second, I'm assuming you're still in the middle of learning English. There's a few grammar errors, but other than that, you're understandable. Your English is rather good, I won't lie."

"So...here's a tip for learning languages. I suggest you try to get a book of some sort from the language you're learning in. Since you're learning English, I suggest you buy a book, or a novel, or comic, or whatever is written in English, and read it. You can use a Japanese-English dictionary, and also learn how the grammar works the more you read it."

"If you don't want to spend money on getting books though, there's always some free reading material online that you can read. Even some elementary school reading material. You can search something like "Grade 2 English Story", and read off of that. I recommend some English novels or books because not only is there more to read, but a wider vocabulary is used there, and most of the vocabulary is also commonly used in society. Not only that, but some of the grammar, both in narration and dialogue, is commonly used in society."

"This can also be helpful to you, Privates. In general, no matter what language you want to learn, read something in that language. It's up to you as to what length and how hard you want the material to be, but the thing that matters is that you need to read."

"Why I say 'reading' out of everything? Because that's where you can analyze the technical aspects of a language. You can go 'Eh? Why is that word there? Why is this used instead of this word? Why does he say it like this? Why can't it be said this way instead?'"

"And also because some of the words that you know in your language can actually be different in another language. For us Japanese, we say 'My stomach is empty'. For English, we say, 'I'm hungry.'"

"In Japanese, we say 'Fast mouth words', in English, we say 'Tongue Twisters'. So some words that you know in one language are spoken differently in another language, so please read a lot in the language you're learning, 'cause most of your language comes from reading and listening, which is your input. So take in a lot from the language you're learning, especially reading, to understand the language."

"That's my tip for you in learning a language! Go search a story online or buy a book in your target language, and read! Have a dictionary at hand too to search for unfamiliar terms. You'll be surprised how much you've learned from just one sentence or paragraph. Even more so from a page. Do actively learn some words too in your spare time, to increase your vocabulary, BUT take it at your own pace. Even just learning one word a day can get you very far."

"If I remember correctly, you need around 1,000 words to have a simple conversation, and you might even need more than that 'cause topics can vary, and because there are synonyms to simpler words that people use instead. However, for simple introductions, you can learn at least 100 words. If you learn 30 words in one month, that means you know 30 out of 100 words needed to introduce yourself."

"And I have one more tip...remember that everybody learns something for a certain goal. Most people, like me, learn a language because we want to understand the language, but even then, we have certain goals for it. Maybe we want to be able to write in the language? Understand songs? Maybe even just learn it so that you can have a conversation with somebody that might know that language. So remember that, along with basic vocabulary, do search for words that you think can help you in achieving your goal in language learning."

"WHOO! That's a mouthful. I did say I would keep myself concise, but the plan failed, Privates." I laughed my ass off.

"I'm very sorry, okay?! I didn't think my marshmallows would be very good questions. But I'm happy, nonetheless. I hope you guys are enjoying the stream so far. We've yet to like...get 1-2k subs before the main event of this stream. So...please bear with me until we get to 100k subs!"

"Next marshmallow…'Do you plan on writing in Japanese for your songs?'...Most probably not."

"The reason why I said that is because...not only does writing in English feel the most natural to me, but it's also because that's the language I'm most efficient in for expressing my thoughts into the paper. Not to say I can't do Japanese, but just know that most of my songs will be in English, because that's my go-to language when composing songs."

"However, I will say this, I might put Japanese verses or Japanese lines in my songs. I don't know when, but do expect those coming soon enough, because I also wrote some songs in Japanese. I also wrote some songs in pure Japanese, but that's mostly personal songs, not songs I released for the public."

"And...next marshmallow…Oh, this is sort of connected to the last two. 'Why do you mostly rap and write in English, even though you mostly speak in Japanese?' Good question."

"The reason why is because most of you guys are Japanese. I checked the statistics, and it seems that, I have a big majority of my fans being Japanese. It's about 50/50, but there are more fellow Japanese than there are overseas bros."

