
Memoir of a Thief

Four magic attributes — Flame, Water , Earth, and Wind — dominate the kingdom of Lapis. In this kingdom, a young boy meets his fate as he embarks on his journey to the castle. He soon found himself at the centre of attention when he summoned a useless old ring with his Neutral attribute...where a threat is around the corner and his destiny awaits...

Takoyarou · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Logi and Shade

His sanity is on the verge of extinction. Perhaps that is a positive thing. At the very least, he'd be allowed to leave this nightmarish dystopia. As Aure looks around, all he can see is stray limbs and dead creatures and human bodies. In front of him stood an evil creature wearing a human mask, his theoretically dead, even though he is human. He has fallen too far - once fine young men, who now are no longer recognizable as human. Without delay, Aure flicks his wrist and chants a spell, Mana Manipulation: Logi.

A red magic circle emerges beneath Aure. The magic circle shifts upward, as if it were scanning his whole body. He could feel the mana was covering his body like a shield. He can't see it but if he was to imagine, he was wearing an invisible cloth. Once completed, Aure was equipped with a set of burning fire warrior suits.

A golden circle resembling the sun tattoo surfaces on his forehead indicating that he had made a contract with the fire spirit, Logi. Cool, Aure thought while keeping an eye on his cloth. He is wearing this super longline robe with fishtail hems on his back, gradient in colour, black to red, black pant with long boots that reach his knee.

On his shoulder, hanging a fire spirit. Aure gives the fire spirit a gentle stroke. The fire spirit is waging his tail, a sign that he's happy, content and feeling settled. The fire spirit had a wisp-like head head with big, glassy eyes, two hands and two legs with a tail except his whole body was shrouded in fire.

"Logi, please lend me your power."

The fire spirit was floating around Aure before it transformed into a fire trident. Aure grabs the fire tridents and looks at Ulzur. He is prepared to fight.

"Shade: Black Onyx" uttered Ulzur, his eyes fixed on Aure. He was looking down at Aure. A dark blade drops on his right hand.

The two of them are in disagreement with each other. A spark produced between their weapons causing an explosion, forcing both of them to be thrown back a few miles away. Aure cries his heart out, "How far have you fallen that you slaughtered all your own people, Ulzur!?"

"All of them are significant to die" Ulzur replied in a monotone. His voice clearly shows that he does not regret a bit. He's going to do whatever it takes, even though he kills his own people.

Like throwing a salt at a wound, Aure gets mad, "I WILL KILL YOU, I SWEAR!"

"Let's see you try then," says Ulzur confidently. His lips curled a mocking smile as he said that.

Their weapon gleamed in the cool moon light. Their faces are unreadable, no fear, no invitational smirk. Aure knew that only one would walk away from this. His opponent's blade was stained with blood. He shuffled to the side and awaited in attack, and, possibly, inevitable death. His opponent charged with a mighty cry. Aure dodged to the side in one fluid move.

His enemy swivelled in his direction. His menacing eyes were a blazing red and his dark hood made the rest of his features indistinguishable. His opponent thrust his sword forward, only to be met by Aure's trident. Both weapon met in the air with a resounding 'clang'.

The battle had already taken place for almost two hours but none of them back off. They seems equally matched. No. In fact, Aure was getting weaker. His fire appears smaller than it was before.

Ulzur chuckled, "Tired already?"

The man was a master swordsman. Slowly, Aure was tiring. 'If I am to die, I shall fight to the last breath.' With renewed vigor, he slashed his blade back and forth. His wound began bleeding openly. Ulzur shoved his black blade over Aure like a mad man, meanwhile Aure evaded it with his trident. He was forcefully being pushed but Aure doesn't give up. He successfully pinned down Ulzur by dumping him to the ground, with rumbling sound that shattered the soil into dust. The blast left a crater on the ground with them in the middle.

They were both were struggling to drive each other out. Aure has a better shot when he punches out Ulzur's face three times, making a deeper crater when he does so. He flung a forth punches but Ulzur had loosened his hand and stopped the blow.

