
Midory And The Holy Relics

Midory Sakaguchi, bearer of a holy relic, is forced to fight against the corruption of her city in order to prevent her leaders' attempts to provoke a third world war. Her companions and her peers will join her in a fight to stop criminal terrorist gangs and dangerous religious cults that bring chaos to the citizens, and to achieve this the young woman must give up her life as a normal girl to become what she wants to destroy. "If I have to be like them to win, then I'll become a demon"

Santiago_Tellez · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter IV: A girl's intuition

Sunimi had been a happy girl, since she met Midory her life changed for the better, she preferred to forget the rest, she felt she wasn't worth it. Although there was something that made her resentful sometimes.

Why had she broken up with Midory like that? the answer she knew, but she didn't want to remember it, it was something they silently swore never to mention, but for her Sunimi meant a wound in her heart.

She refused to think about her mistakes and tried to fix her friendship with Midory, her blonde did nothing to help her, she just looked at him, giving her the feeling of judging her all the time, that status discouraged her, but she deserved it.

She tried and only she knew how difficult it was to do something that went against her thoughts, many times she wanted to leave it like that and try to continue with her life, but she had promised not to give up, she had to continue by Midory's side, at least until she fulfilled her or his promise.

"Am I doing the right thing?" She thought of the nights remembering someone, a loved one who was with her always, but who died shortly after meeting Midory.

Even today she tried to pretend that she and Midory were good friends, Midory didn't say anything and even she pretended to follow the lie, although she understood that it was a matter of time before it happened again.

Sunimi tried to send those thoughts away finishing up the stairs, she didn't want to talk to Midory in that state, she sighed before smiling more cheerfully, she opened the door finding a strange scene.

Her best friend was unconscious in the new boy's arms, her first impression was to run to help her, but she stopped when she saw the boy's face.

He was surprised as she was.

She wanted to say something, but the orange-haired man went ahead.

"It's good that you came, please help me, we were talking and she fell unconscious in my arms, we must take her to a doctor" the face full of concern with that urgent tone eliminated Sunimi's suspicions, although she felt a little disgusted by the situation as if something wasn't right.

She approached at a fast pace throwing what she had at her hand, she checked the blonde's condition and sighed in relief to see her only asleep, she looked at the boy who showed to be nervous and smiled a little, to reassure him.

"She's fine, she must have fainted from not eating, if she didn't hit her head on the floor her resting here should be enough, did she fall to the floor?" He wanted to confirm the black hair wanting to avoid attracting everyone's attention, if they found out that Midory fainted on the roof, they would surely sanction her and even threaten to expel them for disturbing the order, she did not want that and seeing Byron's attitude, surely he I did not know that.

"But she doesn't wake up, it could be something more serious" Byron couldn't stop pretending so quickly, although it would bother him to exaggerate his performance, it was necessary to leave the scene innocent, he was worried about Midory, but not as much as he seemed, he could deal with the blame afterwards.

"It's not necessary, Howard, right? Surely you don't know why you're new, but here you can't ask for help so easily, except when the reason includes breaking a rule, what would others think if they see two teenagers carrying a girl? unconscious girl from the roof and her only response was that she fainted, it would be very suspicious, for only having gone to the roof they would sanction us and for interrupting the peace of the center they would give us an expulsion notice, I do not want that in my academic record, for what she hears what I say, leave me in charge of my friend, I can, you go and keep this a secret, please" Sunimi finished her speech causing Byron to be surprised, he never believed that here something like fainting was considered a crime in Instead of a misfortune, the difference compared to his previous school was such that it made him dizzy.

How many things would go wrong for him if he didn't know Misaki's customs? He felt that the answer would be terrifying, he promised himself to be more careful with his actions from now on. He handed Midory over to Sunimi and still keeping up the charade he told the raven that if he needed help he would go get him.

The girl just waved him off with a stiff smile.

When the boy left, he could only sigh in annoyance.

