
Mirage: A werewolf story

He endured the worst when they deceived him, removed his title from him, and made him lose his wolf. But what will happen when his mate took him in without knowing that they’re mates.

Brooklyn_Ruger · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter Two

Sweat was covering his forehead. His hands were fisting the bed sheets. Nightmares of how they tortured him kept haunting him. And what started to be Low murmurs quickly changed to piercing yells.

Then it all came to a halt, and he found himself awake, surrounded by darkness, with only the moon shining through the window. And there was a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see the owner of the hand, the pretty blue-eyed girl who assured him with a small smile despite the concern in her eyes.

"You're okay. Just a nightmare" She assured, before grabbing a cup of water from behind her. He gulped down the whole cup in one breath.

"Sleep now," she said. And he was disappointed knowing she was leaving; he wanted to ask her to stay with him, to tell her everything he had been through. He had lost trust in all living things since the day they betrayed him and held him captive. And now he wants this beautiful stranger to console him. He wanted to trust her—he trusted her because she had taken him in and treated his wounds when no one else would, with her soft hands and gentle touch. And her blue eyes, which made her appear kinder and sweeter. Maybe there's still some good in people, he reasoned.

Alaska saw the distress on his face, she felt sorry for the man. She may not know why, but she is certain that he has been through a lot. With a small smile plastered on her face she said "I will stay with you. Sleep... you need it"

He looked at her with wide eyes, grateful to God that she would stay with him. But not wanting to burden her any further, he hurriedly said, "You did enough to me, you don't have to... if you don't want."

It was the first time he said something and Alaska found herself mesmerized by his voice. It was so rough and manly with a tint of raspy-ness due to his screams.

Alaska was pulled out her revere when she noticed the quickness of his heartbeat.

"No, it's alright. I'd like to stay"

He let out a breath of relief before mumbling a thank you.

Alaska squeezed his hand once more to reassure him. He laid back with his hand still in Alaska's grasp. He felt at peace.

And as soon as he laid he fell asleep.

Alaska had taken a seat in the chair next to the bed. She didn't stop gazing at him as he slept. feeling attraction to him.

She sighed piteously, hating what was happening to her and how, over the course of just a few hours, he had been manipulating her feelings.

"Rogue what's wrong with me. Now i look like a creep staring at him"

"Girl, he's art. And that's what people do. They star at art"

"Rogue can't you be serious?. We have a mate out there and you're gawking at the man?"

"Oh please stop acting like I am the one who is at fault here. We are 20 and our mate didn't show up. I'm not gonna waste my time till I'm dead"

Alaska was unable to respond at that point, so she just zoned her wolf out and tried to sleep.

The daylight streamed in through the window, illuminating the handsome man's features, his green eyes, which were now soft and welcoming in the sunlight, and, most importantly, they were starring at the sleeping person next to him.

She had her head arched to the back giving him a beautiful view of her soft white neck that glistened like golden glitter in the sunlight. Her chest heaved with each breath, her brown hair looked lighter in the sun, plump pink lips. He seized the chance to stroke her delicate fingers because her hand was propped up on the side of the bed next to him.

He was overstepping her boundaries; perhaps she didn't like being touched or stared at, but he couldn't help himself; he felt this affection for her, for the girl who had helped him, who had rescued him from his nightmares.

When Alaska began to move, he retracted his hand and pretended to be sleeping. He didn't want her to think she had a creep in her house.

When Alaska awoke, she tilted her head to look at the man. He was lying on his back with his eyes closed and his head turned to the other side, but his heartbeat indicated that he was awake.

He clearly still feels fatigued because he was unable to lift his eyelids.

Alaska made the choice to bathe. She then retrieved some clothing from her closet. As opposed to her customary extended baths; she had a short shower, changed into her clothes, and returned to her room.

As soon as she entered, she found him wide awake. Alaska said "Good morning" and went to her closet to get the last set of her brother's clothes and a towel.

When she turned to face him once more. She found him staring at her like a hawk, checking her out.

He felt embarrassed for being caught off guard and tried to hide his embarrassment by giving her a large smile.

The action made Alaska's legs buckle underneath her. He was so handsome.

She instructed herself to gather herself, and walked over to the chair next to his bed, where she placed the clothes before smiling and saying, "These are some clothes and a towel if you want to take a shower."

Before she could turn to leave, he grabbed her hand and muttered, "Thank you," in a hoarse voice. She only nodded and walked out of the room as she was overwhelmed with emotions at the seemingly insignificant move.

She then went into her small kitchen and began preparing breakfast. She was about to finish when she heard the shower water turn off, indicating that he had finished. Right on cue.

After serving a plate, she returned to her room, where she found him shirtless, inspecting his scars.

