
Mine To Protect

A clash between werewolves and humans leaves lovers at the mercy of betrayal, lies, and war. Natalie, soon to be alpha is saddled with the troubles that come with the crown. To worsen things, she is mated to a human, Hendrix. With the other packs at rivalry for their union, she is left with a tough decision, to marry Dante, the son of her late father's enemy, and save her pack, or stick with her human mate and drive her pack to ruin. When she finally chooses a path, she finds herself weak, and at the mercy of death's cold claws, as she is brutally pierced by betrayal, deep and hard. Just when Natalie makes her decision, she finds out she's pregnant for the human. Her baby who turns out to be a hybrid and one of its kind, bears the burden of his nature and the past of his parents. Excerpt:   "Hendrix, tell me, are you okay? It's just the both of us, you don't have to fake it."   "I'm fine." He gently tugs my hand off and untangles himself.   My heart sank, but then again, I may be overthinking things.   "Have you had something to eat, is your papa around? Can I..."   "Lady Natalie, I'm fine. You can stop worrying now."   Words escape me. I'm definitely not overthinking things. We may have only spent a few days together, but I can swear that it feels like I've known him for a lifetime.   "Lady Natalie?" I scoff. "Hendrix would never call me that."   "Maybe he died in the pack house." His obstinate self defends.   "No, he died here, or maybe on his way home." Because I felt the passion in his touch and now? It's gone.   "What are you doing here?" He asks.   Taken aback, I only stare at his suddenly huge frame.   "If what I heard and saw in the main chamber is true, you shouldn't be here."   "Disregard them. They can't dictate how I live and who I choose to be with." I'm careful not to use the word 'love'.   It's for the weak.   "Unlike you, they can with me."   "I'm the next alpha, you're safe with me."   "And I don't feel safe. It doesn't feel like it, I'm sorry." He bluffs. "It's best you leave, for the both of us. This thing would cost us dearly and I can't afford the luxury. It's already forbidden for me to be here and talk more of being with their alpha."   "Thing?" I fight back tears. He doesn't respond. "Goodness!"   I can't cry in front of anyone. I tell myself... But right now, I can't follow my own orders. Tears fall freely, and I cuss beneath my breath.   "You want me to leave?"   He keeps mute.   "Like I'm so stupid to chase the wind?" My voice breaks. "I will take your advice and go be with Dante if that makes you happy." I turn to leave.   "You're not stupid... Natalie." His voice is shaky.   I stop on my spot. He called my name, I sob.   "But the longer you remain here, the more unforgivable our sin becomes."   I spin to face him, my eyes on him.   "And who cares about their forgiveness? I don't or do you?"   I scan his face and wish he would lie to me, even though he does care.   He doesn't speak... Perhaps, I shouldn't force this.   I turn to leave when firm arms grip my waist, spin me around, and press me on his firm bosom.

Lennin_Lucky · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
77 Chs


I make sure to lock the door before I begin to undress and rush into the bathroom. It's the quickest bath I've had since I can remember. I get into something more appropriate and head out of my room and towards the main hall for the meeting.


It's almost like thirty minutes since I asked the guards to send for the elders and Beta Xavier, they should be in there already.


On getting to the main hall, I was shocked to my marrow. I itch my eyes with the back of my palms to be sure it's surreal. Sitting, are the three council elders; Gonzalo, Boris and Conri, Dante and Beta Xavier. And at the extreme, is Hendrix, being held captive with a knife to his throat.


_'Rip them apart!' My wolf swells with annoyance._


Normally, I wouldn't flinch, not for a second. I would settle it in the most cruel way and see to the punishment of the offenders, but seeing a knife to the throat of my mate brought out the worst feeling ever.


_'How dare they, rip them to shreds!' My angry wolf growls within._


My fists are clenched, and my eyes are crimson. I'm losing it, and I can't help myself.


_'More than you, I wish them a slow and frustrating death, but I can't let them know he's my mate...'_


_'Who cares?! Don't tell me you do...'_


_'Please.' I try to contain my wolf._


"What the hell is going on here?" I'm yelling furiously as I hurry towards Hendrix.


"Good day, Lady Natalie." The three elders and Beta Xavier chorus, while taking a bow.


"What's freaking good about the day? I just asked a question."


"Dante here said you didn't like my decision. So, we need to go with the first. And he will be a witness, so he can relate it to his papa, Alpha Arthur." Beta Xavier speaks up.


I'm thrown into a state of frenzy. And right now, I'm acting on the slightest of impulse. Maybe because I'm riled up, or that I can't stand watching them use Hendrix as a cheap bait.


