
Midory And The Holy Relics

Midory Sakaguchi, bearer of a holy relic, is forced to fight against the corruption of her city in order to prevent her leaders' attempts to provoke a third world war. Her companions and her peers will join her in a fight to stop criminal terrorist gangs and dangerous religious cults that bring chaos to the citizens, and to achieve this the young woman must give up her life as a normal girl to become what she wants to destroy. "If I have to be like them to win, then I'll become a demon"

Santiago_Tellez · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter XV: The bearer of the relic of light

In an unknown place, Misaki.

Blue eyes unfolded, he came back from a confused dream, there were people throwing fire, a speedy man and explosions.

He sighed at the idea and shook his head, he didn't understand where that daydream had come from, but he attributed it to exhaustion.

Aware, the impression of things changed, his confused eyes looked at his sides, he was not in his room.

Nerves invaded her.

There was a blanket over her and a pillow where her head rested, however, the rest was a green grass that stretched by thousands, above her, the shade of a crooked tree was her comfort in the rays of the sun.

It looked like a meadow on the outskirts of the city.

His gaze stopped a few meters to the right, there was a note on the ground propped up by a rock.

He took the note with fear in his body, he wanted to escape from there.

"I'm sorry if you wake up confused, this place is safe, rest, I'll explain everything soon" Midory dropped the page and stood up.

He wanted to investigate his surroundings in case he was close to the city, however, standing was difficult for him.

He fell to the floor with a stumble hitting his butt hard, he cried out in pain as he rubbed himself.

"I feel clumsy, did I hit my head?" The young woman touched her hair with no signs of pain.

I take a deep breath trying to get back up, the event repeated itself.

She spent several minutes trying until she gave up, she was persistent but not stupid, she had limits.

Frustrated, she dropped her head where she supposed the pillow was, instantly, she hit the ground, a groan of pain came out grabbing her hair, she was upset, she felt disoriented and useless, as if her actions failed.

He took the pillow a few inches from her wanting to throw it, he took a deep breath and exhaled for a few minutes calming down, then he put it back on his head to rest.

He couldn't leave even if he wanted to, he preferred to wait until he felt better before trying to get up again.

As he thought about what had happened, he closed his eyes. Within minutes she was asleep.

A few hours later, a noise woke her up, a man's voice was heard.

With her half-closed eyelids she saw what was happening, by reaction she covered her eyes with her hands, a strangled cry came out of her.

A shirtless man, there was someone naked from the waist up, he was muscular everywhere he looked, he let out sounds as he moved around, he practiced a type of martial art. The young woman's first impression had been bad, she had no confidence to talk to someone like that, she wanted to run away immediately.

Worried about being discovered, she got up with better balance and took a few steps in the opposite direction, however as she moved, a dizziness made her fall to the ground, she let out a cry of shock, the ground shook raising dust.

The male figure heard the scream turning around, the girl's face turned red, the man in front of her seemed attractive, he had a square jaw, light brown eyes, red hair and a warm look.

Midory didn't dare to look from the neck down, she would surely turn red with embarrassment.

That warm smile of the man changed when he remembered the condition of the young woman, he trotted towards her.

Midory got up as she could trying to run, the man's face turned into confusion.

"Where are you going?" he asked a few meters from reaching her, Midory stumbled several times, the dizziness persisted, but he continued on his way as fast as he could.

That nudity scared him, he remembered the teachings of his parents, any man who was without clothes before a woman did not have good intentions.

The young woman's reasoning was not unfounded, but the male figure was unaware that the absence of his shirt had caused this reaction, it was normal for him to be naked when he was in a comfortable place.

"Please go away! I'm not ready yet!" she screamed falling to the floor, she turned around imagining the worst, the figure of the man stopped taking a few steps forward of her, he looked like a tiger stalking her prey.

His gaze changed from confusion to mockery before he laughed out loud.

The thick tone of voice rumbled in the young woman's ears, it covered her hatred because of how uncomfortable she felt, the tall figure had spasms between her laughter, sometimes she leaned in to take a breath, although she didn't stop.

Midory was soon offended, her brow furrowed and she glared at his mockery.

"Stop laughing! You annoy me!" she shouted in a high-pitched tone, she seemed exasperated, the man opened his eyes that he had closed with emotion and looked at the young woman, she backed away worried.

"You're so funny, I'm not a pervert, you can trust me" He pointed a thumb towards his chest smiling, showing a row of white teeth.

The young woman narrowed her eyes in disbelief.

"Men who say that are less trustworthy" she whispered dissatisfiedly, she wanted to leave.

