
MHA: Avatar The Last Airbender

Waking up in a dark place, Maxwell meets a Deity that gives him a second chance at life with a condition. --------------------------------------------- Cover not mine, it's from the internet. --------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: All the characters in this novel belong to the author, and I'm just using them to write my own story. If the cover creator wants me to remove it, comment on it in one of the chapters. --------------------------------------------- *If you are reading this novel and expecting the MC to be OP on the first chapter and be perfect. This novel is not for you, I want to make the MC have flaws and not make him too overpowered when Canon starts, so he may not be the strongest student in Class 1-A. But don't worry, in the future, he will eventually overpower all of them. He will also make mistakes that aren't just there for the plot and will actually have a big impact on future chapters because of his inexperience. So, I suggest for you to stop reading this if you don't want to see events like this. (Spoiler ahead just to remind you) Even though he is supposed to kill someone, he is a morally good person who doesn't like seeing innocent people get hurt so he won't try to use them in his scheme. But if his life is in danger, he will not care about saving someone. You will see chapters where MC is a coward since he doesn't want to become branded as a villain. Don't worry though since later in the story, he will become less fearless and more confident in himself, and break some rules.

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9 Chs

Chapter 3: Three Months Time Skip And Start Of The Exams

(1 week later)

Walking towards Ken Ishiyama's(Cementoss) apartment to continue learning Japanese, Maxwell sighed and thought. 'Another three hours of pain. Why is Japanese so confusing? Not only that, but the stares of Cementoss sensei are so uncomfortable. I know Nezu informed everyone about me being suspicious but come on, can't you at least make it less obvious that you are observing me.'

Finishing his thoughts there, Maxwell finally arrived in front of Ishiyama's apartment and pressed the doorbell. After waiting for a few minutes, the door opened, and a humanoid block of cement with black eyes and gray hair appeared.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Zandaka-san? How was your day today?" slowly asked Ishiyama in Japanese.

"It.....is...okay. I day...is...good Cementoss sensei." replied Maxwell in Japanese.

"You accidentally said I instead of my, but other than that. You seem to have no problems speaking simple words. I'm surprised that you could keep up with me and successfully held a conversation with me in only one week. You seem to have talents in learning foreign languages. By the end of three months, I hope you will be able to have no problems speaking to your classmates" Ishiyama spoke in English again, making Maxwell sigh in relief.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Come inside. Today's lesson is about sentence structure."

"Hai Hai Sensei. I'm coming"


(3 hours later)

After finishing Japanese lessons with Cementoss, Maxwell is currently walking toward his house. After walking for half an hour, he arrives in front of an abandoned building located in a forest. Stepping inside, Maxwell lay down on a blanket placed on the floor. While laying down, Maxwell thought.

'How uncomfortable. I guess I really was a sheltered kid. I should probably start my bending training. I couldn't do it yet since I'm still trying to adjust to my new routine. But after doing it for a week, I'm pretty used to it already.'

Standing back up again, Maxwell walked outside the building and eventually stopped in front of a small rock. After removing his shoes and making his feet touch the ground to feel more connected to the earth. Maxwell took on a stance with closed eyes and concentrated.

'According to Toph, earthbending needs me to be stubborn, decisive, driven, and grounded. But that is easier said than done. I can't just change my personality suddenly. So how to do this?'

After thinking and eliminating different plans, Maxwell finally found one that could potentially work. Maxwell thought of other moments in his past when he was decisive, stubborn, and grounded. Remembering his feelings during those moments, Maxwell abruptly opened his eyes and shouted.


The moment Maxwell shouted, the rock in front of him shot forward as fast as a slingshot and hit the tree. Maxwell was immediately filled with joy and thought, seeing the rock move and hit the tree.

'It worked!! And on my first try too! Does this mean I'm a genius?'

After thinking this, Maxwell shook his head and thought. 'Don't get ahead of yourself, Maxwell. The only thing you did was move a rock. It was just a rock, a small rock, something anybody with a little bit of strength can do if they throw it.'.

Even though Maxwell thought like that, one can see the massive smile on his face showing just how happy and proud he is for doing something considered impossible in his previous world.

'Yosh!! Let's keep practicing earthbending for the entire time before the entrance exam. I can't afford to waste my time practicing other bending styles for now since I have too little time. I also need to study for the written test at UA since I was just an eighth-grade student previously. Not only that, but I don't even know the basic history of the world and Japanese literature, so I must start from the grade school level'.