"You did that shit to me? You allowed this crow into my pack and private chambers" I scoff. "So much for being a good supporter. How dare you make such a nasty decision on my behalf? How..."


"Lady Nata..."


"You will let me speak and never interrupt!" I scold Beta Xavier.


"Pardon my man..."


"I told you to tell his sick papa that I chose none, and you hijack my choice?"


"This is not just about you, Lady Natalie, it's about the welfare of the pack."


"Well, maybe you should trade your balls for a clit and marry this punk." I point at Dante.


"My lady..."


"Be quiet." I interrupt Dante before he began.


"Your papa, our late alpha was ready to go to war with them." Elder Gonzalo speaks up for the first time, as they are all mute, sensing my annoyance.


"Which isn't a bad idea if we're to be brutally honest." I agree with the first elder. "They can't dictate to us how we run our pack."


"Sadly, they can. We have a set of rules that no pack should break. And your papa did break one, the golden one." Elder Conri objects.


"Oh, please." I stop his train of thought. "Y'all give that ugly alpha a reason to keep misbehaving."


"I can hear you." Dante bluffs.


"Should I make it louder?"


"Lady Natalie, going to war with them isn't a feasible choice either. We either give them what they want or be faced with the consequences." Elder Conri comments.


"So, is it the first?" Dante asks curiously.


"You arrive just minutes ago and you think you can ask me whatever the hell you like?" I bark at Dante.


"Sorry, lady Natalie. It's already clear I made the wrong choice. You both would literally tear yourself down and this pack too." Beta Xavier finally finds his voice.


"If only you were thinking from the start."


"I apologize." He stands up. "Guards, do away with him."


I spin around from Beta Xavier to Hendrix, who's standing still without an iota of fear. It must be a joke.


"Let go of him." I yell at the guards.


They hesitate and wait for Beta Xavier to give them a command.


"I said let go!" I scream.


Seeing that the guards are torn between obeying my order and the Beta's I sprint to where they are and begin to pull them off.


"I said let go!"


I push and tug on the guards and smack the one having a knife close to Hendrix's throat. The impact makes the sharp blade bump into Hendrix's flesh, as blood trickles down.


"Shit." I gasp and kick the last guard off.


Not waiting to gain composure, I turn to Hendrix, almost tripping over. His firm hands guard my petite frame as it rests on my waist and keeps me pressed to himself.


How come he's not yelling? Or fidgeting? A knife was put to his damn throat and he is freaking injured. He didn't come off as a warrior nor a robot to me.


"Are you okay?"


My shaky hands dance around his injured skin. Of course, he's not okay.


"Natalie..." his hot breath is on my face.


I watch the slight movement of his throat as he speaks, blood seeps out more and more... Or maybe I'm just scared.


I've ripped out beasts, inside out, rooted out skulls in the battlefield, wild my sword against the most revered, but for Hendrix, this hot human, I'm weak... Damn weak.


"You don't have to lie to me." My eyes move to his full lips.


Those lips that set me up to burn in an abyss of lust and longing.


Subconsciously, I tip-toe and arch forward, my chin is well tilted to his direction.


"I'm fine." He whispers, reaching down to meet mine.


His fresh smell of mint and herb wafts over my nostrils. The urge to make him feel more safe burns in my veins.


And the urge to run my tongue along his cut and taste his blood grows.


"My lady!" Dante screams.


I jolt back to reality, and only then did I realize Hendrix's hand has been on my waist the whole time.


He let go and we stand separately, barely away from the skin of each other.


"How may I be of help to you?"


"Did you know him before now?" His curious eyes stare at me keenly.


I swallow hard knot. "He's my subject. Unlike you, I don't have an old man to help me know them." I defend dumbly.


"And why did he call you by your first name?"


"He did?" I turn to look at Hendrix in a vexed mood. He is too stubborn for his own good. "I guess that's how they address people in his world, right? Quite different."


Hendrix nods.


"And how would you know that?"


"Common sense." I mock Dante.


"In here, it's Lady Natalie." I manage a sigh, directing my speech at Hendrix.


In here...


"Remember my promise? I will hurt whoever lays their eyes on you in a questionable manner."


"You may leave now." I order Hendrix, not wanting him to know more than necessary, or scare him further.


"Thank you..." He doesn't address me as Lady Natalie or even take a bow.


Such guts, so annoying.


He walks away gracefully, like nothing just happened. I watch him disappear out of sight.


"You're making this harder than it ought to be. We could have put an end to this right here and now."


"What you need to put an end to, is your silly act. This stunt you just pulled, it shouldn't repeat itself." I walk away, not giving them room to explain.


"Lady Natalie."


I shut the door after me, not giving them time to spew trash.