
Milimos Saga – The Reincarnation Chronicle of the Youngest Prince.

A university student living in Japan has a train accident while returning home and is reincarnated in a different world. The place he is reborn is as a prince of a small country located in the mountainous regions, and to make matters worse, he is the youngest of seven siblings! Furthermore, in this world, two powerful countries boasting the highest level of technology in each of their respective paths, fight for the hegemony of the continent, while small countries engage in a state of constant warfare, each trying to seize the other’s territory without attracting the attention of the two major powers. Will the protagonist, the youngest prince named “Milimos Nonette”, be able to survive and achieve success?

_NCS_ · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 16 Part 2

Chapter 16: Decisive Battle - Part One

The day after the night raid, the entire army of the Mendashium Kingdom attacked the fortress.

In light of this fact, some soldiers were grumbling.

"After crossing the mountains and setting fire to their camp, we come back to a full-scale war."

"If that's the case, we should have arrived a little later."

Although they made frivolous remarks, it was evident that they were joking as they hurriedly ran to their posts.

"It's better than being tense and wearing a stern face."

While saying such things, I also climbed up onto the outer wall and brought the approaching forces of the Mendashium Kingdom into view.

Even though the numbers had been reduced through traps and the night raid, I could see over two thousand personnel.

On paper, it should have been a large number, but as they walked in a single file along the narrow road, it didn't seem that numerous.

Perhaps I had this impression due to memories from my past life, where I lived in densely populated Japan.

As I entertained pointless thoughts, the enemy army began to deploy in front of the fortress.

The location of the fortress was originally an open area in the mountains. During the time when Nonette was still an exile, a checkpoint was established there. If this place could be blocked off, it would prevent those exiled people from entering the Mendashium Kingdom.

When Nonette gained independence as a country, they broke into the checkpoint, seized control, and transformed it into a fortress, which it remained to this day.

Perhaps due to this background, there was a small plaza in front of the Mendashium Kingdom's side of the fortress, serving as a campsite to host reinforcements when defending the checkpoint.

I thought it would have been better if Nonette had demolished the checkpoint when they converted it into a fortress. But there was a reason for this.

Normally, the plaza would be open as a campsite for travelers coming to Nonette.

During times of war, having a small plaza where units could be deployed here would make the Mendashium Kingdom think, "This fortress is easy to attack." If the front of this fortress had only narrow paths, they would try to enter Nonette through a different, treacherous mountain path. That's what Alekthem said.

"Rather than heading towards a location that is difficult to build a fortress, it's better to leave the plaza intact even if it puts the fortress at a slight disadvantage."

Now, putting an end to the recollection, I observe the enemy forces.

As before, they have placed shield bearers at the front line and seem to be employing a strategy of hiding the magicians behind them.

"They never learn, as always."

"Fools are easier to defend. Once the enemy enters the range, the archers should start shooting according to their own judgment. Alright!"

Laughter erupted from the soldiers.

As I tried to join in the laughter, I remembered that the forces of the Mendashium Kingdom were all coming towards us.

"Alectem, since we burned the supplies in Mendashium's rear base, the enemy forces should launch a short-term decisive battle. So, things won't be the same as before, right?"

"If they can't come up with any other strategy, they will retreat. They should come up with some other plan."

An unpleasant premonition kept piling up, and then the true form of the premonition appeared within the enemy forces.

When I saw that 'staff,' I shouted loudly to those around me.

"They have imperial-made staffs! They will launch more powerful magic attacks than before!"

Immediately after my warning, magical fireballs came flying from the enemy forces.

The fireballs were three times bigger than before and collided with the fortress walls. The sound of the explosion echoed through the mountains, and the outer walls trembled.

"What's the extent of the damage?"

As I raised my voice, the soldiers came back with reports one after another.

"They're concentrating their magic attacks!"

"There's no significant damage to most of the outer walls! But the main gate, which was the primary target, has suffered extensive damage!"

