
MHA: The Green Flash(Izukuxharem)

What if Naruto Uzumaki interferes with Izuku's life? What if Izuku met someone from future earlier? What if Izuku can use Chakra? Find the answers to all these what if's in my fic.

HarshaJirou · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter 17: Results and Ryukyu's Request.



3rd Person POV.


Izuku exited from the exam site after ensuring that Ibara was in safe hands. He was nearing the exit as he saw Momo waiting there for him. Momo let out a huge smile as Izuku approached her as she said " That was soo cool Izu! You looked like a real hero there!.". Izuku gave a eye-smile as he said " Thanks Momo, I just wanted that girl to be safe is all, The robot seemed to have malfunctioned.".

Momo nodded as she explained " That is true, even the emergency stop button for the robot didn't stop it, the teachers gave up hope too. Only I believed you can save her.". Momo had a bright smile as Izuku in an unexpected way, gave her a sudden hug as he whispered "Thanks a lot Momo,".

Izuku then let go of Momo as he said " Lets go home then.". Momo was still dumbfounded as Izuku let out a small chuckle and started walking as a red-faced Momo got out of her state of shock and jogged to catch up. Momo was internally dancing in joy. Izuku never initiated giving a hug to someone except Aunt Inko, Momo was always the one giving hugs. No wonder she was shocked.

Both got home as Momo informed her parents of todays event's as both of them congratulated Momo on being one-step closer to her crush. Inko greeted Izuku with a smile and 2 bowls of katsudon ready and piping hot in her hands as she said " Welcome back Izuku, I am sure you are tired. Why don't you eat while telling me the details!".

Izuku gave a eye-smile and a nod as he took the bowls from Inko and both sat at the table with Inko listening to Izuku's POV of the exam.


TIME-SKIP- 1 week.


Izuku spent his time relaxing and training everyday while waiting for his letter from U.A, Momo already got hers and she is in class 1-A, both families celebrated as they went to resort for a day. It was a really big resort, can be a size of a village too. There were many events including a beach with border so sea animals wont enter. Izuku had his fun on many water sports while Momo was on the speed boat and water bike most of the bike.

Momo took a video of Izuku somehow falling off the water bike which she teased him a lot about while Izuku was begging her not to show it to their parents. Which worked but Momo asked for a hug which Izuku gave while Momo who was not surprised this time hugged back happily.

We are now at the Midoriya villa with Izuku in his room chatting with Ryukyu.

Ryukyu: What do it do T^T. In a few days, I have my first modeling for a brand who is sponsoring me, I am more nervous since I will also be modeling with a male too-_-.

Izuku: Lol, don't worry. You will do good. Just don't become a malfunctioning robot when you get there.

Ryukyu: You are not helping 😒.

Izuku: Maybe I will be the male model lol, Will that help?.

Ryukyu: Definitely, but we both know it won't happen ;-;.

Izuku: yep. Oop, brb. Mom's calling me.

Ryukyu: Sure, later Izuku!.

Izuku pocketed his phone as he went down to see why his mom called him, Inko was very excited since she just got back from shopping and noticed a mail in the mail box of both families. Inko took the mail and seeing it was from U.A, She assumed it will be Izuku's results and called upon him.

Izuku arrived in front of his mom as he said " Need help with anything? mom.". Inko shook her hands as she showed Izuku an envelope as she said " Lets look at your results from the U.A entrance exam.". Izuku's eyes sparked in excitement as he said " Please wait a minute mom, I will call Momo over too. She will kill me if I didn't call her for my results.".

Inko nodded as Izuku quickly called Momo, a few minutes later. The whole Yaoyorozu family appeared as Izuku questioned " I expected Aunt Athena but aren't you busy Uncle?". Akira throwing his hands up said " Anything to get away from a meeting with some other companies old geezer's trying to collab with me.".

Everyone let out a laugh as Izuku tore opened the envelope as a Disk fell onto the table and turned itself on as a projection of Nezu appeared. Nezu said "Hello Izuku Midoriya, I am Nezu the principle of U.A Hero school. I am here in form of a projection to inform you of your results. With a whooping 98%, You got the highest in the writing part and with a total of 126 villain points, You are also the top scorer in the physical department. This alone is more than enough to get into U.A but, We wont be a hero school if the exam was just focused of defeating robots. With your extreme abilities, You have saved the young girl from a possible death the robot malfunctioned. We apologized to the girl's parents and you have got a whooping 70 rescue points which puts your total to 196 Points!. Setting the record for the highest ever score achieved in the U.A entrance exams. You are in class 1-A and the school term starts exactly 58 days from today. Now the letter will self destruct.".

Izuku quickly seals up the disk so it won't explode in everyone's faces as he was suddenly enveloped in a group hug by everyone there. Everyone was proud on the score Izuku achieved and the praise he got from the principal itself!.

After a while, everyone got off the hug pile leaving a swirl-eyed Izuku as Akira seeing this as a chance dived in to take off the mask but Izuku puffed as a wooden log appeared in the place as Akira hit his fingers and let out a yell of pain.

