
MHA: Sovereign of shadows

This story is about a young man who couldn't live a normal life due to heart problems, spending almost all his time on anime and manga. Unfortunately, his heart stopped beating while watching solo leveling. But his story does not end there. There will be many adventures on his way, let's watch him together with the mysterious 4th dimension. ******* [DISCLAIMER]: I do not own the story or any of the characters in the book except for the OC created by 'me' the Author himself. *******

LuckyDemi · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Interlude(Conversation of heroes)

- "Who would have thought that these psychos would appear in our country?" - Said Hawk, who sat down next to the Rabbit Heroine. They were the same age, but he was already in the top ten, and was quickly moving towards the top five.

Although Rumi was supposedly stronger than him in direct battle, Hawk was much more sociable and efficient. He specialized not only in combat, but also in preventing disasters. Moreover, it was clearly promoted by the government itself. All his exploits were extolled with maximum pathos

- "Do not talk nonsense!" — Hero No. 2, Endeavor, responded to Hawk's remark. He was a massive and muscular man with a bad character. 

Endeavor was, frankly speaking, much stronger than all the other heroes in the top. However, just like he could not compare with the one who took first place and was the Symbol of Peace.

- "I think the Endeavor is right. They, albeit very organized, are still just Villains ." All might also entered the room. Of all those who took part in the recent battle, only four of them were among those who did not need to visit the hospital.

It's obvious that they were sent to prepare the ground for the start of the war." - The hawk snorted.

- "Okay... In any case, this incident will be decided by politicians. Our work is finished. Damn, so much time was spent on them, I'm just falling off my feet. I always thought that working here would be easy, that I could work half-heartedly to earn money for cable, but no, I am constantly thrown into the most dangerous situations. But I became a hero not so long ago. - Complained Hawk, who became a hero even a little later than Miruki. - By the way, how about a drink?"

- "No, thank you. "- All Might shook his head, a smile playing on his lips as usual. She was always on his face, inspiring people with hope and a feeling of complete security.

- "I have to go. At least today I can have dinner with my family. "-The Endeavor said gloomily, although it was clear from his voice that he would rather have a drink with a friend than return home.

"There are rumors that Endeavor has a very bad relationship with his family. His wife is in a psychiatric hospital, and his children, to put it mildly, do not like him very much. Hmm... But knowing this guy, I don't think he's the kind of guy who would beat up his wife and bully his children. Although... He entered into a marriage of convenience, that is, in essence, he agreed with the bride's family and almost bought her for money. Hmm... Of course it sounds crazy, but in very rich families this is practiced, albeit unofficially. And Prospector is rich, he earns even more than All might. As for children, he may be terrible as a teacher who barks and always criticizes, but the statistics speak for themselves. Those who have completed at least one internship with him usually live longer than heroes who have completed internships in other heroic agencies. And it's not just that the majority of those who studied with Prospector so want to get into his agency again, this time to work. Hmm... If he can't communicate normally with teenagers, then how did he raise his children? Maybe that's why he has..."

- "Family dinner? - Suddenly, a strange expression flashed across All Might's face. — By the way, yes, Enji, how is your relationship with your family? Well... You're not worried about the fact that your children might be attacked by a villain, or that you yourself will do something wrong."

The prospector, who was called not by his heroic nickname, but by his name, stared at his opponent as if he had struck him between the legs with all his might and for no reason.

However, no matter how the Endeavor radiated a threat with his whole body, no matter how the fire flared up on his body, he answered calmly, as always, albeit in an even colder and irritated tone than usual. Although, it would seem how this is even possible!

