
MHA: THE MONSTER HEROE- It’s Time to conduct Necessary evil -

They say monster are mindless, who only kill and devour, who are needed to put down like animals. But not all are like this In a world we’re heroes and villains fight each other like little kids in a playground. Raguel, rejected by both sides of the coin he’s realize that heroes and villains is jut a game of pretend, there is no one who is a true hero anymore. But there was only one who was able to achieve that title but that is not enough Trough out his life he’s seen the good and the worst of those sides were both kill each each other because of their difference’s but they all have one thing in common……”selfishness”. We’re all the people who has power’s only care for if they are stronger than the other. But now thanks to those sides that show him their true colors. He has come to realize that the “that the world doesn’t need a Hero or a Villain. The world needs a MONSTER. Good? Evil? No none of that”. he will unite these two sides trough real fear eliminating those who see for their own benefit and their own egotistical ideas. It doesn’t matter if they are a HERO or a VILLAIN They will know true fear that will make them run For their lives and make them work together Or they will perish {I do not own the image in the cover. All images are use with respect an to make any references.} {Please forgive my grammatical errors. Sometimes is hard since i speak a second language.}

c_fanficsCSM · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs


A all the reporters and news outlets upon hearing that the supposed villain known as the shadow demon was fighting with the rabbit heroine.

they all jumped out of their seats unsticking their fat asses upon hearing the news. some believed it and others did not, but that did not stop them from sending their reporters and cameramen to verify if it was real.

a battle between the person responsible for the defeat of two professional heroes, and the massacre of the UA registration test.

It was a battle to be pass it to the television and newspapers of the first bulletin: the rabbit heroine defeats the cruel villain called the shadow demon. The end of the so call shadow demon!!

And under a second they had found the

All of them were interested by this battle that was about to go down. Especially a girl with blonde girl who was standing in front of a Tv store in the inside of a mall, she blended perfectly with the people around her that they too were looking at the TV.


The ground underneath his foot Shook violently, making The male reporter and the camera man loose their balance for six seconds.


The cameraman pointed his camera to where the man had just pointed it.

"The civilians have not yet evacuated as you can see and hear them."

The cameraman as always took that as an order as he started to record all around them. Recording the civilians screaming and crying as they run away for their lives like cattle out of a slaughter

The cameraman was now recording the fight between the rabbit hero and the shadow demon.

"Why is he call the red ogre?." Whispered the reporter man at the same time the camera moved, now pointed at his direction. "Because of his bloody killing spree's only leaving severed heads and dismembered bodies of his victims like some damn anim——

A loud crack was heard, causing a small earthquake that spread around the area.

"SHIT." Came a yell from one of them as the camera was dropped on the asphalt ground cracking the lenses of the camera.


And with a unpleasant noise of the camera. The signal was gone and was cut off to the newscast.

Everyone around seem to get agitated as well as mad. Mad tours the so call shadow demon that had cause the massacre of the UA ingression test.

Many of them wish him to be beaten and taken to tatarus right were he belong as they cheer for the heroine, or they even wanted him dead.

to be precise all of japan wanted him to be brought down as they all share the mutual feeling

Except for the blond girl. Who was watching the news.

There was no expression on her face whatsoever but, her eyes show otherwise as they were open with excitement.

But even more so as the camera man had film a dark shadow figure with two horns and long laid back spiky hair, avoiding the heroine's blows.

"Raguel." She muttered as a small color pink blush started to appear on her cheeks as well as a toothy smile showing her canine teeth.

In dark room

The Wheezing of a respiratory machine could be heard.

Shrouded in the dark A well dress figure sat down on a concrete chair that resembled that of a throne with tubes coming out of it, sat the well dressed figure who had needles stuck into his fore arms as they pumped the transparent iv bags that were hanging from the metal holder into its veins.

He rested his chin against his left knuckles, he looked to the only thing that brought a bit of light into the dark room, A medium size tv hanging from a steel arm that had its based connected to the roof.

The Tv broadcast the ongoing news that were recently happening such as the battle between the heroine and the shadow demon.

"Most interesting." It was the deep mature voice of the figure who had spoken.

"Indeed master." Spoke a figure who was standing a few centimeters away from him who's eyes were bright yellow.

