
Midory And The Holy Relics

Midory Sakaguchi, bearer of a holy relic, is forced to fight against the corruption of her city in order to prevent her leaders' attempts to provoke a third world war. Her companions and her peers will join her in a fight to stop criminal terrorist gangs and dangerous religious cults that bring chaos to the citizens, and to achieve this the young woman must give up her life as a normal girl to become what she wants to destroy. "If I have to be like them to win, then I'll become a demon"

Santiago_Tellez · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter XVI: Learning to fight

Inside a barrier, Misaki.

Eros wanted to confirm his suspicions, if Midory turned out to be a fallen one, training her would not work, protecting her would be the best.

However, between his musings, he remembered an important fact.

"She saved me with a technique, there is no doubt that she had to use energy" mused the older one.

Thinking, some answers came to the problem he had, now he had to prove its truth.

"Midory, I want to try something, do you remember the battle in the alley? Did you feel something when you invoked the shield to protect me?" questioned the older one.

He had a reason for asking that question, when training with energy, one would feel a tingling in the body, as if small insects were walking on your limbs, this uncomfortable feeling allowed people to regulate and manipulate their power.

There was a reason why human beings could feel the energy, it was thanks to an internal organ that most of them possessed, this was located near the chest, in the groove that divided the pectorals, said organ, in charge of feeling the energy, had the name of Pílue.

Said organ was kept inactive for most people, but if they suffered an incident related to energy, it would wake up, allowing whoever had it to feel the energy, and in time, control it.

Normally, to activate the Pílue, it was necessary to stimulate it with large amounts of energy, as Eros had tried with Midory before, however, there were cases where the organ ignored the signals. When it happened, there were two options, either the user did not have a Pílue, becoming a fallen one, or it needed a special method to activate it, Eros was unaware of said process.

If Midory used the energy to invoke a technique, she must have felt something akin to tingling, this was the answer she was looking for.

After thinking about it for a while, the girl nodded.

"I felt tired, I don't remember the rest" she answered, Eros made a face, it wasn't what he expected.

"Can you replicate what you felt, before and after getting tired? It could help us with your training" he suggested, his faith in this idea was low, but it was worth a try.

The girl considered her answer for a moment, then closed her eyes.

From her memories, she experienced the events of the battle in the alley, an uncomfortable feeling overwhelmed her accompanied by a chill. Just seeing the scene of her teacher being engulfed by her light, her expression changed.

The eldest looked in surprise as the young woman's face was filled with anguish, at the same time, a burst of light came out from her necklace pointing at him. From his surroundings, a cover of geometric shields enveloped him, Midory fell to the ground unconscious.

Eros got scared, he tried to get out of the barrier, but it was holding him, normal physical hits couldn't hurt her, he manipulated the energy to hit with light, but it didn't work either.

I try again, this time gathering energy to use a style.

Total Concentration Style: Reluctant Palm.

Upon hitting the shields, they cracked on the sides, then vanished.

He ran to the girl kneeling beside her, tested her pulse, it was weak.

The girl's face was pale as she breathed heavily.

Making a decision, the elder used the surrounding energy to heal her, however, no matter how much energy he used, nothing changed.

His concern turned to fear, his idea had ended in failure.

The minutes passed, the oldest doubted if he had done the right thing, he felt guilty for insisting, the clues were always there.

After the battle in the alley, Midory had fallen unconscious, however, this time, he assumed that it was a fainting from fear of what had happened, now he understood that the reason was different.

Between the older's thoughts, the young woman recovered the color in her face, now she seemed to sleep.

His teacher sighed, he believed that the danger had passed.

With a bitter feeling he decided to stay by her side.

After a few hours, Midory woke up.

By then, Eros had reconsidered his actions.

"What happened?" asked Midory, she remembered getting tired after emulating the events in the alley, her master's worried face made her hesitate.

"You fainted after activating your technique, I'm not sure of the danger, this time we'll be more careful" he said lifting the girl, she nodded believing in her teacher.

In the end, Eros decided to continue with his idea, he had obtained results, he could not give up so soon, that would mean starting from scratch, he was unsure of finding another way for Midory to use techniques, due to those reasons, he would try to get deeply involved in what it will pass, if it became dangerous he would stop it, he had thought of various ways of how to act in that situation.

"I'm going to transfer my energy to you while you repeat the process from before, maybe it will prevent you from passing out, do you want to try it?" he asked crossing his arms, he had an indescribable look.

