
Minecraft: An Odyssey

Ok, for anyone who is checking this or reading it still. uh. I have writers cease :} and cant come up with any way to continue this story. So. I am officially, 100% dropping this book... BUT! I am planning a complete rewrite using all the things I have learned over the like, year or two since I started my incredibly wacky writing journey. Please note that for now I will only be working on RoyalRoad.com (RR) and while I might port the rewrite here if I finish it, its gonna be a while before its done. Heres the link if anyone is interested (gonna be a little week or two before I start getting stuff out semi regularly) https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/53917/minecraft-an-odyssey-remastered

Lyric_Drake · Video Games
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17 Chs

The Darkest Day


A few hours later, me, Kyle, and Linkon all went to the surface, exhausted. We ignored each other and went to our beds, dropping dead - basically, not really - as soon as we rested our heads on the pillows. When I woke up, I immediately noticed that the light coming in from the small slits in the door was a dark, shadowed crimson. I ran out, got hit in the face by about ten arrows, and ran back inside. I then peeked out the slit, and saw about an infinite amount of enemies. I then sat for a good half hour, before digging a tunnel under the dirt to the barracks. I even poke up just outside the wall, freaked out, popped back in, dug a few more blocks, and popped up again, this time in the barracks.

Kyle and Linkon both spun around, swords pointed, before relaxing and saying "Let's go, it's not safe right now." before shoving me back down and jumping in the hole themselves. I blocked the tunnel behind me to stop anything from appearing or getting in, repeating this as we went.

We eventually reached my 'bunker' house, climbing up the hole with me going last, blocking it as they went. Kyle and Linkon seemed confused by the small size and lack of decoration in my house. I then turned to them and asked "What is going on outside, and why is the light all weird!?" Kyle (AN: I will admit I'm favoring Kyle and making him smarter and faster XD) then said "It's called a Dead Day, a rare event that generally only happens every decade or so, but it's already happened twice in the last two years as you call the time periods. It changes the light and makes monsters stronger, faster, and more active. It also summons monsters that only appear right now. I would advise that we block the door and hide until it's night again."

I just sighed, accepting it, before peeking out of the door slots. I saw a ton of enemies outside, and a few I hadn't seen. There were also dozens of the monsters described as Phantoms to me, despite the fact that everyone here had slept rather recently. I also saw that the sun looked like there was an eclipse, minus basically all of the light. Suddenly, a giant leech... spider... thing? Some horrid monster that looked like a leech and a spider together jumped on the door and scared the crap out of me. I proceeded to stab my sword at the gaps, despite the fact that they were only about a centimeter thin.

I then stopped, stepped back, and blocked the door with stone. I turned to Kyle and asked "Is it safer underground?" and this time Linkon said "The things down there are weaker, but a lot more stealthy. The Dark Elves also become extremely active on these days, spreading their territory. If you want to go, by all means, try. Don't die please, at least not again..." I then decided I would try to block up the tunnel down to the Dark Elves territory more, to slow them down or even stop them.

I went down the private connection to the mine I had in my bunker, blocking the door behind myself to keep the others safe, before going and peeking out in the mine shaft. Despite the fact that it was open to the surface, there were only one or two zombies around. I quickly dispatched them before peeking out at the sun again. Still terrifying. I sighed, pausing before stepping down into the mine.

An hour later and I had reached the tunnel to the Dark Elves. I did notice something horrible though... it had been opened, and the Dark Elves had obviously left. I then decided to see how I could mess with their home while they were gone... when the cat is away the mice play after all. When I got to the weird chamber I faintly remember seeing, I first noticed two things. One, other than me nothing alive was in the room; lots of corpses though. Two, there was a dip in the floor, with bedrock, and, to my horror... a divot in the bedrock. There was also a purple and black crack in the bedrock that seemed to open to some other dimension. I decided I would see about laying traps, and pulled out the single block of dynamite I had crafted a long time ago when I was playing with some sand and a bit of the gray powder dropped by the Creepers.

I crafted as much of the dynamite as I could - about four total really - and placed it at the entrance, a bit embedded in the ground. I then ran some of the Redstone over it and made a Redstone torch, placing it on the ground a block away from the Redstone line, prepared to place a piece of Redstone to complete the circuit. I then heard a screech in the distance and, in a moment of amazing intelligence, proceeded to hide. A trio of Dark Elves then stepped in, somehow not noticing the Redstone or the Redstone torch, and tossed a near dead monster in before leaving.

