
Minecraft: Eclipse

[Disclaimer!!] Read the tags before reading this synopsis. This is NOT a crack fic, it has a story. .... John always dreamed to create the best Minecraft mod that will ever exist, and when he achieved his dream.. He entered inside the same game he dedicated his entire life to. "Thank God the hidden commands work perfectly.." ---- This is the classic Minecraft story about the mc who gets reincarnated into a realistic Minecraft with kingdoms and fantasy, but the difference is that he is no pushover. I will add, remove and change what i want of Minecraft since this is my fanfiction. The mc is really intelligent and perceptive. The mc will seek power without hesitation. He kills. He is black skinned. There will be romance but not soon and not rushed. There will be no horny or lgbt package. The mc is a carefree guy who wants to have fun so don't expect an always serious mc, he will be serious only when the situation requires it. He will be strong to overpowered to invincible, it's normal since if an intelligent guy got the Minecraft mechanics he would become strong fast. He also has a mod made by himself with many things, but he also has many mods that we all know and others that i invented myself so if he wants he can just activate some mods and become invincible instantly, what i want to convey is that he wants to enjoy the journey and acquire power without going on the easy way. But if he wants to beat the fuck out of someone, he will do it, like... that nigga is petty as fuck. There will be kingdom building since i love that genre, so if you have advice don't hesitate to comment, since I'm not all knowledgeable. The cover is mine. I update when i want to. This story will be like the Minecraft YouTube animated battle stories. If you want to support me a lil bit, you can donate on Patreon while also getting advanced chapters!! Patreon: ConceptAuthor Good read.

Concept_Author · Videojogos
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28 Chs


Hey everyone! 🎉

I'm excited to give you the chance to choose which story I'll be focusing on next! I've got a few exciting projects lined up, and your vote will help me decide which one to prioritize. Head over to my Patreon, where you can cast your vote for FREE by becoming a member. Here are the stories up for consideration:

1. Marvel: Max Steel

2. Marvel: The Mask

3. Rick and Morty: Morty Prime

4. Game Maker: Pocket Universe

Your opinion matters, and I'd love to know which story you're most excited about. So don't miss out – join now and make your voice heard!

Patreon: ConceptAuthor

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