

Huobai passed the paper to Shan, who looked at it just as if it was nothing important, but once he realized it was the lyrics, he paid more attention. 

"My friend loved it; he spent the entire night writing the lyrics," Huobai said after gaining Shan's attention. His friend wasn't alone who liked the song. Huobai played it many times, but he still wanted to cry once he heard it. And because he went through the lyrics himself and saw which words were used, he knew he would be dying while listening to the complete song. 

"Can I ask you for one more favor?" Shan asked, his voice shaky, unsure. 

"Mmmm just don't ask me to find fans. This song will find them itself." Huobai half joked half not, because he was sure that some people would love the song so much they would recommend it to friends.