
MHA: My Hero Adventure

Izuku Midoriya was excited for finally being able to stand in front of UA with his newly acquired quirk. Unfortunately, he lost balance and nearly face planted the floor. Man, that would've been an embarrassing first impression. Fortunately for him though, a black portal caused him to not face plant on the floor, but he got a feel of soft melons instead. "My bad..." Aplogised Ryoichi Cheney, the protagonist of this story. I don't own my hero academia or any other anime references (Fairy tail mainly) Warning: Non-MHA love interest

Rizzler007 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 6: USJ Finale

A/N: Tbh, end of this chapter is quite mid/shit due to an uncontrollable mistake of this ff. Pls read A/N at the end before complaining and leaving a bad review or somethin


"Eraserhead and 13...? The curriculum we stole yesterday said All Might would also be here and yet..." The mist spoke

'So it was them who caused that ruckus' Aizawa thought, turning serious.

"Where is here... and we went through all this trouble" The blue-haired man complained in anger, scratching his dry neck profusely.

"Ahh..." He then stopped, "Oh well... the 'symbol of peace' should be coming later.

Should we treat him with...

his students' dead bodies" The man glared at the class menacingly, sending shivers down their spine.

"Sensei! What about the intruder alarms!?" Momo asked

"The villains must have someone who's interrupting with the security" 13 answered.

Ryoichi scanned the group of villains and saw that there were about 200 thugs-level villains. Only 3 actually looked like a problem: The mist guy, the blue-haired man, and the literal monster.

"Aizawa-sensei" Ryoichi spoke to Aizawa seeing as he was about to rush the villains single-handedly.

"What is it" Aizawa replied impatiently.

"Let me assist you" Ryoichi said, activating his portals to team up with Aizawa, who was currently contemplating.

"Fine... but you have to stay up here, thanks for the help" Aizawa walked through the portal and started hitting the villains and disabling their quirks.

"...Kurogiri, it seems we have a little problem child in that group of muppets" The blue-haired man spoke to the mist, as Aizawa swept through the thugs whilst being teleported if he was close to being hit or to catch villains by surprise.

He stared at Kurogiri, insinuating a clear "Deal with him" order.

"On it, Young Tomura" Kurogiri warped in front of Ryoichi, which simultaneously led him in front of the class and 13.

"I've been ordered to deal with you-" Kurogiri was cut off by a ray of water charging at him, followed by Bakugo and Kirishima jumping on him with their quirks.

"We missed?" Bakugo and Kirishima questioned as they went straight through Kurogiri, the water ray went through as well.

"Now now, that won't do. Atleast let me explain ourselves real quick:

We are the league of villains, and we are here to kill All Might" He announced, shocking the class.

"EVERYONE STEP BACK" 13 stepped forward and pointed a finger at Kurogiri.

"BLACKHOLE" Kurogiri began to be sucked by 13's blackhole, when suddenly

She fell to the floor, revealing the back of her costume being completely gone.

"My, my, that's not very nice. Now... let's deal with you kids, shall we?-" Suddenly, Kurogiri felt his metal base being pushed down by an unknown force.

'T-two quirks?' Due to being pushed down and being caught off guard, his mist dissipated for a split second, revealing his metal body.

'So that's why we missed!" Juvia, Bakugo and Kirishima exclaimed in their minds, and began aiming for his body.

"This ain't good, no more stalling" Kurogiri then expanded his mist and teleported everyone but Ryoichi from the top of the stairs.

"Now, it's just me and you"

"I guess so" Ryoichi smirked, "Unfortunately for you, I already know your weakness"

"Shame for me, really. To be honest, I already know I can't defeat you...

Though that doesn't mean I can't stall you" Kurogiri stated.

- Water Zone -

Izuku, Mineta, Juvia, Asui and Iida were currently dealing with villains in the sea, while they were on the boat.

"Juvia needs to get to Ryoichi, no one shall step in Juvia's way" She stated angrily as the water started spinning, turning into a whirlpool and knocking out most villains already.

