
MHA : Shattered Symbol

SLOW START, WILL TAKE SOME TIME BE BECOME OP. OP MC, SMART, QUIRKS NOT DECIDED YET. MULTIPLE QUIRKS. Disclaimer :- I don't own anything except the original fanfic arcs and characters that will be introduced by me later on and this picture is from the google so if it belongs to you mention your name to me. i will gladly give you credit.

Deserted_Shayar · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 1 :- THE EDGE

The city spread before Izuku like a vast canvas of dreams and nightmares. The towering skyscrapers cast long shadows that mirrored the darkness within him.

The bitter wind pierced through his uniform, threatening to tear him from the ledge and cast him into the abyss below. An endless sea of lights stared back at him, each belonging to someone living a life he would never know.

He was alone, abandoned by the world and left with nothing but the void calling his name. Despair crept through his bones as he wondered what purpose he had left, if any, in a world that had forsaken him. He inched closer to the edge, the siren song of the pavement below growing louder with each moment. A single step was all it would take to silence the noise, to find peace in oblivion.

Suffocating waves of desperation wrapped him, dragging him deeper into the abyss of his own mind. Questions that had no answers tortured his mind, tearing apart the thin purpose that held him together. What role did he have in a world that pushed the ordinary to the side? Did his life have meaning beyond a cruel joke? Would it have been different if he had a quirk? Would people have been kind? Would they have cherished his presence?

"NO! THIS WORLD IS ROTTEN TO IT'S CORE IF ONLY.. IF ONLY I HAD A QUIRK EVEN A SIMPLE ONE THEY WOULD HAVE TREATED ME BETTER." wailed Izuku on top of his voice as his eyes filled with desolation and misery.

The clocktower nearby chimed as the night hit its peak, its dull tones resonating with Izuku's pain. Each toll seemed to echo with the beats of his heart, a rhythmic reminder of the emptiness that consumed him. He closed his eyes, trying to shut out the insistent voice of thoughts that threatened to overwhelm him.

They haunted his mind, heavy and dark like the shadows around him. As he stared into the emptiness he wondered how much pain this fall would cause, and how briefly it would end the voices in his head.


He saw himself as a child, eyes bright with wonder and innocence, believing that one day he too would become a hero. All Might had been his idol, the embodiment of everything he aspired to be—brave, strong, Symbol Of Peace for everyone but reality had a cruel way of shattering dreams.

The doctor's diagnosis became his death sentence, stripping away the illusion of a bright future. QUIRKLESS. This word echoed in his mind like a curse, branding him as an outcast in a society that worshipped quirks.

The laughter of his classmates followed, their mocking tones etched into his memory.

They had once been his friends, companions on the journey of childhood. But when his quirklessness became known, they turned into tormentors, wielding their powers like weapons against him.

Some started bullying him as days went on, he approached his teachers who never paid any attention to him overlooking them as quarrels between kids. Some intentionally squashing the matter to avoid being accused of neglecting their students by the school and parents.

So, Izuku never got the comfort he deserved aside from anyone but his mom, His mom was always busy working because his dad was gone. He felt sad because he couldn't talk to her about how he felt. He wanted someone to understand him, but he couldn't say it. He wished he could share his feelings with his mom, but he was scared.

As a result he stopped being active with his studies and limited his interactions with other student and teacher, most of his time he spent was Infront of television or internet researching other quirks and trying to materialize his if there was any.

Somehow, these heroes of society and all might gave him a huge sense of belonging and urge to be someone who can be the cause of everybody's smile. He would often imagine his quirk awakening and everything taking a turn for better.

But as all things good things end… So did his hope for awakening. As he grew up he immersed himself into studying and analyzing different quirk. He spent most of his time studying for his class.

Without realizing he spent these years distancing himself from his peers as a result there was not a single person who he could call his friend.


Izuku was 14 years old today. He walked down the street in a chaotic morning his eyes filled with fascination and hope.

"Whoa, A monster form, What a Quirk?!" a person nearby exclaimed.

"What's going on?" an aloof guy said.

"They drove him into the wall so he went berserk I guess" another mentioned.

The atmosphere crackled with energy as a throng of people gathered, their voices low and impassioned.

The air hummed with tension, a palpable weight that seemed to press down upon every person there. Disagreements and opposing viewpoints clashed with each other, the heated murmurs giving voice to the frustration and anger of those present.

Slowly moving through this crowd was Izuku with excitement in his eyes "who is fighting?, That's Kamui Woods! The kid hero who's star is rising!" he chimed.

