

Rosilinda · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 8: Kai Guterez

Sylva and I get to know each other as time goes by. I learned about her ex, she used to play soccer in high school, she's a big reader-like me, she enjoys swimming, and I met her Syberian cat named Synthia.

I've told her about my high school life, how I didn't really get out much but I played basketball to keep in shape- which I see Sylva eyeing me from time to time so I guess it worked, I'm also a big reader, and I have a husky dog named Bocephus.

We continue talking and enjoying each other's company until Michael walks in. He starts to glare at me a little in a very protective way, as if I did something wrong or at least going to do something wrong. "Dinner's ready. You two can eat up here if you want, but you have to get your own meal. Mom also bought your favorite red wine if you wanted some."

Michael's attention was mainly towards his sister, not paying me any mind. He seemed friendly earlier, but I guess he isn't taking the whole marriage thing well either. He leaves after giving me a final glare.

"Don't worry about him, he's very protective of me and a little more ever since Thomas. Michael never liked him and he's probably scared you're going to hurt me too," Sylva explains to me. That actually makes a lot of sense, and I would be the same way if I had a sibling.

We head downstairs together and serve ourselves plates of the steak dinner with herb angel hair pasta and a glass of the red wine Mrs. Cobb has bought. I had a little sip and I can see why this is Sylva's favorite. I better take note.

Sylva is a beautiful woman and even tho I've only known her for two hours, I can tell she's a good person. She's shy and sweet, not in any awkward way. She's cute when she blushes and when she tucks hair behind her ear when she feels embarrassed. I see all this little detail and I find them absolutely captivating.

Sylva leads me back upstairs to her room and we both take our seats, but this time she sits with her back against the wall leaving enough room for me to sit on the bed with her. I sit on the edge corner with no back and face towards her. At least she's opening up to me a little.

She digs into her food, taking small bits of her steak with the pasta. Everything she does is just adorable, not sure why. I start to dig into my food when Sylva starts a conversation with me.

"This food is really good, isn't it? My mom is an amazing cook, she's trying to teach me but it's not going very well," She giggles. Her giggle is part of what makes her cute.

"I bet you'll get better as time goes by, I would love to try some of your cooking."

"I wouldn't want you to die sooooo give me a few months."

"I could always help, I got my skills in the kitchen. Or maybe I could make cookies with you?"

Sylva tucks hair behind her ear again. "That would be great, a good way to get to know each other better, you know?"

I reach and take her right hand in mine. "I would love that."

We stare into each other's eyes for a while. I smile at her and I get a smile back. Her grey eyes are soft and kind. I could never look away.