She then controlled the massive area of water by raising it high into the sky, gaining the whole of USJ's attention, and then bringing it back down.

*SLAM* The villains trapped in the water were slammed by Juvia, knocking them all out.

"Woah..." Izuku muttered.

"So scary... yet hot" Mineta whispered in awe.

"Impressive" Iida complimented.

"Shame we couldn't do anything" Asui said with slight disappointment.

Juvia then hurriedly jumped from the boat onto the water, and propelled her body by manipulating the water and pushing herself, sending her flying towards Ryoichi.

- Top of Stairs -

"You think you can stall me? Dream on" Ryoichi created a portal to leave, but Kurogiri wouldn't simply allow that.

"I've always wondered what would happen if two portals collided... let's find out, shall we?"

Kurogiri then created his own portal on the same spot as Ryoichi's.



A small explosion occured, and then revealed no portal being there anymore.

"...Well shit" Kurogiri hissed.

"Well, shame for you, ay?" Ryoichi smirked devilishly at Kurogiri.

"I surrender-"

- With Aizawa -

Aizawa wasn't really struggling against these thugs, even without Ryoichi's assistance.

"So, you're the boss of these bastards, huh?" Aizawa asked as he rushed Tomura with his scarf.

"17 seconds..." Tomura grumbled, but then rushed Aizawa once he saw his hair fall down.

Going for the elbow to Tomura's face, Aizawa expected his hit to impact Tomura, however...

His elbow was caught and... it was decaying!

"Fuck!" Aizawa winced in pain and jumped back, holding his decayed elbow.

"Oh, right" Tomura relaxed his body as he stood up without a care, "Before I forget...

I'm not the final boss" He smirked, surprising Aizawa.

He then felt the back of his head being grabbed, before being slammed face-first into the ground.

"Kagh!" Aizawa's now blood-covered head was being held down by the monster that walked through the portal aswell.

"Say hello to 'Nomu', the creation to defeat All Might, the 'Symbol of Peace'" Tomura explained as he walked up to Aizawa, who glared at him angrily

"I don't like the way you're looking at me..." Nomu" Aizawa's face was then smashed once again, and his decayed elbow was being stepeped on by the nomu.

"AHHHH" Aizawa shouted in agony, bringing pleasure to Tomura

"Ahh... now that's what I like to hear. Hm, Kurogiri's taking a while though... Oh well" Tomura looked down at Aizawa and went down into a crouch.

"My my... isn't it a shame? Ending up in this state, all 'coz the Symbol of Peace isn't here. If only he was here, right?" Tomura laughed menacingly.

"I can't wait until he gets here to see his fellow teachers dead... his precious students dead. I wonder what face he would make, I'm getting excited just thinking about it" He creepily said.

"Shut up... You villainous bit-" Aizawa tried to say, but he was slammed by Nomu for the third time now, making him unconscious.

"Boo~, is that really how quick a teacher at UA should be defeated? How disappointing... Hm?" Tomura turned around to see 4 students in the water looking at him in fear.

"What do we have here?" Tomura quick-stepped, arriving in front of Asui with his hand reached out, wanting to decay her face.

"*Sigh*... I don't know if I should be pissed, or impressed..." Tomura spoke, looking at Aizawa who woke up and cancelled out his quirk.

"Nomu, break him!" Tomura ordered.

Nomu grabbed Aizawa's leg and squeezed it, breaking it instantly. He then swung and slammed his bloody body, then again, and again, before letting him lay flat below him.

"Now that the problem's dealt with..." Tomura turned to Asui again, but not before seeing Izuku out the corner of his eye jumping out at him.

"SMAAASH!" Izuku threw a punch towards Tomura's face.

*BAMM* x2

One bam was made, this was made by Izuku's punch connecting with the Nomu's body.

Another was made, and this was from the one and only All Might punching the Nomu's face, pushing him back a few metres.

He then punched Tomura, sending him flying a few metres, and then grabbed hold of the 4 students and Aizawa and retreated back on top of the stairs.

"Aizawa..." All Might's neutral face turned into a frown at the injuries of his friend.

