
MENDING HEARTS AND MELTING ICE: Unconventional Relationship Contract

Shao Feilan felt disheartened and broken after her fiancee cheated on her because of some absurd reason. And this was to add onto how he had ruined her precious Fashion brand along with her terrible half sister. Surrounded by only struggle after struggle...a hateful family that kicked her out, a half sister that stole her fiancee, a fiancee that cheated on her and a dying Fashion brand. What can this female protagonist do... But all it takes is one night, a bar, poland distilled vodka and a crazy chance to change the course of her whole life. Feilan felt like hitting herself 'Why in all directions had she pointed here' But the random direction she pointed to would soon lead her to cold, aloof and mysterious man, Lushan. What was his other name...he refused to tell. But this man offers Feilan a deal that she finds hard to refuse. An unconventional contract with benefits she can only dream of. Can one month change her life. Will hearts be mended as ice is melted. Will secrets be revealed.....

writerxs · Urban
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52 Chs


The last piece of evidence started with Shao Feilan setting her camera in her hang bag and stepping into the lodge at Denenchofu Gardens were informed people knew that Shao Linua was having a photoshoot.

Anyway it's not like was secret because Shao Linua posted her locations and celebrity life all the time.

The video then showed how Shao Linua's PA...aka Sora spoke arrogantly to Feilan as if she was on a higher league than Feilan.

Everyone was stunned by her behaviour...she usually acted quiet and humble...how could a mere PA like her treat Shao Feilan who was on a league higher than hers like that.

But what shocked everyone even more was when Shao Linua showed up. The usually humble lady they knew acted so arrogant that everyone was left speechless.

She even said that since she was a magnanimous person she would let Feilan speak to her as if Feilan wasn't worth her time.

Everyone looked at her with strange looks. She was there standing on the stage frozen as she stared at herself and her "commendable behaviour" and I quote.

But what caught everyone's interest was the statement Feilan made "I think it is best we speak in private considering the fact that what I want to speak about may harm your career.....and we wouldn't want that now would we"

'Harm Shao Linua's Career'

Everyone watched as Shao Linua actually turned and walked to her dressing room and Feilan and her PA followed in and the room was closed.

Everyone also got to see Linua's unprofessional behaviour as she drank wine while at work...no one expected the so called professional to be drinking during work hours.

And then the part that Shao Linua dreaded the most started. Everyone watched curiously.

They could all tell that in the video Shao Linua was unaware of the camera recording their conversation....no wonder they were able to get a recording.

She was an arrogant blabber mouth

"I need you to return the clothes you stole from me Linua" Feilan said coldly and Linua acted like she didn't hear Feilan.

"I'm so happy Feilan do you know that...Hmph it feels nice to know that I took each and everything precious to you..tell me Feilan baby...do you miss Suzen hahaha"

Everyone was stunned...wasn't this the answer they were looking for.

The video continued.

"All I want are the clothes you stole from me...you can keep that cheating bastard Suzen....I don't care....anyway you're perfect for each other"

Linua jeered "What crap...you think I don't know how much you loved Suzen...don't pretend it doesn't hurt

"But you must be pissed that he chose me over you"

Feilan then said "Cheating on me.....that he surely did but if you think Suzen loves you and will stay for a second longer once he gets bored of you then you're joking

"To a man like Suzen Shei...you're just an available vessel where he can satisfy his carnal needs....do you think you're anything more to that bastard...funny"

Linua had an ugly expression.

"I'll show you Feilan....Suzen will be mine and I'll marry you into the powerful Shei family

"I'll make sure am the only woman he can think about and if that way doesn't work..there are other ways of tying Suzen to me forever"

Linua's crazy expression was displayed to everyone and yet very few noticed the detail of her rubbing her belly.

Those who noticed were stunned but didn't jump to conclusions immediately...they just kept on watching. But Suzen who was still stuck outside Feilan Fashion's Building had noticed this crazed detail and his heart leaped in fear as his eyes darkened.

..back to the video...

Feilan responded by saying "I don't care if you tie Suzen up and buy his very soul just to keep him

"Like I said I only want you to return the clothes you stole from me"

Linua sneered as she stood up.

"And what makes you think I'll return those clothes back to you...

"I took those clothes from you to ruin your precious Feilan....so what....I can do what I want because Suzen is here to help me

"You're a nobody Feilan and I plan to keep it that way..you tried to steal Suzen from me..this is just the repercussion"

Everyone kept watching the video in disbelief and those who had initially thought that Shao Linua was innocent and was being framed could only shake their heads...was this seriously the person they had called angel for like forever.

But ofcourse what everyone watched was not the full video because Feilan had cut off the part where Shao Linua threatened her with Seisan.

That part was reserved for when she would deal with the Shaos cause that part of the video would implicate them too.

Right now Feilan wanted to deal with Shao Linua and Suzen Shei.

The video ended and everyone's eyes turned to Linua whose face was so pale.

Linua turned around and saw everyone staring at her with visible disgust and contempt.

Angel my foot...Shao Linua was a two faced pretentious scheming heartless bitch and an idiot at that.

She had done everything to ruin Feilan...firstly she stole her sister's fiancee and she tried to ruin her sister's Fashion brand.

This level of heartlessness. Where did this anger come from...or maybe it was pure jealousy.

Worst of all was the possibility that what the female product inspector said might be true 'Had Shao Linua really kidnapped someone's brother just to get what she wanted'

Everyone looked at Shao Linua like she was the most disgusting inhumane thing in the world.

Shao Linua took a few steps back...everyone was looking at her with visible hostility and it's like they were about to pounce on her and tear her apart.

The reporters knew that they no longer had to play nice with this viscous woman. They all had a cunning smirk at the corner of their lips that caused Shao Linua to shiver.

But this wasn't the scariest thing. If Shao Linua had seen the conversations online...she would have already fainted at the ruthlessness of netizens.

Her die hard fans were especially angry at how they had been played.

They had supported a full on she devil.

The comments were so insulting that it was scary to behold the anger of the public.

And Feilan Fashion's customers were finally relieved to learn of the actual truth behind the counterfeit issue.

Their favourite brand was still truthful to its customers...Feilan was still truthful.

But Shao Linua...Feilan Fashion's customers didn't resist for a second to destroy her completely for trying to harm their Fashion prodigy.

Feilan had her own band of loyal fans whose influence was shocking.

In a matter of seconds...Linua's name was on the top ranking searches and trends.

Unbeknownst to everyone even Feilan....a certain someone had already made sure that Linua's "popularity" would sit at the top of the top of the top searches for a good while.

Said person had also made sure that this video didn't just stop on a nation wide scale but it had already gone international all the way to the Western nations even.

Shao Linua didn't know that her career was already in the incinerator burning away.

She had no idea that her dear sister whom she always bullied had a backer who was ready to do anything to make his relationship with Shao Feilan as believable as possible.

How dare Linua touch said person's Interesting Little Flower.