
MENDING HEARTS AND MELTING ICE: Unconventional Relationship Contract

Shao Feilan felt disheartened and broken after her fiancee cheated on her because of some absurd reason. And this was to add onto how he had ruined her precious Fashion brand along with her terrible half sister. Surrounded by only struggle after struggle...a hateful family that kicked her out, a half sister that stole her fiancee, a fiancee that cheated on her and a dying Fashion brand. What can this female protagonist do... But all it takes is one night, a bar, poland distilled vodka and a crazy chance to change the course of her whole life. Feilan felt like hitting herself 'Why in all directions had she pointed here' But the random direction she pointed to would soon lead her to cold, aloof and mysterious man, Lushan. What was his other name...he refused to tell. But this man offers Feilan a deal that she finds hard to refuse. An unconventional contract with benefits she can only dream of. Can one month change her life. Will hearts be mended as ice is melted. Will secrets be revealed.....

writerxs · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs


The lady lowered her gaze and said "Why try to defend myself when the powerful Shao family has its ways of overlooking the law....better I end up in jail as long as my brother is safe"

Shao Feilan who was standing at the hidden corner clenched her hand cause she knew that the lady wasn't lying. She knew what kind of a person Shao Linua was so she wasn't surprised.

Feilan had experienced first hand how the Shao family threatened her with their own son's standing in the family....they didn't seem to care that it was their son they were threatening her with so Feilan felt for this lady.

She knew how it hurt to have your loved one in the hands of ruthless people.

And Feilan knew if she was in this lady's position....she wouldn't have hesitated to betray herself too as long as she could make sure Seisan was fine.

So Feilan believed the lady cause eyes couldn't lie and she had survived this long in her life because she looked at what people's eyes spoke and not just the exterior expression.

And the pain and injustice she saw in the lady's eyes were same she had everytime the Shaos threatened her with Seisan.

It was at this moment that there was an advancement at the entrance and the whole hall was thrown into an uproar as Shao Linua walked into the hall.

The hall was immediately filled with chatter and everyone threw Shao Lin strange glances.

Shouldn't she be hiding or had she come to make the day even more interesting by defending herself.

No one had ever been able to dig dirt on Shao Linua.....today was a first and they wanted to see where it would end...who would win this.

Everyone was looking forward to a big showdown.

Shao Linua tried to keep a calm expression to save her image but she was fuming inside.

She had been careless and didn't clean up the evidence against her simply because she never thought in her wildest dreams that in this lifetime Shao Feilan would ever retaliate.

They had power over the person she loved the most so she would only retaliate if ever she suddenly stopped caring for their brother Seisan which was 100% impossible.

Shao Linua looked at the two product inspectors with a hidden coldness. He heard everything the female product inspector had said as she stood outside the hall contemplating how she should handle this mess.

Linua would teach her a lesson after.

Dai narrowed his eyes at Shao Linua who was getting closer to the stage. It seemed she wanted to put on a defensive show.

Dai knew that Shao Linua thought that she could still deny what she did because with no solid proof that she was actually the one who caused all the troubles for Feilan Fashion....she could still fight.

The video of Shao Linua paying the products inspector money for information was useless without actual proof that Shao Linua did the crime after attaining the information.

Shao Linua still thought that it was a case of her word against theirs but in actual fact...it was her word against hers once the last piece of evidence was released.

Shao Linua stepped on the stage and faced the crowd and boldly and confidently said "Good afternoon everyone....I'm innocent and Shao Feilan and this female product inspector have both framed me for things I know not"

The room was again filled with murmurs....and the 50 million viewers on the Internet were nearly loosing their minds as they discussed furiously about who mighty be right.

Because Shao Linua had always given the world a picture of a kind angel....it was kind of hard for this opinion to be swayed. Others were still having problems believing anything that had been said about Shao Linua....especially her die hard fans.

But there were also those who had experienced the true Linua before but had never had the courage of speaking up who immediately took the opportunity to share their experiences with the true devil Shao Linua.

The discussions were intense. 50% people bought the truth that Shao Linua was still the innocent angel they knew and someone was simply trying to frame her but there were that 50% of people who had tasted the true Linua and those who were logical and saw the proof spoke against Shao Linua and there were those who couldn't miss out on the opportunity to bring Linua their rival down.

"If you're innocent then why did you pay the male product inspector money for important information about Feilan Fashion" a reporter asked and this triggered a wave of questions towards Linua.

"Yes Miss Shao...how are you going to defend yourself"

"Miss Shao are you innocent"

"Miss Shao did you steal your sister's fiancee.. are you really that wicked"

"Miss Shao all the evidence so far points towards you being the criminal in this story...what do you have to say about this"

"Miss Shao why did you rob your sister's Fashion brand and try to ruin its image by having counterfeits sold"

"Miss Shao is it true that you kidnapped the female product inspector's brother inorder to threaten her into helping you"

The reporters were as sharp tongued as ever with their questions. It was rare to speak with this supposed angel in such a way because she was usually on the moral high ground but since she might be criminal...the reporters felt they had to do their part....interrogate mercilessly.

Shao Linua was lightly flustered for a moment because no one ever spoke to her like this but she tried to remain calm and she said.

"I'm innocent and–" but at this moment a video was set to play on the big projection screen behind Linua and it interrupted her.

Everyone's attention turned to the screen and before the video started playing....Dai got the miq and said in a dangerously calm voice to Shao Linua that she felt an unrestricted shiver.

"Please stop your pretense Shao Linua....Right now Feilan Fashion will be releasing the last bit of evidence we have against Shao Linua

"We don't want Shao Linua wasting any of you time making up lies so we shall provide the last evidence which speaks for itself that Shao Linua is not what you have all thought

"We shall be providing you with a video of Shao Linua confessing that she did everything to damage Feilan Fashion

"Am sure you all know she can't deny her own words"

The whole hall and those watching online and on TV were stunned "A video of Shao Linua confessing for what she did...was that even possible...who would openly confess their misdeeds before a camera"

Shao Linua sneered in her head 'As if she was stupid enough to do so'

An arrogant light flashed in her eyes.

Let us see the evidence against her.

Everyone turned their attention to the screen...a video started playing and the moment Linua saw the video start....her face turned pale and she took a few good steps back completely stunned and caught off guard.

Her facial expression and reaction was recorded by a few observant camera men and everyone watching online and on TV saw it clearly....the look of horror and shock.