-"I'm not afraid that something will happen to my children. Because if some nit touches them, I will burn it. And I think everyone in Japan understands this. As for all the freaks who just have a headache, no one is safe from them, All might. Take this maniac, for example, our VALORABLE police don't have time to search for him. The bat catcher feeds children to bats, this nit can feed both my son Shoto and any other child to his pets. But when I find him, he will no longer feed anyone. - Then the Prospector paused and, emitting even more depressing pressure, added. - I guess I made the worst parent ever. Maybe that's true. But... I will raise my youngest son to be strong, and he will surpass you. - The lights of madness lit up in the Prospector's eyes, but suppressing them, he added. - I am not idiot. I know that all my children hate me. But so what?! I gave them what they didn't give me! I paid for any of their purchases, and hired coaches and mentors for any of their hobbies. They have enough money in their accounts that if I were killed, they could live their entire lives without needing it. And... I always, even when on a mission, answer the phone if they call me, and also try to come to them for dinner. Let him always pass in silence. I do what a parent should do. - There was confidence in his voice, after which he smiled slightly, looking defiantly into the face of the All might. - I may be a lousy father, but after I'm gone, my daughters will have enough money as a dowry. And the son will become a strong man and the greatest hero! I paved the way for them!"

- "But was it worth it if in the end it all came to the point that they hate you?" - All might clarified.

- "Why did you start interfering in my life? Bastard!" — Heat blazed from the Endeavor's body. Even Rumi found it strange that the All might for some reason provoked hero No. 2. In the end, it is already clear that the topic of family is painful for him.

- "Sorry Enji, I shouldn't have asked that. I was just curious."

"Hmm…" The Endeavor snorted. It seemed that he himself was thinking a little about his relationships in the family. Probably, if someone had asked questions instead of his opponent, he would have simply growled at him, but Almighty was his goal, the one he wanted to surpass, and therefore he always listened to his words, path and growled at him just like and on the other heroes.

As for All Might, he was still smiling as usual, as if to say that he understood Prospector and his difficulties. Although, how could he understand them?

At that moment, a message arrived on the Bunny Heroine's phone. Looking at him, the girl chuckled.

- "Hey! It seems the police have found traces of the lord of the bats."

The Endeavor immediately turned to her.

- "Lord of the bats. I'll take care of it myself." - He said menacingly. It seemed that this huge guy had found someone on whom he could vent his flames of discontent and irritation after communicating with his colleagues.

- "Yeah! Now! He is my prey, I will beat him!" - Rumi grinned. She was looking for this guy because she really wanted to beat him up and protect the streets from him. Even though she always said that the most important thing for her was simply to have the legal right to fight, she was not deprived of Heroic impulses, and simply compassion for ordinary people.

- "And what will you do when you beat him? Will you hand this trash over to the police?" — The prospector frowned.

-"We are heroes, not murderers." - Reminded All might.

-"I don't want to hear this from a man who killed his mentor's murderer." - The Endeavor looked with contempt at the one whom he had wanted to surpass all his life.

All Might also opened his mouth to answer, but he was beaten to it by someone who had clearly been feeling very awkward the entire conversation.

- "Um... If you decide that you will figure it out yourself, then I guess I'll go have a beer and relax in front of the TV. As for who should handle this, Rumi, just give it to the Endeavor! He can handle everything better than you or me." - The hawk got up, and with an apologetic smile, sideways, hurried to leave.

He fought in the front ranks, and made a great contribution to the common cause, and therefore he wanted to get a well-deserved rest, and not another enemy with whom he would have to fight. How tired he was could already be seen by the fact that, as usual, he did not tease the Prospector with his jokes, but simply directly showed his trust in him.

Of course, when leaving them, Hawk was a little saddened that even his girlfriend, the Rabbit, did not want to drink with him, but their views on life and responsibility were quite different. For him, heroism is just a job for which he is paid, for her it is an opportunity to fight. Perhaps only Prospector and All might became heroes because they wanted to help people.

- "Maybe this is a gap in the values of generations?" - Thought the young hero. - "Although who am I kidding, I care about this too, but I really won't be of any use if I don't rest. As for problems, I believe in the Endeavor. Hehe... I guess I'm the only one of the heroes who thinks this way about this explosive guy, and not about All Might..."

- "Hmm... So there it is." — The Endeavor crossed his arms over his chest, as if saying that without information from the girl he would not let her go anywhere.

