
MHA: Bungee Gum

Tanaka Horikawa, the prodigal CEO of Spamazon. At the age of 21 he had become the CEO of the worlds largest online retailer. Then he gets poisoned by his Board of Directors because he made a call that they didn't like. He opens his eyes, and sees that he's been reincarnated into another world. More specifically, the world of My Hero Academia! Read along, and find out what he does with his quirk, Bungee Gum ============= If you are expecting a OP MC then sorry to let you down but no. He will use his brains and tricks to fight. ==========> Check out my other story The Dragon of MHA Discord: https://discord.gg/BMtDTUtyh2

Chopstiksman · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Hero Names

*Patta Patta*

*Patta Patta*

An annoyed expression appears on my face as I look up at the window in the dining hall, "Aww, it's raining… what a pain."

Daichi looks up from his newspaper, "Need the car?"

Momo nods her head quickly, "If we could."

Daichi returns the nod and calls out, "Well, you heard them."

From out of a curtain, an old man appears in a black suit with blue trimmings, "As you wish."

I wave my hand at the old man, "Hello, Sebastian.''

Sebastian is the head butler of the Yaoyorozu estate. A tall well-built man with long gray hair tied up in a ponytail. Dark green eyes stared at me through a slightly wrinkled face with a short beard and mustache.

The head butler bows slightly and smiles at me, "I am aware that it's a bit late, but congratulations on winning first, young master. And congratulations, to you, young miss, for getting third."

Momo smiles back and replies, "Thank you, Sebastian."

Sebastian's quirk is called Fiber Merge. Similar to Kuroiro, he can merge his body with any fibers and travel along it. As a result, a whole network of strings and threads are strung up on the edges of the ceiling, enabling Sebastian to travel anywhere within the mansion. As a result, I've had a few suspicions that he is related to Best Jeanist, the No. 4 ranked pro hero.

But every time I've brought the question up, he always changed the subject or denied me.

Sebastian looks up at the window and nods his head, "I will inform Saito you require his assistance."

Saito was the Yaoyarozu's chauffeur.

Ten minutes later, both Momo and I are inside of a long black Mitsubishi with tinted windows and six seats. The two of us are seated in the middle row while Saito is sitting in the front right seat.

Momo looks towards me, "You think we'll go over the heroes who want us for internships today?"

"Probably," I said while shrugging my shoulders, "Aizawa mentioned that he'd tell us soon, soo…"

My eyes go towards the window and I see a familiar dirty blonde head with a red umbrella over it, "Oh, Saito, can you stop for I bit. I see someone I know."

As the car pulls over next to Bakugo, a small group of elementary-age children stop near him as well and start talking to him.

I rolled down the window just in time to hear, "It's ok, you tried your best."

Bakugo clenches his fist and a demonic smile appears on his face, "Hey brats… you wanna die?!?!?!"

The kids run away laughing and I hold in my laughter and call out to Bakugo, "H-Hey B-Bakugo, need a ride?"

Bakugos's whole face turns bright red as he hears my voice and mumbles to himself, "Great, the one person I don't wanna see right now. Fuck off will you!"

I shrug my shoulders and gesture inside, "It's a lot drier inside and it'll save you some time."

He continues glaring at me and turns away, continuing to walk in the direction of the school.

I sigh as I get back inside, "Well whatever."

Saito turns and grins at me from the driver's seat, "So? Who was that?"

I took the towel that Momo had offered me and dried up a bit before replying, "Oh just a school friend."

Momo grins as we pass Bakugo, "Well, at least he tried his best…"

There is a moment of silence before we both break out in a fit of laughter.

"Puhahahahaha! C-Can you believe it? Haha! S-Some elementary k-kids told him that he tried his b-best!!!" I say while holding my stomach.

Momo snickers at this, "Aahahah, w-well you can't b-blame him. After all, h-he tried his best!!!"