Ending his thoughts right there, Maxwell sighed dejectedly at the fact he needs to study one school year's worth of knowledge in only three months while practicing his earthbending to a decent level where he can become one of the top scorers in the practical exams. Feeling demotivated to continue earthbending, Maxwell went home and decided to study.


(3 months later)

In the forest, Maxwell was practicing his earthbending. Stomping on the ground, a boulder thrice the size of Maxwell formed before him and started to float. Seeing it float, Maxwell punched forward, making the boulder shoot towards the tree in front of him with a speed an average man cannot react to destroying it. Afterward, he tapped the ground with his foot making the floor under him form a hole that Maxwell fell through. While traveling underground, Maxwell used his earthbending to drill a pathway under his feet until Maxwell emerged fifteen meters away from his previous position. Once he appeared on the ground again, Maxwell tapped his foot on the ground, making a construct of earth that looked like a human body near his previous position. After doing this, Maxwell raised his arm and then waved his hand horizontally. While he was waving his hand, earth pillars appeared from the area in front of him and then diagonally moved towards the dummy made of earth—the pillars collided with the dummy destroying its limbs, head, and chest a second later. Seeing the destruction in front of him, Maxwell laughed aloud and thought.

'If someone finds out, it's been only three months since I acquired this power. They will be surprised at how much I improved. I used to be exhausted after doing this a few months ago. But after doing it just now, I feel slightly tired and nothing more.'

Ending his thoughts there, Maxwell started to walk back home since he needed to study for the exams tomorrow. While walking back to his home, Maxwell thought about his abilities after three months of training.

'I can now control rocks, bricks, cement, sand, and concrete which is very useful since the buildings and roads around me are made of them. I can levitate rocks three times my size and create earth constructs with good accuracy in just a few seconds, whether horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. I also have seismic sense, but it is still weak, so it is not precise enough, which I hope to fix in the future. I will only know if people are near me with it and not where they are, and I also can't tell if someone is lying. I also can transform earth into sand which can be my trump card to escape by transforming the walls made of cement into sand and then changing it back. As for metalbending, I only have a weak version of it since to metal bend. I need to sense the earth molecules in the metal, which is hard to do if you have a weak seismic sense. As for mudbending and lavabending, I still can't do both since I didn't focus on them.'

Arriving back at his house, Maxwell ended his thoughts there and opened his book to do a final review.


Waking up, Maxwell got out of his bed and walked toward the box at the corner of the room. Opening it, Maxwell got a ration bar and started to eat it.

'How bland. When can I stop eating food like this? I want to eat burgers and ramen. I wish there is an abandoned building that has free electricity. And why are there no animals to hunt around here?'

After eating the ration bar, he walked toward the restroom and started to brush his teeth with bottles of water and a broken mirror. Looking at his reflection while brushing his teeth, Maxwell thought.

'How handsome. If I were in my previous world, I would become a model and not have confidence issues. Not only that, but I look like a drawing, which makes me uncomfortable even after three months. The most surprising thing is how I am just slightly more handsome than average according to the standards of this world. After scrolling through the news at a coffee shop a few months ago through the phone, Nezu gave me which I am sure is bugged. I saw the sludge villain incident with Bakugo, who is many times more handsome than me.'

After thinking about this, Maxwell spent a few more minutes brushing his teeth and then exited the bathroom after taking a bath with gallons of water and then started to change. After placing a yellow and orange t-shirt, black jogging pants, and slippers, he stole from the lost and found. Maxwell nodded his head and went out of his house.


After walking for an hour, Maxwell finally arrived at U.A. highschool. Seeing the massive H-shaped building and large gate, Maxwell thought.

'Even though I saw it once already, I still feel amazed. Why are the building and gate so massive?'

Ending his thoughts there, Maxwell walked inside the gate and started looking around for any named character for plan G . After looking around, he found the main character of this world and his friend/rival/bully.

"FUCK OFF, "DEKU"!" said a young man with short, spiky, sandy blonde hair with bright red eyes.

"KACCHAN!!" replied a young man with fluffy dark-green hair and green eyes.


"Hey theeeeeere! G-good morning, and and and let's both do our...." Izuku stopped talking after seeing Bakugo ignore him and walk into the building

Seeing the interaction between Izuku and Bakugo, Maxwell let out a small laugh and thought.