"Tell me kurogiri. How come this new yet inexperienced youngster was able to take you on?." Spoke the man through his transparent oxygen mask.

"It was a grave mistake of mine master. I let down my guard like a fool thinking it would be easy to make him submit. Am sorry master, it will ever happen again in the future" Responded kurogiri who bowed its head. "I will improve as to serve your will far better."

"Ku Ku~." Chuckle the man "You don't need to apologize kurogiri, we all make mistakes but what matters most is that we learn from it to never fall for it again in the near incoming future."

"Thank you my master." Said kurogiri as he lifted his head.

"Besides this youngster seems to be quite an interesting individual with a . . . . Impressive quirk. Judging by the way he was able to deal with the two heroes the press that wants to hide it."

The youngster quirk could be useful for his benefit, as he had seen the footages of said youngster using it's quirk. It was an impressive yet flawed quirk, only if he could lay his hands on him and take it away.

The quirk would be at better hands

Besides. The youngster was nothing, but merely a small ant who was lucky to even lay a hand on his loyal creation. He will fall as well as all the others who he had take their quirks away.

His fighting style, the way he moves, was just so predictable to him.

But for now he had important things to do.


"Yes master."

"It's the project NOMU ready done?." He ask turning his head slightly to the side.

"It is almost done and ready to go all it needs it's just some more time for it to take in the new quirks. But if rushed, nomu would rejected and the results will be a failure."

"I trust that shigaraki tomura would be successful with this project as to take on the pillar of hope." He said as he turn his head back to the tv. "He will become the pillar of fear as well as my successor. It's only matter of time and patience after all."

"Indeed." Spoke kurogiri

"And i trust doctor kyudai araki that his experiment named as Nomu would work and help tomura on his plan. There was one mistake the doctor made back when i was on . . Critical conditions. . He had promised me a weapons of such power that would help me recover as well as become a vessel for my quirk. Bit it didn't quite work as you can see as i am sitting here with this medical equipment stuck into me."

"But the past is the past. Mistakes were made ain't i right kurogiri?."

"Of course master All For One." Said kurogiri as he look to the tv were the heroine and the so call villain we're fighting.

"Master All For One, what are you going to do with the shadow demon?."

"For now nothing. But for later on, i want you to bring him to me so he can join our glorious cause. Since it seems that he and i have the same goal judging by his actions."

"But master. What if he doesn't want to join your cause? What is that your going to do?."

His scarred lips pull up, revealing his teeth. It was none other than a sinister smile.

"Than i will take his quirk and use it to it's maximum potential or he can be another potential experiment for a NOMU." He said keeping his nightmarish smile "there will be no one who will dare to cross path's with me and once i fully recover."

"I will be unstoppable!! I will become the Demon king!!."



The rabbit hero send a flurry of kicks tours Raguel, kicks that were able to break somebody in a half but could do much worse when she's excited. Raguel, who barely by the pinch of a hair was able to dodge those fast kicks.

"YOUR QUITE FAST AND AGILE HUH?!." Her eyes widened with surprise as well as excitement. "LETS SEE HOW FAR CAN YOU GO!!."

Her movements became faster and faster only leaving blur's.

His body immediately scream danger. He immediately Raised his arms to cover the front his body.

All the heroine's kicks connected as it chipped away the bone armor of Raguel's forearms as well the skin of the side of his ribs and his abdomen


His mouth open throwing out blood as he stumble backwards.

The blows of the heroine rabbit, had cause major damage as his breath was out of control as well as his head as he felt it spinning.

He couldn't say anything as the vertigo sensation started to take over stopping him from thinking clear.


Eri had yell as she saw the heroine quickly move going for another blow.

Raguel quickly tried to bring his forearms forward as to attempt to block or parry one of her blows. But her attack was a like a blur, as it pass through his pathetic attempt of a defense as he was sent flying ten feet away.

He try to move and twist his body in mid air as to hit the hard asphalt with the front of his body as to take the impact rather than his back where eri was holding back, which he did as he hit the ground with a wet noise and a small crack sound. The impact haf caused a huge curtain of dust raise up covering him from the view of the heroine as well as the cameras around the area

Eri roll softly on the hard asphalt, the tendrils had use their last strength as to hold tight and soft as to lessen the impact But of course the effects of the amount of force from the spinning and moving let her dizzy.

she slowly started to get up trying not to fall as her legs started to shake.