Our laughter gets louder as the second round of laughter comes around.

Saito smiles and shakes his head slowly, "Was that the kid that you knocked out of bounds?"

I nod my head and try to stifle my laughter, "Yeah, Katsuki Bakugo, one of our classmates."

Saito looks at me through the mirror and frowns slightly, "Pretty cold of you. To eliminate your friend like that."

I shrug my shoulders in reply, "Well, him and Todoroki, the other boy I knocked out, both of them would've been pains to deal with in the later rounds, especially the tournament. I was unaware of the next rounds so I took the most optimal action at the time. I couldn't have anyone getting in my way."

Saito, along with all of the staff in the mansion, were aware of my motive for becoming a hero and while they didn't necessarily approve of it, they didn't have any plans on stopping me.

"What did they think of you afterward," the driver asked.

"Bakugo, he was upset for a bit but now he just thinks of me as another wall to break through. As for the other one…"

I think quietly before answering, "I don't know. I haven't seen him since the end of round one."

Saito gives me a side glance, "Well it's just a tournament, so it shouldn't impact your relationship with them too much."

Kuro snickers internally, 'Yeah, but chemically nuking a whole class might.'

I sigh internally at these words, 'Hopefully, they don't hate me too much for that.'

Fifteen minutes later, Momo and I are both relaxing in class, listening to the other's conversations.

Mina lets out a cry, "It's different when they broadcast the matches on TV after all, huh?! So many people talked to me on my way here!"

Kirishima points to himself, "Yeah, me too!"

Mineta smirks, "I even had a girl as for a picture. Bow down to me peasants."

Kaminari returns the smirk, "Yeah, for the first and last time."

Everyone bursts out in laughter and Sero adds on, "Yeah, you guys are having fun being famous, some elementary students ran up to me and said, "Don't worry about it."

Everyone starts laughing but me and Momo laugh the loudest and take a peek at Bakugo, whose ears have gone bright red again.

Iida walks in, and I notice that he has a slightly solemn look on his face, but I ignore it.

Izuku walks over to me and stares down at me, "Shiro… I didn't get the chance to ask you before, but while I have the time, I might as well ask you now. You're afraid of blood, right?"

There is a moment of silence as everyone quotes down, waiting to see how I respond to it.

I grimace slightly and let out a small sigh, "Guess the cats out of the bag. Yeah, I am."

The whole class remains silent when Kirishima starts laughing slightly.

I stare at him, a confused expression on my face, 'Are my fears funny? Is it that stupid?'

The laughter is infectious, spreading throughout most of the class, and both Momo and I are utterly bamboozled.

"What," I yell out, "What's so funny!?"

Kaminari holds his stomach and tries to speak through his laughter but can't and Jiro takes over instead, "I'm so-sorry Shiro. But it's kinda funny to us because after all, you're Shiro."

She slowly begins to regain her composure, "You have good grades, athletic ability, and good looks. You're smart, the Class Representative, and you are always composed. The perfect student to say the least."

Shoji nods in agreement, "No complaints there. But when we found out about your fear, we were shocked."

Mina grins, "I mean, everyone has a fear, but I thought yours was like getting a 99% on a test or something."

The class nods in agreement, and I stare at them shocked, "You guys thought my fear was getting a 99%..."

Kaminari shrugs, "Personally I thought it was not getting extra credit, but yeah."

I grin and shake my head, "What am I gonna do with you a lot."

Tokoyami frowns at me, "Wait, but what about that time at-," but he gets cut off as the door suddenly opens and Todoroki walks in.

For the first time since the end of the first round, I saw my fellow classmate, and he was not looking good. He had bags under his eyes and his skin was pale. His eyes were borderline bloodshot and he looked like he hadn't been getting enough sleep.

Everyone stops to look at him and he quickly scans the room before glaring intensely at me, 'Damn, he hates me.'

Soon after, Aizawa walks in and greets us in his tired voice, "Morning."