He soon left for school after Mount Lady and Kamui Wood calmed the situation where he sat in a middle of the class with his head hanging low as he took notes.

"C'Mon class! You're Middle School seniors!" roared his teacher.

"I'll be handing out prinouts on your desired Life-Course! YOU ALL WANT TO BE A HERO DON'T YOU?" the teacher asked.

This Question caused an uproar among the students who become excited and each displaying their own quirks.

Bakugo a blond haired kid with an attitude of a delinquent went on to mocking the entire class and flaunting how he was aiming for UA.

"I'm gonna SURPASS even that "ALL MIGHT" bastard as top hero!!" roared Bakugo with excitement.

"Hey now that you mention it, didn't Midoriya want to go to UA high as well?" asked a boy with wind manipulation quirk.

Izuku became the center of attention in the classroom, as every student swiveled their heads towards him with an expression of astonishment. However, their amazement soon transformed into ridicule, as the entire class burst into a fit of laughter.


 "TH—There is no rule against it or anything! Sure there is no precedent, but…" izuku said in low voice. 


With a vicious snarl, Bakugo bellowed, "EAT SHIT, DEKU!!!" before unleashing a powerful explosion at Izuku's table, hurling him to the ground.

"Forget about having a weak ass quirk, you don't even have a Quirk. So where do you get off putting yourself on the same level as me?!"

Izuku, in a state of vulnerability, spoke through his trembling tears, "Wait... that's not it... hold on."

"It's not as if I wanna compete with you, I wouldn't dream of it! It's Just… I have looked to be a hero since I was 4 and you never know till you try.." Izuku continued.

"YOU NEVER KNOW TILL YOU TRY!!? THE EXAMS ARE HOPELESS FOR YOUU!!!" roared Bakugo as the rest of the class mocked him smirking and laughing as the back watching the entire scene.

Bakugo's grin was menacing as he moved towards Izuku and laid a hand on his trembling shoulder, "SO what I am saying is FORGET about UA little nerd.". Izuku was left speechless, bowed down in silence, the weight of Bakugo's words heavy on his mind.

With a cold indifference, he left Izuku crumpled on the ground and strode towards the classroom exit "Well if you really want to be a hero so bad, there is actually a really good way. You should just dive off the rooftop. You might get a quirk in next life."

Izuku left alone by his peers, he let the word of Bakugo sink in and retorts in his mind, "if I do that, it would be abetment to suicide you moron at least think before you speak."

He huddled his things and left for house.

Izuku walked down the street with furrowed brows and downturned lips tear filled eyes as he is grappled with disappointment, telling himself "I told myself I can become the top hero, DON'T CRY! Just let it sink in!!".

He had fantasized about becoming a top pro hero but is now being forced to face reality.

He thought it was time to start thinking seriously about his future.

He soon notices few shouts and an explosion, telling himself that he should quit already. He moved to see what was happening what he witnessed was a scene he never fathomed in his wildest fantasies.

"Why are all the heroes at a stand still?" asked someone in the crowd.

"The guy's got a middle schooler hostage." Said another one.

Bakugo was held hostage by a Slime villain.

"HEY! Isn't that the same villain that all might was chasing this morning?!" chimed a fan girl.

"ALL MIGHT!!? SERIOUSLY?! WHERE IS HE?" asked a few people collectively

Izuku had his own inner turmoil going on 'They need to wait for someone with a quirk that'll work against him!!, Hang in there Bakugo… I'm sorry…!! I know you are in excruciating pain. Just a little while.'

Bakugo's mouth erupted with an anguished wail as his tear-filled eyes scanned the surroundings, frantically searching for a glimmer of hope, a savior to rescue him from his misery. His pained expression and desperate pleas called out to anyone who could hear, imploring them to come to his aid.

Izuku's emotions overwhelmed him, and he couldn't stand idly by. Unbridled determination and concern for Bakugo's safety flooded his mind, and he made the impulsive decision to jump into the fray himself.

Izuku's face contorted into a feral expression, his eyes wide and wild, his mouth stretching into a manic grin exposing gritted teeth. This raw display conveyed a sense of unbridled power and perhaps even a hint of madness, fueled by his desire to rescue his friend from the clutches of the villainous slime.

This story's in a world I built, not the usual one. Things might be different, way cooler! If you're looking for boring and predictable, this ain't it.

This character's gonna have all sorts of crazy quirks, and I'm open to ideas! Think you have a power that would make this character epic? Spill it! Your idea could totally change the story!

So, let's make this story amazing together! Give me your best power ideas, and let's blow everyone away!

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