
MHA: Avatar The Last Airbender

Waking up in a dark place, Maxwell meets a Deity that gives him a second chance at life with a condition. --------------------------------------------- Cover not mine, it's from the internet. --------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: All the characters in this novel belong to the author, and I'm just using them to write my own story. If the cover creator wants me to remove it, comment on it in one of the chapters. --------------------------------------------- *If you are reading this novel and expecting the MC to be OP on the first chapter and be perfect. This novel is not for you, I want to make the MC have flaws and not make him too overpowered when Canon starts, so he may not be the strongest student in Class 1-A. But don't worry, in the future, he will eventually overpower all of them. He will also make mistakes that aren't just there for the plot and will actually have a big impact on future chapters because of his inexperience. So, I suggest for you to stop reading this if you don't want to see events like this. (Spoiler ahead just to remind you) Even though he is supposed to kill someone, he is a morally good person who doesn't like seeing innocent people get hurt so he won't try to use them in his scheme. But if his life is in danger, he will not care about saving someone. You will see chapters where MC is a coward since he doesn't want to become branded as a villain. Don't worry though since later in the story, he will become less fearless and more confident in himself, and break some rules.

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Chapter 4: Entrance exam

Arriving at area B, Maxwell started to look around for any important characters in the manga since he could unknowingly steal their points and make them fail. After looking for a while, Maxwell saw a tall young man with a head that took the form of a rock.

'That's the guy who talks to animals, right? What's his name again? I can't remember. It's good that I don't remember, since it means he isn't an important character, so that means I can replace him. At least he will be the only one to be replaced since Haruto will take the recommendation exam to not remove any more students to not change canon knowledge that much.' Maxwell thought.

Not paying attention anymore to the rock-head man, Maxwell looked back at the gate and thought. 'How rich is this school? Making eight areas as big as a city. And if I remember correctly, USJ is also expensive since there was a fricking yacht on the water. If I can become this rich in the future, I will definitely get a rocketship and experience what's it like to float in space.'.

Before Maxwell could continue thinking about what he will do if he had that amount of money, Present Mic's voice suddenly reached his and every other participant's ears.

"AAAAND START!" shouted Present Mic. While most of the examinees in different areas were confused about the situation. Maxwell and the few minorities started to go inside the gate by either running or using their quirks. Seeing a young man propel himself into the air with an earth pillar, the rest of the examinees in area B snapped out of their confusion and started to go inside the gate.


Launching himself into the gate with an earth pillar, Maxwell started jogging to look for robots to destroy. Soon after, Maxwell spotted a one-pointer robot. Lightly stepping on the ground, a rock twice as big as Maxwell's head appeared. A second later, the rock started compressing until it reached the size of Maxwell's hand. Launching the compressed rock toward the robot's head that began to look toward him, Maxwell turned around and started to jog again for more robots. A second later, the rock pierced the robot's head, exploding it.

While jogging for more points, Maxwell started to think.

'I should try to get hero points now. Even though Nezu and some of the staff will think my actions are suspicious since they know my personality. I can change other staff's opinions since humans have a firmer belief toward what they hear and see themselves compared to hearing it from someone. Even if the person they are hearing it from is one of the smartest creatures alive and their boss.'

Ending his thoughts there. Maxwell stopped jogging after spotting a three-pointer robot. Wanting to experience an actual battle, Maxwell didn't immediately kill it and waited for the robot to sense his presence. A second later, the robot detected Maxwell's presence and then turned around to attack.

Seeing the robot launch missiles toward him, Maxwell lifted his hand, and earth walls appeared in front of him. When a missile made contact with an earth wall, the earth wall exploded into pieces. Afterward, the missiles started to destroy the earth walls in front of him. Knowing the missiles would eventually destroy all the walls, Maxwell opened a hole in the ground and started to travel underground again. While Maxwell was traveling underground, the missiles finally broke all the walls and hit the previous position Maxwell was in. Appearing behind the robot, Maxwell made a giant hand of earth and levitated it. Sensing a living being behind it, the robot looked behind it and was greeted by the sight of a giant fist coming toward its face. With no time to react, the head of the three-pointer got crushed and exploded soon after. Being near the explosion, Maxwell got knocked back, and his butt hit the ground. While standing up, Maxwell thought.