The surface of the thick wooden door was covered with dried clay stitches to increase fire resistance. The flexibility of the wood absorbed the explosive force, boasting defense power comparable to other parts of the outer walls.

However, unlike other parts of the outer walls, the defense consisted of only one layer, so it was indeed the most fragile place.

"They're planning to use the remaining imperial-made staff to break the door and get inside."

"They've been shooting fireballs many times in this battle, maybe to test the defense strength of places other than the door."

"It means they're not fools—their aim is to destroy the door and get inside. The repair teams for the outer walls should interrupt their tasks! Send a messenger to wait behind the door in case it gets destroyed!"

When I asked if there were any other orders to give, Alectem raised his voice.

"The door can still hold! We should increase the number of sandbags piled behind it! The more sandbags there are, the more we can hinder their advance! What are the archers doing? Let them rain down a denser arrow storm!"

The soldiers' movements changed significantly in response to Alectem's loud voice.

The precision of the orders and the soldiers' compliance demonstrated the years of experience living and fighting as a group.

"I feel like Alectem would be better off being the Marshal rather than me."

"Lord Milimos, you are twelve years old with a future ahead of you, whereas I am an old soldier with no more time left. If we consider the future of the country, it is meaningful and significant for Lord Milimos to be the Marshal."

"I don't think I'm such an impressive person, but... thank you for valuing me so highly."

While Alektem and I were having a conversation, the second attack came.

"Focus the damage on the door again!"

"If five magic attacks of the same scale hit, the door will collapse!"

"If we can withstand five attacks, we should reinforce our defenses by stacking sandbags behind during that time! The enemy consists mostly of peasant soldiers. If we create spear barriers, they will foolishly jump into them! Since the places where the enemies are swarming are obvious, we should drop things like debris, boiling water, and oil above the door!"

Thanks to Alektem's prompt instructions, the soldiers regained their composure and continued to fulfill their roles.

It seems better to leave it to Alektem rather than me giving orders here.

"Alektem, I'll leave the command to you. I'll focus on harassment."

"Understood about taking command, but what do you mean by harassment?"

"If they're using Empire-made staffs over there, we'll just use them too."

I raised the staff I had brought and aimed it at the enemy troops.

"Embers become fire, fire becomes flame, shape the flame into a sphere. Wear the shell of a raging fire, carry the gusts of explosion within, and fly, fireball. Eustau Spererika!"

The incantation completed, and a magical fireball shot out from the tip of the staff.

The target was the center of the enemy forces where the enemy mages with Empire-made staffs were gathered.

It hit the vanguard that was blocking the rain of arrows and caused a massive explosion.

I hoped that it would break the mage or the Empire-made staff, but as soon as I saw the fireball being shot back towards us, it seemed that the speed of the fireball I released was slow, allowing the mages to escape.

However, blowing away the shield bearers enabled us to inflict significant damage on the enemy troops with our rain of arrows.

"Rather than trying to aim for the mages forcibly, it might be more effective to eliminate the front-line shield bearers."

I rotated the staff once before choosing another spell.

"Dust becomes sand, sand becomes soil, soil becomes pebbles. Give birth to fragments of stone, increase their number two or threefold, and let them run as a flock. Rapias Apruvia!"

The magic was activated.

Originally, it was a spell that shot out numerous stone fragments about the size and thickness of a finger, but large palm-sized fragments of stone continuously emerged from the tip of the staff.

These stone fragments flew at bullet-like speeds and hit the shields held by enemy soldiers, piercing through them along with several soldiers behind.

Since stones were still coming out of the staff, I shifted my aim sideways one by one.

Other enemy soldiers were blown away by the stone fragments, causing the shields of the adjacent soldiers to shatter. The soldier next to them threw away his shield and fled, only to be hit in the back.

The few allied magicians also followed my lead and unleashed a barrage of magic, inflicting damage on the enemy shield-bearers.

