
MHA : The New Spider

For New Readers of this Story, this story Already has 1.2 million views, 48 reviews and an average rating of 4.2 stars. I ReUploaded this because WN had some issues. SYNOPSIS : Story of a guy who got reincarnation into MHA world with powers, one of them being of spiderman. Disclaimer : I don't own MHA franchise, all the characters displayed are imaginary. Along with the cover of the story, the picture is download from internet. Warning : This Story will contain Mature themes like [Strong Violence], [Strong Language], [Graphic Violence] & [Strong Sexual Content]

Your_Drug_Supplier · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter-2 : The New World

Being reborn was quite terrifying, it may or may not have given me a claustrophobia.

Leaving the gory details aside, I knew next to nothing about my supposed to be family which was not there, apparently I became orphan as soon as I came to this life.

My father was a policeman who had died in a villain attack three months ago while my mother died giving birth to me, but she did give me something, a name.

Kira sogaru, that was my name in this world.

As such, my life started in this world.

I don't know what it was, luck or coincidence but it sure was good, the orphanage I was sent to was one of the few orphanages that were funded my symbol of peace, All Might himself.

This meant that my coming years won't be as miserable as I thought they would if I went to a normal orphanage.

I knew how bad orphanages could be if they were not run by reputed organisations, heck, some known organisations even used orphans as their labour force of future, trained them to be their personal pawns, and even used as test subjects.

Orphanages could become a good supply for those reasons, and in this world where 80% people had superpower of some kind, this was would be even more prominent, not to mention there won't be someone coming after them, but since this was run by All Might, I don't think any villain will dare making him angry.

So being in such an environment till I reached adulthood was like a blessing, safety was almost guaranteed and living conditions would be much better than what other orphanages could offer.

The life in orphanage or how people called it, The Happy Nest, was going pretty boring. There was nothing to do much as baby.

My super spider powers would awaken when I will turn four, The armament haki would awaken when I train my body to a high degree, and my symbiot will become active only when my body will be able to support that symbiotic relationship.

So the life was pretty boring, there was nothing to do except count seconds and minutes while seeing a random fly coming and sitting on your nose while not being able to do anything to shoo it away.

I took active participation in listening to what matrons were discussing around, though that sometimes lead to me learning too much about their personal life, from what was their favorite color to their husbands' "size", but all that psychological pain surely paid off

First, I was able to understand the language, I could make sense of what they said mostly. And trust me, Japanese is hard to understand.

Though it would take me time to actually learn speaking and writing, I could tell what they were referring to and make out most of what they were saying.

Second, I was able to gather information about what was going around in the world, it seemed like our boi All might had been the symbol of peace for a decade now, and now I knew why people worshipped him so much.

Due to the existence of quirks, people were more inclined towards creating their own ideologies different from the system, which either ended giving them an extraordinary life or, in most cases, ended them as villains.

This caused the crime rate to inflate during the past one and a half century, so much so that sheer numbers of villains was overwhelming. And in such times had appeared All might, that guy fought day and night like a machine without tiring out

He defeated villains left and right, day and night, not only the weak ones, but even the powerful ones were defeated by him. He alone bought the crime rate in Japan 75% down than any other country.

That in itself was a great deal, if one counted how many villains he had defeated till yet, it would be well over a third of a million till yet.

This was the reason why Japanese population worshiped him so much, not only he had admiration of people but also a lot of respect from every person.

As such the fame and power All might commanded was truly massive.

Keeping all might aside, I also got to know about one more thing, though on average only 80% of people had quirks, in Japan, concentration was 89%, which was considered great.

Aside from these things there was nothing much to contemplate about, the days passed boringly till I became 8 months old.

That was a turning point, quite literally actually, I was finally able to control my motor functions.

From that day on, I never truly stayed a one place, I would roam around the orphanage whole day, trying to find anything that might be of interest to me.

The orphanage was full of children of all sizes, from newborns to high schoolers, there was a kid of every age, so I had to avoid teenagers as due to my cuteness, their brains went overload causing be to end up in someones arms, most likely girls.

But I never truly had problem with that, that extra softness was always welcomed.

Like these my days in orphanage went by pretty smoothly, those days became weeks, weeks became months and months became years and I was going to become 4 years old in a few days.

These years went incredibly well, first I was able to know where this orphanage was located, it was on outskirts of Musutafu city, a relatively less developed area and was surrounded by paddy fields, the location was pretty ideal to train and no one would ever notice.

I had whole heartedly endorsed and learned Japanese language, which was a tough thing to do, well at least for me, I wasn't the sharpest tool in the box you know.

I was pretty famous in the orphanage, both due to my cuteness and due to me displaying some of my IQ extraordinaire along with me running around the orphanage pretty much whole day.

I couldn't befriend anybody as it was quite difficult for me, a soon to be fou.... I mean 20 yrs old cute boi (mentally at least) to be friends with these snot nosed brats.

Though I did maintain a good relationship with everyone, some boys were jealous of me before but there was nothing in this world that a little chocolate and sweets couldn't solve for them.

As such my 4th birthday came, it went pretty good considering that this was an orphanage, and there was a birthday every week.

But this was special for me, I had finally received my 'quirk', the super spider powers.