The monster near instantly noticed me, and while it seemed scared, it didn't attack. After about ten seconds of silence, I slowly crept over to it, placing a torch next to it. It seemed to want to back away, but it couldn't, and I quickly figured out why. It had been wounded in a bizzare fashion, with its legs removed in a way that almost seemed perfect... with purple residue around the wounds, and no blood for some reason. I also identified the monster as a 'Witch', not true monsters but rather people who had decided to work with magic and potions to combine the two. They are shunned for some reason I don't understand that seems along the lines of the idiotic 'no blacks' policy that used to exist on Earth before it was abolished. I mean really...

Whats so bad about making potions and putting enchantments on them? People who make potions and people who make enchantments are near worshiped, so whats wrong with doing both in the same craft? Doesn't make sense.

The Witch then spoke up, saying in a near genderless voice "Go ahead, kill me, just don't sacrifice me to your false deity. If He returns we will all die, your kind included." I then said "Wait do you think I'm one of those nasty Dark Elves?" and at this, the witch paused, clearly confused. After thinking for a while they said "Is this a trick? Why can I understand you? Dark Elves speak with their Void mana, not words... is this some illusion? And if not, how is it your mana is like that of the Dark Elves?" I then said "I'm a Shade walker or Shadow walker or whatever their called, not a Dark Elf. In fact I'm here because it's a 'Dead Day' and I wanted to take the distraction of these Elves to cause some damage to their home. I have no interest in helping them, especially after what they did to me."

The Witch sat there, thinking, before saying "Well, nobody can recover from wounds like this, but I can do a few things for you. First, please mercy kill me, I won't make it, let alone survive for much longer. I can give you all my potions, and if you are a Void walker then you will surely get stronger here." I then said "Wait, stronger? What do you mean?" the witch then said "Void users get stronger when exposed to high amounts of Void mana, so the longer you are here, the better at your mana you will become. From your aura, I can also see you have a very mild amount of the fire element in you, in such a way that it shows you have killed an Ender. A worthy feat, it shows your strength. Now please, end my pain." the witch then grabbed my sword and, before I could react, stabbed their own heart. Before they died, they did choke out "What a fine blade..."

I sat there in silence, before as strange purple and brown light flew from the Witch's corpse and into me. I got the notifications of 'Earth and Venom magic gained!' before hearing some more screeching in the distance. I picked my sword up, dragged the Witch's corpse aside, and went back to my Redstone torch, prepared.

The Dark Elf expedition had apparently returned, because there was a massive group, and I saw the weird 'Elder' that I remembered, oddly enough, crystal clear from the first time I went down here. I pointed my sword at it, saying "I don't know if you understand me, but I gotta tell you something... don't kill me, I get oh so very displeased when it happens." the Elder simply screeched something meaningless to me before charging with its minions. I placed the Redstone, igniting the dynamite, before charging after it exploded. I clashed with some of the surviving Dark Elves, which had been weakened by the dynamite, before eventually making my way to the Elder. It had said something that made the other elves back off before approaching me. Despite being in the epicenter of the explosion, it seemed unharmed. It then said "So you have returned to die... again. This time, I will rip out your heart and offer it to my lord as a light snack!"

It then charged at me, conjuring a sword that seemed made out of shadows while throwing a ball of Void mana at me. I ducked under the ball and parried the sword, when the ball redirected itself and hit me in the back. I went flying, half my health gone in an instant, before being absorbed by my body. Something strange then happened. My vision went... black, or something, with dark veins in the edges and corners of my vision, and my health fully restored while the hearts went a dark, Void mana themed purple. I then lost all control of my body, which charged forward, imbuing my sword with Void mana, before fighting the Elder and gaining the advantage. After a pretty moderate amount of fighting, my body apparently decided enough was enough, and disarmed the Elder perfectly. It then knocked the Elder down, put my sword to the chest of the Elder, and said "Bene. Conatus certe. Sed nullus eum occidit." before stabbing the Elder in the heart, killing him. I then blacked out, and woke up at the entrance 'lobby' of the mine. I was back in control after this. I simply thought to myself... 'What was that?'

So this chapter...

WAS A CHAPTER (no way)

And uh. If you guys are wondering what he said, pull up google translate, its latin. you might get a tiny idea of the future if you read its translation (hehehe).

XD at the very end my key to make ' and '' stopped working, and still isnt, so thats a thing.

Maybe it'll reset (I am literally copy pasting ' over and over)

EDIT two minutes after publishing.

Turns out I accidentally hit the hotkey (or just broke coding) and switched from a US keyboard to an international one??? the heck? its fixed now though.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Lyric_Drakecreators' thoughts