Izuku had a smirk hidden by his mask at his Uncle's situation as Momo sighed. Inko decided to host a party as she said to Izuku to invite his friends too. Akira and Athena cheered on having a party prepared by Inko is the best. Izuku then excused himself as he texted the good news to both Ryukyu and Jirou.

Ryukyu was shell-shocked at the score Izuku got as Jirou was hanging her jaw in disbelief. Both accepted the invitation to the party as Izuku gave the address.


TIME SKIP- The next day.


It was the next day. the party went magnificently as Inko, Athena and Akira met Kyouka and Ryukyu. Athena and Akira was onto Jirou upon hearing her last name as they both explained how big of a fan they are to Kyouka's parents. Both were asking millions of questions while Inko was having a happy chat with Ryukyu. Who for unknown reasons seemed nervous the whole time but did enjoy herself.

Izuku is now just lying on his bed after a normal morning training routine as suddenly his phone buzzed as he got a text from Ryukyu.

Ryukyu: Quick! Izuku, I need your help! 😧.

Izuku: What happened?

Ryukyu: The male model who was supposed to model with me met with a accident and the modelling is in 2 hours. We don't have enough time to get a new one!

Izuku: RIP, so what can I help with?

Ryukyu: I need you to model with me!

Izuku: ...

Izuku: why me.

Ryukyu: You are the only good looking male I know, and if you agree. For a few sessions, you will get paid too! Aren't you saving up to buy a car?

Izuku( fuck, she got me. I am trying to buy a car and go for a ride along the nearby areas since I am free for 2 months. I just got my license too).

Izuku: You do know, I don't show my face right?.

Ryukyu: It will work in your favor more then. No one will recognize your with the mask unless they are someone who know you well!

Izuku: ..... fine, where should I reach?

Ryukyu: SWEET! I knew you would agree, the company already sent a car to you. Just get in.

Izuku: fine, the pay better be worth it -_-.

Ryukyu: Trust me. It is!

Izuku sighed as he got off the phone and wore a black shirt and jeans and went down. Inko who saw Izuku dressed to go out asked " Are you going somewhere, Izuku?". Izuku just answered " Modeling.". Inko let out a "eh?" as she stood there for a minute and snapped out of shock and was gonna ask Izuku for details just to see he is not there anymore.

Izuku just flickered to the gate as he swiped his card and the gate opened, Izuku went out and waited for a few minutes as a black BMW stopped in front of him as the window opened as a man in a black suit and brown hair asked " Are you Izuku Midoriya?". Izuku nodded as the door to the back seat opened as he got in.

The man in brown then said " May I please see your face?". Izuku hmm'd as he pulled down his mask.

The driver and the secretary were in awe as the director who asked Izuku to do it smirked as he said " Yes, You look fabulous, I look forward for this month's contract we will have. Izuku nodded along as they were on their way to the company.

The director of the company noticed that Izuku was a rather quiet person along the way. They arrived as Izuku, the director and his secretary got off and entered into the building. The director said "Welcome to Clamoir's clothing brand".

Izuku then remembered as he said " Ah, I like your brand , I recently got a few clothes from it too.". The director beamed as he asked " Can you recognize the clothes? we can use them for today too!", Izuku nodded as they arrived at the photoshoot room with Ryukyu in a traditional outfit taking a pic.

Everyone stopped as they saw the director as Izuku gave a deadpan stare to a blushing and nervously chuckling Ryukyu. The director then announced " This is our new replacement model for the next month, His name is private information for only me and a few other. For now, call him Uzuki.". Everyone were in awe at the facial features of the young man.

No one said it out loud but everyone thought this man might be more better looking than the original model they were in contract with. Ryukyu gave a apologetic gesture with 1-hand as Izuku just waved it off and said " Its fine. This will be a experience for me too anyways.".

The director brought out a tablet and asked Izuku to select the outfits he bought. Izuku selected 3 pairs and the director then pointed out a few core details and other costumes which he will wear. Ryukyu was nervous about the mixed shots since her heart was already beating fast at the sight of Izuku's face.

In the next 2 hours. Izuku had a total of 10 solo shots and 5 mixed shots with Ryukyu and Ryukyu had the same.

Izuku's solo shots:

The director and Izuku agreed upon using his model name to be UZUKI and his real name will not be disclosed. The director then came to Izuku with the contract as he said " This will be a 1 month contract which is extendable if possible , we will have a weekly session. Ryukyu-san will or will not be there for each due to her duties. You will be paid 8000$ for each session after the magazines are published. Bonuses will be given depending upon reviews. We will not disclose any personal information to outsiders and you will also be given as a additional of 20% percent discount card for any future purchases in our brand.".

Izuku after reading the terms and conditions agreed as he signed the papers and the director called the driver to drop him home. While we have a extremely red-faced Ryukyu hiding in the preparation room as she yelled " WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE SOO GOOD-LOOKING AND SOO NICE!". Thankfully, the room was sound-proofed enough for Ryukyu's flustered rant to not be heard.