'Damn, that was careless of me. I didn't know the robot would explode after it gets destroyed. I should be more careful in the future.'

Ending his thoughts there, Maxwell lifted his hand, making an earth spike appear and destroy the one pointer that would have hit an examinee. Seeing the examinee safe, Maxwell started to jog again for more points.


In a separate room, all the examiners watched the examinees in different areas. Some of them disappointed them, while some looked promising.

"A strict time limit and a vast battle-ground. Nothing quite like it to bring everyone's passion into the open and uncover their skills." Spoke Nezu making examiners look toward him. Ignoring everyone's looks, Nezu continued speaking.

"Insight, agility, judgment, and of course, sheer fighting prowess. We can gauge their respective levels of those foundational skills through the points system. Of course, the level of those foundational skills can also help us determine potential heroes in the future."

When Nezu finished speaking, one of the examiners started to talk.

"Now that you talked about potential heroes, wasn't there a potential villain among the examinees. his name was Maxwell, right? I wonder what he is doing right now.". Hearing about Maxwell, some of the other examiners' expressions turned slightly bitter since nobody likes hearing a potential villain enrolling in the world's most prestigious hero high school.

Looking at the screen of Maxwell. The examiners saw earth spikes appear all around him, piercing twelve one-pointers. Witnessing the scene, one examiner said.

"He sure has a good quirk. Even though his raw power over the quirk is less than Endeavour's son's, his control over it is exceptional. Not only that, but he also has fire manipulation. If his fire is at least half the strength of Shoto and has the same control as his earth manipulation, then he truly is a formidable person. It's just sad he may be a potential villain."

*Authors note: For those of you who say the paragraph above is bs since avatar Kyoshi moved an entire island using her bending, then you are wrong. Even though MC is the avatar, he doesn't have the power to move continents yet. So his raw power is weaker than Shoto Todoroki, but he will eventually surpass that since bending is easier to improve than quirks.*


"I agree"

"How unfortunate"

Just when some of the other examiners were going to agree with the examiner, another one suddenly asked with a tone of uncertainty.

"Is he really a villain, though? I know that principal Nezu said he might be one, but the fact he is getting hero points says otherwise."

"What if he is acting? After all, there are bound to be one or two people who will figure out the true objective of this test." refuted another examiner.

"If he really is acting, we will see it in the future. For now, let us release the zero-pointers."

Hearing what the examiner said, everyone nodded and decided to ignore Maxwell for now. Afterward, Nezu pressed a button with the word "Yaruki switch" below. A second later, all the zero-pointers were released in all the areas.


While Maxwell started jogging again after destroying a dozen one-pointers. He suddenly heard loud noises.



Looking in the direction of the noise, Maxwell saw something that scared him for the first time in a long time. Even though Maxwell doesn't feel fear as often as before his transmigration because of Rose's chilling presence, Maxwell couldn't help but show slight fear on his face at the source of the noise. At a height that is taller than almost all the buildings in the area, Maxwell feels so insignificant before it. Even though he knows it's supposed to be tall, knowing about it and seeing it are two different things. Slapping his face with both of his hands, Maxwell thought with slap-marked cheeks.

'I shouldn't get scared, the only advantage is its size and weight, and it won't kill me. I will only face scarier beings in the future. So if I become scared of something as insignificant as this, I will not be able to kill Haruto in the future. Should I destroy it? If I will try to do it, what's the plan?'

While trying to think of a plan, Maxwell started to jog toward the zero-pointer with a determined expression but didn't forget to save a couple of examinees along the way.


Before Maxwell started to jog toward the zero-pointer, the examiners watched many examinees respond differently to the situation. Some ran away while pushing others, some helped the one that fell, and others stood absentmindedly. Looking at their actions, the examiners were disappointed with some and satisfied with the others. While everyone was watching the screens, an examiner suddenly said.