"It stresses me out to think that someone so weird talks to me, I'll stay away from him, he sure brings me problems" Sunimi thought, misplaying Byron's actions, who in his right mind would worry about someone he barely knew, that way of being so open It worried him, he didn't want his friend to end up in trouble for someone like him.

Byron had the same thoughts, only directed at the people who lived here, why were they all so weird, they had such a different idea of ​​how to deal with each other, almost like they hated each other, he promised himself not to easily trust each other. the people around him until he got to know them deeply.

Sunimi stayed behind to take care of Midory and Byron returned to class deep in thought.

Over time blue eyes widened in confusion before muttering softly.

"Where I am?"

"I'm glad you woke up! I was worried about you!" She answered the black-haired girl with a happy tone, she knew that whatever Midory had was nothing serious, just exaggerations of the foreign boy.

Sunimi's pleasant smile slightly stunned the confused blonde who felt her weak body and had fuzzy memories.

Shortly after recovering her lucidity, her face turned white for a moment, the new boy had created fire from her hands, had she dreamed that? She remembered being attacked by him, and those eyes just looked sad, as if she had made a mistake, Midory's lost look made Sunimi worry.

"Could it be that that guy did something to Midory? If he did, I won't hesitate to go look for him and make him suffer" the red-eyed girl thought to herself, controlling her sudden anger, although their relationship is not the best, they were still friends , that meant that he would care about her and help her in any way he could.

Midory felt that there was something strange in the whole situation and hanging around her resources only made her dizzy, she came to the conclusion that although she was upset and afraid for Howard, she should talk to him, of course if she wanted to know what had happened or if it was a dream what he remembered.

She wouldn't be surprised if it was a dream, it wasn't the first time she remembered things that never happened.

"Lights don't come out of nowhere," she whispered to herself. It was a recurring dream she had a month ago, of a shadow wearing a mask, creating lights out of nowhere and moving them in a magical dance.

It was a confusing and wonderful dream at the same time, she felt that that figure would not hurt her and the few times that she turned to see her, she made her feel safe.

Midory came to her senses hearing her voice call out to her repeatedly, she turned to see her friend worried about her. She smiled wanting to reassure her

"What time is it? *" Midory asked with a teasing tone, it was her way of diverting Sunimi's attention.

"All four for you, silly, why do you ask me that question when I care about you? You're insufferable" Sunimi grimaced at Midory who, amused, only laughed.

Both girls spent some time chatting about what happened, without Midory telling the real reason for her fainting. Even if she told her, she wouldn't believe it and she wasn't even sure it really happened, the only thing she was sure of was that she wanted to talk to Howard, although she preferred not to tell her friend that, just mentioning it made her show her displeasure towards him. and mentioned how rare it was.

Midory admitted that Byron did not think like her or have the same habits, but she found it funny and even striking that this boy was so different from the others, it gave her more confidence than her native friends.

Midory nodded agreeing with Sunimi about her insults towards the new boy resting on her lap again, neither wanted to go back to class, they didn't want to be scolded for doing nothing the rest of the hour, they preferred to miss and then ask someone for guidance , at least Sunimi would do it, Midory would later ask her for help with that.

Both talked for a while about how the day was, avoiding Byron and the fainting, they concluded that it was something strange, therefore unimportant. Just when they were talking about whether they should run away from the school because they were bored, they heard the dismissal bell.

They smiled at each other and got up, it was time to go home.

When both girls walked towards the stairs, a shadow that was hidden moved away from the place mixing with the group of students on the second floor.

* When Midory asks Sunimi what time it is and Sunimi replies that it is four o'clock, it is a cultural joke, in Japan 4 is a number of bad luck or related to death, when asking the time, Midory wanted to joke about how Sunimi felt and saying 4 o'clock was both an insult and a reminder that she was worried.

I must clarify that I invented that joke remembering what I studied about Japan and its culture. In real life I don't know if there is such an interaction or if the Japanese joke like that.

Next chapter: A day in Misaki.