
A measured life

It's been a few days since I completed the first dungeon and made a kill.

During these days the police did not find me, the All might did not come to me to ask why I kill people.

Everything was completely normal, except that I grew 20 centimeters in 3 days and began to look 15 years old.

My body has become more resilient and fit, I have abs that are not a sin to show to the girls.

Also during this time I had a couple of sparring sessions with Mashirao, at the same time scattering stat points

Now my stats look like this: 

[Demi Shiba

Level 9




Beast Slayer

Health - 100%

Mana - 100%


Physical strength 50(need your quantity/2 to overcome your body's limit = 25 points)

Intelligence 51

Speed 40

Endurance 40

Durability 40

Energy consumption 41]

Available points to distribute: 1



Shadow Unity (Max. LVL.)

Body of the Shadow Sovereign (Max. LVL.)

Soul of the Shadow God (Max. LVL.)

Protection against theft and any other impact on existing skills/characteristics (Max. LVL.)

Knowledge of all languages of the selected world (Max. LVL.)

Eidetic Memory (Max. LVL.)

Retained memory when reincarnated into a new world (Max. LVL.)

Blessing of the Great Sorcerer Kandiaru (Max. LVL.)


Once every 100 years, allows you to move to a random world (Max. LVL.)

Evaluation: Level 4.

Creating Shadows

Shadow Manipulation


I started winning fights almost easily, sometimes he could surprise me, but we began to be in different weight categories.

Therefore, I go to the dojo only to get used to my strength, sometimes accepting the challenge of Mashirao.

But one event happened that could break up my routine, namely a request from Yui, and it happened quite interestingly:

In the morning I was woken up by the ringing of the phone.

- "Hm?" 

- "Demi, are you ready for another battle there?" - Mashirao asked cheerfully, probably still smiling widely now.

- "Aren't you tired? I'll still win."

- "Hey! I already feel that I have a chance, I came up with a new technique and it will definitely help!"

-" Seriously?" - I sat up on the bed.

-"Yes, so come after school and we'll definitely get together."

- "Eh, agreed"

I'll soon be 13 years old, and I'm stronger than some pro heroes. I'm still not sure about defeating the first 50 heroes, but they are still a hero and if we fight, it will most likely be in sparring and nothing more.

Either way, I can always run away. Just don't rule out unknown factors yet, such as a time-stopping quirk or simple slowdown. Although even in this case I have a countermeasure and it is easy, the more energy it takes to stop time, the more difficult it is.

Any quirk has its own limit, and if you cross it, the quirk will simply stop working on you. So, when trying to stop me in time, my energy stored in my body and seal should protect me at least for some time, during which I will have time to figure out what to do.

Although the fact that I am stronger than professional heroes is probably something I have gone too far, teamwork also means a lot and they may well catch me. Still, even a lion can be killed by packs of hyenas, that is, even though I seem to be strong, there are enough people in the world with strong quirks.

Now I wanted to spend time on a new book, but I had to put thoughts about the drawing on hold because of high school.

Arriving at school, everything started as always, but almost the whole day I felt a gaze on me, after the raid I became especially sensitive to such things, but realizing that it was Yui, I decided to forget about it, although if it doesn't end today, then I need to will come and ask..

But after the last lesson, she herself came up and started a conversation:

- "Demi-senpai, if you are not busy, may I ask you to spare a few minutes of your time to talk to me?" - the brunette who approached the desk quietly addressed me, making a minimal bow.

A clear entry, in general. Thoughtful. And yes - she asked quietly, but loudly enough that most of the class fell silent and stared in our direction.

I stared back with a frown. Of course, I had nothing against this girl in general or her attention to me in particular.

However, firstly, I was focused on "knowing" the results of my adventures,

secondly, I decided not to interfere with the canon until the key events of the series,

and thirdly, I didn't expect anything good from the conversation in advance.

By using prepositions and postfixes in Japanese, you can find out quite a lot even before the actual dialogue begins. 

For example, the fact that the future heroine used "senpai", and not the standard "san" or "kun", made it clear that she considered me a senior, superior to her in some respect.

What could have aroused her interest in my immodest person with half and half respect as an elder?