This is his only chance, thought Aure. While Ulzur cannot moved, he has to do something. Aure figured if he had been waiting any longer, only doom awaits him. He also knew Ulzur very well, he won't be taken down by mere punches and puny magic.

"This is my ultimate magic. You're going to go down with me," said Aure with determination. He had to do it otherwise who knows what was going to happen in the future. Meanwhile, Ulzur is desperately trying to run away when he was trapped by a few giant arms of fire that suddenly rising from the ground caught him and holding him to the ground. "Disgusting fire spirit" he taunted violently. Above him, he could hear Aure was chanting his ultimate magic.

"Mana Manipulation: Hellraiser Inferno,"

An infinite mana was absorbed into the sky. In the distance, Ulzur could see thick grey smoke billowing in the sky, which now shielded by a veil of darkness as the smoke swallows up the whole sky. That's when a roar was heard between the dark sky. The glowing embers leaped and twirled in a fiery dance, twinkling like stars in the hot swirling air before cascading to earth like gleeful fire fiends, setting alight the tinder dry village of Ruku Island.

The mana spirit, Logi himself becoming a massive giant (he looked more mature and intimidating) was heading furiously towards Ulzur. Fierce fire could be seen sneaking their way out from the clouds. The fire itself has no culture, no pity, no mind, yet it consumes whatever it pleases. Its only criteria is if it can take it and reduce it to ash or something molten and foul, then it will. The flames burn hot, short and aggresive, with no care what will be left behind.

Ulzur cursed out the arm that was holding him back and struggling to be released. His skin was started to peel off reveals the flesh of his skin due to the boiling heat. He screamed in pain. Loud piercing cries expressing the agony until he unexpectedly changed it into a smile. An uncontrollable grin would spread across his malnourished features that did not reach his eyes.

"Shade: Evil Gate," he muttered.

An enormous coffin appears out of nowhere in the middle of the air. Bam! The coffin was creaked open, revealing what a wing-like hand looks like. Instantly the hand grabs Logi and crushes him like a fly. Logi roared in misery, resonating all over the Ruku Island. Everything fading into abyss. Paralyzed in fear, Aure felt his breath being taken.

Aure vomits blood when Shade was compresses Logi. Logi breathes a fire hoping to save himself from Shade but Shade countered it with his own (the coffin flung open and shot a black fire). Aure was flying straight to Logi for helping him but another wing-like hand came out from the coffin and slam Aure. Aure escapes the giant hand safely, he might have four to five broken bones if he had that one even though he was protected with his suits. Aure unconsciously let out a sigh of relief.

"Are you sure to sigh in relief?," Ulzur's voice was heard from the ground. He is wearing his devil grin. The true goal of the slamming hand was not for Aure but to the giant arms that held Ulzur down. "What?" said Aure stunned by the unexpected plot. He quickly flies straight to Ulzur but he was too late because Ulzur is now free.

The wing-like hand that destroys Aure's giant fire arms, now flapping heavily emitting a chilly, cold air that reaches to the points where his bone resides, makes you believe that the world is frozen. Aure folds his arm in front of him to shield himself but as soon as the wind touches his fire suit, it freezes. His hand was sealed.

Everything happened so fast, when a blade suddenly strikes into his heart. Ulzur took out his blade from Aure's back and stabbed him again for the second time. He deals it with a grin, that founder of sin.

"Kirr," he says, "You can't win."

"Ul...zur..." Aure uttered. He could feel his heart beating against his rib cage, slowing down every second. Realization dawned on him, that he was going to die. Aure tried to move his chest, tried to suck in air, but none came. His heart stopped. His mind gave one final sigh. Then he felt nothing. Nothing at all. Darkness.


Aure awakes abruptly from his long slumber. His gasping heavily for the air. The nightmare is more of a night terror, because it feels as if he could die from the pain in his brain, his sweat literally flowing down from his silver hair.

"My Lord?" called someone but he didn't bother to look at the owner of the voice. Instead he looked forward and saw that he was in bed through a mirror reflection. His face was pale, too pale in fact, his brain was feeling shot through and coughing from the tail end of a cold. It was the most intense nightmare and he was never more grateful to see the light of day.