

Rosilinda · Teen
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20 Chs

Chapter 9: Sylva Cobb

Kai stares into my eyes for what feels like hours, but it's only a few seconds when Mrs. Guterez and my mom walk in. They look at us and smile before speaking.

"Kai, get your things, we will be leaving. Make sure you put your plate in the sink before you leave the house," Mrs. Guterez says to her son.

"And Sylva, make sure you clean up before you go to bed, I assume that's what you're wearing to bed." My mom is referencing my shorts and Led Zeppelin.

"Okay mom, I'll brush my teeth and wash my face. Thanks," I reply.

Our mothers walk out together and we look at each other. I smile and brush my hair past my ear. Kai smiles back and offers his hand. I place my hand in his as he says, "I had a great time with you. I would love to hang out again sometime." He places a soft kiss on my knuckles.

"Maybe we should," I blush.

Kai walks over to my desk and writes something with a pen and paper. He walks back over to me and hands me the paper he wrote on. I take a quick look and I see a seven digit number. I assume this is his phone number.

"I have my own landline, you can call whenever you'd like," he grabs both of our plates and puts them into one hand, stacking them. Kai bends down to my face and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. He then stands and leaves my room with both plates in his hand, leaving me on Cloud Nine.

I can't believe this guy is making me feel this way and I just met him. I lay down on my bed and hug my stuffed pink teddy bear. This is crazy, I shouldn't be feeling the way that I do.

So weird.

I woke up at 8:35 the next morning to breakfast in bed by my brother. He sets a tray on my lap with a plate that contains waffles with maple syrup and a little bit of butter. He walks out of my room after giving me a kiss on the forehead. Moments later my mom comes in and sits on the edge of my bed while facing me.

"Hey sweetie, we got plans today for Kai and you to hang out again in the house while us parents discuss things about the wedding and to give you two some privacy. Michael will be out of the house in case you two get intimate or anything like that. He'll be here around eleven, so make sure you're showered and ready for him to come over."

I finish chewing my last piece of waffle before responding. "Okay, I'll shower shortly. Where will Michael go?"

"He'll be going with his friend Zane."

I blush. Zane is an old crush of mine when we were in high school, he was two years above me and we did get along, but we never did anything. This crush was years ago but his name still makes my face go red.

"So it'll just be Kai and me? It's a little weird that you guys are so cool with me being alone with a guy like this," I question as my parents wanted to be around when I was with Thomas.

"Sweetie, you're 22 and you got with Thomas when you were a teen, so of course we were careful with you two. You're now old enough to be alone with a boy without us having to be around. You're mature, and I admire that." My mom is so sweet, but she's not making sense. What's so different between Thomas and Kai, besides the obvious cheating thing and how Kai treats me is way better?

Nevermind, I understand why.

"Okay sweetie, well I'll take your tray downstairs while you get ready to see your future husband."

I cringe. "Please don't say that for a while."

My mother kisses me on the cheek before picking up my tray and walking out of my room.


Should I call him and talk for a while? There's still some time before he's coming over, but he's nice to talk to. I stare at the paper that's on my bedside table and think about it.

I get up and walk over to my papasan chair and sit while picking up the phone and dialing the number copied on the paper.

The phone rings a couple times before he picks up.


"Hey, it's Sylva. I heard you're supposed to come over later?"

"Hey beautiful, yeah I was about to start getting dressed and everything to be ready to see you again."

"Do you have time to chat for a little bit before?"

"I do, but I want to look my best for you."

"Trust me, you always look good to me."

"Yeah? You like how I look, huh? That's good to hear," I can hear his smile through the phone.

I blush. "A bit yeah." I'm too shy, I'm about to hang up.

"You're beautiful to look at yourself."

"Well this beauty needs to go shower so I don't stink when you get here."

"Alright love, I'll see you soon."

"Later," I hung up.

It makes me swoon when he compliments me like that. Calling me love and beautiful, it's what a girl likes to hear.

I get up and grab my towel from my door hook and walk into my private bathroom. I loop the towel around the wall bar as I turn on the water and let my hair down from the bun it was in. I quickly wash my body, scrub my hair with shampoo and lather my hair in condition for that smooth feel I typically have. I turn off the water and step out with the towel around my body. Drying off my body and rubbing lotion all over my limbs and stomach, I put the towel on my head to conceal my hair and slip some underwear and a bra.

Opening my closet door, I look around for a pair of loose shorts and loose shirt. I'm going to be chilling in my house, I want to be comfortable. Michael already left to go be with Zane, so I sneak into his room and look for comfy pants. If Kai is wearing jeans or dress pants again, he can change into these and chill out. He can wear one of my oversized shirts too.

I hear the front door open and close and I walk out to the balcony to see Kai behind his parents.

Kai has his hair in a curly mess leaning down over his forehead, wearing a crisp, plain black shirt with blue jeans on. He already took off his shoes and set them at the front door. He looks up and spots me. Smiling, he waves. I blush and wave back.

Hopefully we have fun today.