'Man, seeing the scared appearance of Izuku sure is funny. Am I a sadist? Whatever, time to commence plan G. Make myself seem like a responsible, trustworthy, and friendly person to class 1-A to make everyone take my side if I ever get suspected of the evil things I will do in the future. Even though this won't work when evidence appears, this is good enough for now. Good thing I practiced acting for the past few months and became good at it, which surprises even me. The only problem with this plan is my social skills. After being quarantined for 3 three years, I'm not sure if I speak without making the atmosphere awkward. But at least I can talk at a conversational level in Japanese'

Ending his thoughts there, Maxwell started walking toward Izuku.


(Izuku POV)

Seeing Kacchan ignore me, I thought with wobbling legs. 'That's surprising. I t-thought he would either threaten me to quit the exam or hit me with an explosion. Is it because of the sludge villain incident? Since after that incident, Kacchan hasn't laid a finger on me. I'd gotten used to cowering before him, so my legs are wobbling. But things have changed, MAN!! Just remember this past then months!' Remembering the hellish past ten months with All Might, I feel determined to pass the exam, so I took my first big step towards being a hero.

After taking a step forward, I suddenly tripped, making me too surprised to act. Just when I was about to hit the bricks, I suddenly started floating, and the bricks under me also floated. While surprised at the situation, I suddenly heard two voices behind me.

""You all right?""

Looking behind me, I see two people. One of them is a boy with arrow tattoos on his head, while the other is a cute girl. A GIRL?! Is that a g-girl?!?!?! What should I do? Speak something. I know. I should introduce myself. Opening my mouth to talk, I shouted.

"I'm Deku!!"

Hearing me introduce myself as Deku. I started blushing at using my nickname instead of my real name and shouting out loud, drawing the attention of the surrounding.


"I am Deku."

Hearing Izuku introduced himself as Deku and shout, Maxwell let out a chuckle in his mind and thought.

'What kind of virgin is this? Even though I'm also a virgin and barely talked to girls, my reaction to them is not so exaggerated. After all, they are people, not some different species to us humans.'

Interrupting Maxwell's thought, a girl with large, round eyes and shoulder-length auburn brown hair also started to speak.

"My name is Ochaco Uraraka. Nice to meet you, Deku. Sorry for going crazy with my quirk there. I just think it'd have been a bad omen if you tripped, you know?" After saying that, she closed her fingers together, and then Izuku stopped floating. Turning to look at Maxwell, she asked.

"How about you? What is your name? And were you the one who made the bricks float" Hearing her talk about the floating bricks, Izuku looked toward Maxwell with curiosity in his eyes.

"Me? My name is Maxwell Zandaka. And yes, I was the one to control the flying bricks."

"Maxwell sure is a weird name. Are you from another country?" she asked.

"Yeah, I came from the Philippines. We should probably go inside. Exams are going to start soon."

Hearing Maxwell's words, Uraraka had a surprised expression on her face and then started to run towards the exam room. But while she was running, she shouted at Izuku and Maxwell.

"Well, good luck with the exams, Deku and Maxwell! Later!"

"You too!" replied Maxwell.

"Huh? Ah....Uhh...huhwhat" replied Izuku.

When Uraraka entered the building, Izuku snapped out of his trance and thought. 'I TALKED TO A GIRL!' after thinking that, Izuku started shouting OHs, surprising the people around him, including Maxwell.

'That surprised me. I never knew Izuku was this awkward with girls. Even though I'm also nervous talking to them, I can at least formulate sentences. I don't have perfect memory, so I barely remember useless details like this in the manga. I hope a situation comes around where I can use this. Note to self. I should probably try my best to remember useless details since they can be helpful in the future. ' Maxwell thought.

Looking back at Izuku, Maxwell smiled at him and said.

"I'm also gonna go now, Izuku. I hope you pass the exam."

"T-t-thanks! You too!" Izuku replied.

Nodding his head toward Izuku, Maxwell started to walk towards the exam venue. While walking, Maxwell began to think.

'It sure was an unexpected journey. Dying suddenly and being forced to kill someone. I achieved more mental growth these past few months than in my thirteen years of existence. Despite failing my plan to join the League of Villains in the future when Nezu low-key threatened me to join U.A. high, I feel strangely happy whenever I think about it. At first, I was confused about why I was happy to lower my chances of killing Haruto. But after thinking about it, I was able to find out why. I always wanted to be someone famous and loved by people with money to buy whatever I wanted in my past life. Still, I didn't have the motivation to endure the hardships that come along with it, so I decided to become an engineer in the future. But after reincarnating, I felt regret at not chasing my ambition, so I started to work hard at improving myself, whether it is in bending or strategies. Even though I will not risk my life for my ambition, I will surely work hard for my ambitions which will never be achieved if I joined the League of Villains.'