"And not only that, I just normally speak in Japanese. Why the hell would I speak English in Japan?" I chuckled.

"So...that's why. For the rap and writing part, I already said it in the last marshmallow, so...no need for me to explain it again. Just to remind though, it's just 'cause it's my go-to language."

"Next…'Your debut was quite yabai. What can you say about that? The moments where 'we messed with your slides'?"

"..." I stayed silent for a bit.

"What do you mean? I'm seiso?~" I replied.

I looked at the chat and they said stuff like:

"Yeah, right. 'Seiso'"




"Seiso wwwwwwwww"

"You're not seiso."

"Ah….the good ol' Watame warukunai yo ne tactic…"

"The curse of Hololive. They're all comedians, not idols"

"Poor Yagoo wwwwwwwww"



"Anyway, nothing yabai happened in my debut stream. It was a pure seiso stream.~" I said in a cute-like voice and moved on to the next marshmallow.

"'It seems you like Western rap more. By any chance, do you know some Japanese rappers? If so, who are your inspirations?' Ooh...I always wanted to answer that question. Thanks for asking this, I wanted to tell people this thing about me!" I said.

"So...it's true. I do like western rap more, just because it's the language I got most accustomed to. However, that doesn't mean I never took inspiration from different cultures, ESPECIALLY if it comes from my homeland, Virtual Japan!"

"I like rappers like R-Shitei...Kid Fresino...Buddha Brand...You know, Kazuo is also good...both English and Japanese."

"I also like rappers like Aklo, kiLLa, KOHH. Man, so many fucking classics and some of them are actually my idols. I couldn't put them there in the debut because there'd be too many, and because I mostly do English rap and stuff, but...man, they're really good. My number one though might be...R-Shitei...I love that guy."

"Man, as much as I love hip-hop from America and stuff, I also like Japanese hip-hop. It's refreshing and cool to listen to. Fun fact, Privates: I actually went to some rap battles myself. I entered a few rap battles myself, and I won all of them." I giggled.

"Yeah...I was a really good battle rapper before, and I was...I won't say it out loud, but let's just say that I used to have a nickname that was really cool, and also made people fear me a bit just because of the name. I was also the youngest out of all the competitors, so that also gave me a bit more attention."

"In those rap battles though, I mostly rapped in Japanese. Like what I said earlier, I can rap in Japanese, and I can make songs out of them. The only times I would put in English is just to set up some rhyme schemes or to say sentences that would otherwise be too long in Japanese. That, or just to say a certain Japanese word in English."

And here's how the chat reacted to it:

"Damn, so he really raps. Like he RAP raps"

"I'm not surprised, actually. This guy did freestyle for about 30 minutes for us."

"I wanna see him go head-to-head with other Vtubers and see how good he can freestyle and diss them, just out of fun though. It'd be funny to see how it goes wwwww"

"TL [EN]: I went to rap battles before. I mostly rapped in Japanese, and would only speak English if I wanted to do rhymes or say something from Japanese into English"

"So...yeah! That's a bit of my history and also an answer to the marshmallow...man, those were some actual good times." I chuckled.

"...Oh? Ah! It seems we reached 100k subs! I know some troll fans are gonna unsubscribe to play with me, so I'll keep answering a few more marshmallows until I feel like it's enough subscribers to finally start rapping. So...let's keep going Privates"

Aaaaand here's how chat reacted to what I said.

"My man knows what's up LMAO"

"He knows Vtubing culture wwwwwwwww"

"Goddammit, our plan is foiled. Kusa"





"Hey, I ain't complaining. We also get to know more about our General."


"So...next marshmallow, 'Are you an idol or a comedian?'"

"...Hololive is a comedian agency. Next marshmallow." I said in English while looking at the camera as I swiped to the next marshmallow.

