
Minecraft: An Odyssey

Ok, for anyone who is checking this or reading it still. uh. I have writers cease :} and cant come up with any way to continue this story. So. I am officially, 100% dropping this book... BUT! I am planning a complete rewrite using all the things I have learned over the like, year or two since I started my incredibly wacky writing journey. Please note that for now I will only be working on RoyalRoad.com (RR) and while I might port the rewrite here if I finish it, its gonna be a while before its done. Heres the link if anyone is interested (gonna be a little week or two before I start getting stuff out semi regularly) https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/53917/minecraft-an-odyssey-remastered

Lyric_Drake · Videojogos
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17 Chs

The Awaited Talk

(AN: I am super trash at names, help me.)

The door opened to reveal a person about half an inch taller than me covered in incredibly dense and thick looking plate armour that would make a tank turn green with envy. The fact that anyone could - let alone would - wear it was amazing, as it looked like it would weight a few hundred pounds with ease. The person then stepped over to me - and to this day I swear I felt trembles - and then pulled out a stool from under the bed I was on, sat down, and said "When I invited you over I didn't expect you to get carried in half dead! Now that was a surprise! Oh, we got the sword you dropped, it disappeared when it was set next to you, scared the Cleric half to death! I'll admit, it was very funny."

I simply sat there a bit shocked. This was the 'Head Knight' that invited me? He's so... Relaxed, and... Lax... Huh. And it's interesting that 'items' can be moved to my inventory even when I'm asleep or knocked out, I wonder how I can use that... Whatever. I then said to him "You are the Head Knight that invited me over, correct?" and he answered "Yes indeed I am! Glad your memory seems fine!" I then said "Why are you so happy and excited sounding?" to which he answered "It's just how I sound, your nowhere near the first to comment on it! It's kind of funny if you think about it. Heh." I just shook my head slightly before saying "So why exactly do you want me to be here? I get I defeated that Knight but I don't entirely get why it's such a great thing. To me he was somewhat sloppy, and that makes people predictable. I may not be good with a sword, but I can analyze the situation at hand and adapt off of it. Plus, what's with this bizarre hatred of this 'Void Mana' I've heard about? It's just another tool, like most forms of weapons or even radia- You don't know what that is so never mind. Point is, why do you or your soldiers hate this 'Void Mana'?"

He then said "Well, I can see from you that it isn't always evil... But is it not odd that the most evil people in the world flock to the Void and the dark powers from it?" I then realized, he really didn't know all that much about me. I may have essentially been a recluse in a little fort of sorts I built myself, but I swear I told at least some of this guys soldiers about myself... I then said "Do you even know where I am from?", after I said this he paused for a minute before saying "Now that I think about it... I know where you live, but not where you are from... And I tried talking to the High Priest and he simply said 'Ask and believe his words.' in the cryptic manner that all old people talk in. So, where are you from exactly?"

I paused, and said "Well, you probably won't believe me, and your probably the last person I'm going to tell before I've secured my position, but I'm not from this world. I am from an alternate dimension, that could very well be layered on top of this one, where stuff like this magic stuff and all of that is not real, and there are no other places like the End or the Nether, just Earth as we call our planet. Not sure how I got here entirely, although I do know what sent me here. Although, I am still unsure if I am actually here or if all of this is just some coma induced dream."

He sat there quietly for a couple seconds - a new record - and said "Well, even if your just here through being in a coma, why not enjoy it while you are here! And if you are in a coma, why not take advantage of all that time thinking? Haha am I right?" I just grinned a little, a bit amused by the Knights cheerfulness. I then asked "Know when I can go?" to which he responded "According to the doctors, you should be able to go in a short bit. It shocked them really, once they gave you a health potion they report it was like your body just put itself back together before their eyes! Not sure if they were serious but hey, it means you will be incredibly hard to hurt if you can get a supply of health potions!" I though about that, considering the possibilities. I dropped that train of though when I remembered I don't even know how to make 'potions' or even the ingredients.

I then got up after noticing I was only missing half a heart total, and while I was a bit woozy I was fine. The Knight looked at me a bit oddly, but didn't say anything. I swear he smiled a little though. He then stood up as well, putting the stool back, before turning to me and saying "So, since you did so well against my pupil, would you like to spar?" I then paused for a bit before saying "I don't really fight for fun, I prefer doing it as necessary. Plus, I would rather get home, last time I was gone for a long while the other people around me started preparing a 'crusade' to find me. Don't wanna cause another incident like that."

He grunted in response before simply saying "Very well. Do you mind if you let me know where you have been living? It can't be that great or advanced a place seeing as you are not registered in any way. Plus, I might want to visit!" I then told him "I will make a path, I already had one actually, it's just a bit discreet." he nodded before letting me go.

I went and walked out - getting lost again - before finding my way out to a main gate I hadn't seen before. It was a long, wide, and winding path that probably went to other cities. I then started an 'updated' path, basically making a branching path from the main road to the path I had made, as well as making it a bit noticeable. When I connected it to the old path however, I got the 'notification' of 'travel path built, upgrade for more options', which made me pause in confusion before ignoring it and going home.

When I got home, the first thing I noticed is that the walls had been refined. I walked in, and noticed that that was the only difference. And by refined I meant they were no longer giant cinder blocks of cobblestone - essentially, not actually of course - and had become giant cinder blocks... with battlements on top. How amazing. I did also note that foundations for five new buildings had been built. I resolved to ask Linkon and Kyle about it (AN: I might actually have the names wrong XD. I don't think I do but it's been a while since I've written their names so I might have misspelled the first one lol). I walked into the mine to go explore that ravine a bit more. While I had explored parts of it, there was still a lot of discovered and untouched ore and tons of untouched parts of the cave I hadn't explored in down there.