"M-Mister?." She call out with a trembling voice as she look around desperately. Trying to search for Raguel through the thick curtain dust

"Mister!." She call out again, but got no response, she started to take a few step forwards through the thick dust. Until she noticed something laying on the ground but couldn't see it well as the dust didn't allow her to see that well.

That was Until she got closer. Her eyes widened as she realized who it was.


Eri yell as she moved forward kneeling right beside a knock out Raquel who lay face down on the asphalt with a small puddle of blood around it's mouth.

She lay her hands on him and started to shake him awake.

No response

"MISTER!?" She started pounding him on the arm with her fist.

"PLEASE PLEASE DONT GO!! DONT LEAVE ME ALONE!!." Tears began to come out as they traveled from her cheeks and fell onto Raguel's arm.

She stop pounding his arm as she lay her head on Raguel's back letting the tears run down from her cheeks to his dark back skin.

"Please don't leave."

she let the tears run, staining raguel's scratched back. her small open hands rested on top of her back. without her noticing the palm of her hands began to glow a yellow-white color.

Accidentally she activated her Quirk unconsciously all because of her uncontrolled emotion that were running through her like a train when he saw Raguel's limp body on the floor

At the beginning of a second, Raguel's wounds did not look different but after four seconds his wounds on his back and his body like his broken ribs and his almost broken sternum began to come back to get together

It was as if someone had pressed the rewind button making his injuries disappear and return to its normal state, before his skin was even torn off or scratch

"Oouuch." Came a muffled moan of pain

All except the pain that left engraved on his body as it felt as if a truck carrying large bars of solid steel had run him over.

"MISTER!!" She screamed with happiness when she heard Raguel's made muffled moan of pain. "M-MISTER . . YOUR OK!!." She spoke with tears going down her cheeks, leaving a wet trail behind.

uh huh. ." It was the only sound that he released at the same time as he was standing up little by little, fighting against the pain that ran through his entire body, trying to make his muscles give out from the effort he was making to get up from the asphalt.

His head was still spinning, causing severe dizziness that made his stomach spin almost as he emptied his stomach onto the asphalt. but that didn't mean that his senses weren't alert since the little girl's quirk had replenished his energy. His fight against Overhaul and his subordinates was a very hard one to the point of resorting to his berserker state to end the fight.

and thanks to his fight, he discovered the drug Trigger, which improves the quirk for a certain limited time.

(But what a bummer. I had to deal with overhaul and his bootlickers only to get my ass kicked by a heroine in a playboy outfit. But what a fucking good day.)

An uncontrollable anger began to burn inside him. but it was immediately turned off.

"Mister." The little Eri looked at Raguel with glass eyes, provided by the tears that still came out of her scarlet eyes. "Please don't go. Don't leave me alone."

immediately she hugged his right leg wetting his leg with her tears that still came out like small faucets

He let out a sigh when he saw little eri like that. It made him remember the times when he was alone in the orphanage, some of the children came to play with him and others to make fun of him or in other cases they beat him while they insulted him by calling him various types of names.

"vermin" "useless" "weirdo" "freak" "nobody" "quirkless"

there were lots of nicknames but there was one in particular


the guardians of the orphanage, like the children, saw him as a weirdo as if he were a black spot in a perfect painting.

but except for Miss Yui. she was always there for him. Her scent of lavender was comforting when she hugged him or patted him on the head, she calmed him down and comforted him when he was at his most vulnerable as a orphan child.

he was almost like a mother figure to him when he needed help or protection.

much like the old man Naito, he too was something of a father figure. but the difference was that he taught him to be tough As well as many things

And now at this moment the little girl in front of him needed someone to protect her, to comfort her. That he would not leave her as once the people who took care of him had abandoned him to his own fate.

So. He bend down forward and put his hands at her sides and carefully lifted her up .

"hey eri." one of his tendrils as a seat for the little girl to sit on. "Listen to me. As long as I'm standing, it doesn't matter if I have injuries or without any part of my extremities, I'll still get up. I'll get up to fight and protect you no matter what I have to do, I just want to see your happiness."

