
Microscopic Leviathan

Jolande, a 16-year-old girl, has made a discovery, and she is the only one who knows how to stop it. She is on a life changing experience, and science is her only way through. She intended to go to Shaolin Temple for a cure and to practice kung fu. Furthermore, she gains strength and encounters tougher hurdles as she trains. Join discord server: https://discord.gg/ZzjrZcRcFG - active

CorruptMorde · Sci-fi
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20 Chs

Hamon is real

Heid ran to the imposter and lured her into the back of the plane, and the fight started. As it appears, the impostor is not a match to Heid, who trained in the Shaolin Monastery for a month. She fell on the ground and Heid started investigating what's this all about, "You already know! You are already dead!".

Heid: What do you mean? You already lost the fight, now tell me what's this all about!

Hostess: Hehehe, the pilot's already knocked out and there is no way of you bringing his consciousness back!

Heid: As if I care, now tell me!

Hostess: We're dying anyway, so I think it's safe to tell you what's happening...

Heid saw a shuriken flying in the air towards the hostess and she rapidly dodged. The shuriken killed her without continuing on with her story.

It was Jolande who threw the shuriken, Heid was amazed saying, "How did you bring this to the plane??", Jolande replied, "It's Hamon! I am able to ruin the metal detectors in the airport". Heid said, "Why didn't you let her continue on speaking?".

Jolande told her that if anyone knew anything about it they'll die, Heid didn't quiet get how Jolande knew and didn't die. Jolande showed her the messages on her teacher's phone without saying a word.

"Oh no! Head to the cockpit! Pilots are knocked out!" Heid shouted, they both head to the cockpit and find the door opened. They both sent Lián through the pilot's heads, bringing their consciousness back on time. Sarah was asleep so was Leoni, they didn't know what was happening, but Jolande made sure to tell them upon arrival.

They were all back home in Germany and they told their families the tale they went through. Leoni, stayed with her mother all day-long talking about her experience. She asked her mother, "Where is dad? He's been away for a year now and we rarely contact". Her mother was speechless, "Your father is suffering from very bad health conditions, because of car accident as well, his leg is being treated but his neurons... He is loosing neurons and senses slowly and doctors don't know why".

Leoni suddenly remembered that Jolande had the same symptoms and she knew how to cure him. Leoni herself didn't learn Lián because she wasn't productive in the temple, so instead, she called Jolande to the hospital where her father is at and they met there.

Leoni begged Jolande to send Lián through her father and Jolande accepted. "horse stance, single whip, thrusting fist, and hit your neck" and cured Leoni's father. He didn't lose his a lot of neurons yet, but he wasn't able to feel temperatures or have a good sense in his limbs, but he was still grateful to her, and he didn't know how to thank her.

Everyone went back home, and Jolande kept thinking of her future and school. After quite some time, she decided to leave for her safety and future, but she didn't know where and what to do alone without a real budget at hand.

She didn't have a stable idea in mind, she was not sure whether she should leave her school or not, so she asked Sarah for help. Sarah suggested that she leaves Germany and continues in a school in Sweden. But why Sweden? Sarah has a house in Sweden and knows a few people there, she also suggested that she goes alongside Jolande to Sweden and continue school there.

First, the two needed the parent's approval, and it came out positive - Jolande's parents accepted. Sarah booked the flights, and they both were ready to go. Jolande needed this to happen because she had to continue education in a safer place, to ensure this, they never told anyone their final destination, nor any exact timing.

In hours, they will arrive at Stockholm, Sweden. There are English schools so they both didn't need to worry about learning Swedish, and Sarah already has a job so she can afford money. But they still needed the language for everyday life, and luckily swedish is close to German and even easier

After two days of arrival, Sarah was looking for a school for Jolande, English schools are not free unlike Swedish schools there. Sarah was finally able to find a school there, which offered education in English with good prices, and because Jolande is a high-school gymnasium student, she was payed by the government.

Jolande's first day in school after she missed nearly one month of education, but it didn't matter. Jolande is very special, even without studying, she achieved good marks even without studying. This made teachers suspicious about her till they learnt more about.

Jolande was living there away from her family, for three years. Jolande describes her new life as better and more interesting than what she was in, she talked to her old friends very often, met new people who are introverts too, and like the same things she does.

Time passed and they lived like this for half a year now, and they did miss Germany. It was July and comes the summer vacation, Jolande travelled back to Germany with Sarah, and told their experience to their family and friends, "It's really unique to live a new life, and meet new people in a completely new place. Of course I miss my old friends".

Jolande arranged a meeting with her friends, and they all met in a café near her house. Emi, Ilse, Leoni and Heid, they all greeted her, hug her, and chatted. Heid informed Jolande about some updates she needed to know, "It turns out that this is all arranged by an organisation of minions of Helga Sauer, I know nothing about that woman not even her face. This is all I got".

