

This is a test concept

XunKun · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

CH 4

{Master wake up, the "Unforeseen Simulation Joint arc" or "U.S.J. arc" for short. Have arrived}

I woke up, and immediately jumped from my bed to the shower. I wanted to fulfill a fantasy since I've arrived in this world, "A mysterious powerful entity suddenly appearing from the world" got me excited, so I changed my mind from not wanting to get involved with villains and plot, to getting myself involved and f*ck up the plot. so I made Deva put a reminder for me once U.S.J. starts, and prepared my first debut to the world. remembering the time when I was first transported here was hard since being turned into a girl but, I got quite used to it after over 3 months of wailing at my new reality

I got out after 10 minutes, and walked to my bedroom dressed myself with my own creation! my very own costume! though a bit bland compared to the costumes heroes wear but it does gives of a pure maiden aura

It was a white kimono with a blue fade at the lower area, and red rose petals desi-

{Master... That is not your costume, Your costume is at the basement}

I stayed silent. Deva noticing my complicated look that screamed "WHY!" and "WDYM NOT MY COSTUME! I MADE THIS MYSELF IT'S BASICALLY MY BABY!"

{I will not allow such bland clothing be worn by my master, even if such clothes was made by master herself. So I have taken the liberty to make my master's costume wth my entire being for her debut}

I could only sigh, while I walked to the basement. I climbed down the set of stairs that was definitely emanating a scary yet elegant aura

My foot stepped on the basement floor and lighted the entire area. I looked forward to see a mannequin wearing an elegant clothing, I immediately knew that it's going to be my costume

{That clothing is my master's debuting costume. please start putting it on, as master already have 30 minutes left before the arc starts}

Deva confirmed my thoughts and quickly started to take the clothes the mannequin was wearing. it was a 4 piece black dress with gold outlines, a long red skirt to the side and back worn like a belt while also having gold outlines overlaying a short black skirt that was visible to the front. The upper area is a bit bold with a triangle shaped hole revealing the upper part of my breasts. My shoulders were exposed, my right sleeve starts from the middle of my bicep, it has a gold colored start and all white color from the lower bicep towards the wrist. while my left sleeve also starts from the middle of my biceps, having a black colored sleeve until the elbow, and white towards the wrist. Changing my hair color to white, while also changing my hairstyle. I was about to put on a black blind fold, before I looked at myself on a mirror and felt something was missing. it's lacking an 'aura', Using [All fiction] I created a red engraving floating behind my head that lets out a holy aura whenever I want to, plus it compliments the costume. I put on a the black blind fold and prepared the lines from my "I wanted to say" bucket list

(A/N: I am not good when it comes to describing clothes)

{Master you are over 16 minutes late}

"Sh1t!" I cursed because unlike my past life who don't care much on fashion, and put whatever looks good. This time I need atleast one and a half hour of picking good clothing

I quickly teleported myself right above the U.S.J.'s Glass dome. watching the kids fight small villains, and Aizawa fighting several goons, a Nomu and Shigaraki alone while the crying broccoli, Frog girl, and the pervy reqular from my café Mineta. watched as their teacher struggles

Just as the original, He got caught by the Nomu and got his head smashed to the ground multiple times. a dark purple figure came out of nowhere and started talking to Shigaraki. Shigaraki then rushed towards the three students with his hand out. He managed to get his hand on Asui Tsuyu but couldn't activate his quirk, he looked back at Aizawa staring at him with red eyes

"You really are cool... Eraserhead" Shigaraki said and ordered the Nomu to smash Aizawa's head to the floor again

Knowing that it's time I teleported myself near them creating a fancy small round table and a fancy chair where I sat cross legged saying "Ara~ Ara~, That was quite a fun show!" I said excitedly as one of my bucket list have been crossed

They stopped in their tracts and looked at me. While the dark purple mist figure stared at me warningly, the man-child complained at the smoke-man why I suddenly appeared out of thin air. 'I believe his name was Kurogiri, if I'm not mistaken'.

