
Microscopic Leviathan

Jolande, a 16-year-old girl, has made a discovery, and she is the only one who knows how to stop it. She is on a life changing experience, and science is her only way through. She intended to go to Shaolin Temple for a cure and to practice kung fu. Furthermore, she gains strength and encounters tougher hurdles as she trains. Join discord server: https://discord.gg/ZzjrZcRcFG - active

CorruptMorde · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Platinum sphere 1

Jolande and Sarah lived at Adolf's house till January, and nothing out of ordinary happened. It was peaceful, and no one was after Jolande, she woke up, did her routine, went to school then back home, did her routine and slept. Nothing out of ordinary...

During January 2006, NASA published an article on their website about launching New Horizons probe successfully into space, "The rocket fuel is the element hydrogen, when it combusts, it produces a lot of energy that it's used in hydrogen bombs. It produces water vapour...", Jolande found it interesting and continued on reading, Sarah interrupted her saying, "If the hydrogen is in space, how is it combusting? Isn't there oxygen for it to burn?", Jolande was quiet for a moment until she thought of it, "Ah, they use hydrogen peroxide, it works an oxygen source when it's mixed with silver". Sarah said, "When was the last time we were followed? What happened to Helga? I don't feel comfortable...", Jolande agreed and suggested, "She might think we're dead already, how am I supposed to know?".

Jolande posted a funny comment on the article, "If we colonize mars, will we call the currency 'Starbucks'?". After one hour, she received a comment, "Jolande is still alive" from an anonymous person, which made her feel so scared, is it Helga again? She immediately told Sarah and Adolf about what's happening, "Could she be still after you?" Adolf said, "You utter fool! She now knows you're alive! Why is she even browsing NASA's page???" Sarah replied.

"I'm sure she doesn't know where we are now, delete the comment like a flash!" Adolf said, Helga might track down their IP address this way. "This is bad! We need a VPN!" Sarah suggested, so they hide their real location from trackers and websites. VPNs aren't free, you must subscribe, and Sarah didn't want to, but she had to. Sarah found one VPN provider in Stockholm, Sweden, and heads to the office there with Adolf and Jolande.

Sarah asked to see the manager, but the two guards refused, "I know who will make you accept" Adolf said, and picked up his 20 volts taser, "How about now?". Guards still refused, so Adolf had to shock them, "See now? What about now?". Guards still refused, and Jolande had the best solution, she said "Fall!" and kicked both guards letting them fall on the ground. Nothing is blocking their way, and they went to see the manager, he was stubborn, Adolf said, "Listen there mate, if you don't give us a free subscription for a year we'll have to convince you the other way, torture, that is", and he still refused...

Adolf shocked him, "Is this changing your mind? AC current 'hertz' doesn't it?", Adolf threw a funny joke there, which made Jolande laugh even more. The manager didn't change his mind so they had to do it the other way, "I'm sure you have internal burnt tissues now, but I'll make sure to remove all your nails". The manager said, "I can't give you a subscription, but here, take this Mastercard, there is something like 200 Krona in it, I'll refill it everyday to make sure your subscription doesn't run out. PLEASE SPARE ME!". Sarah said, "Thank you, if you try calling the police, we'll kill all your children", "How did you know I had children???" the manager said, Jolande replied, "It's your picture here, there is a woman and children, duh".

They didn't know his house' location, but they threatened him anyway, it was successful! Now Jolande activates the VPN on all devices of the three, Sarah Adolf and hers. "We're safe! But where is our virtual location going to be?" Jolande said, "In Sweden, north from Stockholm". The three went back home, after obtaining a VPN subscription, they're safe now. Sarah, out of no where, asks Jolande, "What's the deal with bathing in boiled vegetable water?", "Glad you asked, vegetable water is very healthy and helpful for the skin and inside the body, when it's absorbed by the skin, it acts on the body", Sarah had more questions but she didn't ask yet.

Edmund, Jolande's former principle, discovered that Jolande is alive in Sweden from that comment, and went to inform Helga about all this. Helga didn't understand what he was talking about, "Olivia brought me their heads and burnt them infront of me, cut the bullshit and go back to work". Edmund wasn't satisfied, he wanted to proof that Jolande is living in Sweden now, so he tries to track down her location from her comment. Edmund doesn't know how, so he hires a professional person for this job, he brought Leoni, the famous girl for being a computer geek, at the same time, Jolande's best friend. Edmund knew that she wouldn't snitch Jolande's location or even try to find it out, so he promised to give her something, "Here Leoni, this is a spherical platinum alloy, it might behave strangely sometimes". Leoni asked him, "What's so special about it?", Edmund replied, "Platinum is one of the rarest elements, this ball holds mysterious power", Leoni stopped thinking, she must get this thing from Edmund, while keeping Jolande safe in Sweden, "I refuse to tell you, even if she was alive". Edmund didn't get the "if she was alive" part of her speech, "Is she dead or am I hallucinating?" he thought to himself...

