
Million Dollar Love

A young journalist moves to L.A. and falls for a young millionaire CEO. Will they overcome all the obstacles that stand in the way of their love?

tays31 · Urbano
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

It's him. It's the surfer! I am literally so shocked I cannot speak. I would have never thought in a million years that who I would be interviewing today.

"Oh, uh, hi." I manage to say, looking down at my feet.

"Hi, Adeline. What a beautiful name."

"Thank you."

"Come in, have a seat."

He gestures towards one of the tall back leather chairs around his desk and I take a seat. I grab my recorder from my bag and set it on the desk, pressing the record button.

"So, Mr. Parker…."

"Please, call me Damen." He says.

"Okay, Damen… How long have you been the CEO of Parker Enterprises?"

"Six months and fourteen days."

"What initiated you taking over the company?"

"My father died." He says, straight faced.

"Oh— Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I-I didn't know…"

"It's okay. I'd just prefer not to talk about it if that's okay."

"Of course. Next question— Are you gay? Oh goodness I am SO sorry! My boss gave me this list of questions she thought would be good to ask and if I'm honest, I didn't have time to look them over. She thought our readers would be most interested in your love life since you are single." I say, completely mortified by the question I just asked.

He busts out laughing before fixing me with a serious yet slightly playful gaze.

"No, I'm not gay."

"Why was that so funny?"

"I've just been asked that question a lot."

"So I take it you don't have much of a dating life then?"

"Well, I don't know that I would say that…"

He smirks before continuing.

"I just haven't really had any serious relationships."

"And why do you think that is?"

"Well, for one thing a lot of women are just after my money. It's hard to find someone who is just genuinely in the relationship for me. I've been burned a few times in the past and to be honest, it's been a little hard to get over. I just don't allow myself to get attached to anyone."

I'm a little taken aback by how open he is with me. I didn't expect that.

"Wow. I can't imagine. What's the other reason?"

"I just haven't met the right person yet either. I don't know. Maybe someday I'll meet someone who changes my mind about it all."

He winks at me and my cheeks flush. What was that about?

"Uh-um okay next question…"

I shake my head a little, trying to re-focus, and look down at my list of questions.

"So, are you open to dating 'regular' people, or do you only date girls in the public spot light?"

He raises one eyebrow as if asking if I am serious.

"I don't think love should have rules and boarders. I think as long as someone is a genuinely nice person and cares about you, that's all that matters."

I note how he says 'you' instead of 'me'.

"Hmmm, I like that."

He smiles again and crosses his arms over his chest, showing his perfectly chiseled biceps through his shirt.

"So do you have any other questions, Adeline?"

"Ummm, no I think that is all I need. Anything else on your end?"

"Yeah, why did you leave the other day at the beach?"

I didn't see that one coming.

"My boss, Angela, actually texted me right after you took your phone call saying that she needed to meet with me right away about a new story she had for me. It seemed like you were having a pretty serious conversation and I didn't want to disturb you. So I just left."

"I see. Well I was sorry to see you go. I quite enjoyed talking to you."

He flashes me a little smirk.

"What was the phone call about, if you don't mind me asking?"

"It was just a personal matter. I'd rather not discuss the details."

His voice changed with that answer, becoming very cold and hard.

"Oh, okay." I say, looking away.

"Well, if that's all you need from me then I shall see you out, Ms. Rose."

I wonder what caused the sudden extreme change in is overall demeanor.

"Sure, thank you for meeting with me, Mr.Parker."

"Have Sarah give you my business card on the way out. It has my work phone number, as well as my personal cell phone number in case you have any more questions for me for the article."

He walks me to the door and holds in open. I turn to him and reach my hand out to shake his.

"Thank you again, Mr. Parker."

He shakes my hand and gives me a hint of a smile, although his demeanor is still steely. However, I think I can see a glimmer of interest in his eyes.


He corrects me. I nod and walk out the doors in the hallway. I remember to grab a business from Sarah and then head to the elevator.

I decide to walk home this time since I now know how close the office is to my apartment. Plus I needed some time to think. Everything about that interview was so strange. I still can't believe that it was him. And that he is the CEO of a major enterprise and a millionaire. Plus, all that stuff about his past and how open he was about it all. My brain feels rattled.

The rest of the week flies by and its Friday before I know it. I still haven't started the article on Damen. Thankfully its not due until Monday. I just can't bring myself to put that awkward interview into words yet. I still don't understand his strange switch in mood when I brought up the phone call. Who's Peter and what were they talking about?

Of course when I got back into the office after the interview Angela immediately wanted to know how it went. Her and a couple of my other female coworkers gathered around my desk to ask questions.

"Girl you need to spill the deets! What was he like!?" Angela asks.

"Honestly, he was just a normal guy. His office was of course pretty swanky, but other than that he seemed fairly down to earth."

"Ugh, I am soooooo jealous of you! I would probably pass out if I got to sit in a room with him and just stare." Says Jessica.

My coworkers all nod their heads in agreement and some pretend to faint.

"So tell us about is love life! What did he say!?" Angela asks, rubbing her hands together out of excitement.

"Well, I guess you'll just have to find out once the article comes out!"

I wink and they all moan in protest. I say it not because I want them to actually sit in anticipation, but because I really don't know what to say. I haven't figured out how to twist the words yet so that the interview doesn't come off as if it was awkward.

Hopefully I figure it out soon.

After work on Friday I decide to take a walk down to the beach. I get home and change into a pair of jean shorts and a black crop top. I throw on a pair of Birkenstocks and I'm out the door.

It a gorgeous day and there are a ton of people at the beach. Couples laying out in the sun, women reading romance novels while their kids build sand castles or try and burry themselves in the sand, and lots of surfers. I wonder if Damen is among them.

I wander for a bit, looking for shells. Eventually I find a piece of driftwood away from the groups of people and take a seat, watching the surfers.

They are all pretty decent, but none as good as Damen. He was by far the best.

I sit there, lost in daydreams for at least an hour. I pull my phone out of my purse to check it and something falls out into the sand. It's Damen's business card. A thought quickly flashes through my mind. Maybe I should text him and see if he's going to come down to surf.

Suddenly I hear a dog bark. I look in the direction that it came from and I him, standing next to Shadow with his surf board tucked under his arm. Gosh he looks beautiful. I'm just about to walk over to him when I hear someone call his name.

"Hey, Damen!"

There is a women running towards him, her long dark hair blowing in the breeze. She is absolutely stunning.

She runs up to him and they give each other a big hug. They stand there talking for a couple minutes before the women loops her arm in his and they walk off down the beach in the opposite direction, leaving Shadow to guard their things.

So much for being single…