
MHA Everything Hero: Faker

In the world of superhumans where everyone Wants to be a hero? Midoriya Izuku was born with powers that would make him one of the strongest people in the world. This is his journey to becoming a hero.

TirkanZ · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 1 Origin

In some worlds, he struggles to become a hero despite being born without a Quirk, enduring insults all his life, until meeting All Might, impressing the number one hero, and eventually becoming the heir to great power.

In another world, he gives up on your dreams and dives into madness, it became the opposite of my own dreams, he is the number-one villain in the world.

In this world, he was born with a quirk determined to be a hero to help people in need with a smile like his idol.

This is the story of Midoriya Izuku before he became a great hero.


Midoriya Izuku dreams of becoming a hero like any other child growing up in this era, want to help people and be like All Might?

He is a good-hearted, kind-hearted child who likes to help others, he is also smart and determined, no less than anyone else, it can be said that he had the qualities of a hero from a young age. However, with just these qualities, it was not enough to be a hero, but there must also be something called a quirk. It is the special power of each person that makes humans do amazing things.

Alas, even though Izuku had already reached the age of five, his quirk still hasn't been revealed. That was a terrible thing in a society full of Quirked. Izuku is therefore the target of other children's bullying and pitiful glances from the elders.

"Well, we'll have to wait and see," the doctor muttered as he looked at Izuku's test results and body scans.

"Is something wrong, doctor?" Inko asked as she hugged her little son.

"Well, what should I say?" The doctor replied hesitantly. "This may be a rare case."

"What do you mean?" Inko was concerned by the doctor's reaction.

"From the indications, Izuku-kun definitely has a personality, because there is only one bone in his little finger," the doctor began to explain. "But from the last test by Dr. Tsubasa and today's repeat test, he is unlikely to have the quirk of his father and mother, because he does not have the means to produce fire in his mouth or lungs or attract objects, so it must be something else."

"But he's already five years old, i heard that it's past the age for quirk to be expressed," Inko asked the doctor.

"It's not always the case, that's why I said it was a rare case. In addition to acting slowly and also mutating, I ask that you follow him closely, if there is anything abnormal, hurry and see a specialist immediately," the doctor advised, before adding, "And from what Izuku-kun said, he felt something within himself, i can only say that he has every chance to show his strength."

Inko thanked her as she bowed to the doctor and left with her son.


Several days later...

Meanwhile, Inko was in the kitchen and left Izuku with a TV show about superheroes, as the show progresses, a five-year-old boy ponders his own quirk., he knew there was something in his body, but he don't know how to use it, didn't even know what it was because the X-ray machine couldn't detect it.

As the child waved the All Might figure in his hand, programs on TV cut into commercials, new All Might figures will be on sale soon and she said the little child wanted to have it.

Izuku imagined the All Might figure on TV, the shape, the colors, the pattern, and the material, and thought it was waving in his hand.

"I want!"

Suddenly, the little boy felt an unbearable pain in his free hand, so much so that he had to release his other hand from the All Might figure to grab said wrist.

In the blink of an eye, a light flashed in his palm and as soon as the light extinguished and the pain faded, an All Might figure appeared on his palm.

Izuku knew immediately what was happening.

It was what he had been waiting for all this time.

Emerald green eyes twinkled with light as tears slowly overflowed from both eyes.

His little lips began to tremble.



"Yah, stop it, Kacchan!" Izuku's voice trembled as he stood between the group of thugs and the target of their bullying.

"Why, Deku, what can you do with such a weak quirk? Move over if you don't want to get hurt!" The mischievous boy said this as he walked over nonchalantly and displayed an explosion from his hand.

"I will never back down!" Izuku shouted with a look of fear on his face.

"Good, then die." The mischievous kid from before smiled and raised his hand to prepare to fire a grenade.

"No!" Izuku shouted, holding out a glowing hand towards the group of thugs in desperation.


many years later.

"After all, you all probably will all go on to the hero branch, right?"

The homeroom teacher exclaimed as he threw a pile of further study questionnaires into the air.

The class erupted into cheers and expressions, but Izuku wasn't really interested in it.

"Everyone has a good quirk. All of them together. But don't use it in school!" The teacher gave a suggestion.

"Hey, Teacher, don't lump me with everyone else like that," the straw-haired boy interrupted in a cocky manner. "I don't think that trashy quirks like yours are on the same level."

"Damd, Katsuki."

"How can you say that?!"

"Shut up, you extras!" Katsuki shouted at the people in the room.

His name is Bakugou Katsuki, or Quirk Bomb.

"By the way, Bakugou-kun will graduate from high school at UA."

As soon as the teacher finished speaking, gossip broke out throughout the room.

You must know that school, that is a school with a very low entrance rate, every year, less than 1% of people pass the exam, it is normal for everyone in the room to be excited and shocked by this news, because they don't even think about going for the exam, as for the person being mentioned, he boasts of himself to the utmost.

But his boasting was cut short when the teacher spoke up. "Oh, Midoriya chose UA too."

The entire room fell into silence.

