
MHA: The Green Blur

Izuku Midoriya just your ordinary run of the mill kid, until that is his life was completely turned upside down. After an accident caused him to suddenly gain powers, how will Izuku use his powers? Follow along as Izuku becomes imbued with the powers of super speed and how he became known as the fastest man alive! Aspects taken from DC's The Flash (Story by RSmallz on fanfiction.net)

drswagman · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

With Izuku

"Yes it's me, I hate talking through this. Why don't we meet in person." The comms went silent. But even before Izuku could react, a red streak of lightning came in and stopped in front of him.

Izuku stopped, but that's when he noticed, "N-No…. Let her go!" yelled Izuku.

There with their hand around Hatsume's neck was the person in the red lightning. All Might stopped as well, "Who is that?"

Izuku gritted his teeth, "That's the person who killed my mom."

Now getting a closer look at the person Izuku noticed that their suit was exactly like his, just red in color. "I've done more than that Izuku, but you don't have to worry about that now. There's someone who needs your help now." Raising his hand the person lifted Hatsume off the ground causing her to gasp for air.

"Stop it!" yelled Izuku angrily. Izuku ran at the person but they quickly got out of the way.

"Too slow, if you want to save her you'll have to get faster." mocked the person.

That's when All Might jumped into action, appearing behind the person All Might pulled his fist back. "I don't know who you are, but if you threaten a student of UA you'll have to deal with me! Detroit…"

"All Might, don't!" yelled Izuku. However before All Might's fist could even touch the person he was suddenly hit with several punches which knocked him back.

The number one hero was surprised as he slid to a stop, "I-I didn't even see him move."

"All Might, stop, head to the USJ. I'll deal with him." said Izuku.

"But I can't…" Izuku cut him off.

"GO NOW!" All Might flinched but ultimately nodded and took off towards the USJ. "Let Hatsume go, now." Demanded Izuku as he faced down the person.

"Hmmm, let me think about that." Letting go of Hatsume the mystery person appeared in front of Izuku and began to punch him multiple times with super speed hits.

Izuku hunched over in pain as he at least felt over 50 punches in a matter of a second, finally with one powerful uppercut the mystery person sent Izuku flying into the sky. Hitting the floor hard Izuku rolled to a stop, getting up slowly he was surprised by what he saw. Or rather, what he didn't see. Hatsume was gone, "W-Where is she!? I swear if you hurt her!"

"She's alive, for now at least. But it's up to you if she stays that way." explained the mystery person.

Izuku gritted his teeth, "What do you want?"

"To kill you. Simple as that." Explained the mystery person.

"Why? What did I ever do to you?" Asked Izuku.

The person laughed, "It's not what you've done, it's what you're going to do. You see I'm not from around here, at least not this part of time."

Izuku raised an eyebrow, "This part of time? What does that even mean?"

"In simple terms, I'm from the future Izuku. About 150 years in the future." Izuku couldn't believe it. "Shocking isn't it. But all true, I came back in time to do one thing, and one thing only. To make your life a living hell, just like you made mine."

"Me? I should be dead in 150 years. I've done nothing to you." Said Izuku.

"Nothing, you say? Nothing!?" The mystery person ran up to Izuku and grabbed him by the neck. "You took everything from me, my life, my family, and my title! I earned it all but you couldn't take it, no, you just had to come in here to ruin all my fun."

Izuku reeled back in fear as the person's eyes began to glow brighter with red. Their body was also vibrating so he couldn't tell who they were, "Y-You called us friends before, how is that possible?"

The mystery person threw Izuku to the side, "Not you, but another version of you came and visited me in the future. We fought alongside each other for a while, brought down villains, and even saved the world. But you didn't like sharing the glory. No, there was only room for one speedster and it couldn't be me. So you ruined me, took everything, and left me for dead. But I couldn't, no, I wouldn't accept it. If I couldn't make you pay then, I would do it in the past. Before you became a hero, before you were the fastest man alive."

"So everything, all the bad things that happened in my life were because of you?" Asked Izuku.

The mystery person smiled, "Every last thing. But now that I'm here, I can take away the thing you value the most besides your life. The girl. Once I deal with her, I will kill you."

Izuku clenched his fists, "Mom dying, dad going to prison, that was all you?" The person stayed silent, which only confirmed everything to Izuku. "Why you, you, you son of a bitch!"

With green lightning jumping off his body, Izuku ran at the person. "I guess we're doing this again."

The mystery person took off, Izuku gave chase and it seemed like a repeat of last time was inevitable. But this time the mystery person was fighting for real.

Running through multiple cities the two fought, Izuku would go in for a kick but the mystery person would just block and counter.

While in a city the mystery person managed to grab and throw Izuku towards a wall of a tall skyscraper. Landing feet first, Izuku began to run up the wall itself.

The mystery person gave chase and all the people below watched as two streaks of light, one green and one red headed up. Halfway up the two streaks began to clash into each other causing sparks to fly off every time they collided. They would go around the building multiple times to the point that the glass began to crack underneath their feet.

Finally making it to the top, Izuku was slammed against the signal tower. The tall beam of metal creaked and splinted causing it to tip over.

Falling, the tower slammed against the side of the building and began to fall. "Look at what you've caused Izuku. Watch as helpless people die because of you."

Grabbing his face the mystery person forced Izuku to watch the beam fall. Down below the echoing screams of people were heard as they ran for their lives. "N-No, let me go."

The mystery person smiled, "Never. You are going to watch this to the end."

That's when Izuku became angry, vibrating his hand he began to build up electricity. "I said, let me go!"

Breaking free from the person's grasp, Izuku turned around and tossed the electricity he was building up at the person.

Taken off guard the lightning hit the mystery person in the face. "GAAHHHH!"

Getting up quickly, Izuku ran down the side of the building, reaching the ground he began to grab people and get them out of the way of the falling beam. The heavy metal pole crashed to the ground breaking and splintering it, "You guys alright?"

The crowd nodded, "Good, now get out of here." with that Izuku ran up the skyscraper once again.

Making it back Izuku watched as the person stumbled back, the mystery person's face was covered in smoke. "I'll admit Izuku, you caught me off guard. But it won't happen again."

Izuku then noticed that the person's voice wasn't as distorted and their body had stopped vibrating. Narrowing his eyes Izuku saw the person's body, they were thin, rather tall, had curvy hips, and a pair of breasts? "A girl?" Asked Izuku.

That's when the smoke cleared from the person's face. Izuku's eyes widened, "Y-You…"

There standing in front of him atop a massive skyscraper was Melissa Shield. Her long golden blond hair blowing in the wind, "Surprise."