

[Chapters uploaded back.] Everything that surrounds the light creates a deep darkness behind it. And darkness will teach what terror is. Survival in this terror is not the fate of fairy tale heroes, only those who embrace the darkness. Ikiru is a spirit chosen by the Creator. The Creator sends him to an alternate universe created for entertainment purposes to satisfy the whims of the Creator. To spice up the story, the Creator adds the Ackerman bloodline to the alternate universe. Thus, 'Titan' descends into the MHA universe (he does not transform into Titan). Since the Creator believes in equal exchange, in return for his entertainment, Ikiru is given some gifts. The most remarkable of these gifts is psychic power. The Creator transforms this power into Quirk and gifts it to Ikiru. ** Part one is more about the growth of the main character and his relationship with other characters. If you want to start directly from the main story, you can start reading from part two. Update days; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. The story is only published on my Webnovel, Wattpad, AO3 and Patreon pages. Five episodes will be published per week, you can find more on my Patreon page. Every chapter I publish here, I make it freely available on my Patreon page a few hours before. https://patreon.com/dyspromen ** This is a work of fiction that draws heavily from BNHA (Boku no Hero Academia), AOT (Attack On Titan) and Mob Psycho 100. Other than the changes I made to the story and the characters I added, I do not have any ownership or rights to the creation.

MCOverse · Anime e quadrinhos
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51 Chs

Chapter 28 - Growing Up XIX

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"More or less, that's the place. What do you think?" Ikiru asked. "I love it! Your house is great Ikiru! I like your gym the best," Momo said, letting go of Ikiru's hand. "I thought so, I have everything I need to train my Quirk and my body. How is your training?" Ikiru asked. Momo shook her head "I'm working as hard as I can. Even though the use of my Quirk is restricted, I'm doing my best. As I said in my messages, I devote at least four hours a day to my Quirk training," Momo said, putting her finger to her chin. "What do you mean your Quirk use is restricted? Who's stopping you from doing that?" Ikiru asked, frowning.

"Ahh, about that... The Hero Public Safety Commission imposed these restrictions after my Quirk appeared. Since my Quirk's versatility could jeopardise the safety of the community, I am forbidden to produce any precious metals or firearms," Momo said as she crossed her arms. Ikiru shook his head. "I understand why this is necessary, but it does not restrict you from using your Quirk. What the government tells you you can't do is only valid if you decide to influence society. You should use your Quirk in whatever way works for you. These rules shouldn't restrict you when you train at home. I'm sure your family can help you recycle your creations. As for firearms and explosives, I'm sure you've already learnt the molecular structure of these inventions, right?" Ikiru said with a smile.

Momo shook her head shyly. "Yes, I have, and even though I can't use them now, you never know when I might need them. That's why I chose to be safe rather than at risk. However, my biggest obstacle in using my Quirk is that I have insufficient fat cells in my body," Momo said with a sigh and continued. "After my Quirk was determined, my need for food increased greatly. To reduce my consumption, I started taking high-calorie food pills, but even that didn't balance my consumption during the creation process," Momo said sadly. "Hahaha Momo, I wasn't laughing at all. It's funny that you have such a Quirk and worry about such a thing. Not to mention that the solution is right in front of your eyes," Ikiru laughed, pointing at Momo.

Momo stomped her foot "It's not funny at all! Besides, there is no short-term solution to my problem," Momo said angrily. "I don't know how you find solutions to your problem. The way I'm going to suggest to you won't be short-term. However, with the method I will suggest, you will mostly get rid of your current problem in the future," Ikiru said, sitting cross-legged in the air. "My Quirk is versatile in nature. Even more versatile than your Quirk. That's why I've studied many different Quirks in the training I've received since I was little. Not only that, but I've also studied the effects of Quirks on people. That's how I know how to solve your problem. Your problem is caused by a very simple reason," Ikiru said to Momo, who was looking at him admiringly.

"Your problem is basically due to the speed at which your body adapts to your Quirk. If we ignore the learning part of the creation process, you are left with the fat necessary for your creations. Since you are still a child, your body cannot accumulate too much fat. Let's not forget that your Quirk mutated with its appearance. So what you need to do is put your body under stress. So that it can undergo the necessary adaptation and evolve," Ikiru said comfortably, as if he was talking about something very easy. Momo was trying to understand what Ikiru was saying.