"I want you to be strong, and to smile more, no matter what circumstance you are in, never stop smiling."

With his index finger, she wiped a small tear that slowly fell from Eri's cheek. Eri rubbed her eyes with her hands trying to wipe away her tears.

"When I finish this I promise you a delicious plate of tonkotsu ramen, tempura and also a sweet caramel apple."

It was a tempting promise, which at least calmed down Eri who was now looking at Raguel with eyes shining with tears, but they had a little glimmer of interest and curiosity as to confirm what he was saying


"of course."

A small smile formed on her mouth and her expression became happy, which also spread to Raguel who also gave a smile.

but the moment was cut short too soon upon hearing footsteps approaching and he saw the rabbit heroine emerge from the curtain of dust with a wide wicked smile.

"Looks like you survive the kicks i gave you!! huh?!" Shouted the heroine rabbit as she landed her foot on the asphalt with a loud crack, splitting the ground and leaving a small crater underneath her foot. Her face said it all, she was excited as her eyes were wide open with a crazed pupils in her eyes as she let out a fierce battle lust aura.

The hairs on his neck stand up like porcupine quills as he sensed her ominous aura, leaving oddly uncomfortable as he took a step backwards.

"Eri." He whispered as his tendrils set her on his back. "Hold tight, cover your ears and close you eyes" he spoke with a neutral tone as he gave the heroine a predatory look

"W-Why? Mister? Are you g-going to f-f—"

"Eri please do as i say." Said raguel with a neutral tone that sounded like a snarl at the end as he keep a hungry predatory look.


She covered her eyes, at the same time that small tendrils sprouted from Raguel's larger tendril that gently covered Eri's ears, forming ear protectors, which only let in a little air so as not to deafen her.

"Give it up, damned villain, you don't have any escape with me anymore" she said as she crouched to a position almost equal to running, but her intentions were to launch. "You'd better turn yourself in and release the girl you're holding hostage. oh I'll send you to a hospital with broken bones."

"And i thought that you heroes were the kind and gentle good guys." He started to lean forward ina crouching position.

"Ja! after what you've done, nobody will feel pity upon you as they beat you into a pulp" her knees started to bend as her leg muscles started to flex "especially me."

"Yeah i can see that" Raguel narrow his eyes, now his only goal was to get out of there as fast as possible. But by the looks of it seems that the playboy heroine won't make it easy for him to escape, and by the way she seem excited for battle. "But you yourself don't want me to turn myself am i right? And you don't care that i have someone as a hostage? Am i right?."

Her response was a grin from ear to ear.

"What makes you think that?!"

"Your eyes And that grin of yours." he pointed out "You are just another Fucking Battle Junkie." He narrow his orange eyes. "You just want to get your sick twisted need for battle out. Not caring if i have someone as a hostage."

The so call heroine was a damn psycho hidden underneath a costume and a title.

If he wanted to escape He would need to recibe some broken bones and bruises if he wishes to get away. At the same time the authorities that are surrounding the area as well as some minor rank heroes. It wasn't hard to figure out that they were there, raguel could listen to their loud shouts as well as screams wether be the authorities and heroes telling the civilians to back off or the civilians cheering for the heroine to defeat him.

An scenario was built around them.

And something else was starting to build up as well, Raguel's mouth started to water as saliva started to coat his sharp triangular teeth's making him to slightly open his mouth to spit out some of the build up gooey liquid known as saliva or let some of it to fall to the asphalt. The interior of his mouth felt as if he had recently brush his mouth and wash it out with mouth wash, it felt tingly and strange.

Was it the saliva?

What the hell was wrong with his mouth? Was it because his body was instinctively nervous as a way to cope with the uncontrollable situation at hand? Or was he about to puke?

Well definitely he didn't feel like he was about to puke.

Then what the hell was it?

With a buzz the radio device she had on her waist turn back on allowing someone to speak through it.

~~"Heroine Mirko please stand down!! This is an order please stand down!! Let the top hero Endeavor handle the villain!! Please do not eng—"~~


the heroine mirko launched herself up, spinning in the hair like wheel directly at him, and by the speed she had launched herself. She was going fast like a canon ball she brought her right quickly preparing it for a power full attack as the muscles on her legs tense up.