"Guys, let's check on Maxwell. Aren't you also interested in his reaction when he sees the zero-pointer?"

Hearing the examiner, all the examiners nodded and looked at Maxwell's screen except Nezu since he was already looking at all the screens simultaneously with his high processing speed.

Seeing the scared expression of Maxwell transform into a determined one while taking steps toward the robot, the examiners started to speak among themselves.

"What do you think about this? Does he look like he is acting?"

"I don't think so. After all, pretending to be determined is really hard to do. I personally don't care if he is acting or not right now since he will still go to UA even though we find out that saving people is part of his plan. I'm just looking forward to his plan to destroy the zero-pointer."

"Yeah" "I agree."

While the examiners were talking among themselves, Nezu was talking with a very skinny man with sharp, angular features and short blond hair with two distinct tufts.

"So, All Might, what are your thoughts about Maxwell."

"I believe in young Maxwell. Even though he might be a potential villain in the future, it is just a possibility. As a teacher, it is my duty to guide my students on the right path and make them a better version of themselves. Plus, wanting to save your life isn't the personality of a villain; it is the personality of a human.". Hearing All Might's thoughts about Maxwell, Nezu nodded and thought.

'That was slightly foolish of me. I guess I became emotional knowing Maxwell is like those ugly humans. Becoming used to people ready to sacrifice their lives for justice makes me view selfish humans much worse than I should. I will treat him less as a potential villain in the future, but I will not let my guard down. My instincts tell me Maxwell hides a massive secret.'

Ending his thoughts there, Nezu looked back at the dozens of screens showing examinees and started to watch all of them again.


Stopping six hundred meters away from the zero-pointer after jogging for a minute, Maxwell looked at the massive robot slowly moving toward him and started to think of a plan.

'The robot will arrive at least one minute based on its speed. I should test its defenses. If my compressed cement can't pierce through any body part, I should give up and run away. I'm running out of stamina and can only compress and shoot boulders made of cement three times my size four times. One of them is to test the robot, so I only have three shots. The real problem is the height it needs to travel. I will waste too much stamina maintaining the speed of the compressed earth, and if I can't do that, the speed and power will decrease, making my plans fail.'

*Author note: The Mc didn't mention it but the stamina the Mc will use is not all of his stamina. The remaining stamina is for escaping since he will faint the moment he uses all of his stamina. So he will always have little stamina left for situations. But the MC will also use ALL his stamina in case he meets an opponent he can't escape from in the future. *

Just when Maxwell was going to continue thinking of a plan, Present Mic's voice reached his ears.


Hearing one minute remains until the end of the test, Maxwell started to run toward the robot while hastily making a plan to destroy it. Ignoring some of the mistakes in his plan, Maxwell created a compressed rock and shot it toward the robot's arm. When the rock made contact with the arm, the arm of the robot got pierced, and a hole the size of a bottle cap appeared. Seeing the arm of the robot being pierced and moving slower and rougher, Maxwell lightly clenched his fist and thought.

'It worked! The only problem right now is the size of my rock. The bottle cap-sized rock I launched successfully pierced it but only made the robot's arm move slower and rougher. I need to make an attack large enough to pierce through its head and destroy it. Not only that, but I also need to make sure to make it have the same hardness as the one a while ago. Good thing I still have enough stamina left for three more. I can use all of my stamina to compress a bigger rock and launch it toward the robot. If this fails, I guess I'm not strong enough yet.'

Ending his thoughts there, Maxwell concentrated and made a boulder made of cement nine times the size of Maxwell appear after a dozen seconds. Compressing it until it reached the size of Maxwell, Maxwell nodded his head and used all his might to launch it towards the robot's head. After reaching the robot's chest height, the boulder started to lose speed. Seeing this, Maxwell began to curse gravity and decided to use his last stamina to speed it up. With heavy breaths, Maxwell punched the air again, making the boulder speed up. Just before the boulder made contact with the robot's chin, Maxwell felt dizzy and then fainted.

