

|| Izumi's POV ||

"It's just as beautiful as I remember."

I said while looking towards the blue sky.

"What's beautiful?" I heard a familiar voice.

"The sky, Momo. It's beautiful. I feel calm when I look at the blue sky."

"You should be paying attention to the teacher instead of looking at the sky, Izumi."

"Yes, sorry."

I replied to Momo and started paying attention to the teacher.

The teacher was teaching English.

I pretended to pay attention to the teacher as I let my thoughts wander.

'Momo or Momo Yaoyorozu and I are in the same elementary school. I should have expected it since both of us come from a rich families. Shoto Todoroki should also have been here but I think he is probably getting traumatised at home. I was expecting Tenya Ida as well but he isn't here.'

"I want to go home."

I said as I looked towards the clock in the classroom.

There are still 10 minutes left before school ends.

'I should probably ask dad to give me the basics principles on some new abilities.'

Time passed by and school ended.

I said goodbye to the few kids I know and went towards the school gate.

I walked out of the gate and went to the familiar black car.

A bulky man in a black suit stood by the car.

He opened the door when I arrived and asked, "How was school, young master?"

"Same as always, uncle Kaito. Please take me home. I want to quickly find Ayaka and annoy her."

"Yes, young master."

Kaito closed the door and entered the car.

We arrived home after 10-15 minutes.

I thanked Kaito for driving me home and started walking toward the door.

After I entered, I was surprised to see that there was only a single maid waiting for me inside and I couldn't see anyone else.

There should have been quite a few maids and Ayaka would probably be waiting for my arrival at the door.

"Where is everyone? Also, where is the little troublemaker." I asked the maid.

The maid visibly flinched and answered me in a low tone.

"Young master, the lady is waiting for you in her room. She notified us to take you to her room when you arrived."

"I understand."

I walked toward my mother's room.

The maids were standing along the walls of the room. I felt that the atmosphere appeared a little gloomy.

I hurried my footsteps and arrived in front of the door.

I knocked on the door three times and spoke.

"Mother, it's me. Izumi."

"Come inside, Izumi."

I heard my mother and entered the room.

I was shocked by what I saw.

My father lay in his bed as a ventilator and other medical devices were connected to him.

My mother sat beside him in a chair and Ayaka was sleeping on her lap.

My thoughts were in disarray.

I calmed myself and walked toward my mother.

I asked her.

"Mom, what happened?"

That was the only sentence I spoke when the anger inside me started boiling as I noticed my family's state.

My father's upped body was bandaged.

His whole right arm was gone. He was also unconscious.

My mother looked pale.

Her eyes were red and sunken.

Her body was trembling as she looked at me.

The sleeping Ayaka also looked pale.

She was breathing heavily as she slept.

I couldn't calm the anger inside me as I looked at my family's state.

I put my hands behind me and clenched them.

Blue lightning started to dance around me.

"Izumi, your father battled an incredibly strong villain. He used his lightning bolt as a last resort. And he lost his right arm in the process."

My mother looked at me for a few seconds.

She then picked up Ayaka from her lap as she stood up. She place her on the large seat and started walking toward me.

She arrived and knelt on one knee in front of me.

She placed her hand on my head and spoke in a gentle tone.

"It's going to be alright. Your father will wake up in no time. Everything will be alright. Your mother is right by your side."

She patted my head and gently smiled at me.

The anger inside me continued to boil as I looked at my mother's sad smile.

The way she comforted me looked as if she was trying to convince herself that everything would be alright.

My anger increased but the lightning around me disappeared.

I took a step forward and hugged my mother.

I could feel my mother flinch and harden but she relaxed after a few seconds.

She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me back.

I could feel her suppressing her cries.

I gently started to pat my mother's back.


|| A few hours later ||

I looked at my mother and sister who were in a deep sleep.

I turned my head and looked at my father.

I just stood still for a few seconds.

After looking back at my mother and sister, I walked out of the room.

