
Melting the cold female duke

Synopsis Akira Arcana reincarnated on a body of a child. She grew up as a fine soldier. When she was guarding the bolder, she accidentally killed an elder witch, who cursed her not to feel and give love to others. One night, when she was under the influenced of an alcohol, she barged inside a commoner’s house. Dandelion, a handsome and reserved man happens to own that house. That night, Akira him harassed him merciless and left him alone in the morning. After 5 years, they met, but the girl didn’t remember him, but he won’t forget that night. But he mistakenly falls for her. Will he be able to capture the woman’s heart, despite she can’t feel love or express it? Will they be able to break the curse? ..... “We..ll?” she was amused seeing a handsome man trembling while holding a knife. The drunk person pounce on him like a predator. He tried to hit her but to no veil she easily caught his hand and grip it hard. Hard enough for him to drop the knife. Hmm….. Suddenly the woman kissed him, .... “So, who am I, who are you?” Inquires the girl, who was staring at the man with eyes need of answering and full of excitement. Her lips were pressed together, giving out the idea of nervousness that Lily feels inside. As she mistakenly misunderstood the words of her nemeses that she was his wife. A beautiful mistake that leads to love.

Aconite0 · Fantasia
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37 Chs

Melting The Cold Female Duke


"So, who am I, who are you?"

Inquires the girl, who was

staring at the man with eyes in need of answering and full of excitement. Her lips

were pressed together, giving out the idea of nervousness that she feels


Clutching the blanket, she hopes he will tell her what her name is. For

she believes that if she knows who she is, there is possibility of her

recalling her past.

Regarding what she did back then, whether it was bad or good, she

doesn't care as long as she will know who she is. What she really was back

then. What kind of person she is.

As for the man, she wants to know his name too. After all, he just

introduced himself in a weird way without uttering his own name. Also, she

wants to recall who he is to her by his name.

As an old saying goes, 'A single name can cure Amnesia.'

The man went silent after hearing the girl's question. He just

remembered that he hadn't told her his name yet!

Head bows down and one hand raise to his mouth, he awkwardly coughs. It

was so embarrassing. What he did can't be called introduction anymore, he

thought to himself, utterly ashamed.

"My name is Dandelion, you used to call me Eon." Still with his head

down, he lied.

Even though his behavior was quite strange for people with no amnesia,

the girl on the bed believes it wholeheartedly, without suspecting him a bit.

The girl chose to just listen to his explanations rather than asking some

questions and looks at the man like she has just met a god.

There's no praise, criticize nor exclamation from the girl, so he stops

bowing and instead squints his eyes at her. He notices her excitement and

eagerness of knowing her name, but sadly he will only utter lies as he also

doesn't know her name.

"Your name is Kira, I nicknamed you Kiki. I hope you can recall your

past by the help with that name."

Sadly, you can't recall anything

because that name wasn't your true name. I just made it up. Dandelion felt like

crying for spewing lies at girl with amnesia. Heaven may forgive me, he

internally thought.

"What? That's my name? I don't remember anything, but thank you for

telling me. My husband."

Kira, or rather Lily was not so happy at her name, yet thankful that she

knew what she was called.

She smiled, not knowing the man was embarrassed and also not so happy at

what she called him, just like what the girl was feeling.

"Ahem. Don't call me husband, just Eon." Dandelion declared along with

the act of clearing his throat.

Lily was confused as to why he refused to be called husband by her. 'I

take back what I thought earlier. He still held a grudge on me, after all. What

are you expecting Kira?'

She had no choice but to obediently heed his words. She vowed to be a

good, faithful and kind wife. Disobeying, for her, means looking for a reason to

be kick out of the house.

"O-okay, if that's you want. The-then, I'll call you Eon, from now on."

Lily said embarrassed, giving her full attention to the food placed on the

table beside her, instead of looking at him in the eye.

Noticing her gaze at the food, Dandelion hurriedly suggested her to eat

her lunch, which he had prepared for breakfast.

Lily didn't refuse his offer, she wolf down the food without hesitation,

leaving the man stunned. In addition to that, she didn't even invite him to eat

or just share a part of the bread.

"Ahem, Eon. How long will you keep staring at me?" Dandelion break-outs

from his thoughts, his vision was clearer and the girl he had given the name

Kira squints her eyes, confused at his odd comportment.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to…"

Just as he was about to finish his explanation, Lily interrupts him.

"There's no need to apologize."

"About my leg, when can I walk again?" Lily asked, while looking at her

right leg that was covered with a thin brown blanket.

Checking its status, she tilts her head to each side of her shoulder,

seemingly wonders how many months will it take to heal.

"Hey, Eon. How come I turned like this? Did I do stupid stuffs and end

up injuring myself?"

From the very beginning, she didn't question why she got her injuries,

but when she can recover. The only person who could help her, was the man she

believed she had done many horrible things in the past.

Dandelion listens to her every question, was also curious. He may have

speculated that she had fallen from a high place, judging from the wound she got,

but he still doesn't know what really happened.

There were no traces of a weapon used to hit her head nor anything that can

prove she was intentionally hit by a weapon, as the water erases it. The wound

was black and blue because it was soaked in the water for who knows how many


"You had fallen from that willow tree. There were big rocks positioned

near that tree, to where you had smashed your head." He said, pointing outside

the window.

How long can I keep up making stories? Dandelion thought, as he turned

around to see her shocked and questioning face.

"You can't see the rocks hiding beneath the grasses from here."

"I know that, but I'm I a fool back then?"

"What!?" Replied Dandelion, almost speechless. What is wrong with this


They look at each other with different thoughts in their heads. Their

eyes meet, Dandelion feel like there is an electric current swirling on his

stomach, making him clutch it.

Lily once again frown at his behavior. Why is this man always acting


"Do you have stomachache?"

Dandelion breaks their eye contact as he feels that when he looks at her

bronze-eyes, he had this nostalgic and giddy emotion inside his stomach. "I

don't have stomachache. I'm just hungry."

The lies he spoke today were too many. His conscience is telling him to

stop because it's bad. He just doesn't want to tell the truth as he feels that

if he does, he won't be able to see her again.

Since her arrival, many weird things happened to him. He even had this

sickening, yet satisfying sensation bubbling inside him.

He wanted to ask her to stop making him like this and why she can make

him feel this kind of thing, which even he can't decipher what it is.

Little did he know, that the girl is his beautiful forthcoming and

devious harbinger.


(Hi guys! Sorry for

the late update. Hope you like this chapter. If you caught some misspelled

words, grammar errors, something that confused you, etc. Feel free to comment

below. Have fun reading. Wink.)

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08/14/2022 2:21 pm

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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