
Microscopic Leviathan

Jolande, a 16-year-old girl, has made a discovery, and she is the only one who knows how to stop it. She is on a life changing experience, and science is her only way through. She intended to go to Shaolin Temple for a cure and to practice kung fu. Furthermore, she gains strength and encounters tougher hurdles as she trains. Join discord server: https://discord.gg/ZzjrZcRcFG - active

CorruptMorde · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

The Monastery

They enter the temple, and it feels like something they've never felt before, the interior is marvellous, the cells, the pillars, and the area where they train can't be described. After they had a quick tour, they started learning about what they're doing here and everything they need to know.

Sarah looked for a monk she was in touch with before leaving Germany, Xiao Long, about 60 years in age, who has been training for 20 years, and all his students will always make positive feedback when asked about his training, they describe the temple as a 'beast factory', this is a very apty name. Sarah had explained how they should greet, they first say "Ni hào", which is hello in Chinese, and slightly bow their heads.

Sarah and the others met up with Xiao Long, greeted him and started talking, they eventually got to the point talking about the 'leviathan' inside Jolande. Mr. Xiao Long wasn't surprised at all, because this isn't the first time he learnt about it, and luckily, he had the best solution for it. He said, "A Spanish woman was here before you for the same reason, we didn't know what to do, but then we solved the problem, you don't feel temperatures don't you?", Jolande was relieved, she said, "No I don't, it's been like this for two weeks now".

About 7 o'clock, one hour after arrival in the temple, they were given clothes, daily-use-items and places to sleep. Their first day was kind of horrible; they were trained by one of the leader warrior monks under the hot sun in 30 degrees Celsius for five to seven hours. It's been going for a week, and only Heid kept up without getting tired, the rest were out of breath.

After the week passed, Xiao Long asked Jolande to meet him in the training area at 5 o'clock that day. Mr. Xiao Long talked to her, and asked her to bring the slide with the microscope she brought. As it turns out, Xiao Long wasn't only a monk, he studied microbiology and martial arts in this temple for twenty years.

Jolande was slowly loosing sense in her limbs, she still had time to do something if she could. She explained how she lost sense in her limbs because of the organism, and she said, "Now I'm slowly losing sense in my limbs, what should I do?". He didn't say much, he only grabbed her neck and rapidly hit her with the edge of his hand, and Jolande fell on the ground, knocked out for seven minutes.

When she woke up, she only remembered that Xiao Long didn't hurt her at all, but she fainted without even realizing that she did. Xiao Long explained how this technique worked.

"I first breathe calmly when I'm sitting to generate Lián in my blood, seconds afterwards, I rapidly performed a Sendo Lián - horse stance, single whip, thrusting fist, and hit your neck.".

Jolande was so amazed, and she thought, "HAMON IN REAL LIFE? Wait, it can't be!" and asked Xiao Long about why he didn't do this from the beginning. "When you train in the Monastery, your bones, especially your vertebra in your cervix increase in length, making it easier to hit your spine, so you're more vulnerable the first week, especially for a girl as slim as you. I took this opportunity to hit your spine, sending Jiǒng-Lián along it, killing the organism"

Jolande was so grateful, "Xièxiè shīfu" [Thanks, master] and Mr. Xiao Long smiled. Jolande went back to the room she sleeps in and wook out her iPAQ, searched for "Hamon in real-life" and found very appealing articles. Hamon, is a breathing technique in JoJo's bizarre adventure - Hamon was inspired by the techniques used in Chinese martial arts but with more fiction added to it - you can't control water or ripples, but it's real.

Jolande tried to translate 'ripple' into Mandarin, and it translates to ''Lián'. She was very impressed, "Hamon is finally real, I can't believe that". She introduced the idea to Heid, because she also read JoJo manga, but Heid prefers to call it 'Lián' because it has a few differences from Hamon.

Later that day, Sarah went to talk to Mr. Xiao Long and tried operating the microscope to know what is hidden in the organism. Jolande didn't bring a suitable set of lens, so they had to view the organism on 20x magnification; they can't add more because the magnification of the lenses doesn't match with their size, and a magnified picture is useless when it's not clear.