"Let mother rest for a few hours. Head maid, please take care of everything in the house and postpone all the none important things. If there is something urgent, consult me before making a decision."

"Yes, young master Izumi."

After hearing the answer, I walked toward my room.

I entered the room and closed the door behind me.

After letting out a long sigh, lightning started to flow around me, my hair danced in the air.

More and more lightning continued to be generated and flow around me.

After a few minutes, the flowing lightning disappeared and I let out another long sigh.

The glowing room returned to normal.

I learned about what happened to my father.

He fought a strange creature and was following its tracks.

He encountered AFO when he tracked the location of the strange creature.

'I now understand why mother and father never made an appearance in MHA. My father's quirk was stolen by AFO and he was also the reason why All Might was able to find AFO's location. Their fight should have ended by now. Both of them should be badly injured at this point. My mother probably suffered the same fate as my father after AFO was healed.'

'This time is perfect for killing AFO's entourage, but I am too weak. I can't do anything right now. But I will need to make some alterations to my plans. At least my father didn't die and I have already made plans to keep my mother safe.'

"Right now, I need to take care of my family. And grow stronger. I should only focus on these two things for now. I need to have some patience. I have 5 years left and a lot of tasks to complete."


My father regained consciousness after a month.

All Might paid a visit to us after my father woke up.

He had a long conversation with my father and mother.

I wasn't part of it so I don't know what they were talked about.

Before leaving he also spoke with me and Ayaka, told us to work hard for our dreams and also become heroes like our father and mother.

Our family returned to normal after a few months.

My father stopped his hero work as he lost his quirk and focused on the vast number of companies of the Adachi family.

Mother also reduced her hero work and worked alongside our father.

I and Ayaka continued to develop ourselves and our quirks.

Mother and father helped us in copying their abilities and also creating a few new abilities.

I continued training and years passed.

|| 5 years later ||

In an incredibly large training hall, a middle-aged man with silver hair stood by the side looking at the centre of the hall.

A tall silver-haired young man stood at the centre of the hall with his eyes closed.

The man at the side of the hall spoke.

"Izumi, as we have been practising. Let the lightning flow through your body evenly and cover your body with lightning. You are in control of the lightning not the other way around. Keep your speed and strength in control."

Just as the man finished speaking, blue lightning started to chaotically dance around Izumi.

The next second Izumi vanished from the centre of the hall.

Blue lightning continuously zipped around the hall in a certain pattern as the sound of thunder rang throughout the hall.

Jin looked at the lightning in the hall for a few minutes.

After he felt satisfied, he said to Izumi.

"Remove the sound."

As if the lightning was obeying his orders, the sound of thunder immediately stopped.

"Zip into the air and throw a lightning bolt."

The lightning appeared in the air, and after a split second, it vanished.

Izumi's figure could be seen in the air and a blue lightning bolt condensed in his right hand.

He threw the lightning towards the centre of the hall.


Thunder resounded throughout the hall as the lightning bolt broke the sound barrier and arrived at the centre of the hall.

It caused a bright flash of light and a large explosion.

Jin looked at the explosion and the crater it formed.

He then turned his head to his right.

Izumi was standing beside him looking at the explosion with a calm face.

"After training you for so many years, I can say this that anybody who looks at you will say that the word genius cannot be associated with you. And that only the word 'Monster' can define you."

Jin said with a smile.

"I will take that as a compliment father."

"It is a compliment. I don't have anything else to teach you. From this point, it will entirely depend on you. Whether you will continue to grow stronger or become stagnant and stay at this stage for your entire life. But remember son, never become arrogant or complacent and also be kind to people, especially those who are less fortunate than you."

"Yes, father."

"Alright! Let's go and eat dinner. If we are late, your mother will probably wait for me with a sword at the dinner table. And I also want to see Ayaka's reaction when she hears that you have completed your training with me."

"Yes, I'm pretty sure her cheeks will puff up like a balloon and she will nag mother."


The father's son duo walked out of the training hall.


What do you guys think about skipping his whole training arc?

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