"Simply put, the fat cells in your body need to develop. It is impossible for any human being to do this by normal means. In your case, it should be possible since you have the necessary tools. The storage capacity of the fat cells in your body must increase. That is, the calories accumulated in your body must become more compact. All you have to do to make this happen is to use your Quirk to its limit. When you eat your food pills, you'll need to make costly creations. Thus, the fat cells in your body will be continually created and destroyed. This will trigger evolution, each new fat cell will be able to store more calories than the old one," Ikiru said, dropping back down from the air to the ground. "Can you follow, ponytail?" Ikiru asked, mocking Momo's hair. Momo came out of the trance she had entered with Ikiru's mockery and blushed.

"Ikiru! Friends don't make fun of each other's looks! And of course, I can follow, or have you forgotten that I'm smart?" asked Momo, playing with her hair. "I'm not making fun of you, I just pointed it out. Besides, I think you look prettier with your hair down. Anyway, the method I told you about should not only improve your fat cells. If I'm guessing correctly, it should also improve your physical strength," Ikiru said as he headed to the garden where Mikasa and Mayumi were. Momo followed behind him. "If the method you mentioned can increase the storage capacity of my fat cells, your theory might be correct. Oh my god! Thank you, Ikiru! I never thought of that. You're amazing!" said Momo, overcome with excitement again.

"Calm down, calm down. Friends should help each other, right? So don't thank me. I'm just doing what I have to do," Ikiru said, shrugged his shoulders and kept walking. Momo smiled and looked at Ikiru's back in front of her. Momo was also called a genius. But she couldn't call herself a genius in front of Ikiru. Knowing that didn't bother her at all. On the contrary, she was very happy. She felt lucky to be friends with Ikiru. "I see you're back. How do you like the house, Momo-chan?" Mikasa asked when she saw Ikiru and Momo entering the garden. "Your house is really nice Mikasa-san. I especially like your gym," Momo said, smiling at Mikasa. "Ara-ara, Ikiru-kun, I see you're being nice to Momo this time," Mayumi joked, winking at Ikiru.

Ikiru rolled his eyes at that. "For me to fall in love with Momo, she has to be at least as beautiful as my mum, Mayumi-san. That's not possible, so I won't do anything like you're interested in," Ikiru said, making Mikasa smile. Momo was embarrassed and disappointed. "Ahh, don't be so harsh, Ikiru-kun. Momo is still in her formative years, no doubt she will be a beautiful woman in the future!" said Mayumi, embarrassing her daughter even more. "Of course, Momo will be a beautiful woman. She might even be prettier than me!" said Mikasa when she saw Momo getting upset. But she didn't mean what she said. Mikasa had never tried to be particularly beautiful, but she had always been beautiful. After becoming more feminine after Ikiru's birth, her beauty had only increased.

She wasn't the most beautiful in the world, but she wasn't far off from that person either. "Then I'll have to reconsider in the future..." said Ikiru, pretending to be thoughtful. Fortunately this time, Mikasa was aware of Ikiru's plans. Otherwise, she was going to have another preaching session. The four had a good time joking around. One important topic was Momo's father. Ikiru had researched the Yaoyorozu's after meeting Momo. Previously, he had only known about this family, only that they were rich. After his research, he learnt that Momo's father died shortly after Momo was born. Along with her grandfather and grandmother, she and her mother were the only ones in the family. Considering the family's abnormal wealth, it was a strange situation.

After Ikiru learnt this, he did not investigate further. Momo and her mother lived separately from her father's family. So it was easier for Ikiru to manipulate the family. "Mum, you won't believe it, Ikiru found a way for me to improve my Quirk!" said Momo as she told her mum what Ikiru had told her at the gym. "Well done Ikiru, you're a fast learner as always. I'm glad you were able to help your friend," Mikasa said as she kissed Ikiru on the cheek and ruffled his hair. Seeing this, Momo blushed. Mayumi smiled. "Indeed! Thank you, Ikiru-kun. Even though I don't want Momo to become a hero, knowing that you'll take care of her gives me some peace of mind. Keep helping Momo!" said Mayumi, wiping away a fake tear and giving Ikiru a thumbs up.

"Even though I've found the method, I suggest you consult an expert. Our butler, Levi, can help you with that," Ikiru said, pointing at Levi, who was dressed as a butler. Mayumi joined Ikiru and looked at Levi. "Your theory is a sound, young master. If the young lady trains using the method you described, in addition to experiencing the transformation you described, she will receive several other benefits. By increasing the storage capacity of her fat cells, her metabolism will accelerate and her bodily functions will become several times more efficient. Of course, the nutritional pills the young lady is taking will also need to be revised to support this improvement," Levi explained with a tilt of his head.

Please feel free to give me your opinion about the novel. Your review would help me a lot. Enjoy your reading.

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