The other four looked at me with a shocked and confused expression. Deku quickly told me to get out of here, but before he noticed

Shigaraki ordered the Nomu at Kurogiri's advice and attacked me with a right hook punch but stopped midway

The two villains looked at me who is currently wearing a blindfold with shocked yet angry expression. Aizawa, Tsuyu, and Deku also had a shocked expression that says 'How' 'Amazing' 'Wow'

'I can tell what they are thinking' I said to myself as I felt disgusted from the look that Mineta was giving me but ignored it

I continued with "Ara~? it's not good to punch a lady you know?" I said teasingly while everyone looked at me warningly especially Aizawa who narrowed his eyes trying to read me 'reinforcements?' he thought

"Nomu! Why aren't you moving!" Shigaraki said, then looked towards me who was still sitting drinking my brewed tea "B1tch! what did you do?!" He yelled at me with anger while Kurogiri tries to convince Shigaraki to retreat

"What did I do? well~ I stopped the scary bird monster from harming my beautiful face~" I replied, Kurogiri warped Shigaraki behind me and catapulted his hand towards my neck

"WATCH OUT" shouted the three students while Aizawa tries to activate his quirk, but it was too late

Using the full power of his quirk I began to decay and turned into a pile of mess while my consciousness started to fade

"Serves you right for underestimating me b1tch!" He yelled and stepped on the person that he killed "if I knew it would be this easy I would've tortured you first!" he said while scratching his neck

The three students watched in horror, though they didn't know the person that tried to save them, and blame their own weaknesess. but then they heard a familiar voice just behind Shigaraki

"Grabbing a lady wasn't very nice of you, you'll never going to attract girls at this rate" I said in a teasing smile. Shigaraki was dumbfounded like the four helpless teacher and students, but quickly turned around and yelled "Nomu!"

The bird monster quickly pounced towards me while winding up a straight punch but was stopped once again

"Ara~ Though as much as I wanted to play with you, I don't have enough time to play with you three" I looked at Shigaraki who was teleported near Kurogiri who wanted to retreat

"Oh! I know!" An Idea came to my head, A very dangerous idea to gain fame.

I made both my hand's fingers touched each other while giving a warm smile, The I said "How about I, tell you what my quirk is? after all I want a challenge! after all whose better at giving a challenge but 'All for One' himself and his student?" Shigaraki, Kurogiri, and Aizawa widened their eyes at my remark

"I don't need a weak toy so..." I unnecessarily snapped my fingers and the Nomu then fade from existence. That's right his existence was just a fiction. All of them couldn't believe what they saw

"My quirk is called [All fiction]" I said in a cheering tone, the three adults narrowed their eyes and stared at me, while the three kids focused on me waiting for me to explain what my quirk does. I play fully said in an embarrassing tone "Geez, don't looked at me like that with all your hungry eyes!" I heard them click their tongue, especially Shigaraki who was now eyeing me warningly

"What my quirk does is quite simple actually" I held out a finger from the spot where I was sitting on "I can basically erase concepts or the existence of everything I want, Heck even the planet itself, but that wouldn't be fun at all!" I said to them, their face showed disbel-

A sudden loud bang came from the entrance of U.S.J. "Oops, I guess that's time! see ya later, alligators~!" I quickly teleported back home and sat on a couch smiling at thought of fighting 'AFO'


< Back in U.S.J. >


"It's fine now, Why? Because I am here!"

All might arrived and saw a blooded hero with broken bones, students with no harm, and 2 villains going through a dark misty purple gate

He gone after the two but was too late as the gate closed before he could get close.

"All Might!" yelled a green curly haired boy who was rushing towards All Might, while the other two checked up on the sensei

"What happened young Midoriya?" Said all might, Midoriya replied "A blind folded white haired girl saved us, she knew about 'AFO' and the villains seemed to be related to him!" he said in a low voice just enough to make his classmates not hear his words

All Might could only be shocked as his anger began to fade "Did you get her name?" All Might asked curiously. The boy could only shake his head in disappointment "She also said what her quirk is!" Midoriya said in a hurry to inform All Might

"She called it [All fiction], she said she can erase concepts! I watched her die but came back to life-" Midoriya was cut off by All Might saying "Young Midoriya, let's talk about her once assuring everyone's alive" All Might saw pro heroes coming in and started to apprehend villains


This chapter is rushed! I think I messed up their personalities. but hey I can just say it's an alternate universe! so I can just slide my way out of the complains (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