
MHA Next Generation

This story follows the life of Sarah Midoriya, Toga and Deku´s daughter.

ERROR_Yurei · Anime e quadrinhos
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8 Chs

Battle Training

The next day, Sarah woke up to the doorbell ringing. She looked at the time and gasped. "Oh no! I overslept!" She got dressed and ran downstairs and opened the door to see Alex standing there. "What are you doing here?!"

Alex stared at her. "I came to walk with you. Let's go or we're going to be late." He grabs her hand and they walk to school.

"Sorry it took me a bit to answer the door. I slept through my alarm." She smiled as they got to class.

After everyone was in their seats, Aizawa stood. "Today we are doing battle training. You will be split up into teams of two. We will draw to see what teams are going against each other.

After everyone was in their costumes they waited to see which teams go first. "Sarah and Alex are the villains and Bolt and Mary are the heroes. You have ten minutes to get a strategy ready.

Sarah and Alex went inside the building and planned. "Bolt Kaminari and Mary Kirishima. They are both pretty good so we gotta be careful." Alex said.

Sarah smiled. "Don't worry. We got this! I will go see where they are. You stay here and make sure one of them don't sneak by me and try to snatch the weapon." Then she left. She knew how to act like a villain since both of her parents are villains. She stopped and looked around a corner and saw them. She stepped out and smiled. "Hey guys!"

Bolt smiled back. "Go Mary! I got this!" He shot some electricity towards Sarah but she dodged. Mary rushed past her. Sarah didn't bother going after her.

"Nice try!" Sarah said as she snapped her fingers then she was right in front of him. She took him out quickly and went for Mary. She teleported in front of her. "Where do you think you're going?" She grabbed Mary and threw her into the wall.

Mary smiled as she stood up. She went in for a punch. Sarah went to block to get her arm covered in acid. "Did you really think we wouldn't have a plan? We knew you would take out Bolt first then come for me." Mary punched Sarah in the chest as she went down. She put the capture tape on her and went to find Alex.

"Sorry Alex." Sarah said as she went to watch the rest of the battle with the others.

Alex was standing in front of the weapon when Mary walked in. He had a sword of flame and a sword of ice in his hands. "Good job on capturing Sarah. I won't be so easy though."

Mary ran at him but was tripped by a string and two arrows hit her. She tried to get them off but ice started to cover her body.

"You did good, Mary. We win." Alex said as he melted the ice and helped her up. "Good fight."