We are obviously the same age. My academic achievements are, of course, above average, but not something supernatural in the land of diligent nerds.

 Yes, of course, over the past couple of days I have changed a lot, but this is not a reason to consider me cool or maybe she has fallen in love with me? ALTHOUGH NO.

Most likely, she will ask me to give her advice regarding admission or ask what I know about the entrance exam...

Boring. So I decided to be polite enough, but a little rude, to discourage anyone from communicating with me for the next couple of years.

 And there, in the future, we will still have time. With an exaggerated sigh, I nodded: 

-"Of course, Kodai-san,"- and crossed my arms over my chest. Like, keep going, girl.

The said girl, however, didn't bat an eyelid, as if she didn't expect anything different, and continued evenly:

- "Since you, Demi-senpai, voiced that your goal is to enter the U.A. Academy, this makes you and I rivals, because I I also strive to become a heroine. However, now you and I are members of a friendly team, fellow students, and therefore I humbly ask you, as the Kouhai of your senpai, to share with me your wisdom, which gives you such self-confidence when talking about entering the best academy of professional heroes in the world..."

Hm? Raising an eyebrow, I began to wonder what she might know. Have you seen my workout? But I always make sure that there is no one nearby. Did you recognize it at the dojo? No, old man Atsushi only works with his own people and doesn't welcome strangers.

Maybe she somehow got hold of the report from my quirk screening?

Where could I have screwed up?

And she didn't say anything about personal strength. Not to mention the fact that the basis of my confidence is built on an animated series that I watched in another life, and where we both entered...

The silence dragged on, so I asked absentmindedly, wanting to gain time:

- "Why do you think that I know some secret, Kodai-san? What if I'm just a selfish and arrogant person?" - someone in the class giggled. 

-"You are very confident in yourself,"- came the quiet, laconic answer. The gears grinded. Stop. And what? And it's all?

Apparently, my amazed irritation was reflected in the expression on my face, because the girl, stumbling a little, muttered even more quietly: 

-"Of course, this can be expected from the owner of such an amazing quirk, which also helps improve the body, but... I hoped that you could There may be another reason for such confidence, advice for such owners of weak quirks."

When I realized that this was not a joke, sighing heavily.

Got up from his seat

-"Let's go out into the corridor?" - intending to popularly explain to the stupid girl what a weak quirk is and what is a strong one.

I silently moved into the corridor, waving my hand behind me invitingly. Yui followed me, a couple of steps behind.

Her classmates followed her, a couple of steps behind. 

- "Sighing.....," - I moved to the end of the corridor, where there was a fairly quiet dead end.

Sometimes high school students smoked there or high school girls huddled together, but there was a chance of not meeting anyone.

And so it happened.

Stopping in front of the only window, I looked sternly towards the turn to the classrooms and warned:

-"But I didn't invite you!" - And I lightly slammed my foot, causing the shadow to start chasing them..

Curious noses sneezed and hid.

However, I had no doubt that you couldn't drive them away so easily.

These are children - curious and persistent. Ai, what difference does it make anyway, it's not like I'm going to tell any secrets now... Yui also sneezed quietly, hiding her nose behind her sleeve in a hilariously cute way.

I turned to the girl and leaned on the windowsill, watching the dust particles dance in the rays of the sun. Warm. I had to look at the girl, so I frowned again. Well, he started talking - where to go? 

- "Listen, Yui. You're not a stupid girl... so why are you talking such nonsense? And it would be okay if I just said - you clearly believe in this nonsense!"

- "I don't understand" - The girl clearly didn't expect this, so she took a step back. 

- "There are people who shout at every corner that there are no bad and good fads. As well as the weak and the strong. But... to say this in a world where there is the All might, and someone can only unravel ordinary clothes into threads is stupidity. The first is a great hero, the second person is destined to become, at most, a fashion designer. Isn't that right?"

 - "Yes"

There really are no strong or weak quirks. There are only strong and weak people.

If someone is truly a warrior, someone who wants to be able to protect himself and those around him, to fight in defense of his personal truth, then he will find a way to use any advantage, any weapon, any resource in battle.

And any quirk.

Yes, those who have it as simple as two fingers are really lucky... in some ways.

