
MHA : True Power of Telekinesis

A random dude died and got reincarnated into the world of MHA by the name of Izaya Kurogami, his quirk is telekinesis and find out how Izaya uses the true potential of his quirk to become the strongest, but will he become a hero or a villain Author's note:- this story is just my take on showing the limitless potential telekinesis have, I think MHA has not used the true potential of telekinesis in MHA world this ability is rarely used and is very weak, the MC will be OP, he will train and became OP, MC will use his previous life's knowledge to increase his powers, so please enjoy this fanfic Also I do not own My hero academia or any of it's characters

Omega200 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
55 Chs

Birth of a new Villain

<General POV>

The hero commission received an SOS, the SOS being that Tartarus has been broken in, and some villains are trying to take their comrade.

Without any delay, the commission quickly mobilized the heroes that were available in the area, in the group of the heroes were also the top three heroes which were All Might, Endeavor, and Hawks.

Hawks flew, All MIght jumped and Endeavor was in the police vehicle with the other heroes going towards Tartarus.

Soon the heroes reached the prison, they were glad to see that the guards are just unconscious and not dead but they were also worried to see the condition of the main prison gate.

"What type of quirk could do this" Endeavor asked

The gate is sturdy and it could even resist Endeavors blast, it was natural for him to be shocked.

"Maybe it's not a quirk, a bomb maybe," Hawks said

"Normal bombs won't work, what type of explosives did they bring here"

"I think we should head Inside," All Might said

"I will keep watch from the sky to block their escape route," Hawks said

Both Endeavor and All Might nodded and headed inside, what they saw inside was even more terrifying than the outside.

Every gate is destroyed, and the guards were knocked out, some were unconscious without any scratch while some were beaten badly.

"This way sir," one of the guards said

The guard took them in front of a closed door, some guards were trying to unlock the door but to no avail.

"they are inside" the guard said

"Please step back" All Might said

All Might then punched the door, the door got blasted away when the heroes got inside they saw a broken prison cell and cracked walls.

Besides the destruction, there is a blue portal in the middle of it and just outside the portal is a figure with black clothing and mask stood there.

"What did you do the prisoner" one of the guards asked

"I accomplished what I was here to do, we will meet again heroes" the villain said

"Do you think we will let you escape" Endeavor said

"I know but I will escape anyway"

The villain said and turned around to move to the portal when All Might and Endeavor rushed at him, the villain simply raised his hand and a repulsive force threw both of them.

Both heroes crashed onto the wall, both had a shocked look, feeling the power of the force released from the villain.

Both heroes looked at the departing villain, the villain is nearly inside and they knew they can't stop him from leaving, so they simply asked one question.

"Who are you," Endeavor asked

"I'm Pain, that's all"


[Breaking News]

[A Villain group broke into Tartarus and took their comrades, it's confirmed that the person they took was under special security by the hero commission]

This is the headline that made everyone silent in the entirety of Japan, Tartarus is supposed to be an impenetrable prison, but it was broken in, and no one was killed.

This proved the skill of the villain group, the power they possessed, but what the world didn't know is about their mysterious leader or the future leader, the one who All Might and Endeavor assumed to be their leader, Pain.

"I'm pain, that's all, is what he said" All Might said

All Might is currently having a meeting with Detective tsukauchi, Nezu, Gran Torino, and Nighteye.

"Do you think it could be him" Gran Torino asked

"No, he felt different, and his body built is also different from him"

"But the attack he used on you, the way you describe it, it sounds like his Air cannon quirk" Nighteye said

"No, Air cannon is a gust of wind, but his quirk was more like a repelling force"

"hm, so his quirk is repelling anything from him, as a magnet" tsukauchi said

"he could also have attraction" Nezu added

"let's assume he has a quirk that allows him to attract and repeal objects from him like a magnet, maybe that's the reason he was able to break the main gate of Tartarus, he simply repealed the gate"

"No, the guards saw him charging an energy beam to destroy the gate" Tsukauchi said

"so he may have two quirks" Gran Torino said

"There are chances that he might be working with him" Nighteye said

"We can't be too sure," All Might said fearing that his arch-nemesis is alive and well.


"What do you think about this sensei" Tomura spoke in front of a black screen

Tomura and kurogiri are currently in the league of villains hideout, and in front of them is a black screen with an 'AUDIO ONLY' written in white

"A Villain group that broke into Tartarus, it's interesting, this group has someone very intelligent leading them" AFO said

All for One didn't know that one of the villains have the power to push back All Might and Endeavor, the media didn't know about it, and if AFO did know about this villains power then he would be interested in getting his hands on the villains quirk rather then recruiting him.

"what should we do"

Tomura asked AFO, as the man-child he is, he doesn't have the patience and intelligence to form a plan, so he does everything by asking AFO.

"It's better to recruit them, their intelligence will be useful for us"

AFO, on the other hand, knew about this situation, he understood the usefulness of this new villain group, even AFO could not create a plan to break into Tartarus, but this new group did, and that interested him, so much so that he wanted to recruit them.

AFO, planned to use them as pawns and once their usefulness is over they will be disposed of, if they are a threat then he would dispose of them early and if they were to be useful and loyal to him, then he would let them live.

Thinking this a smile formed on All for One's face, he assumed his plan is perfect not knowing that he is playing into someone else's hand.

"Kurogiri, find everything about this group of villains" AFO added

"as you wish"

Kurogiri, the black mist man nodded and took out a phone to call someone.

I decided to use MC's villain name as Pain, Thanks to ImaginationGod who suggested this name in the earlier chapters, also I need names for the Villain Organization

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