Raguel was confused for a three seconds, but as he look at the position she had taken in mid air, realization hit him like a backhand slap.


He tried to move his body to get out of the way from the blow the heroine was preparing but couldn't as his body didn't respond. His self-preservation instinct was completely erased causing his body to be paralyzed for a few seconds that felt like a few minutes.

But it was quickly changed to a feeling. No not a feeling. More of a instinct, like a gnaw at the back of his head, a gnaw that was growing larger as the heroine leg was brought down.

The gnaw on his head could have been related to the amount of saliva that come out from his mouth. As he felt himself move forward tours the attack.


The whole block was shaken by the devastating blow, the whole block was hit with another earthquake just like the last one but this time a wave of pressure air shattered all the glasses around the buildings that were nearby.

"HUUUUUHH?". The place she had strike solid ground, no meaty surface and definitely no sound of bones breaking. With an exception of a mushy sound that sounded like knifes being stabbed at a piece of meat all at the same time.

She felt a small pulsating pain that came just above her knee were her femur connected to her knee. Something akin to water started to coat the part were she felt the pain that quickly run down to her knee. Her eyes instantly look downward to her right, and the sight that awaited her fill her with anger, disgust and even more murderous intent.

Raguel had sink his teeth on her tight. The gnawing sensation behind his head had make him unconsciously take a bite to the top heroine. Moments before the kick could have impacted his shoulder, his own body burst forward as he twisted his body, avoiding the incoming blow as to deliver a deep bite as he felt his sharp teeth dig them selves in the soft fleshy muscle of the heroine's thigh reaching some of the arteries as well as nerves.

He felt blood buildup on his mouth mixed with the saliva as well as the murderous gaze he felt coming from the heroine who had her teeth clenched together by the immense pain her leg started to feel. A left knee was making its way to Raguel's face , with the intention of cracking his skull inward.

Using his two arms he pushed the heroine away and as he did, he heard something like the sound of a paper being tear off from a page that was accompanied by a wet sound that resembled a wet wax patch quickly pull off.

"ARGH!!" the heroine let out a bellow as she was pushed away, almost loosing her balance as she landed back on the asphalt with her left leg. She once again look to her right leg meeting a bloody and messy sight that would cause someone to vomit apart from her.

A patch of of her skin was removed we're Raguel had bitten her, leaving behind the imprint of his teeth as well as the exposed muscle cover by the oozing saliva mixed with blood.

"BLAH!! PFFT!!" He spat out Something cover in blood that landed in the asphalt right between his feet. At first it was difficult for him to distinguish what lay in front of him on the asphalt, so he focused his vision on the thing he just spat but was astonished to see a piece of tan skin laying on the asphalt.

"This seem to be some kind of joke." He said as He turn around making sure what he saw was real and he was right. As he saw the heroine trying to stand up as well as to get herself into a combat position but fail to do so as the pain spread even further.

"I have no time for this bullshit." He whispered as he turn his head to the side looking back at eri who was still holding onto his back who had her face dipped onto his back.

"Hey eri you ok." He asked her, and he was quickly answer by feeling of a movement on his back that resembled a nod. "It's time form me to leave this play stage now. I had enough beatings for the day."

He turn quickly turn around and bend his knees, and with a small crack from the asphalt he jump up going for the edge of the building as to escape.

"Oh! No you don't!!" Mirko said as she bare her teeth "COME BACK HERE!!." She quickly burst out using her left leg to impulse herself as she let out a battle cry, once again she brought her leg up but this she use her left leg readying for a devastating arcing kick directed to Raguel's head who's hand had touch the edge of the building.

Her kick was full of enough force that sounded like the blast of shotgun being fire as it collided with the solid concrete wall.

Raguel had pull himself just in time avoiding the hit, and was now standing on his hands at the edge of the building like an acrobat.

"You should have just let me go." He said as he stare at the heroine's eyes with disappointment, he quickly shot both his legs forward delivering a quick kick to her chest as to push her away to regain some space. His feet almost connected on her chest, but she had quickly dodged it as she had pushed herself of, now landing on the solid yet crack asphalt.

She was about to go for a pursuit as she saw Raguel quickly dash out of her sight disappearing from the edge of the roof, until he heard the device turn on once again.