His attention turns to Shoto who is standing right in front of him, glaring at me, and his eyes narrow, "Oy, Todoroki, you look like shit, you know…"

Shoto says nothing and continues glaring at me, and Aizawa rolls his eyes, "I have an idea of why you're like this, but sit down for now. Class is starting soon."

Shoto walks away from Aizawa and takes his assigned seat, which is only 2 seats away from mine.

Asui looks at our teacher and smiles, "Your bandages have come off, Aizawa Sensei. I'm glad."

Aizawa scratches a reminder of USJ, a small scar underneath his right eye, "Yeah. The old lady went overboard with the treatment. More importantly, we're having a special hero informatics class today."

Momo glances at me and grins, her face telling me, 'You were right.'

The rest of the class looks scared, with some of them having flashbacks of our first day of school, and I let out a sigh, "Calm down you guys. He said informatics, so it's not gonna be anything too bad, right, Sensei~"

Aizawa blankly stares at me before replying, "Yes. Hirota is correct. It's not gonna be anything intense. Today… we will be deciding on your code names, your hero names."

Everyone stares at our teacher silently, waiting for a punchline of sorts, and when there isn't one, "YAAHOOOO!!!!"

Cheers of excitement take over our class and many people stand up and raise both hands, "We are gonna do something exciting."

"I've always been thinking about hero names ever since I was a kid."

Aizawa glares at us and he activates his quirk, his eyes turning red and his hair starts floating menacingly.

The class quiets down instantly and Aizawa continues, "This is related to the pro hero draft picks I mentioned the other day."

He deactivated his quirk, and his appearance returned to normal, "The draft begins in earnest in the second and third years, where the students have accumulated more experience and can become immediate assets to pros. In other words, for them to extend their hands to first years like you shows that they are interested in your future potential. These offers are often canceled by graduation if that interest is lost."

He lets the words sink in and everyone is able to make deductions on their own, and Toru says what all of us are thinking, "So we need to prove ourselves once we get picked."

Aizawa nods in confirmation, "Exactly. During the time you had off, we collected and counted the offers from each hero and their agency. The final results are as shown."

He pointed to the chalkboard and suddenly white lines, names, and numbers began to form.

<Class 1-A No. of Offers>

[Hirota: 6532]

[Yaoyorozu: 995

[Tokoyami: 891]

[Iida: 236]

[Todoroki: 72]

[Bakugo: 60]

[Ashido: 23]

[Mineta: 13]

There is an outrage throughout the class as the numbers make their ways into people's minds, and I let out a low whistle as I looked at the number next to my name, 'God damn I'm good.'

Momo has a proud look on her face and turns to me, "I didn't even think I would get above 800. I thought you would take them all."

The gears in my mind spin rapidly as I try to make sure everything adds up, "As I had expected, I got the most, and Momo got plenty too, considering that she got 3rd, that's good. I don't want to steal everything from her. I'm mildly surprised that Tokoyami got less than Momo, but I guess our fight left an impact. Todoroki managed to grab a few, probably due to his relation with Endeavour. Looks like Bakugo managed to impress a few people as well. Well, he did well at the beginning of the race, so it's not that surprising. Mina, and Minoru both got a few. Once again not surprising because they both made the semifinals.'

Then I looked a few seats in front of me, straight at a green-haired boy, whose body was shaking and his mouth was moving quickly but silently, 'Tough luck, Izuku. You may have gotten 3rd, but you showed almost no control over your extremely dangerous quirk.'

Bakugo is silently contemplating his numbers, and so is Todoroki.

Aizawa points at the board, "In the earlier years, it's more spread out, but as I'm sure you all can see, all eyes were on Shiro this year."

Kaminari has small tears streaming down his face, "Aha… there is such a big difference…"

Aoyama pouts, "The pro's clearly can't see the raw talent I have, and Mina pats his back slowly, "Yeah, keep telling yourself that bud."