Understanding the young woman's words, the stranger pondered for a moment.

"Think about it, you were unconscious, right? Check your body, you should notice any marks if they hurt you, I assure you that if I had bad intentions I wouldn't wait until you were awake" he commented casually, Midory blushed at the surprise.

That man didn't mince words, he spoke so brazenly that it made her dizzy, although that dizziness was also from moving around a lot, she didn't know whether to believe what he said or ignore it.

Regaining his composure he did as suggested, he had no marks on his body, no pain either.

She sighed in relief, then looked down at the floor, uncomfortable.

"Can you…" she was silent, she was ashamed to say it, the male figure had approached to listen to her, the young woman spoke again in a low tone "Can you put something on? Decent people don't walk like that" she asked the young woman pointing with a slight tremor to her bare chest.

The older man was embarrassed running to put on something, he had understood Midory's reaction and why she mistrusted him.

At one point he returned wearing a wool shirt.

"I'm sorry for my carelessness, don't think I'm a pervert please" the girl's serious look made him sweat, he felt lost "Let me introduce myself, I'm Eros, a First Level Guardian, I work for the Organization of Guardians and Masters, a pleasure" the man bowed his body in greeting, Midory got up hurriedly and bowed as well.

"Hello, I'm Midory, a high school student, I hope we get along" due to the suspicious situation she had put aside her manners, just now she realized, she was embarrassed.

After thinking about it for a while, questions arose in his mind, Eros understood that look.

"I will answer all your questions, so say them with confidence" the man crossed his arms with a smile, a gleam of pride came out of his eyes, he seemed to enjoy being interrogated.

Midory thought for a moment.

"If I'm going to trust him, it would be good to understand his origins" he reasoned, he already knew where to start.

"What is a guardian?" said the young woman, she wanted to understand the identity of her companion before remembering what happened in the alley.

"A guardian is a warrior at the service of the organization, his job is to fulfill missions, fight criminals and protect people" he commented with a cheerful voice, he seemed to say everything with enthusiasm, he gave the young woman a good vibe.

"What is that organization you speak of?" Midory questioned, she barely understood the previous answer, the man called Eros looked like a policeman type, he had other doubts, but he eliminated them, he didn't need to know much if he was to introduce himself.

"It's a group of workers associated with the government that fight against criminal organizations, we take care of the defense of the country" the man's chin rose looking disdainfully, it seemed to say that he was some kind of savior, Midory sent him a sign of reproach with the eyes.

"Who were the men in the alley? Why did they attack us?" she asked her in the end, that was what worried her the most, she was afraid of being persecuted if she left.

"I don't know their intentions, I would say they were thieves, although they gave me the feeling that they worked for someone, they attacked us because they detected me, the guards are like policemen and criminals hate them" Eros replied ashamed, it had been his fault to involve her, although saving her It was always his goal.

Midory had no more questions, she got up from the ground walking around him, as she felt that the dizziness had subsided a bit, she focused on knowing where she was and if Misaki was nearby.

Eros let her inspect deep in thought.

"Should I do what I had in mind? She's a beginner, but if she's a relic bearer I can't let her go so easily, they'll kill her" she suspected, looking for something, however, as the records said, it wasn't easy to detect them .

"You asked me what relic it will be? Although it is possible that it is one of the missing relics, it could also be of another type" thought the eldest imagining his reaction to both scenarios, it would be an achievement to find one of the lost relics, they would increase his fame.

"I hope you don't mind if I call you Midory, I'd like to know, do you have any accessories with you?" The young woman stopped prying when she heard the man's words, she looked at him with confusion.

"I have, can't you see it?" She pointed to her chest, at first glance there was nothing there.

"I'm sorry I can't, can you let me see it?" Midory felt weird as she clutched something to her chest, she nodded in agreement.

A disturbance originated around Midory's chest, sparks flew and something took physical form.

Soon the man's eyes saw an accessory hanging from the young woman.

A silver chain was around her neck, a bright red heart-shaped stone was bordered by gold-colored petal designs, the patterns were beautiful, giving her a unique look.

The relics could not be seen unless a bearer allowed it, and if the relic had no bearer, it would not be seen by anyone who did not consider it worthy of it.

They were powerful and fascinating objects, Eros moved closer to inspect them.

The young woman became nervous at the closeness, before the man's head was inches from her, she stopped him with a cry.

"It's not right for two people to get so close! It could cause misunderstandings!" she commented with a red face, Eros mocked Midory's comment with a short laugh, the young woman sent him a murderous look, then, she took off her necklace, putting it in the man's face, he took it with curiosity.