~"you better back off now mirko. He's mine now."~

"do not tell me." Mirko spoke with a mocking and sarcastic tone. "I saw it first damn Human Torch." She let out a whimper as she tried to jump once more to chase after Raguel.

~"You better stay there, I don't need hindrance getting in my way."~

With a rapid static hum, the device shut down. leaving the heroine alone with the sounds of police sirens and the screams of the people who booed at the villain they hated so much when they saw that he escaped and knocked the heroine out using a dirty trick.

"As you say, second-rate Human Torch."

Raguel jump from roof to roof dodging antennas as well as air vents that jutted out from the roof as He run in all fours like an animal. He so fix on running and avoiding incoming obstacles that he didn't noticed that he didn't realize that something covered in flames was following him from the air something or someone was hot on his trail.

(Looks like today was my lucky day after all, looks like nothing can go wrong now.)

"I got you know you damn bastard." Spoke the figure cover in flames.

By a split second Raguel move to left side as he felt something hoy coming behind him, by the pinch of an air a medium size beach ball made out of flames struck the place he had been.

" FUCK!!" Scream Raguel as he kept on running on al fours.

"W-What's happening mister?!."

"Nothing eri!!" He Responded. "Just keep on doing what your doing." He avoided another fire ball as leap to the side.

"B-But i don't have anything t-to do mister." Said eri in a timid yet frightened voice.

"Then." Another fire ball exploded right next to him almost hitting his head. "Then how about we play hide and seek ok!. I'll Count back to twenty." He move his head to the side avoiding an orange fire ball that almost lost his balance but regained it in time as he dodged an air vent. "And if i don't find you. I'll treat you with a bunch of sweet delicious desserts jut for you!!. But I'll say when we start ok?!"

"Ok!! ." She said now sounding excited as somewhat happy by Raguel's offer.

In a couple feet away he noticed a huge water tank standing on top of a roof, we're it's base was cover by a round shadow

"Perfect." He said as he increased his speed as to quickly reach his objective.

"QUIT MOVING!!." Yell the figure at him as he sent another fire ball at him. Raguel turn his head to take a good look of who his assailant who was none other than the second strongest hero from Japan.


In response Raguel jump up and shove his claw hand inside of a air vent and tore it off from his hinges and proceeded to throw it at the hero as he spin back again changing his running to a bipedal one.

The hero without any problem blasted the damn thing turning the air vent into molten metal and burning debris as well as a small cloud of smoke that block his view

Raguel without hesitation or any thinking he quickly jump into the shadow underneath the water tank. At first He expected the worst as he thought that eri would bounce of the roof or even smashed against it by the force that he launched himself to the shadow.

But to his surprise as he quickly turn around noticed that eri was still there inside the round pool of shadow with him. Whenever he went into the shadows as to move through them, it felt like if he was going inside a pool never wetting or soaking himself and a major bonus was that he was able to hear anything going on the outside.

Just like he could hear the hero Endeavor that didn't sound to happy.

"ENOUGH OF PLAYING GAMES!." Roar the hero as scan the area looking for any signs of his target of where he might have gone. "Damn slippery rat." He said as he gritted his teeth desperately looking for his prey as he used his flames to float in the air.

His boots made a clang as he landed on top a metal surface. He had landed on top of a water tank, the same we're Raguel was hiding underneath it inside the shadow.

The second hero was scanning each roof looking for any space or something that had ha large hole where his prey had tried to hide himself in.

On the other hand Raguel poke half his head out from the dark pool and scan around the roof with his eyes. He first check the floor looking for any shoes or boots walking around, bit instead found himself starring at a projected human shadow on the floor thanks to the sun of the afternoon. The hero was on top on him, more specifically, on top of the tank.

If it was another hero Raguel would have made a jump on him, but with this one, no it was different. They don't call him the second strongest hero of Japan for nothing. Compare to him Raguel was just an intermediate at fighting experience, while for flamy boy here would be a semi pro as well as number one on sending his victims with charcoal skins from what he heard around the folks who had saw him in battle as well as internet.

So for now he wouldn't risk it, as to not put himself in danger as well as an innocent little girl who was holding onto his back for dear life.

So for now he waited and lay low.

