
Chapter 68: Final Exam Arc (2)

Chapter 68: Final Exam Arc (2)

~Third POV~

[Next Day, Momo's Estate, Tokyo, Japan]

The group taking their respective rides soon found themselves on a private road circling a massive, gated estate with its own forest, a private lake, and a European-style mansion showing off its rich status.

The group looked a bit stunned with Denki muttering everyone's thoughts in a shocked tone, "Wow... I knew her family had cash, but I didn't know she was this rich!"

Ren placed his finger over the intercom on the ornate sliding gate, ' Yaoyorozu.' Momo's voice echoes through the intercom a few seconds later, "I've been waiting for you, everyone! Please, come in!"

The gates slowly opened as the group soon entered inside, feeling left out of place within Momo's Estate. Eventually, everyone soon found themselves in the dining room with their notebooks, textbooks, and pencil pouches on the table.

Nearly everyone felt unease with Kendo asking out loud in an awkward tone, "I could not feel any more out of place right now."

Sero nods his head, viewing Momo's Estate with a bead of sweat escaping his face sharing the sentiment, "Yeah, me, too."



However, it was when Momo came in with a cart carrying tea and desserts that she asked innocently with her bouncy personality present and humble bragging unintentionally, "Is something wrong?"

Nearly everyone replied with an innocent expression and said happily, "No, everything's perfect!"

With that, everyone began to study for the next for the written and practical portion of the exam. Ren made sure to use this time to properly train and assist his classmates with his [Pedagogy Mastery] skill to understand better the concepts they struggle with.

While everyone was pushing their limits, Ren soon found himself studying away privately from the group, holding a book containing everything related to physics and electromagnetic forces….


~Ren Y. POV~

[2 Day Later, UA Highschool, Gym, Tokyo, Japan]

I'm thankful for Momo allowing everyone after studying to be physically training our Quirks here. Her family didn't seem to mind since they could always repay for the damages, but everyone just made sure to not damage anything just in case.

Momo didn't seem to mind, seeing as she joined in practicing our Quirks in her usual bubbly bouncy personality. I found that kind of reinvigorating, sort of like being filled with cuteness seeing a small puppy.

But fortunately, enough, it seemed like Momo's parents also had training grounds for her to use her Quirk safely. It was inside the forest with plenty of room for everyone to begin training respectively after studying.

It helps when you sit on your ass for multiple hours a day and need to stretch your legs to gain some freedom. But for two days, I've been busy trying to use my [Bio-Electricity Manipulation] to build up my electrical powers thanks to Denki's assistance in having someone to spar using his Quirk [Electrification].

Of course, he was hesitant to use it on me. But I managed to persuade both him and Mina to control their quirks, saying there might be a possibility that the robots we fight could possess the ability to counter our respective Quirks.

That and the possibility of spending time in Summer Camp with Aizawa-Sensei. They changed their tune quickly enough when I said those words as did the rest of our studying group.

After all, the written exam is one portion of the practical and is equally as important. But shifting focus currently, I'm by myself covered in sparks of [Bio-Electric Aura] shrouding me back at UA using their gym for the practical exam.

I had the idea of using Momo's Estate training grounds, but I don't wanna pay for the damages for what I'm about to do. I'm being supervised by one of the teachers as Lady Nagant took charge of observing my case.

Reeling my fist back as the sparks of electricity rumble around my fist. I began to focus my electricity condensing it as I threw my punch.


In a cracking boom sparks of electricity flew from my hand taking the shape of my fist. It was launched into the air to not harm anyway as it dissipated away once it had gone a far enough reach.


[By condensing and manipulating your Bio-electricity to launch a punch a skill to attack foes at a ranged attack with your fist has been created!]

[Skill: [Electro Fist] is learned!]

Skill List.


<Electro Fist> (Active) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0.0%

PP Cost: 100 PP

Description: The [Electro Fist] is a skill in which the user closes their hand condensing the bioelectricity of the user-built up and launches it as a dense column of electricity at the user's target. Due to being electricity, it will be extremely fast and hard to avoid.


Feeling the power behind the attack, I smiled. But it soon faded looking down. Not enough… the power of having a single-range attack is good but against future enemies?

Simply dodge, and it becomes laughable. Sighing out loud I used [Create] to begin creating coins fake coins but metal coins. It was time…

Time… for a scientific railgun. I'm gonna enjoy this way too much for my good.

I've finally been concentrating on the biological side of electricity by allowing myself to easily surpass human limits coursing through my body using my [Bio-Electricity Manipulation]. At that moment, strengthening myself, I'm ashamed to admit I failed to use real-world physics in my techniques.

Worrying about the future can certainly blindside me I'll admit. Electricity isn't just that simple if I can generate electricity, it means I can also generate some magnetic force. But with [High Spec] calculating my hypothesis and my knowledge of that anime would be a cinch for me.

Railgun is the special move unique to the strongest Electromaster, Misaka Mikoto. The principle behind the Railgun is simple:

There are two parallel currents on either side of my hand, the first one going towards the palm of the hand (1) and the second one coming back towards my body (2), and a projectile that acts as a bridge between the two currents.

For the Railgun to work, the driving current goes through the positive side, through the projectile (coin), and comes back through the negative side, using the Lorentz Force with the addition of Fleming's left-hand rule.

The coin acts as the projectile, which is propelled towards the target using the electromagnetic force. The third-ranked Level 5 can fire a metal projectile at three times the speed of sound by utilizing a great amount of electricity, supposedly somewhere in the region of 2,250,000 amperes, or about 1,000,000 volts, 1/10th of her power.