— "I sent you the data. - Rumi sighed. She wasn't sure she was ready to kill a person, even one like the lord of the bats. But... Internally, she agreed with the Endeavor`s position. Someone like the lord of the bats had to be removed from this world. And Heroes could kill villains. Yes, this was not approved, but they had the right to kill in certain circumstances, which could have been created.

- "Wait. Let me do this instead. - All Might looked at them. - If you can avoid murder, it is better to avoid it. This guy did not deserve such an easy fate, let him sit in Tartarus and forever think about his deeds."

- "What nonsense. You can escape from any prison. Therefore, those who are truly insane should be sent to the next world. It doesn't matter whether they realized something or not! All that matters is the safety of society." - The prospector snorted, and then a new message arrived to him and the others. - "What the? Hmm..." - He opened a new message from the police.

Rumi did the same, the message said that the body of the lord of the bats was found in the alley.

- "Killed by a blow to the heart?" -Hero No. 2 tensed.- "That's the Vigilante's job. Your friend didn't pass this information on to other people, did he?"

-"He wouldn't do that! I'm sure of him." Rumi smiled. "He's a serious guy who won't do anything illegal."

- "Hmm... Okay then. But this is still bad news." — The Endeavor sighed.

- "Didn't you want to kill him yourself?" — Rumi couldn't resist.

- "Yes, I wanted to. But that's me. I know I'm ready for this and I know where to draw the line. Whether the killer with the knife will go off the rails and start killing even more is a question that only time will answer."

-"I thought you'd be happy about a vigilante killing villains." - The rabbit chuckled.

— "Murder is different from murder, Miruka." — The Endeavor sighed, calling her by her heroic name, and looked into the girl's red eyes. Unlike All Might, Prospector took a large number of students from schools for practice every year, Rumi herself once took one such practice with him.

She learned a lot from it, but due to Endeavor's bad character, she still decided to never work under his leadership again. And now he spoke in the same annoying tone. - It is necessary to kill Maniacs. Those who kill simply because they feel like it, or worse, because they believe they are doing the right thing for whatever reason, are the most dangerous people on earth. We need to get rid of them.

- "Hmm... But Enji, don't you fall into this category yourself? "- All might clarified.

- "Shut up and don't interrupt me when I'm talking!" — The man burst into flames, looking irritably at his opponent, but then still explained.

- "I don't teach all my students that they need to kill villains. Because many would simply break down if they took someone's life. Some may commit suicide later, while others may decide that since he was right here, he will be right later too. And so, step by step, you can eventually descend into the very darkness. You start with maniacs, then murderers, then thieves, then pickpockets, then tough thugs, and eventually you end up killing people you just don't like. That is why I have strict limits on who can be killed, and I teach my own people the same. - He stared at All Might. - You killed the most dangerous criminal, and that's good, but here's the reason... You didn't do it because he was so dangerous. - The Endeavor raised his hand up, interrupting the other man's answer. - You can say whatever you want, but I know! I know that you killed him out of revenge, and this is the path to madness. Maybe you were able to stay on the edge of the abyss and not fall, but could someone else?"

-"Let's just trust that we don't get another vigilante killing villains." - All Might was still smiling, but he looked sad.

-"Hmm..." - The Endeavor nodded, and then smiled, speaking in a more cheerful tone.- "And yet the death of the lord of the bats is a cause for joy."

-" Death cannot be a reason for joy." All Might shook his head.

The Endeavor snorted and walked away without saying goodbye. His views, his methods... Could they be accepted in an age when the All might saves and protects everyone with a smile on his face? Can he convey his idea that a villain can escape from any prison? No! After all, there is a Symbol of Peace! There is someone who can easily catch any villain and put him in prison again.

And why should people think when they can simply listen to the Symbol of Peace, who is always right.

Rumi looked at Endeavor's back, and felt a little embarrassed seeing No. 1 and No. 2 fighting. However, Endeavor will always be the one behind All Might. No matter how hard the Endeavor worked, no matter how powerful and influential his Agency became, in the eyes of people he would always be second only to the Symbol of Peace.