
Chapter 47

TITLE: A normal day 

The city of Musutafu was basking in the glory of a brand new day. The clear blue sky was painted with golden rays of sunshine that illuminated every nook and corner of the bustling metropolis. The soothing sounds of the chirping birds and the gentle breeze blowing through the trees added to the tranquility of the morning. However, amidst the apparent normality of a typical day in Musutafu, one couldn't help but notice the extraordinary heroes soaring through the sky, their capes fluttering in the wind. On the other hand, the villains were going about their usual business, plotting nefarious schemes and causing chaos wherever they went. Despite the presence of these polarizing forces, the citizens of Musutafu continued with their daily routine, unfazed by the constant presence of danger that loomed over their city.

In one of the many hospitals in Musutafu, 2 youths could be seen talking to each other, both with smiles on their face. these 2 were of course Sora and Hana.

They were woken up a couple of hours ago by a nurse as she had to carry out certain tests to assess Sora's condition. While she was doing that, Hana decided to head out to get some food for them to eat, and by the time she came back, the nurse was gone. So she and Sora are talking about various things.

"I'm telling you, nothing beats ramen, it's like the easiest food to cook and it tastes delicious," Sora said

"Of course, you will say that god of laziness" Hana rolled her eyes, it was obvious that Sora was saying this because of his hatred for anything even slightly bothersome.

"I'm not lazy... at least not the god of laziness," Sora said. Yes, he could agree he was lazy but god of laziness? Nah, he wished he was but since he was cursed and actually loved the people around him he wasn't always lazy.

"Yeah sure" Hana wasn't believing any of this as she rolled her eyes. Sora seeing this, tried to convince her that he was a hardworking guy but it was a total of time as everything he was saying fell on deaf ears.

"SURPRISE !!" The 1A students shouted as they entered the room, startling the two.

"Wow hi guys," Sora said after regaining his composure before he continued "a surprising seeing you guys here, did Mr. Aizawa allow it?"

"I did," Aizawa said as he stepped into the room, Sora's expression became grim seeing his face as he greeted him awkwardly "Oh hi Mr Aizawa... haha"

"yeah sure," Aizawa said nonchalantly, as always he didn't care, before he asked, "How are you feeling?"

"Oh I'm okay, the nurse said I'll be good to go tomorrow"

"Alright that's good to hear since the opening ceremony will be taking place soon and you must be there since it's a new semester "

"Oh yeah..." Sora said slightly surprised as he realized that it now a new semester for him at U.A., he couldn't help but mutter

"How time flies..."

"Did you say something?" Aizawa asked and Sora immediately shook his head causing the latter to nod as he said "All alright then, I'll excuse myself so that you guys can spend some time with your friends"

And with that, he stepped out of the room and almost immediately, the room became rowdy as everyone asked Sora about his well-being and the likes, he was baffled by their concern but it soon turned into a smile as he answered all of their questions.

As they chatted away, Sora couldn't help but notice that two familiar faces were missing he asked

"Where are Midoriya and Bakugou?"

"Oh about that..." Kaminari scratched his head before he moved on to explain what happened as he told Sora about their fight.

"Hahahaha" Sora laughed after hearing the story before he said "I guess they had fun"


"I don't think so, they had bruises all over them"

"Oh but fighting is fun, so yeah I'm sure they enjoyed themselves"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Sora strangely but then they all realized as they thought 

'So that's why he always lunges into battles huh... Battle junkie?'

They couldn't but look at him with empathy, this made Sora feel uncomfortable as he asked

"What's with the strange looks?"

"Nothing" they answered with the same empathetic look, Sora couldn't help but feel bad about himself as he thought

'Am I some orphan who just lost his parents?'

But he decided not to ponder on it as he changed the topic by asking about the provisional license exams.

"Well everyone passed except Todoroki due to the incident with Inasa. I didn't yours is with Mr. Aizawa, you meet him later tomorrow and get it"

"_" Sora nodded as they continued talking about various things, though sometimes Kaminari would ask some strange questions like what he and Hana were up to in the night, Hana was the one to answer and she did with a punch to the gut, and a smile on her face.


Soon it was evening and everyone left even Hana who insisted that she wanted to stay had to go as Mr. Aizawa was hellbent on taking her back to school even if it meant taking her with a few bruises so she had to go leaving Sora all alone. He stared at the ceiling for a few minutes as he thought about the activities of the day

'Today was an especially normal day, I'm surprised the curse didn't activate today, wait... even for the past few days it hasn't affected me in any way... Hmmmmm, is it gone? Or have the triggering conditions changed? Hmmm, I'll have to check it out some other day for now I should call home and try getting some rest

And so he called the family back home as he explained to them how he had finally gotten a provisional hero license which allowed him to intervene in any situation where someone was in danger. Shiro, Sora's dad was overjoyed to hear this as it meant he wouldn't have to be reporting to the police station almost every day.

After he was done speaking with them, he decided to head to bed as he couldn't wait for the following day to come so he could finally leave the hospital.


"DON'T BREAK OUT OF LINE" Iida shouted as the 1A students headed to ground beta for the entrance ceremony but of course, they were stopped by the 1B students, the loudest being Monoma. As he mocked them as they had heard the news that one of them failed meanwhile everyone in 1B had passed. Sora seeing the ever-loud Monoma and the foreign student they had couldn't help but sigh as he muttered

"That guy is a bad influence"

"You are too," Hana said

"Eh... How?" Sora was shocked to hear her words as he asked and she answered "Well your laziness is rubbing off on me"

'How's that my fault?' Sora wondered but he didn't dare to say it out loud as he said "Well sorry about that but I just can't stay away from you"

Immediately, Hana's face flushed red as she hugged Sora, and the latter smiled as he hugged her back, they couldn't do much else since they were in public but they soon separated from one another as Shinsou and his mates made their appearance forcing them to head out for the ceremony.


Nezu, the U.A. Chancellor had just finished his speech as he spoke of the essence of the U.A. being to groom people that will be the successors to the society especially with the retirement of All might. After he stepped down, Hound Dog stepped up to the stage to give some comments about lifestyle in the dorms. So he took to the mic and spoke, no one was able to get a thing he was saying as it sounded like an angry dog speaking causing shivers to run down the student's spine, the homeroom teacher of 1B stepped up and interpreted what Hound Dog said and the now 1A students knew it was about Izuku and Bakugou's fight.

After this, the ceremony was over and everyone headed to their classrooms for homeroom. Aizawa took to the stage in class 1A as he explained to them how tough the training would be with the new year. Seeing this, the students moved on to ask about the internship mentioned in the opening ceremony and Aizawa explained it to them clearly stating the difference between the 2, in the first one they weren't able to act but in this one, they'll be able to take part in the action and it was all about making use of the connections they made during the first internship. After he was done, he stepped out of the class as President Mic stepped in, it was time to learn English.


It was evening time and all the students were in their various dorms, currently most of the 1A students were in the parlor as they spoke about the upcoming internship, everyone wondering what they were going to do.

Sora wasn't worried about this as he already had someone in mind.


Yeah time for the second internship, I'll ask for your suggestions since I've got 4 things in mind

1. Internship with Mirko

2. Internship with Brainstorm

3. Internship together with Hana under Mirko

4. Internship together with Izuku under best jeanist (don't choose this cus I really don't want it)