Immediately after I said that, the chat went this crazy.



"He just straight up admitted that Hololive is a comedian agency. Kusa"





"Well, Shinove-san, you tried your best. Wwwwwww"

"So uh...next marshmallow…'Do you plan in collabing with the Hololivers soon in making music?' Definitely. I wanna make music with Suisei, Sora, Calli, Aki, Roberu, Temma, Astel, The people from Nijisanji, and if God permits it, even somebody like Kizuna Ai. I want to make a lot of music, both solo and together with someone." I giggled.

"Everybody is very promising with their own art, their own sound, their own MUSIC! I want to see what happens when we combine our music together and see its synergy. I'm seriously looking forward to it. I also hope you guys will look forward to it too!"

"Alright...I'll be answering one more marshmallow, and I think I can start rapping! Here we go, Privates! WOOSH!" I said as I moved it to the last marshmallow.

"...Oh...this must be the best marshmallow I've been given in this whole stream…"

The marshmallow read: "Being a part of the unit/music label 'V-R.A.P.P.', how do you see yourself coming up in the Vtubing community?"

"Yeah...this one, I was extremely hoping that it would pop up soon enough." I giggled.

"Um...I don't know...I can't say that I'm the only V-rapper, because Calli exists...she's actually like the pioneer of rap in the Vtubing community, so I can't have that...there's also that one guy from Nijisanji...I think his name was...you know that self-proclaimed lolicon guy that looked badass as hell-KENMOCHI TOUYA! Yeah, that guy also makes some rap battle videos too, especially with Kizuna Ai…"

"However, I plan to be known as the MC of Vtubing. I wanna be known as that one guy who could rap about anything, and make rap and hip-hop be very impactful to the Vtubing industry. Like, I wish that I can not only be a famous V-rapper, but also be able to bring more people into Virtual rapping, and hope that...you know, it becomes one of the mainstream music in the Vtubing community, as well as being able to inspire future generations that aspire to be V-rappers." I chuckled a bit in the middle of the sentence.

"Although I'm still small, and I still have a lot going for me in my future endeavors, I hope you all will still support me until then! I plan to release a lot of music, and hope that I can collab with everybody, whether it be from a company or independent! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!" I clapped my hands together and rubbed it.

"I'll work hard to earn the title of being the biggest V-rapper, even though that might seem like overconfidence or pure boastfulness." I giggled.

"Anyway! Enough with the marshmallows! Privates! It's time for the MAIN EVENT of the EVENING!"

"Introducing first, FIGHTING AT THE RED CORNER-Oh wait, wrong franchise." I said in English as I cleared my throat while doing a Bruce Buffer voice.

"It's time to do 1 hour of freestyle rapping! 30 minutes in English, 30 minutes in Japanese! Let's go, Privates!"

And the chat spammed the living hell out of the chat box. I just realized that 30k viewers came into the stream. The same count as my viewers back in my debut stream.






"Give us the goods, Sir!"



"*mic emoji"

"*mic emoji"

"This man about to make history o7!"

"*mic emoji"




"*mic emoji"

"This is the first step to a million subs. HERE'S TO OUR GENERAL, ISHIJIN SHIRO! o7"

And here marks 1/10th of a full step to a million! What might happen tomorrow?~

...I mean about the days in the story...not real time...maybe I'll get myself some pizza? (drools excessively)

In all seriousness though, hope you enjoyed this chapter! I thought of some questions that might be good for Shiro (and prolly one that might get him canceled, but plot armor exists, so-)

And in all seriousness too, I feel really sorry for Rushia Q-Q. She didn't deserve all the shade being thrown around, and now she's getting terminated (so she didn't even get to say goodbye Q-Q)

She will, however, be remembered as a legend, along with Coco and Aloe o7. We love you, Rushia!

That'll be all from me, guys. Thank you, and once again, Rushia shall be remembered forever!

MinecUwUberifcreators' thoughts