"Is this how a relic feels? Because of its shape and style, I'd say it's from the natural series, although I don't know its element" Eros returned the article to the young woman, she put it back on.

"So if it is one of the lost relics, he asked me what element it is?" his ideas were ordered.

Now that his suspicions were clear, he continued to explain the situation to Midory and ask for her support.

An heirloom would be useful to his plans.

Those blue eyes looked suspiciously at the red-haired man, she touched the stone of her necklace from time to time, she looked indecisive.

Eros cleared his throat for a moment, the young woman paying attention to him.

"Listen Midory, the reason for not being able to see your accessory was because of its unique characteristics, it can't be shown without the wearer allowing it, do you understand?" the man explained, hoping to start the conversation well.

The girl nodded, she had understood the part about her special necklace and hiding, but she didn't understand why.

"Next, that necklace is a Relic, Relics are items left behind by our ancestors thousands of years ago, the people who wear these accessories are called Bearers, whoever wears them will gain supernatural abilities and techniques, one example is my great speed, let's go?" okay?" The young woman nodded, this time it was not difficult to follow the thread of the conversation, although she had doubts about those supernatural abilities and techniques she was talking about.

"The organization I work for protects and trains Relic Bearers, their motive is to fight against evil forces that harm humanity, these forces are called Dijins, or demons, they deceive people to take possession of their wills, forcing them to committing unforgivable acts, the relics' duty is to stop them, are you alright?" Eros asked seeing the pale face of the young woman, the word Dijin made him remember her talk with her partner Byron.

He had mentioned that name asking if she knew anything, but right now, the word for her came from her favorite tale, The Greed of Demons, not from real beings.

"I'm fine, go on" her voice trailed off, deep in thought.

The elder's doubtful look stopped, he couldn't question her at that moment, he had to focus on explaining things well before giving his suggestion, he hoped that if the young woman accepted, he could resume the conversation and ask about her strange reaction from before.

Eros continued the talk for a while, detailing the duty and bravery of all those who fought against the Dijins, then his face took on a serious look, the talk he had was cheerful, but that sudden change scared the girl.

"The demons are looking for the relics, you have one, do you know what will happen if they find you?" he said in a low tone, the atmosphere became tense.

The girl felt helpless, if it was like in her story, she would lose everything, after seeing Midory's reaction, Eros smiled again.

"Don't worry, I'm here, I'm one of the best warriors in the organization, I can protect you, I'm sure" he comforted, lightening the atmosphere, Midory smiled slightly.

"However, you must also become strong, as a Relic Bearer, fighting demons is your duty, I will be your master if you wish" he spoke confidently, his chest heaving, he was excited.

The girl lowered her head worriedly, she didn't want to fight demons, she was afraid of getting hurt.

The doubt of the young woman did not go unnoticed by Eros, he took a breath before kneeling with one leg, put his right arm on his chest and made a slight bow.

"Bearer of the relic, allow me to protect her, in exchange, I will teach her how to fight to defeat evil, I promise not to disappoint her" he said solemnly.

The girl became nervous, her doubts increased.

Since he didn't get an answer, Eros put on a sad look, maybe he was forcing the situation.

Midory's thoughts swirled, several ideas arose, others connected, and before she knew it, the fear she had had was gone.

"If he protects me, I will not be in danger, but if something happens and I am left alone, I will not be able to defend myself, if I learn to fight, even if I cannot defeat anyone, I will still be able to escape" she did not dare to be reckless, she knew that running away would be his best option in the face of danger, however, he needed strength for that.

"Cowards can run away because they have the strength to do so" thought the young woman, the thought depressed her.

She didn't like looking like a coward, but she wasn't willing to fight head-on, she was afraid to.

With a sigh the girl grabbed her necklace, tightened it looking into Eros' worried eyes.

"I'm ready to fight, teach me please, master" Midory's face flushed, she bowed respectfully to the kneeling man and waited for his answer.

A loud cry was heard, the excited voice of a man echoed through the meadow, Midory gave a surprised look, Eros moved with erratic steps, seemed to dance and sometimes run, the scene was strange.

For the young woman, seeing an adult making a fool of himself while screaming at the top of his lungs reminded her of an excited child, the girl's spirits improved, and without realizing it she was already laughing.

Eros stopped before a charming laugh, his face turned red, embarrassed, the young woman in front of him closed her eyes without avoiding saying words of encouragement, she seemed to have difficulty stopping.

The man's nervous smile turned into a pout, Midory was still laughing after a while, uncomfortably clearing her throat for attention.

Midory's red face returned to normal between spasms, her eyes glittering and her lips pressed together tightly, a quizzical expression rising from her from time to time.