Before long, the enemy soldiers surrounding the shield-bearers witnessed the dire situation they had faced and became immobile. It seemed they were gripped by the fear of death.

I thought that if we continued like this, we could diminish the enemy's combat motivation, but things didn't go as smoothly as I expected.

"So, you're trying to beat them into submission, huh?"

It seems that the enemy soldiers around, rather than the magic I cast from afar, were more afraid of their immediate superiors. The enemy soldiers who should have been frozen with fear suddenly raised a new shield.

As I was about to launch another magic attack, an enemy magician aimed at me and unleashed a spell.

In response to the approaching fireball of normal size, I hurriedly took cover and evaded it.

"It means there are surplus magicians if the number of Empire-made wands has decreased. I had forgotten about that."

While hearing the sound of magic hitting the outer wall, I moved to a new location by crawling forward.

Just as I managed to move out of the range of the enemy's magic attacks and stood up, someone called out to me.

"Hey, you! If you're free, come over here!"

I immediately recognized the rough tone of the voice and knew who it was.

One of the three new recruits brought by Centis. It wasn't Hones, but one of the two boys.

Correction, I don't know who it is. I don't even know the name of this boy.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!"

"Yeah, yeah. So, what do you want? I'm busy with enemy soldiers coming."

As I replied with an equally brusque attitude, the new recruit turned his gaze toward the person below him.

"Hah, I'm saying we'll give the crawling coward a chance to redeem himself."

"I don't understand what you mean."

The new recruit doesn't have the authority to give orders to me, a Marshal, and he doesn't even have the right to command a reassignment in the first place.

As I questioned that, I suddenly felt my arm being grabbed.

"Just come already! We're waiting behind the door to counterattack if the Mendasium guys come in!"

"Huh? What are you talking about!?"

I held my ground, determined not to be taken away against my will.

"I can't leave my post and follow a new recruit!"

"I was told by Captain Centis to bring soldiers who are available!"

"Alextem has allocated personnel properly. The problem is moving around on your own!"

"Shut up! You're not useful at all, so come over here!"

As we argued, there was a magical attack on the door.

"The door seems to hold for now, but not for long!"

"Bring me arrows! If enemy soldiers advance, I'll shoot them until the string breaks!"

Hearing the soldiers' loud voices, I realized I couldn't stay uninvolved.

"You're in the way!"

"You kic--kicked me..."

As the new recruit collapsed, I called for a medic who was running around on the outer wall.

"The new recruit has fallen. Since other new recruits won't be of any use in battle, take them to the infirmary and keep them confined."

"Ah, understood. New recruits often panic, so don't worry, Milimos-sama."

With a misunderstanding apparent, the medic carried the new recruit away.

"That Centis guy. If you bring someone, make sure you hold the reins properly."

While complaining, I returned to the top of the outer wall. To inflict as much damage as possible, I launched magic attacks towards the enemy soldiers.

However, even if I, alone, shot magic with the empire's manufactured wand, the enemy had two thousand people. It was like drops in the bucket. Our own magic users were also firing magic repeatedly, but with their small numbers, the desired effect was not achieved.

Still, I continued to do my best to fulfill my duty, but the time for the fortress gate to collapse finally arrived.

"The gate is broken! Enemy soldiers are rushing in!"

Amid the soldiers' desperate reports, Alektem's booming voice resonated, overpowering them.

"Soldiers standing on the wall, continue the rain of arrows and reduce the number of enemy soldiers as much as possible! Especially the unit directly above the gate, it's a prime spot to inflict damage! Pour boiling water and oil on them!"


"Soldiers hiding behind the barricades behind the gate! The defense now rests on you! Rally and stop the enemy soldiers!"

"Understood! We'll do it!"

Under Alektem's orders, the soldiers united and began to move.

I, too, unleashed magic from the top of the wall, repeatedly launching magic attacks at the approaching enemy soldiers.