Leoni went back home and texted Jolande telling her about what happened earlier this day, "Edmund literally offered me an overpowered platinum sphere, I had to refuse to keep you alive", Jolande was afraid of repeating the same mistake, she went to Sarah and suggested that they block these people, "It's useless, there are people we don't know about in this organisation after us, I suppose we change our identities", Jolande agreed, she changed her Facebook's name , she is now 'Jolyne Baumer', she is named as if she is a member of Adolf's family. Sarah changed her name as well to 'Summer Baumer' and changed her status to 'Married'. Adolf notices this change in status and thinks that Sarah wants to marry, so he goes to her and asks, "Sarah, you're single aren't ya?"

Sarah: Yes I am.

Adolf: Likewise, are you willing to marry someone?

Sarah: No, you?

Adolf: Maybe, you know, you're single as well, how about...

Sarah: Marry me?

Adolf: YES!

Sarah: Really? This is not the right time to discuss marriage...

Adolf stopped thinking, he was disappointed, he thought she loved him, but no, it was just a way to repel the organisation from her... How hard it was for him to hear her say no? "It 'hertz', doesn't it?" Jolande said. Adolf looked at her and asked her, "Why did she say that? Give me some tips, you're a girl as well, no one understands women's minds!". Jolande smiled and gave him some tips to grab her attention, "First, change your Greek philosopher hair cut", "Really? That simple?" Adolf replied, "No, you still have to do other things as well", Jolande continued talking...

Jolande finishes the conversation and investigates what that mysterious platinum sphere is, she asks Sarah, Adolf and the internet but doesn't find any clue. What is this platinum sphere doing? The same question kept repeating in Jolande's mind, she doesn't find an answer...

Jolande later receives a chat from Heid, "What's up Jolande!", Jolande replied to the text and started a conversation,

Jolande: Oh hey Heid, what's new?

Heid: Nothing much, btw why is ur name Jolyne Baumers?

Jolande explained the story to her briefly...

Heid: I see, by the way, what's the deal? I thought I knew everything that's happening to you, but turns out I don't!

Jolande: What did you know?

Heid: I thought that teachers were criminals, but this isn't all what's happening...

Jolande: I'm glad u don't know nothing, because u will die.

Heid didn't get Jolande's point, but she listened to her anyway. Leoni texted her as well, "What's the deal? Why are teachers after you like this? Bruh",

Jolande: What do you think?

Leoni: ur shit aunt, she flipped everything, right?

Jolande: So glad u don't know...

Jolande talked to her about other things, but when she finished, she asked Sarah what she knows, "I only know Helga is an organisation head chief, and she made an organism". Jolande was relieved no one knows anything. Jolande thinks, "I know what no one has to know, I know a lot about Helga, her organisation and the organism she made...".

Jolande went to sleep afterwards... She had a strange dream, she was being tortured by someone she doesn't know, she was abused and harassed, she can't do anything, not even move, but to be tortured while sleeping... The last scene of her dream was seeing the people she killed, throwing her from a very tall building, she kept falling for 20 seconds, without even realising it's a dream! Jolande suddenly woke up screaming and jumping out of her bed, Sarah woke up from the scream and ran to Jolande's room, "What is it you idiot? You woke me up suddenly!", Jolande's mind went blank for seconds, "But how? I was falling, raindrops, a beetle, what?" Jolande was mumbling. "Go back to sleep damn it, I can't now...".

Sarah goes back to her bed and tries to sleep, "Ugh I lost it", she can't go back to sleep now. She tries going to Adolf's room and see if he's sleeping, "What do you want?" Adolf said in a very sleepy tone, Sarah said, "Is there space for me in the bed?", Adolf reacted, "Of course, get in and sleep", which made Sarah changed her mind about marriage...

Jolande is in her room, trying to understand her dream, she was tortured by those she killed, and lastly thrown from a tall building, Jolande didn't mind and went back to sleep. Her next dream was her being killed with a pencil in a library, from the same person she killed there, she can't move, and she's feeling the effects, "Very deep!" was her last sentence to her killer before she woke up. She still feels the pain, but there are no pores or stabs on her body, she can't walk and she barely breathes. "I'm not sleeping, no I'm not" Jolande's thoughts were skipping this night's sleep, she went to the couch, turned on the television, and started watching TV. Jolande slowly slept, and suddenly woke up in her dreams, "I'm wondering what's it this time...". Jolande felt that she is shrinking, she was shrinking till she became the size of a bacterium.

"Oh no, what can I do now? How will I die?" Jolande said before a small drop of acid fell on her, "WHY THE FUCK DOESN'T ADOLF SHOWER AFTER USING THE LAB??" was her last sentence before being corroded by that drop...

She woke up, feeling pain on her skin as if they were burnt, "What's new? Why do I feel pain from dreaming? And why did all my dreams suddenly turn into nightmares?". Jolande didn't sleep that day, missing 5 hours of sleep leaving her with 2 hours of sleep, she couldn't keep up during the day. She went to school, full of pain, and tired. Jolande slept at school by accident, her dream this time was hearing a guy with a plague-doctor mask saying, "I took care of 5 hearts already, Jolande Evi, you're next!". "This guy is literally taking away my heart, I don't know what will happen if I don't wake up somehow!". In the same dream, a girl's sound arose from a distance saying, "Jolande, did you sleep? What's happening? Wake up!", it's her teacher, is Jolande now in trouble or out of trouble?