Ending his thoughts there, Maxwell felt more determined to kill Haruto for his future and happiness. Maxwell started looking around for his seat while walking inside the exam area and eventually sat down. After waiting for a few more minutes, a tall, slim man with long blond hair spiked upwards, and a small brown mustache appeared from the door and started walking to the podium. Seeing the man, Maxwell began to review his information about him.

'Hizashi Yamada, hero name is Present Mic. His quirk is called voice. It allows him to increase the volume of his voice, giving him an ability that is similar to a sonic scream. But I don't know if his scream really travels at the speed of sound. If it does travel at the speed of sound, he is one of the most dangerous opponents for me since he can ignore my earth defense. At least I know he is scared of insects which I can take advantage of.'

Finishing his thoughts there, Maxwell looked toward the podium and saw the man finally arrive behind it.

"WELCOME ONE AND ALL TO MY LIVE SHOW! EVERYBODY SAY HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!" shouted Present Mic, surprising and scaring many examinees.

"HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!" Maxwell shouted back. Feeling happy at doing one thing he promised himself to do if he ever went to MHA, Maxwell suddenly started to get embarrassed since almost all the examinees were watching him. Still, he didn't let it show on his face and kept a confident expression.


""YEAH!!"" shouted the other examinees, this time besides Maxwell.

Hearing the shouts of the examinees, Present Mic started to explain the rules. Maxwell found out he is placed in area B by looking at his area. He began to think about the named characters set in area B until a muscular young man with short dark blue hair stood up and started to speak.

"Excuse me, may I ask a question!? On the(You know what happens here so I will skip this). Moreover, what's with the both of you?". Iida suddenly stopped and then pointed his fingers at Izuku and Maxwell. Seeing Iida point at them. Izuku and Maxwell started to point at themselves to confirm if he addressed both of them.

Seeing their point at themselves, Iida nodded and continued to speak. "Yeah, you, curly hair and the bald kid who shouted awhile ago! This is U.A. high, a prestigious high school for heroes in training! You must show proper respect towards it, so why did one of you keep mumbling loudly while the other shouted! If you think U.A. is some pleasure joint, leave this place at once!"

Hearing Iida's words, Izuku's face pale, and he hurridly muttered an apology. On the other hand, Maxwell stood up from his seat and started to talk with an apologetic and slightly annoyed expression on his face.

"Sorry for shouting, Mr. I shouted just now. I'm just trying to ease the atmosphere since the people around me look too nervous.". Hearing Maxwell's retort, Iida bowed his head and then started to talk.

"I'm sorry for assuming too quickly. You did a wonderful job helping our fellow examinees calm down." Sitting back down, Iida continued to talk. "Please accept my apology for screaming a while ago. I admit I was also nervous about the upcoming exams, so I became more irritated easily.". Hearing Iida's apology, Present Mic shouted it's okay and then started to answer Iida's question. While the examinees listened to Present Mic, Maxwell thought of what happened earlier.

'That is Iida, right? He sure is annoying in real life. If I were in my previous world, I would have started to shout and curse at him. But after the experiences I went through these past few months, it just feels slightly annoying and nothing more. I guess what happened these past few months lessened my anger issues'. Ending his thoughts there, Maxwell started to listen to Present Mic's explanation again since he could have forgotten a few details regarding the exam.

*Author note*

You may probably wonder why his personality changes sometimes, but there is a reason for this. Maxwell can become a calculating and cold person when the situation calls for it. But in general, he is just a typical thirteen-year-old kid who is slightly more mature now.

I will also give you an in-depth explanation of MC's plans for his personality in U.A. high.

U.A. high school fake personality: A lazy person towards studying only, average grades, easygoing, always keep his promise, serious and dependable when the situation calls for it, likes being treated as an adult because he has a complex about his height, mad at anyone who makes fun of his height, a vegan.

Background of his fake personality: a person from a religious family, so he is bald and has arrows for tattoos, and someone awkward with talking to people since his family never allowed him to go outside.

Only a few of them are the MC's personality in the list above. I added some of his actual personality traits because the MC doesn't want to keep on acting every second and being conscious of every word he says in the future. I also added vegan and come from a monk family since people will think of him as a person who cares about life which is helpful for him. I also added flaws in his personality to make people open up to him since humans instinctively feel pressured when their friend is better than them. But people will still think of him as dependable since the MC will show a serious and reliable side when the situation calls for it in the future.