
Mihawk in ASOIAF

This is a story about a man who reincarnated into Westeros with wishes that changes the history of Planetos forever. Born the same year as a second son to Jeor Mormont. How will his presence change the history he knows. This is an AU.

Ash_D_Born · TV
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


_Dracule Mormont POV_
Luckily I skipped the whole being given birth to process and reincarnated on my first name day. I have to say being thrust into a new world without electricity and modern gadgets is quite discomforting.

Like bro you don't want to know how I have to take a shit and I'm a noble for fuck sake. By the way I met my father Jeor Mormont today I have to say he is tall as fuck. Not like the mountain but not far off.

[…..A.I synchronizing with Host...]

[ 1%….23%…..56%….70%…93%…100%]

[ Successfully bonded to host.]

` Hey A.I. Can you explain to me your functions.'

[ Host can use the A.I to keep track of your gifts and abilities in a system like format. Comes with inventory and the ability to perform parallel processing with eideitic memory. Does Host want to see his stats? ]

` Yes open ' I answered. I was trembling with excitement cause now my journey in this world begins.

[ Name : Dracule Mormont
Template: Dracule Mihawk 0.01%
Titles: Noble, immortal soul.
Devil Fruit: Zushi Zushi no mi (non awakened)
Haki: Conqueror ( awakened), Observation( awakened), Armament (awakened).
Inventory: none ( storage is the size of Alabasta from one piece)
Special Abilities: Mind reading (can only read surface thoughts need to train more to advance), Immortal soul (the body can die but unless your soul gets destroyed you would never forget anything and who you are. Comes with eidetic memory and A.I that performs parallel processing ).
Knowledge: Ship building and alcohol brewing

[ Congratulations for getting a starter pack. Open now?]

Of course. Should wait till I'm thirty or something.

[ Congratulations to host for drawing " Mihawk's eyes]

[ Congratulations to host for drawing Black blade 'Yoru' due to rules of the world its has been converted to Valyrian steel. It is recommended to say you found it on a journey outside the north when you are older]

[ Congratulations to host for drawing awakened observation haki and all other types of haki.Due to world rules affecting history everyone is capable of learning haki but devil fruits are mythological and searched for. There are only five current users known today. But you're immense talent sets you apart from them.]

[Congratulations to host for drawing the ability communicate and command hawks also known as skinchanging. You can still skin change with other animals but it is harder.]

[ Congratulations to host for drawing Hawkeye's fruit knife]

[ Rewards sent to inventory. Host can use them up at any time.]

Okay that last one hurt my feelings not gonna lie, a fruit knife? really? I guess I can use it to stunt on people in the future.

"Son come here."said Jeor Mormont while gesturing to me. I wobbled my way to him. I have to say being a baby is stressful tho. Can't control my limbs properly.

"I'm here father." I said as I reached out to him carry me. As a was in his arms he took me to the balcony of the castle where I could see all of Bear island. The snow covered trees, the common folk going about their day, I saw men and women training in the courtyard.

"Its up to you and Jorah to protect this land in the future. I hope when your older you try to leave this world better than you came into it." Joer Mormont said as he smiled at me.

I was so confused. Is this what you should be telling a five year old? Would they even remember when they grow older. This old man is senile. I nodded my head at him as I continued looking at this piece of land I was born in. I don't care about Westeros as a whole but this place I would protect with my life.

The year is 260 A.C the tragedy of summerhall has already happened so I have a lot of time to prepare for the fuckery thats westeros.