
Memoir of a Thief

Four magic attributes — Flame, Water , Earth, and Wind — dominate the kingdom of Lapis. In this kingdom, a young boy meets his fate as he embarks on his journey to the castle. He soon found himself at the centre of attention when he summoned a useless old ring with his Neutral attribute...where a threat is around the corner and his destiny awaits...

Takoyarou · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

His Fury

A woman screamed was heard from the outside. Aure who was resting inside the hut came out to see the situation. He's been shocked by the environment. What is going on here? There were many dead bodies everywhere. Aure could see the corpse of a dead woman body torn in two. The blood is still warm and fresh red. It must be the woman who cried out earlier.

What is this place?

He raced down the path and saw something disturbing. There was a monster lurking around the village, destroying and killing the villagers. What made him break a cold sweat is when he saw the monster just came from above, tails dangling like a hungry arachnid before they landed to the ground. They looked like human except that they were pitched black, a little slimy and had two tails. The pointed ends of the tails pierced the neck of the victim, hoisting them high, rendering them unable to even scream.

At one corner, a man was floating in the middle of the air. Cold fury burned in his eyes with no emotion as he watched those villagers being slain. On his left arm, the man exposes a tattoo of skeleton holding a death rose.

While Aure was busy watching the man (he felt an anger boiling within him), a pool of blood were splattered at him. A monster just kill a little girl who was crossing in front of him. The monster now was looking at Aure as his next prey. Aure retreated a few back step, he was in shock to escape when he saw the child's body. Instead of looking at monster, his eyes were fixed on the child.


A sword is just striking through the monster causing it to split into two like the woman earlier. A man with dreadlocks had defeated the monster.

"What are you doing? Run for your live!" he shouted to Aure. Aure was startled. He glanced toward his savior who is busy killing a number of monster in an instant. Aure gulped down as he decided to retreat for now.

Aure could see a black figure was jumping between the roof, straightly headed to the man in the air. It's faint but he could overheard the figure enchanted his spell, Green Magic: Thunderstorm.

A mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds erupted from the rumbling ground (Aure thought it was an earthquake, at first) crushing its surrounding and consumed almost everything. However, the man with tattoo doesn't bulge a bit though the dangerous-looking wind practically draws him in despite being too near. Even Aure had to lower his weight to the ground avoiding getting sucked in.

The man with tattoo yawning.

Judging by his movement, he just woke up and still sleepy. Wait a minute. Did he just sleep this entire time and let the monster do the job? Aure clenched his hand into fist. This is so unforgivable. The man with tattoo finally noticed the thunderstorm and with a flick of his finger, the storm instantly dispersed.

Meanwhile, the dreadlocks man had noticed that Aure was still there, literally shoutingg at him, "Kirr! Get out from Ruku island! This is getting out of our hands, you have to survive!"

Ruku Island?

Aure was sure he had heard the name of the island before. Where is it again?

Aure looked to his right and left. There was no one there but him. Did the dreadlocks man just called him Kirr? Now that he realizes something, as he took a closer look at his body, the body was not his own. It is similar yet different.

"Understand," Aure responded. Aure touched his throat. That was totally not his voice. It's seems that Aure was inside this man named Kirr. Aure decided to leave the village after exchanging eyes with the dreadlocks man. He had to pass a few monsters and fire that has caught the entire village.

A monster make a sudden leap from the shadow at him but he already anticipated it. Aure backed away from his spot and gives a deathly nudge to the back of the monster's head, producing a loud skull crack. Yet, it didn't kill the monster (it gets up after a while) but it's enough for Aure to run away from the monster.

Unable to go on, he stopped running gasping for air. No villagers, not anywhere in this small village, they weren't even in their houses... It wasn't Aure's will for stopping but Kirr. That's when Kirr and Aure, both of them, heard a crying sound of baby inside one of the burning houses. The fire spread too fast as the roof was built from the water reed.

Aure quickly headed over to a certain house following the sound (the closer he gets to the house, the louder the cries). He broke down the door with his body and inside the small house, there was a baby boy who was crying and trapped within the burning fire.

"Don't worry. I'm coming," said Aure in a gentle voice. He hurled over the blazing fire and scooped the baby in time, as the roof starts to collapse, destroying the whole houses. Aure shakes the crying baby softly to calm his down, "It's all right, little one. You're safe now."


There was a growl coming from behind. Another monster attempted to attack Aure when he was tending to the baby. "Red magic: Lava Stalagmite," uttered Aure, unbothered to see the monster behind him.

A few sharp rocks, each that looks like a cone emerges in the air, instantly penetrated through the monster without mercy. Aure lets out a sigh of relief as the baby finally calm down. He turns around to see the monster that now lying near his feet lifelessly. He cannot waste any of his mana for killing each of the monster. There have been so many of them. Not to mention, they only can be killed by magic.

Aure decided to continue on running when he heard an explosion behind him. Aure took a look at what had happened, and what he saw was the man who had just used the wind magic before was killed by the man with a tattoo.

"Foo! Foo!!" Aure screamed out the name of the man. The baby who was startled by the scream started to cry again. Aure could sense the hatred began to build up inside him. He was about to step forward when the sound of the baby crying on his arm became louder, making him stop on whatever he was trying to do. Aure bits his lower lip hard that its bleeding but he had no choice. He has to get the baby to a safe place. With his strong determination, Kirr called off his desire and fled.

Even so, countless regrets kept playing inside his head. What was he doing? Is this all right? Save his own life when his friends were fighting with their life? Aure shakes his head. First, he has to do what he need to do, which is to secure the baby and get him to a safer location. No one had left in this kingdom anymore. If he lets the baby die, then his people will die in vain and gone extinct.

Aure has reached a long river flowing along the border of the Hanta Kingdom. He was attempting to cross the wooden bridge over the river when he heard another screamed. It was the dreadlocks man turns. The man with tattoo just thrust his hand straight into his chest and pull out his hearts without hesitation.


Aure could feel that his soul had just gone out of his body. His face turned blue and his hand shook when he saw his bestfriend, Russell getting killed. Enraged has begun to swallow him up. This time, there is no turn back. It's been there a while now, this anger, escaping when he's away from those he loves. Aure notices that a boat was floating by the river. He went over to the boat and put the baby inside. The baby was sleeping peacefully.

"Im sorry, kid. I can't abondon my friend, after all. May God be with you" said him while stroking the baby's cheek with his finger.

He then cut out the rope that ties the boat and stump, and carefully moved it to the middle of the river. He wore a sad expression when he said a goodbye to the baby as the river pulled the boat out of the stream. Aure waited for a while until the boat had gone from his sight.

"Too much bloodshed tonight," he muttered in grief.

Aure now faced the man with tattoo upfront. So does with the tattoo man. There are only two of them left.

"You're finally showing up yourself. Kirr, the Crown Prince. And here I thought you were running away between your tail" said the tattooed man arrogantly with his smug face.

"I don't have the mood for a daily chatter, Ulzur. Let's end all this, tonight."

The tattooed man stretches out his hands as if he was welcoming him in a mocking way, "Sure, I'm definitely agree."

Aure just mentally snapped. White knuckles from clenching his fist too tight, and gritted teeth from effort to remain silent, his body exuded an animosity that was like acid - burning, slicing, potent. All that rage came out faster than magma and just as destructive. It consumed all that he was, so delicate under that carefully ordered world.