*Authors note: You can see the MC used his reserve stamina to maintain the speed. And if you think using it is stupid since MC might get killed or captured, I agree with you. But you should remember that the MC is at an entrance exam, not a life and death situation. You should also see something strange in the paragraph awhile ago, and it is the nine times the size of Maxwell's boulder that he made. In my previous chapters, he said he could control a boulder thrice his size. The three sizes are the size he can comfortably handle and doesn't have to use a huge amount of stamina, unlike the 9x one. I hope I cleared your confusion.*


In the examiner's room, many examiners are amazed right now.

"Wow. Having one examinee destroy the gimmick we placed is already rare, but having two is much more."

"I agree. Seeing the heroic sacrifice of examinee ####(Izuku's examinee number) and the power of his punch gave me goosebumps. It's too bad he injured himself when he punched the robot. It was also stupid that he didn't have any plan when he started falling. If the zero-gravity girl or All Might wasn't here, he could have fallen to his death since none of us would be fast enough to catch him, considering the examiner's room is far away."

"I agree. Now that I think about it, I also think the actions of Maxwell aren't that smart. His plan to destroy the zero-pointer may be decent, but he fainted right after. If his attack didn't destroy the robot or he missed because of exhaustion, he would be screwed right after. It's a good plan, but he should have stopped if the result of his attack is uncertain. But I like his spirit, trying his best to the point of exhaustion even though he might fail. I hope he will become an excellent hero in the future."

Hearing the examiner, everyone nodded since they also hoped the kid they were looking at right now would not turn out to be a villain in the future. But even though they hope, their guard against him didn't disappear, but at least it lessened.


Waking up, Maxwell found himself on a bed in an unknown room. Remembering what happened a while ago, Maxwell shook his head and thought.

'I was too reckless. I got caught up in the adrenaline. I should try to be calm during fights in the future. I also panicked a while ago, so I made some unnecessary moves. I hope I at least destroyed the robot.'

Just when Maxwell was about to find more mistakes he made during the exam, an elderly woman with gray hair styled into a netted bun, and a large syringe hair accessory appeared and started to talk to him.

"Oh, you are awake already. Here, have some candies. It will help you restore some stamina. You fainted from overusing your quirk. It would be best if you took care of yourself better. You can now leave and return home". After saying that, she turned around and walked away. Looking at her, Maxwell started reviewing his information on her to ensure he didn't forget anything.

'Chiyo Shuzenji, known as Youthful Heroine: Recovery Girl. Her quirk is Heal. It allows her to amplify and speed up the human body's natural healing process by planting a kiss on the injured person. It's good that it only speeds up the natural healing process since she can't heal All Might. She also limits her quirk since it needs the patient's stamina to heal. I should be wary of her since she can kill me with just a kiss.'

Ending his thoughts there, Maxwell got out of the soft bed and decided not to go toward Izuku since he was still tired and wanted to sleep in his house. While walking, Maxwell thought of meaningless things.

'What a nice bed. I wish I could bring this home.'

'Pfff. That kid looks so stupid.'


(1 week later)

Arriving at his fake home, which he used as his address in the school form, Maxwell found a letter. Going inside, he opened the letter, and All Might appeared on a holographic screen. Seeing the advanced technology, Maxwell showed a slightly amazed expression and waited for All Might to speak.

"I AM HERE AS A PROJECTION!!". Spoke All Might with a massive smile.

"You may not know, but I came to this town to work at U.A!!"

"You barely passed the written exams, but you passed the practical exam with flying colors!!!"

"You scored fifty-two villain points, but that is not all!!! You also got rescue points for saving people in the exam!! So with fifty-two villain points and twenty-four rescue points, your total score is seventy-six points!! Making you second place in the practical exam but ninth in the entrance exam!"


After saying that, the projection disappeared, leaving Maxwell alone. Sitting down on his chair, Maxwell thought with a determined expression.

'This is it, Maxwell, the start of UA. The place where many problems will take place. The start of your plans to kill Haruto. And the start of your career. I shouldn't mess this up no matter what.'

*Author note: It seems the MC's plan of saving people to remove his bad reputation among the staff failed. But at least their impression of him improved after seeing him faint trying to destroy the zero-pointer.*