Leoni says, "I think I know something about her, I had an amulet I took from my father's safe, it had a photo, a slide and a flash memory. I don't know where it is now". Jolande ended the conversation immediately and told them to meet again at Sarah's house next week.

A week passed and the squad met at Sarah's house. Leoni discussed about the amulet and asked where was it, Jolande wasn't very sure how to say that she borrowed it without her permission, but she tried, "I found this in my bag! Where did they come from? Probably in the sleepover, the amulet fell into my bag". Leoni was a little convinced and they started talking about Helga. Only Jolande knew something about her, but she isn't willing to share any information, Jolande was targeted because of this and she couldn't afford to risk her friends' lives.

Sarah knew something about Helga as well, "You've never seen her real face, she is single, she is a genetic engineer and she never left a trace of her identity". This information might be useless but it's not - it helps a lot to know about the person you're dealing with.

Jolande took out the two phones from her teachers and looked into them, she found some very interesting information about Helga... As Jolande browsed the pictures in the phone she noticed that Helga's jawline doesn't change in all pictures, which made it easier to know who Helga is. Another piece of info she found is the notes in the phone, she found some secret notes dating back to 1999: [PILOT KILLED AND THROWN IN RIVER, HIS BODY WAS DEPRIVED FROM HIS ORGANS AND SOLD TO THE BLACK MARKET].

She saw the same message repeating again and again with names of people who were reported missing that time and their body was never found. She estimated that in the last four years, they made at least 200 million dollars, killing 4,000 people worldwide, draining their organs and throwing their bodies away, in sewers, in rivers, burning it, or feeding wild animals.

Leoni wasn't interested in Lián, because it requires so much stamina, work and training. Lián uses very high frequency waves, and vibrations, you change a lot of properties of anything when you apply Lián. When applying Lián to an human heart, the heart stops functioning and fails to beat killing them instantly before realising it.

Lián also affects objects like metal detectors, making them emit waves away from the metal. Lián could also affect water modifying its physical properties - surface tension, movement, etc... Lián is a skill that must be learnt by everyone, but not everyone can keep up with the training and requirements. Only Heid, Jolande and Sarah learnt Lián in Germany, or at least, in Aachen, Sarah didn't master Lián, but she can produce something enough to hurt someone.

Lián won't just benefit them in cases like this, but it also makes it's users find inner peace and reduce stress by a lot, Jolande needed to learn Lián for this reason. Helga is against Lián for a reason, it kills the organism she made and spread which isn't at her side.

Jolande finished the meeting and headed to a nearby library. She looked for books tagged 'Neurons', 'Crimes', and 'Chinese'. She found a book briefly explaining neurons and their functions. She understood that neurons may regenerate after time, and neurons work not by electricity that flows in wires, but instead by movements of Na+1 ions in the neuron, which produces a very small voltage.

Neurons might make a short circuit as well, which causes problems in the body as it would do with a normal wire and a circuit. Jolande suddenly sensed someone approaching from her back, but she didn't look at it, instead, she pretended to ignore it... She closed the book and stood up, heading to the storage room. She entered a dark room, where she can fight normally without anyone noticing.

After assuring she and who was following her were alone in the room, she lit the lit up, and grabbed whoever was tracking her and threw them against the wall. She noticed that his one was a guy after his mask fell. She didn't kill him but she tried to ask him what's all this about, and he never gave a good question so she killed him. She checked his phone to see what's new this time:




She wasn't surprised, this is like the fifth time she saw messages of tracking her down. She tried and looked into the biography of this person, he wasn't a nice guy after all - he bullied people for no apparent reason, he killed snails with salt, and he wasn't cultured at all. He also aided in destroying the economy and support available to people, this corruptor really shouldn't be alive.

Jolande continued on investigating, she looked at the book structure in searches for 'organisations'. She didn't find pleasing articles but she saw an outline about organisations in Germany, there was at least one secret organisation in Germany over the past ten to twenty years. This organisation's goal might not be drugs or kidnap, but corruption and destruction.

Jolande wasn't satisfied with an organisation being after her, not even with the fact that her school teachers and principle are part of it. Jolande was willing to end this and stop the fear in people, so she started to learn more about Kung-fu, Lián, and Chinese martial arts and she read the books with tags 'China', she learnt a lot about their culture, new recipes, and new Chinese words.

She learnt new things and ways of living and forgot about something, the message... She didn't reply within ten minutes and suddenly, the capo's elites broke into the library. Two large men with a machete waiting outside the library. Jolande sensed them and immediately sent a text to the capo from that phone.



Jolande successfully escaped the fight and immediately headed back to Sarah's house and the organisation thought she was finished then. Jolande was back home, with her family, her mother missed her while she was away and sadly, she knows nothing about what's happening, Jolande traveled to Sweden without giving her a reason why, Jolande also kept most things secret from her family, including the fact that she is a Kung-fu master, reasons why she traveled, the organisation after her and other things as well.

To Be Continued
