
MHA: Shadowed Feathers

What would you give up to make a deal with a demon? Could you ensare it within you and control it or would you sucumb to the overwhelming force and never more exist in the mortal realm? Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia. All rights belong to Horikoushi Kouhei

PenguinOfChaos · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

A Detective's trail

Walking down one the of the streets of Hosu, detective Naomasa Tsukauchi thought back to the events that had transpired this night. He had been woken up by a phone call asking him if he could check out a crime scene, the caller quietly said it might have something to do with the new figure that had been popping up around Hosu. This caught Tsukauchi's attention, he had been at several scenes where the same man had been mentioned. Always clothed in black, connections to ravens and a strange red light including one of his eyes being red. He had only been seen from behind by witnesses who he had rescued, but the people who had been his victims mostly only described the red light from is eye and how it seemed to look into their soul. Tsukauchi had quickly dressed and gotten in his car. Coming to a stop close to the crime scene, he walked the rest of the way. Looking at the scene before him, he saw the pro hero Ingenium standing next to a couple. 

''Hello Ingenium, what happened here?'' Ingenium turned around to see the slightly tired detective walking towards him. 

''Hi detective Tsukauchi, this couple was attacked by the man laying over there, I have checked if he is unconscious, and uhm he is missing his right hand.'' Ingenium answered. 

Tsukauchi nodded towards him and then looked at the couple.

''Are you both okay?'' He asked them. The male gave a little nod. He hadn't let go of the woman since Ingenium came. He hadn't even had time to find the hero the man was talking about, as Ingenium had appeared about 20 seconds after the man had left. The woman had fallen asleep in his arms so Tsukauchi focused on just the man.

''Are you okay with answering some questions about what happened?'' The man gave yet another nod. 

''Can you first tell me your names?'' 

''Yeah, I'm Hiroshi and my girlfriend's Akiko.'' He said still a bit nervous. 

''I'm Detective Tsukauchi good to meet you both. Could you say what happened?''

The now named Hiroshi then talked about what had occurred both up to and during the incident. 

Tsukauchi dotted down important details on a little notebook while Hiroshi talked. ''Did you see his face at any point?''

''No, I just heard him talk and saw some red light coming from him it seemed.''

''What did he say?''

''He said something to the villain but I didn't hear what, my focus was at someone else.'' He nodded down at Akiko sleeping. ''But after he knocked him out he said we should go find a hero, and said that there was one two streets down.'' This time he nodded at Ingenium. 

Tsukauchi also looked at the pro-hero with a questioning look as if to ask if that was true.

''I was indeed two streets down, but as soon as I heard someone scream I began running, I came here quite fast, but the other man was already gone.'' 

''Hmmm I see.'' Tsukauchi pondered a bit before looking towards the Hiroshi. 

''Not to trouble you any further but could I take you two back to the station, just to get some more details about you, if you need something? It would also help to check how Akiko is doing mentally when she wakes up.'' Hiroshi really just wanted to go home and go to sleep but he agreed. 

Tsukauchi looked towards Ingenium. 

''Could you call and ambulance or someone else go and get the man over there to the hospital, also it would help if you stayed there or atleast have someone else there that can watch over him when he wakes up. I would like to have a little talk with him, and we don't want him to flee from the hospital.'' 

''That can be done, and I will probably have someone else with me just so we can take turns sleeping.'' 

Tsukauchi nodded and directed Hiroshi to his car who was still carrying Akiko. 

When they finally made it to the station, Tsukauchi found a room with a couch and a chair where Akiko could sleep and Hiroshi finally sit down comfortably. Tsukauchi then got their full names, address and phone numbers. After this Tsukauchi had told Hiroshi that he could sleep and if they needed help he should just call, there was always at least 3 people in the small station. 

Tsukauchi's night however wasn't done. He went over to his desk and found the files he had on the mysterious man. He wrote down what had happened, what he had said, and that he knew that a hero had been in the vicinity. He still didn't have anything of concrete evidence on who it was, but it was only a matter of time. He looked at the clock, almost 05:00, it wasn't worth the time to drive home and then go to sleep just to wake up a few hours later. He then said to his co-worker that if he needed anything of Tsukauchi was called upon, he could just wake him up in the break room.

About 5 hours later Tsukauchi was woken by another co-worker telling him that the villain was awake. Tsukauchi made a quick cup coffee and then drove to the hospital. Walking into the reception he was met by Ingenium again. 

''Hey Tsukauchi, the police chief let me know you were coming, so I came down to show you were he his.'' Tsukachi gave his thanks and followed Ingenium. 

Coming to room a on the second floor, Ingenium opened the door and let the detective in. Sitting up on the bed was the now handless criminal looking out of the window. 

''Hello, I'm Detective Tsukauchi, what's your name'' Of course he had already been told. The partner Ingenium had found, had looked him up. Takashi Kazuki who had the quirk blade hand, well former quirk, he had already been charged with 2 counts of assault before. The question was more to see if he could get to talk to the man or if he would lie to him from the first question. 

''I'm Takashi Kazuki.'' He answered truthfully while still looking out of the window. 

''Can you tell me something about the man who attacked you?'' Tsukauchi hoped for a reaction at mention of the man, but his body showed non, and they couldn't see his face. 

''It is a demon, I saw it. When it looked at me it felt is if my soul was spilling all my secrets to it.'' He look towards Tsukauchi. His eyes were wide and showed fear. It was like looking at a dog who had been abused for a long time, he was now really tense and on edge. 

''Can you tell me what he looked like?'' Tsukauchi kept asking questions to keep him talking, for as long as possible if he decided he wouldn't talk anymore. 

''It has black hair which covers its red eye, tall, about 6'1, and a red arm with feathers on it and claws instead of fingers.'' 

''Did he say anything to you?'' Tsukauchi remembered Hiroshi saying the man had said something to Takashi. 

''It said it could kill me if it wanted, but it wanted me to live without my quirk.'' He said this and went quiet, almost as first now noticing his quirk was gone. He kept staring at where his knife hand used to be. Tsukauchi tried to ask him more questions but he didn't answer. Deciding he could do this another time, he asked one of the nurses if Takashi was healthy enough to go to the station. After getting the green light, he called for a police car to pick up the criminal and bring him in and decide what to do with him. He specifically said that he shouldn't be seen by either Hiroshi or Akiko.

After Takashi had been picked up and driven away, Ingenium came up to him. 

''Before I leave, we also sent the feather that was left behind to DNA testing to see if they matched one the others, It doesn't, so this guy is using different ravens each time he attacks. The doctors think he might have some control over them, so just be careful if you see a raven, they aren't exactly common here.'' Ingenium waved goodbye leaving Tsukauchi alone in the parking lot. Getting the feeling that he was being looked at he turned around quickly, nothing.

''Must be the lack of sleep.'' He murmured to himself. Walking to his car and driving away, a raven with red eyes took flight from one of the bushes wear Tsukauchi and Ingenium had talked. 


Hello all, this was the 2 chapter, a bit different from the first, but hope it was still ok. There will probably come another chapter or 2 tomorrow as I have a bit of freetime.