From what they saw, the organism isn't unicellular, it looks more like a dragon with its long tail and doesn't show any sign of living outside the spine, inside the spine, it grows from 1/90 of a millimetre up to one meter and stays the width of 1/100 millimetre. It destroys the neurons if left inside for too long.

They kept training all these days and had a rest in the last five days, to observe the beauty of the place and night sky. Draconid meteor shower was active that time, and it lit up the sky increasing thrill. Jolande asks Mr. Xiao Long, "Master, who created all this night sky?", apparently, Mr. Xiao Long didn't have a good answer, "Who knows...".

They departed on the sixth of October, "Farewell my students..." Xiao Long said when they were leaving the temple, the squad also said goodbye that day and went on their adventure. On the way, Jolande noticed that she had her senses back and was now willing to fight against Helga Sauer. The trip back home was just the same as the trip coming to the Monastery.

On the way to the airport, the bus encounters a problem, tires deflated, and they can't continue on. The bus driver called for help, but the nearest gas station is thirty kilometres away from their location, so they had to wait roughly thirty minutes till the help came. Leoni was caught short and had to pee immediately, so she went somewhere far from the bus and started peeing.

She took seven minutes, which made the others worry because it's just a pee. Jolande confronted them and told them that she takes seven minutes every time she goes to the toilet, so they waited for her to come back. She didn't come, so Jolande went to investigate what happened, without letting her guard down.

She noticed that there were two darts on the ground which were labelled 'Anaesthesia', she knew how bad the shooter was because he missed two shots on a stationary girl. Furthermore, she tried to know where Leoni was at now by calling her satellite phone, but she heard a ringtone nearby, just five meters away from her to the right, she knew the exact distance of the phone from her when she was ringing without hearing the ringtone, and she found Leoni's items scattered on the ground.

She suddenly sensed something approaching her from the back, she quickly turned around and caught it with two fingers, it's anaesthesia darts! She kept dodging the bullets, she also knew the source of firing as well.

At a distance, she spotted two people with masks and Leoni held hostage with them, the final bullet they fired was holding a note with a phone number on it. She immediately headed back to the bus, unfortunately, the help arrived, and now they're ready to go and no time to save Leoni.

Jolande says, "I don't know, but it's like I developed a sixth sense, how did I know where the phone was exactly?". Heid and Sarah suggested that she might now be more sensitive to waves, sound waves or light waves; phones emit radio waves and microwaves to communicate together, and darts emit sound waves when they travel in air.

She thought that the organism inside her didn't die but modified into the better, she now can sense waves of any type including gravitational waves, and Sarah confirmed it, she was sure because she inspected the slide with Xiao Long - "The organism's coordinating system is very sensitive to waves and as a result, you can now sense waves, who knows what else you can do... I knew, although the lens weren't even clear."

The three, unmount the bus to immediately track down the kidnappers and retrieve Leoni back. Jolande was in the front because of her senses, she called the phone number on the dart and followed the source of sound and radio waves - her phone also emitted radio waves, but not directly to the other phone. Waves travel from her phone to the nearest towel cell, back to the other phone.

The two kidnappers appear to be two teachers from her school, "What a shame... I never expected you to be this coward". Jolande suddenly hits them with Lián saying "Sendo Hamon!". It produced so much energy it shocked them to death, which gave Jolande an opportunity to check all their items, phones, wallets in order to know who's with Helga in the 'Organisation'.

"This all must be a work of an organisation, which I suspect my school and Helga to be cooperating". She checked the most recent messages on one's phone, and browsed to see the name 'Edmund' lying there.




-- 1 OCT --





Jolande was feeling strange, her school teachers are in an organisation, but it explained everything...

"Come here little girl Leoni, let's go back to the bus, they're waiting" Jolande said, "Who's waiting?" Leoni replied. Jolande's answer was passionate, "The bus and the fatherland Germany!". Leoni looked at her and smiled.

Sarah and the others went back to the bus and were on their way to the airport back to Germany. The flight would take seventeen hours rather than twenty four.

An hour passed, and they already boarded. Leoni noticed that one of the flight attendants disappeared, and a new one appeared out of nowhere. She was wearing the same name tag and clothing which made the things more suspicious.

To Be Continued