But in my case using the power of [OFA] that made my [Bio-Electricity Manipulation] possible I'll use that as my power source amping my electrical charge. Whew… exhaling I began to charge up my attack…

I take a deep breath and use bioelectricity on my hand as the coin flips down towards my hand being charged, I smile… and flick the coin with my thumb –



[By charging a coin to produce a railgun, a skill has been created to control your Ultimate Move!]

[Skill: [Railgun] is learned!]

A sonic boom is created as the coin goes through the rock formations, creating a huge hole through all of them leaving red circles formed holes in them, with a red hue inside where it pierced showing the heat –


It even pierced through the ceiling of the training grounds and flew towards the sky. I turned towards Lady Nagant as she had a dumbfound expression asking in a surprised tone, "Okay Ren… what the hell was that?"

I smirked, bringing up the physics book about electricity and magnetism in a smug tone, rubbing the back of my head, "That my favorite teacher would be the [Railgun]. I suppose I guess my own Ultimate Move if need be, but I think a bit too lethal in my opinion… but perfect if I face those Nomu's in the future."

She slowly nods her head agreeing. At the very least this move will give me the edge over All for One as a surprise attack.

Skill List.


<Railgun > (Active) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0.0%

PP Cost: 100 PP/Varies to charge

Description: The [Railgun] skill allows the user to generate a strong electromagnetic field that propels a projectile at extremely high speeds to deal devastating kinetic damage to the target. The more PP spent to charge the skill, the more kinetic damage the skill will deal. However, the damage slowly drops off based on the range of the target.


Good. At the very least, I'll be able to spam this move so long as I have coins. And thank God that I have the [Create] skill.

Which reminds… I've gotta help a rich girl out. Performance issues are the worst.


~Momo Y. POV~

[Next Day, Momo's Estate, Tokyo, Japan]

Sigh… after helping everyone out in their studies we began to practice our Quirks. Just thinking about the practical gives me chills.

Just as I was about to join them, a hand over my shoulder stopped me. I turned to see Ren with a neutral expression on his face, but a stern tone caught me off guard, "Momo. We need to talk."

Hearing his voice, I flinched. But to him, it seemed like his words cut like butter as he bluntly said in a calmer tone, "Momo be real with me here. Are you having confidence difficulty?"

I looked a bit surprised. I suppose I couldn't hide anything from our Class Rep as I spoke in a neutral tone, "I'd expect nothing less from you, Yuki."

He looked a bit confused, raising an eyebrow as he said, "What do you mean?"

Sighing, I exclaimed in a calm tone, trusting to disclose my insecurities as he is the superior student, in a defeated tone, "You were able to come up with a plan to use against the villain in the USJ so quickly. You knew exactly what was best as soon as we started in the Sports Festival."

However, he seemed to look at me with an unreadable expression as he said in a nonchalant tone, "Nah. I'm not that good at everything Momo."

Hearing that, I felt he was pitying me as I spoke in a defeated tone, lightly shaking up, stating the facts that occurred this semester, "No. You're wrong. As a student who got into UA through recommendations, I was already placed higher than my peers. But in terms of the practical skills that a hero needs, I haven't really managed to do anything that stands out. During the cavalry battle, I just followed orders and lost. And then, when it was my turn to fight, I failed before I could do anything – ow!"

I felt him flick my head as I said those words to him, and he responded by flicking my forehead! And after I was confessing to him too!!

But soon, he spoke in a soft tone, patting my head, feeling a sense of relief wash over me as he said, "You seriously gotta stop comparing me to you, knucklehead. Of course, we're gonna be different and go by different paths of growing to become heroes. But even I have some areas I lack when compared to you."

He does? I blinked, confused, as he sighed out loud, rubbing his head and speaking in a calm tone, gazing at his hands, "I can't function without help, unlike your Quirk. Unlike everyone, I need help to be of use while you have a gifted mind to make your Quirk powerful while I cheat my way there. You gotta give yourself a lot more credit. That and you have the attractiveness going for you. Heh."

I blushed at his last comment trying to cheer me up. He chuckled to himself as he said in a defeated tone, admitting his weaknesses, "Besides, I'm pretty sure I can't live without being helped. And I'm fine with that. But my point is you have potential inside you just waiting to shine. Besides that, I can't have my vice rep be down in the dumps."

I gazed at his crystal blue eyes as he spoke in a confident tone that might as well be contagious and said, "And if my words don't help or that you don't believe in yourself, then… Listen up, Momo. Don't believe in yourself. Believe in me! Believe in the Hero who believes in you!"

I couldn't help but laugh at how outlandish his words were. But there is a sense of comfort in them feeling calm when compared to this goofball.

I could see the rest of the girls and guys who studied with us in the commotion our Class Rep was doing. Honestly his quite a troublesome boy…

… but I smiled, knowing this now. He is right that we are different. Just because he had his Quirks to cheat his way to use my [Creation] doesn't mean he knows how to use it as I do and worked hard to make it work.

I have more confidence knowing that than in him with his bad pep talk. However, I felt now at ease knowing this as I whispered into his ear in a thankful tone, "Thanks…. I needed to hear that Ren."

He only smiled as he turned around to address the class to continue training for the practical.

Hahaha… my class rep is such a goofball… wait did I say my class rep?

I felt my cheeks blush thinking of that! What an inappropriate thought Yaoyorozu!

However, I don't feel as if that's a bad feeling… and I felt my chest beat faster just thinking about it. Is this perhaps this fabled love at first sight from that Ninja of Love vol.1 was talking about?!!