"Oh thank you teacher for waking me up!" Jolande said, her teacher replied "Don't ever sleep again" giving her a pat on the back, Jolande suddenly screamed loudly, because at that exact spot, a chunk of flesh was removed in her dream, the teacher gave her a strange look because it was a pat not a slap...

Jolande finally finished school and went back home. She tried understanding what's it this time, is it Helga's work? Or someone else's? Jolande was can't figure it out, and out of boredom, she gave out Lián to random objects at Adolf's house, she tried on a glass cup, but she can't produce Lián, not even a little, "Did I forget or what? It can't be wtf!", Jolande's thought was stuck between not being able to produce or she forgot, but she can't forget something like this, she can't forget how to breath and circulate her blood.

Jolande looked for Sarah everywhere at Adolf's house, but she only found a note saying, "We're busy out on a date, sorry I didn't tell you earlier, :>". Jolande was speechless, she is not having good night sleep, and she thinks she's going to die if this doesn't stop. Jolande was about to look for it on her iPAQ, but she couldn't find it, hence she called it. Jolande felt something weird, she didn't sense the waves at all! She returned back to the state of the organism developing in her, she doesn't know what to do now...

Jolande reviews what happened to her in the last week, "We left Germany after I dinned with Ilse in a restaurant, I boarded the plane and arrived at Sweden, we fought Olivia, and here I am now", after some thinking, Jolande thinks that it happened at restaurant she dinned at, "Could it be... I'll call Olivia quickly!". Jolande called Olivia to ask her if the restaurant she met Helga at is the same Jolande and Ilse dinned at.

Olivia: Hi JoJo, what's up?

Jolande: Hey Olivia, I called to ask you about something.

Olivia: Ask me, I may have the wisdom to answer.

Jolande: Which restaurant did you meet Helga at?

Olivia didn't know the exact name, but she remembered where it was, unfortunately, it matched the restaurant Jolande went to. Could Helga put another thing in her plated? Or the Lián Xiao Long sent expired?

Jolande thought she needed a dose of Lián, and the only one who knows Lián in Sweden is Olivia, so Jolande called her out. Olivia was busy then, Jolande had to wait for 3 hours, till Olivia came back. "Olivia! Before you apply Lián, please make sure to be as gentle as possible!", Jolande explained her case to Olivia, she described how she feels pain from dreams.

Jolande is ready to be injected with Lián in her spine, and the unexpected happened, she was paralyzed, "Jolande, are you okay? Move your fingers if you can! Did I hit a wrong spot?". Jolande could only move 2 fingers, and tries to send Olivia a message with Morse code, "Is this Morse code? Wait Jolande, do it again when I tell you". Jolande doesn't seem to remember Morse code, so Olivia put her phone with Morse code on it infront of Jolande. Olivia translated what Jolande said, "futmeinbed", "Put me on bed? A typo? Is this really what she wants to say? Maybe she'll get better, right? Shit". Olivia carries Jolande to her bed, she's in immense pain because Olivia is touching her.

Jolande is finally in her bed, she waits for 4 hours till she can move again, it's 19 o'clock, and Jolande could finally move again, "Olivia, thanks for trying to help but that made the matters worse, Lián is against me now, I think I have ingested something back in Germany", "Did Helga feed you something in case I don't kill you?".

Jolande is clueless, she feels pain every second and breathes hardly, she waited till Sarah is back to tell her what is happening, they have no clue about what's happening. Sarah suggested that she ingested another 'Leviathan', but this one has greater effect, she also thinks that this one ate the previous one, "Do you feel temperatures, JoJo?" Sarah asked, "Not sure if I feel temperatures, or do I?" Jolande answered, she isn't sure so she heads to try touching a hot boiling pot, she doesn't feel like burning, but she knew she touched something warmer than her hand. Is it going to happen again? This time Lián is useless...

Jolande is dying from the pain she feels, "It's killing me but I'm not dying! I feel as there is a hole in my torso but there isn't! I can't breathe well!". Jolande was so tired, she didn't sleep, she's afraid something worse happens... It can't be helped, she slept without realizing, and doesn't expect what to dream, "Okay what's it this time? Where am I?", in this dream, she can walk. She smelled a very beautiful smell, a flower? A cleaning product? She walks there to know what it is, and she sees a flower with a very strong and beautiful smell. She grabs the flower and the ground starts shaking, it's a large boulder following her from behind. "UGH I CAN'T RUN! There is a hole in my torso, and looks like bullets penetrated my body here and there. I can't breath, how can I run?".

Jolande sat down waiting for the boulder to smash all her bones... Jolande suddenly woke up, "It's 5 o'clock! Thank GOD! How did this happen? Am I this lucky?", if Jolande's bones were smashed, she wouldn't ever walk or move again. She isn't injured, no cuts, no bruises, no burns on her body, but she virtually sees injuries, a hole in her torso, chunks of flesh removed.

Jolande has to continue going to school, and forget about the virtual pain she is in. She went to school the next day and tried to avoid interacting with anyone, sitting all day in her desk without sleeping....

To Be Continued


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