
Milimos Saga – The Reincarnation Chronicle of the Youngest Prince.

A university student living in Japan has a train accident while returning home and is reincarnated in a different world. The place he is reborn is as a prince of a small country located in the mountainous regions, and to make matters worse, he is the youngest of seven siblings! Furthermore, in this world, two powerful countries boasting the highest level of technology in each of their respective paths, fight for the hegemony of the continent, while small countries engage in a state of constant warfare, each trying to seize the other’s territory without attracting the attention of the two major powers. Will the protagonist, the youngest prince named “Milimos Nonette”, be able to survive and achieve success?

_NCS_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
80 Chs

Chapter 16 Part 1

Digression: Mendashium Country, Attack Stronghold

"Damn it! Those damn monkey bean eaters from Nonette. They're getting cocky with the fortress's strength and keep berating us!"

As I raised my angry voice at the lack of progress, my subordinates timidly offered their opinions.

"General Swagger, your anger is understandable, but it affects the command when the soldiers hear it. Please lower your voice a bit more."

"I know that! But why has it come to this? It's frustrating beyond measure!"

As I vented my inner thoughts by pounding the table, a sense of agreement spread across the faces of my subordinates.

In the first place, this battle was supposed to end quickly.

In exchange for certain conditions and most of the annual wheat tribute, we purchased a unit's worth of magic wands from the empire. The plan was to crush Nonette Country's fortress with their striking power.

To protect the valuable weapon, we placed provisions on the outer perimeter of the encampment as bait and created a pursuit unit with soldiers skilled in forest navigation to repel incoming attackers.

Yes, even if we couldn't completely prevent a night raid, we had devised strategies to minimize the damage.

"Yet, those monkeys managed to hit the accumulation site of the empire-made wands with a lucky shot just before they fled. It's too unlucky."

We hurriedly tried to extinguish the fire, but it seemed that the magic wands were quite delicate, as they became unusable with only a little scorching.

"Even the undamaged wands are now questionable in terms of how many times they can be used..."

As an experiment, we tried using one of the undamaged wands, but it broke and became unusable after firing four fireball spells.

"If we could cause a significant crack on the outer wall of that fortress with regular magic, we could finish it off with the empire-made wands..."

However, no matter how much magic we used, the outer wall only showed faint cracks. And those scars would be repaired by the next morning.

It was a completely hopeless situation.

As I pondered what to do, one of the staff members raised a concern.

"When considering the food supply for withdrawal, we cannot fight for too long. How about using all the remaining empire-made wands at once, focusing on breaking a single point of the fortress's gate?"

"Indeed, that's the most viable option. However, keep in mind that the fortress is built with the assumption that the gate will be breached. It's designed as a whole structure."

"If we break the gate and advance, we are well aware that it could cause significant casualties. But other than this, there is no other way to penetrate that fortress. And if we can't enter Nonette Country, we won't be able to fulfill the agreement with the empire. In that case, how much compensation will our country have to pay?"

Deeply troubled, I began to feel a headache.

"These politicians. Not only deceiving the king, but also making agreements that betray their hometown for their own interests. Don't they have any shame?"

"They say that kings and peasants see different things even when looking at the same thing. Perhaps we soldiers can see things that are invisible to others."

"Hmph. I can only hope that it's not an illusion."

After finishing my complaints, I decided to think about the previous proposal.

"...So the only way is to break down the door and capture the fortress?"

"It's impossible. We don't have enough food and striking power."

"In that case, we have no choice but to do it."

I issued orders for tomorrow's morning attack, instructing to bring imperial-made staves to the front lines. Anticipating a high number of casualties during the breach of the fortress, I ordered everyone to go into battle.

Breaking through the fortress is our top priority. We will not consider retreat.

We made preparations for tomorrow and night fell.

Along with the all-out attack, we decided to fill the bellies of the peasant militia as much as possible and let them sleep soundly through the night.

The mountain monkeys of Nonette didn't seem to leave the fortress, but we set up sentries just in case.

They were given a taste of hot water in a night raid. It doesn't hurt to be on high alert.

And these preparations proved useful.

"Night raid! It's a night raid! Our positions are on fire!!"

Hearing the loud voice of the sentry, I rushed outside and saw a section of the camp on fire.

Looking around for enemy soldiers, I noticed fire descending from the mountainside near the camp, hitting the ground with a clanging sound and igniting flames.

"They're on top of the mountain! Archers! Magic units! Attack!"

In response to my command, a small number of soldiers immediately reacted. Arrows and magic spells were unleashed towards the mountaintop.

The enemy also reacted swiftly and began to flee up the mountain.

"Archers, cease fire! Magic units, raise the light and scatter them away!"

The mages shot multiple light spells into the sky, illuminating the surroundings of the camp.

The mountain monkeys of Nonette must have determined that a night raid was impossible, as they fled to the top of the mountain and soon disappeared from sight.

I decided that the danger had passed.

"How is the fire extinguishing going? What's the extent of the damage?"

"The fire has been extinguished! The damage was limited to a few casualties among the farmer militia and a few tents being burned."

"Well done. Keep up the vigilance."

After offering words of encouragement, I attempted to return to my tent.

However, at that moment, another soldier called out.

"General Swagger! It seems like there's a fire beyond the mountain!"

In the darkness of the night, the red flames could be seen crossing over the mountain.

"They launched a night attack on our rear position!?"

Faced with this unexpected two-pronged strategy, I bit my lip.

The rear position only had the bare minimum personnel consisting of the supply unit, and no preparations had been made for a night attack.

After all, it was beyond imagination that those mountain monkeys of Nenette would pass by us and head towards the rear.

As I was struck speechless by the shocking sight, one of the staff officers approached me.

"Even though it's nighttime, the fire's glow can be seen beyond the mountain. It would be safe to assume that the rear position has been completely burned."

"Well done, you mountain monkeys. How much food do we have at this position?"

"Fortunately, the food supply from the rear just arrived today. We had a lavish dinner, but we estimate it would last for about four days under normal circumstances."

"If we ration it and reduce it to one meal a day for seven days, it could last a bit longer."

Knowing that immediate starvation was not a concern, I made a decision.

"Tomorrow, we launch a full-scale attack. If successful, we'll seize the food within that fortress and advance into Nenette."

"In case of failure, immediate retreat is acceptable, correct?"

"No objections. We don't have any food for the retreat either. And without something to eat, the soldiers won't move, and the farmer militia will start fleeing. It's not a situation where we can continue fighting."

"Even if we retreat, wouldn't it become a matter of the general's responsibility?"

"I can no longer handle this. Not just the formidable nature of that fortress, but I won't continue to play into the hands of those politicians' schemes."

While letting out a sigh of weakness, I quickly regained my composure.

"As long as tomorrow's full-scale attack is successful, that will be sufficient. Although the night attack has sharpened my senses, I shall sleep until dawn."

"Yes. Whether we break through the fortress and advance or retreat without being able to break through, we'll have to march a long distance tomorrow."

The staff officer and I exchanged a brief smile, then returned to our respective tents.

Before getting into bed, I opened a small bottle of distilled liquor I had concealed and drank it all.

"This will probably be my last drink while still in service."

The night spent sleeping with a half-belief in the impending failure of tomorrow's operation didn't seem to get any easier, as usual.