Izuku finally came to his senses and stopped looking out the window. Only to turn around to see the entire class staring at him.

"Is there a problem?" Izuku asked calmly.

"Uh, that's no problem," the teacher replied. "You yourself have the same evaluation as Bakugou-kun."

"Aside from Bakugou, it has to be Midoriya."

"That's right, Izuku's quirk is awesome. You must pass the exam for sure."

"He can create anything. That's fit for a hero!"

"Thank you for your trust." Izuku said, rubbing his head at his classmate's comment.

"Shut up, Deku!" Katsuki charged at Izuku's desk as an explosion of sparks erupted from his palm. "What can a fake like you that is good at just imitating other people do?!"

Izuku sat quietly. He took a moment to make sure the blonde had finished before answering.

"Do you want to know? Baka Tsuki," he asked, tilting his head.

Katsuki rushed forward and waved his hand to attack, but Izuku had already seen its course and had predicted the outcome, so he didn't panic, he couldn't swipe Katsuki's arm left or right, or his classmate would get hurt, but letting the study table be bombed early in the morning is also not good, so he activated his own quirk, emerald-green eyes glowed as he summoned a copy of something suitable to deal with this situation.

A mass of water formed on the right palm of the owner of the green hair, before he slammed into Katsuki's explosive-ready palm.

without any sound. This is because the sweat, which is the explosive material, is diluted with water. The explosion did not occur. It's the best way to deal with hot-headed people with explosive hands.

"Don't use your quirk to attack others like this." Izuku groaned, pulling his hand back.

"Don't change the subject! How can an imitation like you stand on the same pedestal as me!? And don't call me by a name like that!" Katsuki yelled.

(Baka tsuki is the name used to call Katsuki. It doesn't have the same formal meaning as Kacchan, but for Izuku, it would be something like Idiot Katsuki or Idiot Tsuki.

"Huh, you can still call me Deku. I think Baka suits you better. And it's a copycat, so what? As long as it works, that's enough," Izuku said.

"I don't care about things like that!" Katsuki exclaimed as he opened his arms to fire a blast. Izuku tensed his hands as well, preparing to use his own power. Every eye in the room was focused on them. People who were sitting near the collision quickly got up and fled.

"That's enough, Bakugou! Midoriya!" The teacher called out when he saw that the situation had gone too far.

"Just survive."

Katsuki gave his opponent a disapproving look before turning and walking back to his seat. Izuku summoned his water-absorbing cloth and wiped the table in front of him, which was wet from the performance a moment ago. The others returned to their seats.

"Wow, it's you guys."

Seeing that the situation had been resolved, the teacher resumed teaching.


The last lesson ended with the sharp sound of the bell. Izuku then started packing up his things. But before he could get up, he saw Katsuki already nearby.

"We're not finished talking yet, Deku." Katsuki came to block the way, along with his friends, who had expressions of reluctance on their faces.

"What's wrong, Baka?" Izuku stood up and asked.

"A top-notch hero. Most have cool stories. Ever since we were students," Katsuki started babbling. "Because of that, I want to be known as the first and only [UA student] from an ordinary school. It's like being obsessed with perfection. Do you understand?"

'That's all. What a stupid reason,' Izuku thought, rolling his eyes and looking up. 'Anyway, it's incomplete from your attitude.'

The emerald-eyed boy could think of a hundred and one reasons why Katsuki's history was tarnished rather than perfect.

But before Izuku could answer, the fang-haired, mischievous boy grabbed Izuku's shoulder with his left hand and began to radiate heat. He burned his school shirt until smoke came out. "Listen to me; give up on the idea of going to UA; you're a fake one."

Izuku was silent.

"Is that all?" Izuku asked quietly before slapping Katsuki's hand off his shoulder and nonchalantly walking towards the exit. But before leaving the classroom, he said, "Let's talk nonsense. I will go to the USA anyway. Even if anyone comes and says anything,

"Here you are." Katsuki prepared to pounce but was stopped when he saw Izuku making a familiar flexing motion with his hands.

"Alright," Izuku said with a smile.

"Shit!" Katsuki clicked his tongue in displeasure.

"Instead of constantly threatening others or boasting about yourself, why don't you go do something more heroic?" Izuku suggested before walking away.


"With that kind of personality, Baka will commit suicide one day. I hope someone at UA teaches him how much of a frog in a well.

While walking home, Izuku was complaining and focused on his phone, he was touched by a liquid that moved as though he were alive, or more precisely, a human being had a liquid body of some kind, which is the villain that is currently in the news? It broke out from the manhole cover and attacked, wanting to take over the young man's body, with an unstable and flexible body, it is difficult for anyone to break free.

'Damn, I can't breathe,' the unfortunate boy thought, closing his mouth tightly to block the liquid that was trying to enter his body through his mouth, at the same time, consciousness began to fade from the lack of oxygen. 'No, no, I can't lose consciousness.'

And then, in times of crisis, a hero appeared just in time.

"Don't worry, young man."

The same manhole cover that the villain had used to get onto the street flew into the sky as a giant man with a gun rose from the manhole.