Stiffer than usual, Eros put his hands on his back.

"At this moment, you are my disciple and I am your teacher, it will be an honor to teach you" he bowed with dignity, Midory adopted a rigid posture and bowed with respect.

"This disciple accepts the master to teach her" they both regained their composure, each with a bright look.

The minutes passed, both agreed to train in an hour, during that waiting time, they would get to know each other more to establish a good Master-Disciple relationship.

"I like strawberries and I hate peaches" commented the young woman, her happy face passed from disgust remembering the taste of the last thing, Eros nodded in agreement.

"I don't have a particular taste for fruits, if I chose, it would be watermelon" the young woman accepted the information thinking about what to say, the talk continued with minor details, Eros had asked about the reaction before, where she had become nervous, Midory He explained about his partner Byron and his talk about the Dijins, the older man's gaze was complex, he had some suspicions, although at that moment it didn't matter.

In a few sighs, time flew by, it was time to train.

They both positioned themselves in front of each other, the sun was halfway down on the horizon, the girl's curiosity arose again.

Eros noted the distant gaze of his disciple.

"What's going on?" I speak the.

"Where are we? This place is strange, I had never seen it in Misaki" she commented looking around her, due to the changes of topics during their previous little chat, she didn't have time to ask, now she took the opportunity to do so.

"This place is a barrier, they are spaces that exist outside the world, think of them as other worlds, but smaller" said the eldest with a carefree tone.

"So, we're not in Japan anymore?! Or in any other country?! How did we get here?!" she asked loudly, she was amazed and scared at the same time, Eros was filled with pride when answering.

From his expression, he seemed to enjoy being asked questions.

"To get there you must control something called energy, it is an invisible force that surrounds us" while explaining, something strange happened in the man's hand, a disturbance similar to a vortex distorted the air, it looked strange.

"This is energy gathered, it looks like an invisible vortex because the air disperses around it and the light cannot touch it, using this energy I can extend my consciousness to my surroundings, that way a barrier is created, think of a key that opens a door to another room, it will be easier" commented the eldest waving his hand, the young woman nodded understanding, then she approached by order of her teacher.

"The first thing we will do is define your element, there are 5 natural elements and 6 metaphysical elements, the natural ones are water, earth, fire, air and light, the metaphysical ones are true, false, infinite, finite, change and permanence, to know about which group you are, you must extend your hand towards the energy, the element will manifest in reaction to your affinity" finishing listening to the explanation, the young woman extended her hand doubtfully towards the vortex.

As soon as his fingers brushed against the disturbance a bright light covered the surroundings.

The man's look of surprise could hardly be contained.

The relic of light! He had found the Relic Bearer of light! That was incredible!

In Misaki, three relics were known to exist, but two relics had disappeared two years ago, now one of them was in front of him.

"What's wrong Master?" The young woman was frightened by the older man's expression, she thought she had done something wrong.

Eros regained his composure smiling.

"Sorry, it took me by surprise, you have an affinity to the light element, that means you specialize in Defense, you are lucky, I am an expert in all 5 natural elements, now that we know your affinity, let's move on to the most important thing, your control of energy " Eros's look went from a smile to emotion, it was his favorite part.

He considered himself good at energy, teaching the fundamentals would not be a problem.

"I'm going to touch your head and gather energy around you, I want you to try to feel it, if you can, it will be easier for you to use it" Eros put his hand on the girl's head, she was embarrassed, then the older one concentrated .

A distortion surged from Midory's body, she got scared.

Sensing the stirring, Eros spoke.

"Don't worry, the gathered energy can't harm you, now try to feel what's around you, close your eyes" paying attention, the young woman concentrated.

Seconds passed, then minutes, no results.

Eros's face changed from excitement to concern.

Midory was still focused, but she didn't seem to feel anything.

"Have you detected anything Midory?" asked the oldest, the young woman opened her eyelids, she looked guilty.

"I couldn't feel anything, I'm sorry" she commented, she felt bad, she hadn't done things right.

Eros's expression changed, thinking of a possibility, he discarded it almost immediately due to the absurdity of the idea, he considered other options, none of them coherent.

Nobody he knew had had a problem with the use of energy, it was something that was quickly mastered.

The discarded answer haunted his mind and he was beginning to believe that this was the case.

"It's impossible, she can summon a shield and has elemental affinity, but her perception of energy is null..." his expression turned dark "...like a fallen one" he whispered, the wind shook the air and the sky red glowed brightly.

The man's concern did not go away, a problem had arisen.

If Midory turned out to be a fallen, she would die.

Next chapter: Learning to fight