"Ryoichi-shonen, take him to the nurse, please" All Might said, to which Ryoichi nodded instantly and teleported both him and Aizawa to the nurse, before coming back by himself.

"He's finally here... the symbol of peace!" Tomura exclaimed in ecstasy.

The rest of the teachers that Ryoichi bought along then went to deal with the other zones.

As for Kurogiri, he was being held captive by a Bakugo who came back to fuel his anger. Everytime Kurogiri would try something, Bakugo would just make an explosion on his body.

Ryoichi then teleported both him and All Might to Tomura and Nomu.

"Why did you teleport yourself too?" All Might asked Ryoichi, who was now beside him.

"I'll deal with him" Pointing to Tomura, "You can deal with the big guy without worrying about any interferences" He smirked.

'You sure you're not just battle hungry?' "Alright, I appreciate the help. I'll be quick with this monster" All Might and Nomu then started engaging in their crazy fight, but not before All Might got a cheap shot at Tomura's face.

*Clink* The hand covering his face was knocked off, to which he slowly walked over and picked it up off the ground.

"Ah... I'm sorry, father..." He mumbled as he put the hand back on his face.

"I'm sorry, father. I'll avenge you by KILLING HIM" Tomura attempted to rush All Might.

"Not today" Ryoichi made a portal in front of Tomura and transported him back where he was.

"FUCK OFF" Tomura angrily put his hand out, attempting to decay Ryoichi.

"Oh no, anyway" Ryoichi put his arm out

[Almighty Push] Tomura was sent flying

[Universal Pull] Tomura came back out of his control, and was heading straight towards Ryoichi, who charged his fist.

[Gravity Knuckle: Quake] He jumped above Tomura, and punched Tomura's head to the ground.

"Problem dealt with" Ryoichi then looked over at All Might going hit-for-hit with the Nomu.

Suddenly, All Might was pushed back by the Nomu's punch, who took the opportunity to rush Bakugo, catching Snipe (who was the only teacher guarding the top of the stairs) off guard.

Nomu proceeded to punch Snipe away, and then charged at Bakugo.


"Do you have no mercy?... What a monster" All Might, who had ran back, grabbed and threw Bakugo away, and then blocked Nomu's punch had groaned.

Kurogiri, who was now free, warped next to Tomura's unconscious body and attempted to warp both him and Tomura.


Ryoichi made an explosion with his portal, triggering Kurogiri.

"DAMN IT, HOW COULD A KID LIKE YOU BE SO ANNOYING" Kurogiri shouted in anger, constantly trying to warp away but being stopped by Ryoichi.

Then, after so many attempts and with his emotions fueling him, something snapped inside of Kurogiri.

Without knowing it, the next warp gate Kurogiri had made had split into many mini gates.

He then launched all the mini gates at Ryoichi, who was caught off guard at the number of portals.

'I can't block all that!' He created the biggest portal he could to block as many of Kurogiri's gates as he could.

*BOOM BOOM BOOM* Many explosions went, but a few gates managed to break through and reach Ryoichi.

Then, Kurogiri expanded his gates, making a portal that covered Ryoichi and teleported him randomly in the USJ.

This allowed Kurogiri and Tomura to escape.

- With All Might -

"PLUSSS, ULTRAAAAAA!" All Might punched Nomu, sending him flying through the USJ roof into the middle of a random forest.




"Damn it!" Ryoichi punched the floor of the place he had been teleported to, it was the fire zone.

He had let them get away...


A/N: Before people say stuff: I know, crazy plot armour for the villains. But basically, I realised that Im gonna have to obviously buff the mha verse to match up with Ryoichi, especially the early seasons (mainly early seasons). So, I thought about giving that buff to Kurogiri (The ability to make multiple small portals and then joining it together and whatnot), because I realised that would be a decent buff to have for now.

Originally I thought about giving him explosive gates, but that would be too broken for a literal villain so, I couldn't do that.

Just ignore this plot convenience pretty much pls 🙏 I'll think about future chapters properly from now on.

Hope you enjoyed

Thanks for reading