
Midory And The Holy Relics

Midory Sakaguchi, bearer of a holy relic, is forced to fight against the corruption of her city in order to prevent her leaders' attempts to provoke a third world war. Her companions and her peers will join her in a fight to stop criminal terrorist gangs and dangerous religious cults that bring chaos to the citizens, and to achieve this the young woman must give up her life as a normal girl to become what she wants to destroy. "If I have to be like them to win, then I'll become a demon"

Santiago_Tellez · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter V: A day in Misaki

Leaving the High-ranking Institute, Misaki, District B.

The dismissal time at the Misaki High-grade institution was 5:30 pm, most of the students spent the day inside the institute, and although his time at home was restricted, he helped the families to work without worrying. , that was one of the advantages of the institute.

The students headed home chatting and laughing, some indifferently continued on their way while others met with friends, Midory and Sunimi conversed pleasantly just a few steps from the entrance gate.

The mind of the blonde hair was in two moments in particular, when she talked to Byron and when she fainted, those two scenes got in the way of her judgment making it difficult for her to decide what to do, the image of the red-haired boy made her nervous.

Midory took a general look looking for him, but she was disappointed not to see him, her unhappy look was noticed by Sunimi who caught her attention to continue talking.

Midory's thoughtful stance made Sunimi draw her own conclusions from her, the black-haired thought her friend was thinking about what happened on the roof and she couldn't help but curse in her mind.

"Why did that boy have to come? I'm sure he did something to Midory and she doesn't want to tell me, but tomorrow I'll confront him and give him his spot" Sunimi's mind filled with satisfying scenarios of her scolding the new boy That brought a smile to her face.

Midory concluded that Byron had left after the event on the roof, therefore, she would not see him until tomorrow, that calmed her down a bit trying to think of other things.

At sunset with the fresh breeze of the air, both girls headed to their neighborhood, the streets began to fill with gardens, houses, the voices of children playing and some cars passing by, the atmosphere was very comfortable.

Between the sea of ​​thoughts and memories of Midory, she remembered something important that she had to do, her mother would not arrive early, Yoko would surely not be at home, that meant that she would have to cook, but at home there was not what she wanted to buy, she had to Go to the centre.

A chill ran through her body.

"Sunimi, I'm leaving, I have to meet my sister, see you" Midory said nervously and walked quickly away from her friend, Sunimi barely had time to react before dismissing her with a wave of her hand.

"She once again left without me" thought the disappointed girl, after a while she continued on her way.

She wasn't so excited about her return to her home, however, greeting her neighbors and smiling at the feeling the day gave her made her barely remember why she was sad.

Arriving home, Sunimi heard noises of laughter in her sister's room, her mother was smoking in the living room.

"Visitors?" I ask how to greet, her parent looked at her with a tired smile before nodding.

"Midory's sister came to visit him, they've been like this since 4 o'clock" the woman commented casually turning her attention to the papers on the table.

Sunimi's look of surprise was covered with sadness, she clasped her hands resentfully and walking to her room, she could still remember Midory's words echoing in her mind.

Misaki center, district A, shopping area.

District A was known as the area of ​​business and circulation of goods, it was located in the center of the city, surrounded by two rivers that flow into the ocean, everything you needed to buy was found there, people came to this area with fear when they went shopping, crime in the city was not very controlled, from time to time robberies happened.

The only safe places in District A were the entertainment areas, casinos, bars and betting houses, in those areas they rarely robbed, but it wasn't a good place to be either, there was a lot of danger if you weren't careful.

The few cafeterias in the place were full, some individuals watched the movement of people with an indifferent look and chatting among themselves, a semi-curpulent man was sitting outside the establishment at one of the tables, drinking a cup of coffee, watching from time to time I would go out looking for something, then go back to reading the newspaper.

"A conflict with Korea can save Japan from the crisis? What they want is to cause a third world war" thought the man with a serious look, his eyes deviated from the paper examining the people's gestures.

With his senses he could know who was nervous, safe, worried, happy or sad, it was so easy that he could do it while thinking, at that moment a girl was passing by the shops, he would have ignored her but he could see the fear and nervousness in her, he denied With his head thinking that she must be lost, attentive in case the girl needed help and looking at the clock of the establishment, the man waited for his companion.

He was already late.

A blonde-haired girl observed the products of the area looking for the ingredients that were missing, her body was tense and from time to time she looked around full of people, she felt that they were watching her from time to time.

Just finished shopping she almost dropped her things when she heard the voices of two girls her age scared out of an alley, some people came to help them while the rest just gave some comments and looks before leaving.

Midory's body was even more tense and it seemed like she could fall at any moment, a sense of urgency surging through her body.

"He is the third in the day" commented a man

"He has improved compared to other days" said his companion

"Poor girls, I hope and the scare is not so serious" spoke an old woman praying to a figure in her hand.

Midory gulped as she continued on her way, her body feeling heavy and her senses alert, out of the corner of her eye she watched as the girls received some money from the people before leaving hugging each other, she knew how dangerous downtown was. the city, not even accompanied would be safe, it was better if she went alone, it would reduce the victims of assaults.

An image arose in her mind, that managed to calm her down a bit, she preferred not to say anything Sunimi, she knew he would come with her and did not want to expose her, that feeling of protection arose whenever she thought of the people she loved, it gave her security and encouragement. continue.

Midory, who was immersed in her world for the first time since she'd arrived downtown, didn't notice that the sidewalk had ended and she was entering the driveway. The burly man realized immediately and ran from her place to help her, at that moment a car honked its horn loudly warning and tried to stop, Midory looked aside with a pale face and fear in her expressions. she.

"I won't be on time" that thought caused her body to form a sudden impulse, her pupils dilated, but she quickly recovered. With a grip on the girl's waist and a skid on the sidewalk in front, the man dodged the hit of the car with a body on his back feeling good for a moment.

Two figures walking through an alley stopped when they felt something around them, the environment had been disturbed by an external force, with a look they understood each other and ran towards the origin of the feeling.

People stared at the stunned scene, some congratulated the man for his feat and while he was saying goodbye to them, Midory looked towards a fixed point in a trance.

The feeling of almost dying, the memories of the event and her trembling body did not let the girl think that she had fallen prey to her instincts.

People after a few seconds had stopped paying attention to what happened, Midory gradually regained consciousness and the man dismissed a group that chatted with him for a moment.

A chill, followed by a stomach ache made Midory cringe in place of her, it was a bad feeling, but this one was even worse than before, her eyes looked around her with pupils dilated.

People vanished into thin air, the landscape around them changed to that of any alley in the city, but something dangerous was stalking them.

The man understood the situation and looked at her side making sure the girl was fine, her face contracted when he noticed signs of panic in the young woman, she saw him terrified, and the man gave her a deep look conveying confidence .

Footsteps could be heard from a corner of the alley and two figures appeared, both with their faces covered and a look that denoted danger.

Next chapter: Confrontation to death.