"Come out you little shit." whispered endeavor as he stood there quietly examining every possible place were it may be hiding, his focused was that of a hawk waiting patiently for its prey to make one move that will lead to it's demise.


~"Hero Endeavor! Please we need your assistance."~

"TCH! What is it now." Ask the endeavor trying to sound calm as to keep his rage on control but ended up sounding annoyed.

~"we need help to transport this three individuals who are knocked out unconscious to a nearby hospital and we'll do the rest as to process them."~

"On my way." It was the solid yet anger response endeavor gave as gave one last look to the roofs and jump off the tank and use his flames to propel himself forward to were the heroine mirko was where he had saw the damn villain run away from.

Raguel watched with close attention as the number two hero flew out of the place, using his flames to propel himself. disappearing outside

of the place

With a little tired sigh, Raguel came out of the shadow pool.

"He's finally gone." Raguel spoke letting air out of his mouth. He walked towards the edge of the building, noticing a little dark alley due to the walls that blocked and absorbed the sunlight. He saw that there were closed cardboard boxes at the same time that a discarded piece of furniture turned his gaze to the left of him looking at the other end of the alley, noticing that there was a small mall.

"bingo" Raguel whispered as his mouth turned up into a smile "Hey eri are you ready to play the game?."

"Yeah!." she sounded very excited as she smiled.

"hmp." Raguel let out a small smile, as he launched himself into the alley below, landing softly on the cold pavement.

the tendrils gently lowered her to the floor as the tendrils were gently removed from her. She looked around the alley, her eyes searching among the boxes for a place to hide.

"Shall I start counting? are you ready?" Raguel asked to which she quickly responded by shaking her head affirmatively.

"okay." Raguel turned around looking towards the direction where the mall "one"

Immediately the little girl with great emotion began to move quickly looking for the perfect hiding place among the boxes.


Raguel turned to look back, noticing that she was distracted by Eri looking for a hiding place, so that she started walking towards the exit of the alley.


He moved further from the place, leaving Eri little by little behind as he was now approaching at the edge of the exit of the alley remaining hidden in the shadow that the alley provided.

"Alright this shouldn't be hard." He said as he peer onto the street searching for any possible eminent shadow, weather be an object, a car or a person that would help him get over to the mall

Until he found one. Not an object but a person, to be precise a huge person.

"Tch! out of the fat asses why did it had to be him and the other?!."

Standing right beside the entrance of the mall, the hero No58 Aka Fatgum, who was gobbling down a Chinese take out box next to the No23 heroine, who had

who was looking at him with a poker face combined with disbelief.

"Why did I have to be the partner of this food gobbler." the heroine Mt. lady complained like a child, while the hero almost finished his meal.

"And why the hell did they send us to watch a mall?! Are there no security guards to do their job or what?!." she wave his arms at the same time that he started stomping on the floor like a spoil child

"i should be out there kicking the villains ass!! especially that villan, shadow demon!!. I could have dealt with him real quickly and even if he tries to escape it would not be so easy for him to hide from me ." The heroine spoke with determination, letting her imagination create scenarios defeating the so call shadow demon while she earned people's admiration. "Aaah! How would the people see me with their eyes full of admiration and attention knowing that I defeated that so mortifying villain."

Raguel moved quickly and swiftly. jumping from the shadows of cars, people, and large objects until reaching his goal, entering the shadow of the hero, fatgum.

"ok" the hero sighed satisfied, dumping the box into a recycling bin near the place "if you need me call me on the communicator, I'll be watching the mall."

"ok" replied the heroine "I'll stay to watch the entrance just in case that villain appears." She crossed her hands as she lean on the concrete wall of the mall.

(Piece of cake)- thought Raguel as he move along with the shadow of the hero. Slightly poking his head to get a view noticed that in a couple of feet away from the hero the the light of the son hit the ground erasing any trace of a shadow were he might jump. He quickly search around the area for a specific store that has clothes or any item relating to wearing it on your body.

(Come on! come on!) he yell internally to himself looking for any nearby by shadows. Looking up to the second floor he noticed a bright

He noticed the store he was looking for, the store itself was under a store in the first floor where he is, that sold televisions that were projecting the ongoing news from the events that just had happened.

Without once thinking, he quickly launched himself from the hero's shadow like a blur up to the second floor straight to the store's entrance.

