
Million Dollar Love

A young journalist moves to L.A. and falls for a young millionaire CEO. Will they overcome all the obstacles that stand in the way of their love?

tays31 · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

I know I shouldn't have written the article on Damen the way I did, but I couldn't help it. I was angry. Even though I know I have no reason to be. I barely know the guy! Why do I care if he is seeing someone? I mean, that does mean that he lied to me in the interview about being single. But so what. Can I really blame him? He probably just didn't want people prying into his life and his relationship. I didn't put any false information in the article, but I didn't make him sound exactly caring or "dateable" either.

I walked into Angela's office first thing on Monday morning and handed her the article to look over before I changed my mind.

"Wow," Angela said after editing the article. "He must really have rubbed you the wrong way. I thought you said the interview went well?"

I sigh and look away from her.

"I mean, yeah, the interview itself was fine. It's just that Damen was a cocky asshole."

Angela laughs and says " Aren't most guys that age?"

"He was just full of himself, Angela. It's like he was proud nobody has locked him down yet."

That wasn't entirely true. He was proud that he hasn't settled, but he did seem kind of lonely.

"I'm okay with it, but are you sure this is what you want to publish?" Angela asked.

"Yes, I'm sure."

No use doubting myself now.

"Alright then, it will be published in tomorrow's copy." Angela said, filing it away to be sent to the publishers office.

I stood up and left her office. Once I got back to my desk I let out a nervous sigh. On the one hand, I did kind of want to punish Damen for lying to me. But on the other I felt bad about what I wrote. I knew it wouldn't help him with his dating life. But I guess he didn't really need help at the moment since he already had someone. I decided to just forget about it. What's done is done.

When I got home from work I decided that I would just spend my evening at home cleaning up and organizing the apartment some more. I hadn't had time to finish with everything that had been going on since I moved. Besides, I didn't really want to risk going to the beach and running into Damen and that girl again. After cleaning I ordered some take-out, watched a movie, and went to bed. Tomorrow was a new day. I drifted off into sleep thinking about the waves crashing on the beach and dreamt about surfing the waves.

The next day work seemed to drag on. It was the day the latest copy of the magazine with my article was coming out and I was really nervous. Not only because of what I wrote about Damen, but because it was my first big article for the magazine and I didn't want it to flop. However, by noon my spirits soared as all of my coworkers dropped by to congratulate me and tell me how wonderful the article was.

"Ooooh girl, you showed him didn't you!" Exclaimed Marissa.

"Yeah, Adeline, way to show that cocky jerk what you're made of!" Said Claire.

They definitely made me feel better. Of course I did the right thing. I mean, he was being a little cocky with all the winking and smirking at me. Besides, my article couldn't really hurt his reputation. He was the CEO of a big company for crying out loud. What harm could a little information about his dating life do.

I went about the rest of the day with a new light. I genuinely felt good. At the end of the day a group of my co-workers said they wanted to treat me to happy hour to celebrate my first big article. Of course I couldn't refuse, so I went home to change into something a little more casual and flirty and headed out to a bar called TIFF's.

"So, how are you adjusting to the big move?" Asked Claire.

"Oh, you know, it's a lot different here for sure, but I like it a lot!" I said, settling down into my chair with a glass of white wine.

"I can't believe you moved here all by yourself!" Exclaimed Jessica.

"Well, my best friend Kate was supposed to move with me. But, life happened so here I am by myself." I shrugged and took a huge gulp of my wine. Thinking about Kate not being here made me sad.

"Awe, I'm sorry! Well, don't worry, we are totally here for you girl!" Said Marissa. The other girls nodded in unison.

"Thanks guys, I really appreciate it." I smiled and took another sip of my wine, which was almost gone since I had been gulping it. I got up and went to the bar to get some more. I never really went out with friends too much at home. I didn't really have that many friends besides Kate. This was all new and a little nerve-wracking for me. But the wine was helping.

"Soooo, do you have a guy in your life?" Jessica asked when I returned from the bar.

I laughed a little too hard before answering. Maybe I should slow down on the wine.

"Uhhhh, nope. To be honest I really haven't dated much. I guess guys just don't really take an interest in me" I replied, frowning a little.

"What! No way! Girl, you are waaaaaay too pretty for that!" Said Marissa. Once again, the other girls all nodded their heads.

"Listen, there is a mix and mingle event here Friday night! We should all totally go!" Claire squealed.

I took another nervous gulp of wine.

"Ohhh, uh, I don't know. I'm not really good at that sort of stuff." I said.

"Well you are in luck, because I am!" Said Marissa. "I will totally help you out! I'll come over after work and we can get ready together so I can give you some tips!"

I must really have had to much wine because after some back and forth, I somehow agreed to go with them. This was going to be a nightmare.

I was just about to get up and get another glass of wine when my phone rang. I didn't recognize the number so I ignored it. However, not even 30 seconds after I rejected the call a text came through from the number.

"We need to talk." The text read. What?

"Who is this?" I replied. I honestly had no idea. My phone buzzed again in reply.


Uh oh.