"Because I came here."

The mysterious giant pulled out his fist.


The fist was pulled back to punch toward the villain.


Whether it's because of the wind or the force of the punch, the liquid that was covering young Midoriya's body has completely disappeared.

"All…Might," were Izuku's last words before his vision turned black.

Izuku was woken up by a light slap from All Might, he grabbed the number one hero's hand to stop him from slapping his own face, at that moment, he accidentally activated his quirk, allowing him to sense All Might's physical information and also sense the mysterious energy beneath the man's skin. It was so shockingly overwhelming that he had to quickly let go.

"Is something wrong, young man?" All Might asked, noticing the expression of the boy he had helped.

"Oh…it's nothing. Thank you for helping. And I'm sorry for accidentally using my quirk." Izuku quickly apologized, after all, using someone else's quirk without a license is wrong.

"If it's okay, that's fine. I have to hurry; excuse me!" All Might walked out, not paying attention to Izuku's last sentence, he then crouched down and jumped, disappearing into the air.

"Wow, even though it was bad luck, I was lucky to meet All Might in person... Eh!?"

Izuku suddenly stiffened as he realized what he had forgotten to do before shouting out

"I forgot to ask for an autograph!"


Izuku's room, Midoriya's house

"Dammit, how could I forget? My life is over, people would definitely curse me if they found out I met All Might and didn't ask for an autograph, how will my children and grandchildren view me if they know that I missed out on the opportunity to acquire the family treasure? Mumbling, mumbling…."

Izuku groaned at the loss of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. And he didn't do anything about it.


Izuku turned on his computer in frustration, today's homework requires finding information on the internet in order to work, but after getting halfway through, he stopped to stretch his legs, taking his eyes off the sheet of paper, he saw the many All Might figures on display.

An idea came into my head about All Might that wasn't about forgetting to ask for an autograph, but it's about him using his quirk to explore All Might.

"All Might is injured."

Izuku's mouth slowly opened, he opened his eyes, and his eyes began to expand.

"No, no, that's impossible!"

Startled, Izuku stood up, causing his chair to fall with a loud thud.

"Is something wrong, Izuku? Mom has finished preparing the food."

The sound from the other side of the door calmed Izuku down.

"Oh…nothing. I'll go out right away."

Izuku replied, picked up his chair, and sat down to reflect on the shocking revelation. It's not a recent wound, but it must have happened a long time ago compared to the remaining traces. It must have been so severe that even after it was treated, a disgusting wound was still left, not including the missing internal organs.

He gulped and got goosebumps at the thought of how a villain could inflict such a wound on the number-one hero, after finishing his homework, he had to search the internet to find the fight he had missed.


On the weekend, Izuku went to the forest where he used to play when he was a child with Katsuki and the others, it was a place of memories, it was a place where his and Katsuki's friendship deteriorated, meanwhile, Katsuki refuses to enter this forest again, but not with Izuku, ever since he learned of his own quirk's abilities, the forest has also been a great place to practice.

Izuku knew he needed more practice than anyone else, because his quirk was not a direct combat type, he was basically no different from a quirk-less person in terms of physicality, therefore, the focus must be on movement, with the ability to retrieve a copy of an object, he can replicate any weapon and use it, with the right move, he can dodge attacks and use his weapon to end the fight.

But it's still not enough, some villains are resistant to sharp knives, bullets, or possess inhuman strength, therefore, he had to be even stronger to deal with such a situation and the only thing he lacks is a high level of physical ability, seeing All Might's air-powered punches with his own eyes made him see the gap between ordinary people and superhumans.

However, he had an idea about how to fix this shortcoming.

"Energy that we previously just used was transformed into objects and matter."

As Izuku understood, his quirk works by taking the form of energy his body produces and storing it to pay for replicas, which he has done just that over the years. Until I met All Might, so he thought of a new way to use the energy he had.

Theorizing about All Might's strength coming from the energy compressed and flowing within his body, Izuku will try to do the same today.

By distributing the accumulated energy throughout your own body. It should also greatly increase his physical abilities, including strength, durability, agility, and speed, even though the energy he had was nothing compared to All Might's, he didn't need to be that strong.

'Imagine yourself being like a water pipe and energy is like water. We have to control the water pressure just right, not too much so that the pipe breaks...'

At the same time, Izuku's body glowed, red patterns flowed across various parts of his body.

'Let it flow evenly throughout my body!'

Now the red pattern has disappeared. However, there were bright green lightning bolts that constantly appeared and disappeared around his body.

Jeez Jeez

Izuku felt his strength increase greatly. It was as if he could do anything right now.


The boy clenched his fists and shouted happily.


And in the blink of an eye, the strength Izuku had felt disappeared.

'...It seems like one must concentrate on it in order to maintain this state.'

Izuku immediately began to radiate new energy, there was no problem entering the previous state.

'This time, try to move'

Izuku was about to try it out, but as soon as it started, he rushed forward until he almost crashed into a tree.

'It seems like you have to control your exertion well.'

The green-haired boy sighed. There's still a long way to go and he hopes to control it within ten months.