Jiro frowns, "Tokoyami is third, and Momo is second? Even though their positions were reversed for the awards."

Bakugo leans backward and lets out a sigh, "Yaoyarozu went toe-to-toe with the old man, destroyed Pikachu, and beat Sonic. Her accomplishments are a bit grander than bird brains over there."

Tokoyami has a conflicted depression on his face, "I believe that I would've lost against Iida, and Kaminari's electricity would've been troublesome. However, I would prefer it if you called me by my name, Bakugo."

The ash blonde-haired boy snorts, "Shut up side character."

I take this chance to throw myself in the conversation, "What was that, Mr. 60 votes~? I couldn't hear you from down there."

I say the last part in a condescending tone and prepare to defend myself from a blast of explosions.

However, to everyone's utter surprise, Bakugo doesn't turn around and try to kill me, instead, he just waved me off and nodded his head, "Yes, yes, sorry, your highness. Want a drink? Want a massage? Want me to rub your feet? I'll do anything you, Mr. 6532 votes~"

The class laughs at his counter and I chuckle lightly, "That was… unexpected."

'What is this development? Two weeks ago, he would've tried to kill me for that. His loss must've hit him hard…'

Unbeknownst to me, Bakugo was currently planning my murder in his head.

*Bakugo POV*

'That shitty old man lookin a*s! I'm gonna blow your body from the inside out! "Mr. 60," my ass. That f*****g piece of s**t. You're gonna regret living after I'm done with your albino b***h a*s! Stupid cocky mother f*****g c**t! C****y prick! Go to hell, retard!'

*Shiro POV*

I get chills down my spine, and shiver slightly while Aizawa continues explaining, "Keeping these results in mind, whether or not anyone asked for you, you will all be participating in internships with pros."

Izuku asks confusedly, "Internships?"

"At USJ, you already got to experience combat with real villains," Aizawa begins to explain, "However, fighting villains is not all that a pro does. It will be a meaningful experience for you to see pros at work firsthand."

Sato nods his head slowly, "So that explains the hero names."

Uraraka pumps her fist up and down in agreement, "Things are getting more fun now!"

Aizawa keeps going, "Well, the ones now will be temporary, but if you're not serious about it-"

Our teacher gets cut off by a loud female voice, "You'll have hell to pay later!"

Several boys in our class grin excitedly while our lewd teacher walks forwards, "Because a lot of hero names used by students become recognized by society, they usually end up becoming professional names."

Midnight walks forwards, her glasses sitting upon her head, and her hips swaying with each step she takes forwards.

Aizawa shrugs, "Well, that's how it is. Midnight will be making sure that your names are ok. I can't really do stuff like this."

He pulls out his signature yellow sleeping bag from underneath his desk and turns away to sleep, but comes back to give us one final bit of advice, "When you give yourself a name, you get a more concrete image of what you want to be like in the future and you can get closer to it. This is what it means when they say, "Names and natures do often agree." Like, "All Might," for example."

He lets the words sink in and he walks away into a corner, lies down, and closes his eyes, preparing to sleep.

Meanwhile, Midnight passes out markers and whiteboards, "Use these and write down your hero names. We'll be presenting to the class so that I can judge it."

Several people cringe inside, and I smirk, 'Uwa, we have to present these, that'll be entertaining.'

I put my own pen against my mouth and furrowed my eyebrows, 'I've never really thought about a hero name… I'm tempted to just have my name, but what would be the most effective.'

Aizawa's words drift into my mind, "When you give yourself a name, you get a more concrete image of what you want to be like in the future," and immediately I think "Avenger."

'What kind of cringe is this shit… scrapped. If my motive for becoming a hero became public, that wouldn't be good and a stupid name like "Avenger" doesn't help.'

'Should it be something meaningful, or something cool?'

Kuro decides to pop in and brainstorm with me, 'What about bitch, cuz you're afraid of blood.'