But the enemy and the situation are completely different, and most often the winner is not the one who is stronger in a head-on collision, but the one who is smarter and better prepared. Flexibility of thinking, thoughtful tactics, various gadgets to enhance your quirk and use it in as many situations as possible - this is what makes those who want to, those who truly become heroes. Not luck at birth.

Yui listened.

I took a breath. I don't remember the last time I said so much...

- "As for you... your quirk is anything, but it's certainly not weak! She is flexible and incredibly versatile, she has significant combat potential, both damage and defense, she can serve as a support for other heroes, and will work great with other quirks. Without knowing the details, I can offhand give you ten ways to use it in the fight against villains or the consequences of natural disasters, and all that is needed for its successful use is high-quality preparation. And brains. So I absolutely don't understand your doubts - you're not a stupid girl. That's basically all I wanted to say."

The girl was silent, even forgetting about her attempts to tear a piece off her skirt, so I considered that the audience was over and turned to leave. Well, yes, he dreamed.

- "Demi-senpai, please... forgive me for my stupidity and selfishness! - she shouted at my back - I showed only ignoble envy of you, your self-confidence and your quirk, but I could not even imagine the amount of work you put into understanding and preparing for the profession of a hero."

I tried not to show irritation:

-"Come on, everything's fine. Since we've talked, let's go back to..."

- "Tell me, what should I do? "- I turned back and stared at the girl with a raised eyebrow.

Meanwhile, the recommended girl, hypnotizing the floor, nervously twirled in her hands a smartphone in a red and white case with some kind of keychain and confusedly tried to explain what she was actually asking for:

-"Admission to the U.A. Academy, of course, you can't say that, but it still seems to me that it is structured a little dishonestly. 

I understand that it is for the best of the best, but the entrance exams also have a practical part. 

Applicants need demonstrate skillful handling of your quirk, but I want to become a hero so that they can teach me how to use it, don't I?

But it turns out that this is an exam for those who have already been trained, but no one teaches me, because using quirks in everyday life is prohibited, it's impossible, right?

But how can I then learn to use it, and where can I find a teacher?"

In some ways she reminded me of the protagonist of the anime based on this world, Midoriya. What happened in her life that made her so insecure? Almost full? Or does it just seem to me that at this age this is the norm for children?

- "Okay, so what do you want from me? " -Yui Kodai looked up at me, and I had to meet an unexpectedly strong gaze, filled with a cocktail of conflicting emotions. She took a deep breath, as if preparing to jump into an icy pond. It looked touching:

- "Demi-senpai, you've already given me more than I hoped for!

You explained that it is not my strength that is weak, but that I myself am stupid.

I apologize that I dare to ask for more, but tell me how I can become stronger!

Please... help me become a hero!"

Yes, you are driving. Sighing, I was about to transparently hint to the future heroine that no one pays me for tutoring. But suddenly I saw something familiar in her eyes, in the way she looked.

Something that I see in the mirror, something that has pushed me all these years. What allowed me to hold out at this furious pace for 12 whole years - until serious results appeared.

And the point is not that Yui looked exceptionally cute, embarrassed, but inflamed and slightly pink, and not that she was pretty and not even that with all this meekness and self-doubt the girl looked very vulnerable and fragile .

That's not the point, no.

I just saw hope in her eyes for the first time.

A very familiar hope.

And suddenly I thought that we were not very different from each other, despite all the obvious differences.

She also has a dream... the same one.

So yes - I thought about it. Perhaps the thesis that quirks cannot be strong or weak has reached her, so she can be trained...

Okay, maybe I can give her a couple of tips.

And, in essence, what harm could come from this? She will become a hero and a student of U.A. anyway, and it is unlikely that this will somehow ruin the canon... Why, in that case, not help the person a little?

I am, after all, a future hero.

-"Okay, - I said. - I'll help. Although I'm not sure what you expect from me. But keep in mind: the most important thing here is that you yourself start thinking ab...

- "Thank you, Demi-senpai!" - I was interrupted.

-"I won't let you down," they assured me with all seriousness. Ohhh

- "Okay then, we'll meet tomorrow in the park after school."



I'm sick, so there will be delays in releasing chapters.

If you find a mistake, I will be grateful if you let me know

LuckyDemicreators' thoughts