
MHA : Shoto Todoroki - Modern-day Villain

Reincarnated as Shoto Todoroki, I thought I hit the jackpot. Being the child of a Hero was supposed to be a lucky drawn until I learned that from ten among us, three only would reach adulthood. This world isn't the one I thought I knew : the strong do as they please and the world has to bend to their will. In another life, I could have been a Hero - in this one, I will make the world bend until it breaks, even if I have to destroy myself in the process. ------------ This a dark, gore, more seinen than shonen fanfiction. If you're a bit sensitive or faint of heart, I strongly advise against reading this. Otherwise welcome to your new favorite fanfiction.

Nar_cisse · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
168 Chs


As I said in my latest chapter's note, I will unpublish all of the chapters of the story on webnovel and publish them back in bulk to get more attraction only on webnovel.

You can read - and keep on reading the new chapters as scheduled - the story on scribblehub, royalroad, ao3, fanfiction.net, spacebattle and sufficient velocity.

I am honestly very annoyed about the fact that stories with a fifth of my chapters and not even half of the quality are more privileged by the algorithm than mine, which is why I am doing this as a last ressort.

Bear with me everyone, it's the matter of a month and a half - again, you'll still get new chapters, but not on this website.

I hope you undesrtand my point and how frustrating this situation is for me.

I still want to interact with everyone and I hope I will see you on these websites starting from monday.

Apologies for the inconvenience but again, I'm way too annoyed to not do it.