She immediately lowered her gaze to the ground as heat crept up her cheeks.

"Sorry i didn't mean to..." The way she started blabbing and the red on her cheeks made him chuckle lowly; Sweet. For ages he didn't even smile and now he's chuckling. The girl was restoring the good in him; Without even realizing it.

"It's alright. I mean you saw me when you were treating my wounds" he said lightly

"That's different" she murmured lowly but he heard her. "Anyways I brought you breakfast"

This time she raised her head and looked boldly over him and his scars. Taking notice that they needed to be cleaned up again.

"After you're done eating. I'll tidy them up and alter their bonds." She said pointing to his chest. As soon as she finished speaking, he nodded and began to munch on his food.

Throwing the clothing he was wearing in the washer and retrieving the mid kit.

She returned to him. He was already seated waiting for her.

She first scrubbed his back before moving on to his chest. His chest had several severe scars, including one that was close to his heart. She reasoned to herself that whomever did this attempted to kill him for sure. Despite her carefulness around that wound he hissed in pain, Alaska squeezed his shoulder and the action relaxed him. But the pain was excruciating that kept him groaning. Alaska suddenly asked, "I never got your name," in an effort to divert his attention from the pain.

He uttered breathlessly, "Blake."

"Blake hmm" she repeated admiring his name.

"What's yours" He added oblivion and no longer paying attention to his pain.

"Alaska" Blake found himself smiling at her. "It suits you." Alaska looked up at him with perplexed eyes. "It suits your blue eyes and fair skin" at his words Alaska flushed deeply red. No one had ever complimented her, much less complimented her name. But she cherished her name for other reasons as well. Alaska's climate was cold; Like her emotions.

"If you need anything just call me, I'll be downstairs"

As night fell, Blake found himself in bed, but with no intention of sleeping. He wished to avoid seeing the nightmares again. So he remained awake until late that night.

Alaska was up as well, curled up on the couch, watching TV. After about two hours of watching. She got up and went to the kitchen to make herself some hot chocolate. And all this time she was aware that Blake was awake and wondered why.

She filled a cup for her and one for him placing them on the counter top, she made it to the room.

'What are you doing' Her wolf Inquired before she could enter

'Checking on him if he's awake' Alaska replied back.

'But you know he's awake'

'Yeah but im not gonna knock on the door and tell him hey I'm a werewolf and I can hear your heartbeat, now tell me why aren't you asleep'

'Yeah right then what you're gonna do'

'Just watch'

She opened the door slowly and entered without sparing him a glance. Proceeded to her closet and pulled one of her old blanket. When she turned she found him staring at her. She hurriedly said "Sorry if I woke you. I just wanted to bring a blanket it's pretty chilly down there"

"Oh no, no, i was already awoke... I couldn't sleep" he explained and Alaska felt petty for him.

"You can join me downstairs, I'm having hot cocoa" she suggested with an inviting tone.

He started at her for while before he pulled up with a large smile and said "I'd love to". As soon as his feet touched the ground; he felt dizzy, but in no time Alaska was beside him to support him "I got you" she assured.

She kept holding him all the way downstairs until they arrived at the couch. With gentle touch she helped him sit on the couch and pulled a blanket over him. Then brought him the hot cocoa. She made it to the other side of the couch with her cup in between her hands.

Blake felt at peace. He cherished the moment, he felt blissful and alive. He felt himself as a living being: and all from small gestures; that someone else would find boring.

They sipped their drinks while watching television, and the fire in the fireplace was sizzling. They even cracked jokes about certain scenes. And for the first time in a long time, they felt whole and complete... they felt happy.

Their eyes heaved especially his. And Alaska wouldn't let him sleep on the couch with his state so she poked his shoulder and said "Blake let's take you to bed" he agreed and got up making his way towards the room, while Alaska held his arm stabilizing him.

The moment he arrived, he flopped onto the bed and Alaska let out a chuckle at his behavior. She was about to leave, but he stopped her, saying "Where are you going?" As he spoke, Alaska looked at him as if he had just said the dumbest thing in the world.

"To sleep?" She spoke hesitatingly.

He went further with his questions by saying "Where?". Alaska arched a brow at him and said "The couch?"

"Why the couch when you can sleep here on the bed— on the other side, it's not like you're going to hurt me or... jump on each other" He finished the last part lowly.

She was about to ignore his words and go back to the couch.

But when he said with plea "Please, don't make me feel guilty". She sighed heavily and nodded. knowing what he meant by feel guilty.

She managed to get to the other side of the bed, where she carefully laid down on her back with her hands by her sides. Blake took her hand and said "Thank you". She hummed then said "Goodnight Blake"