'Fuck off if you're not gonna be helpful.'

He laughs excitedly, 'How about Split? You and me?'

I shrug my shoulders, 'It's kinda meaningful to us, but it's kinda meh. I was thinking, Joker maybe?'

Kuro pauses for a second, 'Like a clown, joker?'

'Kinda? Cards, misdirection, small tricks, and shit, like a joker.'

He frowns, 'You mean a magician?'

'Magician 'sounds too generic, "The Magician," see how bland that is."

Kuro nods slowly, 'You have a point.'

I start writing down the Katakana for "The Joker," when Kuro yells out, 'I got it! I got it!' I'm a fucking genius!'

A tick appears on my forehead, as I erase the black dot on the whiteboard, 'What?'

Kuro tells me his idea, and a grin appears on my face, 'Kuro, you know I'll give it to you this one time, you fucking genius.'

He smirks, 'What do you mean one time? Of course, I'm a genius.'

I write down his idea and look down at it, nodding satisfyingly, "This'll work."

Momo looks over to me, "Wanna bet who has the best hero name?"

I smirk and hide mine from her gaze, "You're on."

A timer goes off and Midnight steps up, "Alright, Aoyama, get up here."

The blonde walks to the front of the class and smirks at us, as if he had the best hero name in the world, "Here I go…"

He dramatically flashes his whiteboard, "Shining Hero, I can not stop twinkling! Which means, you can't stop my sparkles!"

Everyone stares at him blankly, thinking along the same lines, 'Is this guy serious?'

Midnight also looks as if she's holding in her laughter and starts correcting his name, "If you do this, and shorten it from can not to can't…"

She flips it around and shows us a revised version, which is only slightly better, "Can't stop twinkling."

The rest of the class grins, "Well, if this is all right, then ours can't be that bad, right?"

Mina goes up next, "Alien Queen!"

"Denied! Are you tryna spit acid or something?"

A tension sets over the class, 'Jesus, now that we've seen these two, it feels as if we have to do something funny now…'

Asui goes up next, "Rainy Season Hero: Froppy."

Midnight gives her a thumbs up, "Nice, it's cute. I like it!"

The tension disappears at Midnight's approval, and the rest of the names go by.

"Sturdy Hero: Red Riot"!

"Hearing Hero: Earphone Jack"!

"Tentacle hero: Tentacole."

"Taping Hero: Cellophane."


"Stun Gun hero: Charge Bolt"!

Momo goes up next, "Production Hero: Creati"

I nod my head, "Not bad."

Todoroki goes up, with, "Shoto."

Midnight raises an eyebrow at this, "Are you sure you are ok with your name?"

"It doesn't matter, he says as he walks away.

With a completely serious face, Bakugo says, "King Explosion Murder."


"Denied! Next!"


I stand up and walk confidently to the front, "I'll go then."

The class quiets down in anticipation and even Bakugo looks attentive.

I gaze at the class and the class gazes back, "This is mine."

I prop up my whiteboard with a big grin, "The Card Hero: Ace."

Kirishima yells out, "Oh, like the card!"

Izuku's eyes widened, "Or like… someone who is really good at something…"

Kaminari grins and points out, "Like the hardware store!"

"Sure, let's go with that."

Midnight nods, "Nice, it's stylish and fits you to a tee."

Iida, Uraraka, and Midoriya all decide on one, and Bakugo goes up for his retry, "Lord Explosion Murder!"

"Denied, again."

AN: God damn, it's been a while. My computer broke and I had to get the hard drive fixed. On top of that, the school has started up again, so I had to deal with back to school stuff.

Thank you to both DaoOfGay and Yash_Kumar_1163 for their ideas for hero names. I used the names that they recommended and merged them into one.

Also thank you to everyone who added their suggestions.










Check out my other story

The Dragon of MHA

Discord: https://discord.gg/BMtDTUtyh2