When I got to the ravine however, I found both of the two guys - Kyle and Linkon in case you forgot - ferreting around the Nether portal. They turned on hearing me, drawing their swords, before putting them away and walking towards me, saying "Hey." and "What's up?" respectively. I just asked "What are you doing?" and was answered by Kyle, with him saying "Just checking out the portal. Did you know that the corners and edges of the pieces you actively set down are, as far as we know, perfectly straight? I can't find a single imperfection and Linkon here thinks he is dreaming." I just said "Yeah stuff I place tends to..." before trailing into silence. I then pointed behind him and said "What's with those orange things in the darkness?" he turned around and immediately froze in place, shivering slightly. He then started backing away, quietly saying "Look away, move away slowly, and whatever you do, don't make any noise." I, confused but trusting him, did the same. Linkon then turned around, saw the orange stuff, and yelped "Cra-" before covering his mouth with a hand. Suddenly I heard a horrible screech before a tall, red creature that looked disturbingly like an Enderman ran at him - not teleporting - before being stopped by my sword.

I of course, did the logical thing after this, and started screaming like a little girl while slashing and occasionally getting out words that formed the sentence of "What is this thing!" I didn't get an answer, but Kyle and Linkon both joined in the rabid attacking of this creature before it finally died. When it died, I got a notification of 'Lesser Ender discovered!' I then turned to Kyle and Linkon and repeated, "What was that thing!?" Kyle then said "That was an Ender. Eerily similar to the Endermen in shape, they are monsters of untold horror that are rumored to be able to rend experienced groups apart. They generally appear near materials like Infernite and Adamantite, but can appear anywhere deep enough. They are a bane around here, because while they are weaker the closer to the surface they are, the general ground here is about a league below the sea level, meaning they appear almost a league higher than they should normally.

I though for a second, before saying "So... what's this Infernite? There is Adamantite from legends where I am from but never Infernite." Linkon then spoke up and said "Infernite is a metal that is nearly impossible to melt, is a little lighter than Titanium, and constantly burns at such temperatures that to be cut, no, touched, by it will immediately give you the most serious burns ever recorded. It will melt the flesh off your bones, char your bones and destroy them near the point of touch. You don't even feel more than a second of it it kills your body so fast." I was quickly scared by it, seeing as this appears to instantly give you fourth degree burns, which are literally the worst possible recorded.

I then noticed something near our feet, pointed at it, and stated the most intelligent query ever; "What's that?" they both looked at it and gasped. Kyle then said "That... is a Infernus core. Most mana beasts leave Mana cores behind, but a rare few, the Ender included, drop cores like that. Unlike Mana cores that just increase your Mana capacity and maybe control a little bit, these cores are rare and will greatly strengthen people in the specific element from the core, and will do one of a few options, which can be chosen after the first core is consumed. You can upgrade your body with the element, you can upgrade your Mana, and you can upgrade what is called 'Infusion'. Unlike the body and Mana, which is obvious, Infusion will make it so that weapons you use will be infused with that element. For example, an iron sword with a poison infusion of a certain strength and up will sicken whoever is cut by it, things like that."

I then asked "Why only after the 'first core' can you chose?" he then said "Because the first core consumed will increase all three, it's really neat." I then said "So, who gets the core? We were all wildly attacking it..." Kyle then said "Well, we don't chose anyways, the core itself does. Whoever did the most harm to the Ender is going to get it, the other two who did less won't be able to pick it up." Kyle then grabbed at it... and failed to touch it (AN: yes a cliche is coming, no it will not happen too much). Linkon then tried and failed. I, being the last person left, tried, and was able to pick it up. However, when I did, something odd happened. A burst of orange and red light flowed from the core, entering my body, making the core feel hot, and when that happened I dropped it with a yelp. Other than that nothing changed.

Linkon then said "W-what? It looks like you used it... but in the rare cases where cores don't disappear after use, they lose all color... What?" I then picked it up again, saying "How do you use it normally? I swear I just picked it up." Linkon said "Normally, you just shake it. Try, I guess."

I shook it and nothing. I then said "What if one of you uses it? I can give it to one of you, right?" before handing it to Kyle, who took it in confusion. Linkon then said "Yes. Yes you can gift it." as he held back laughter at Kyle's face. I then said to Linkon "You don't mind if he gets it, right?" to which Linkon said "Nope! We have been friends for a while, and I personally have no interest in having the fire element in me." Kyle then shook the orb, and the same light entered him. I then noticed he was very very slightly glowing orange, and he then said "Wait, why are you glowing Tyler?" as I said (AN: heres the cliche XD) "Wait, why are you glowing Kyle?"

We then laughed and shrugged it off, before continuing down into the mines.

(Big AN:

So... Our heros or whatever you wanna call em are mining, fight monster, get stonker by a tiny bit. Standard stuff.

You have your summary, and now time for me to figure out why Webnovel is breaking and making my 'next lines' look a line shorter than they should (fixes when I backspace and try again, idk if you guys will see it too)

So yeah. (oh hey this one did it right)


I am ALMOST done with the part of no inspiration!

Also, I just came up with a name for the planet...


It is a bizzare amalgamation of like three names, the Alterra from Subnautica, Talos (one) from Prey(2017), and a few other tiny modifications to make it less of a direct meld of the two. It happened as I was writing, due to me contemplating both the games and crap. Long story short, got a name! Just remember it isn't REALLY original.


(im going crazy without anyone saying anything, I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS LIKE OR WANT!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAGHUDG *devolves into gibbering madness*)

Lyric_Drakecreators' thoughts