Most of the people did not pay much attention to what was happening around them, as they are all busy looking at something or checking them out, all but one person that from afar had seen what happened.

She narrowed her cat like, golden yellow eyes at the same time that a small blush appeared on her cheeks. A blush that was related to the smile that was drawn on her mouth, which for now was covered by a white face mask, and thanks to that nobody would not notice her wicked smile.

"Looks like i finally found you ~Fufu~"

Her sights were now set on raguel as she began to gave chase by swiftly making her through the crowd making her way to the automatic stairs that led to the second floor.


Raguel search for new clothes took him only nine seconds, as he quickly grabbed a black japanese street wear leather zip up jacket, and a blue color sunglasses he quickly changed his torn jacket to the new one that had orange lines as decoration on the arms that went all the way to the back forming a round orange circle with a Japanese letter he didn't bother to look. He only kept his black sweatpants that had small tears and holes on the border ends.

He had grabbed somes clothes for eri two that would either fit her niece and tight or loosely. The clothes consisted of a small red pair of boots, a red skirt with white leggings, a light mustard jacket with a white shirt with long sleeves. He had wrapped them together and hide them inside his now new stolen jacket under his armpit, as to easily smuggle them out

"Well now ill take my leave." He grabbed the middle section of his grey spiky hair as he took a black hair tie from the front pocket of the jacket, quickly wrapping only the midsection that left him with a spiky ponytail, that resembled that from one of those oni's in folklore stories.

He cover his head with the hood of the jacket as to hide his features.

but not so much from the young woman with light dorty blonde hair, who was looking at him very carefully, looking at him from head to toe with the curiosity of a cat measuring her prey or her new toy.

Raguel began to walk quickly towards the first floor.

and she soon followed him after, she kept a great distance between him, not so close and not so far, just a perfect distance .

When leaving the mall I hope that the heroine was watching the people who were leaving or entering, but apparently she was distracted, choking on a hamburger and an extra large cup of coke.

"This is so delicious!!." The heroine began to shake her head from side to side happily as she savored the junk food she had in her mouth. "I'd eat this for the rest of my fucking life who cares if I got fat . .. well if there was someone and that would be my fan—"

"Ma'am, are you going to pay yes or no?" the young hamburger delivery man from Macrunaldo spoke.

"Tch! I'm going to pay you." she said with annoyance as she took a sip of her coke. "Just put it in my account like always and then I'll pay it later like always."

The delivery man let out a sigh of defeat as he left the place, carrying his delivery man's backpack with himself, but not without leaving a nice compliment to the heroine.

"Old Hag!! Body of a cow!!." And with that the delivery man took of runin out of the place as if he had seen a ghost.

"what did you say! You rude brat!!." shouted the heroine Mt lady with an angry comical face.

_[two minutes later]_

"eri!" raguel call out with his back turned . "You're done . . changing."

"um I think so." the little girl answered uncertainly.

"let's see." Raguel turned around slowly yet cautiously but to hiss relieved he saw Eri come out behind a large cartoon box. She had her jacket backwards, the back in front and the front in the back, and her boots laces were tied together.

Raguel let out a sigh while a smile spread across his face, he knelt down and began to fix her clothes.

"I-I'm sorry" Eri spoke with embarrassment while Raguel was fixing her clothes.

"He! He! He! Don't apologize. I once thought that the pants I had were to put on my head to cover my horns. Ha! Ha!"

This made the little girl laugh and also Raguel who finished fixing Eri's clothes.

"hee! hee! ok done." Raguel got up at the same time that he took a step back. "And now you look magnificent." he waved his hands comically.

"he he!" Eri gave a little smile before his face turned awkward.

"what? what happened." Raguel asked surprised by the sudden change.

"Well . . . could I . . Could you give me a . . . .piggy back please?" She seem to shrunk as expecting for a no from her, bit to her surprise Raguel accepted as he carried her up and set her on his shoulders.

"Alright let's go now." Spoke Raguel "i did promise you sweets didn't i?."

"YAAAAAY!!." She let out a happy yell as she lifted her hands up in the air with excitement.

Raguel laughed as he kept on walking carrying a happy eri on his shoulder. As well as her mysterious stalker followed by.