He doubted if Midory would want to try, she had already failed once, that would be enough to give up for anyone.

The young woman became nervous and nodded, she was sure she could do it.

He hadn't felt any pain before, the only thing he remembered was being very sleepy and falling asleep, he believed that as long as it would only end in a nap, he would be fine.

Instead, Eros had a look of surprise, he did not expect such a quick answer.

"At least I thought I would think about it" he mused in shock.

"Do you really want to?" He asked to be sure, maybe he had accepted it reflexively.

"I will, I'm not afraid" she said with a serious look, then closed her eyes.

The feeling of what had happened in the alley came back to her.

Her master put his hands on the back of the minor, transmitting his energy.

Midory didn't notice the contact because she was concentrating.

At first Eros felt resistance, however, later, a pull of energy forced him to be attentive, it had been a very sudden movement, as if his body's strength had been ripped out, his eyes shone in concern towards his disciple.

She was focused on her memories, as she did, the relic glowed, Midory and her master were covered by geometric shields.

The minor opened her eyes witnessing the event, she was amazed.

"This is what happens when I focus? Amazing!" she said stunned, this time the fatigue was less than before.

His master brushed his hands away, concentrating on his surroundings.

They moved their limbs to the sides touching the shields.

They both had their palms in different places, each one wondering in their thoughts.

Midory couldn't believe that she had been able to do that, she wanted to try again to convince herself.

Instead, to Eros, his disciple's shields reminded him of certain energy techniques he knew, too, a look of relief flashing across his face.

"Midory is not a fall, there is hope" he whispered happily.

The elder looked expectantly at his disciple, he expected many things from her, he wanted to make sure she became a good warrior and a good teacher.

After his musings, he tried to destroy the shields, on his third attempt, using energy, he made them disappear.

In the distance, the sky was tinted in twilight.

With the shields destroyed, Eros pondered some things, apparently, training Midory would involve trying unconventional methods, he had doubts if he could do it, moreover, they would have to train in a particular way to prevent the young woman from being unconscious after each technique.

"If only I knew what causes her blackouts" he thought worriedly.

At the same time, Midory had her own thoughts recalling everything that had happened a moment ago, she was ashamed to remember the contact she had had with her teacher, she had a hard time convincing herself that it had been for her own good, then she concentrated on the feelings she had had. lived, a doubt arose.

"Master, I have a question" said the minor doubtfully, maybe she was confusing things, but she wanted answers.

"What do you want to know?" questioned the eldest with shining eyes, he was happy to answer.

"Energy is like feelings?" she questioned lowering her eyes, she felt that she had asked a stupid question.

"Energy like feelings? What makes you think that?" spoke the most interested, although he wanted to say no, her disciple seemed very curious about the subject, at least she wanted to understand that she had come to conclude that.

The young woman had a confused expression, she did not expect her teacher to take her question seriously.

Raising her face slowly, she said.

"A few moments ago, when I invoked the shields, my body felt a jolt similar to when I'm happy" the words slowly left her mouth.

A confused expression appeared on the elder's face, he had no idea what his disciple was talking about.

"Explain" answered the eldest crossing his arms, attentive to what the youngest would say.

With greater confidence, the young woman explained everything she had experienced, comparing it with her feelings and memories, soon Eros came to a conclusion.

"Do you think you can control energy if you think of it as a feeling?" He asked, the words of his disciple left him thinking, and he was curious about something she had said.

"Since I was little I have been able to regulate my emotions, so I know what I am talking about" she said before with confidence, Eros did not know where such words came from, he wanted to make sure that they were not just gossip from the minor, so he urged her to Try it your way.

The girl nodded closing her eyes, then, she remembered the feeling from before, however, due to the intensity of it, she felt uncomfortable, because of that, she cut it in half, then, she recalled the memories of the incident in the alley.

From Midory's chest a light shone, a shield materialized around her, she knelt in exhaustion, but she still stayed awake.

The eldest had a face of astonishment that was difficult to remove.

"Can energy be compared to feelings? I've never heard of that" this revelation made him hope, if Midory got used to using this method, she would have a better chance of fighting.

They both looked at each other smiling a little, Eros helped Midory to get out of the shields by applying energy, he was almost sure that this was the best way to destroy them.

As the young woman regained her strength, her master applied an energetic technique to her body, making the process go faster.

Immersed in their thoughts, the night enveloped them.

Next Chapter: Complications.