
Gain one, lose one

Shan was scanning the audience, looking for Hyun. And not only the audience. Even the sides and stairs. But he was nowhere to be seen. Because that guy was on his way. 

Hyun woke up late. He was strangely possessed by a writing spirit and he managed to write four chapters instead of one, but that meant he was until five a.m. Then when he got a call from Seonho half an hour ago and was woken up by it, he freaked out. 

He promised Seonho they would go and watch the games together today. It was such a rare instance he could go out, especially with his boyfriend. 

Because of his face. He looked like his twin brother, who decided to be a music artist and became an idol. They were so similar that when they had makeup and hair done the same, only a few people could tell them apart. Their grandparents and Lucy. And that boy from yesterday and the day before.

Hyun was still confused about him. He wasn't single. Why was he so attracted to a stranger? Yes, that man was his type, and he could tell him and Hwa apart, but to even think about him after waking up? 

That happened yesterday. It was the reason he appeared in the hall. He was curious about how the man was. Yet, when he found him with fans, strangely, Hyun pitied him. He was longingly looking at the playing game, aspiring to be in. 

When the guy was called to the team, Hyun got confused, but soon after, he had to leave. In the afternoon, Seonho got to know that Hyun had tickets for the event, so they decided to go every day from now on.

"Usually we don't go out much because you can't, and inside you are writing! Let's go!" Seonho pouted his lips and Hyun had to smile at that image of a grown-ass man trying to be all cute. Funnily, he nailed it and Hyun agreed to go. 

So that's why he was hurriedly getting ready, jumped in his car, picked up Seonho, and ran late for today's matches. 

"It's awesome. Our team is in peak condition, but the Chinese ones don't look bad either," Seonho was mumbling about the game and everything while Hyun's mind drifted off. It always did when he was driving. It somehow calmed him down a bit. 

"He sometimes speaks Korean, and better than I would think. I wonder how come he is so good." Hyun frowned. What was Seonho talking about? He really did space out.

"Who?" he asked, confused. Seonho slapped his shoulder and not lightly. It even hurt him. 

"HNYG! The assassin. His team is the reason I started watching the matches. They are handsome. Most of them. Okay. Two of them are stunning, two are cute, one is totally fuckable, and others are normal." Hyun stopped when Seonho said the word fuckable and if he didn't get the green light, he would stare at him, confused. Seonho never said this word before, not even about Hyun.

He parked the car somewhere nearby, but they had to half-run the rest of the way because Seonho kept hurrying him. Hyun almost forgot to put a mask and sunglasses on. Thankfully, his brother currently had blond hair with red ends. And he would be there, on the stage, MCing. So there was no chance someone would mistake them.

"Do you have to cover yourself all the time?" Seonho pouted and showed the tickets to the guard by the gate.

"Well, my brother said it will be safer. After all, he is a recognized idol." Hyun followed Seonho inside.

"What about you stopped listening to your brother so much? You've already sacrificed everything for him. Even your privacy." When Hyun heard it, he furrowed his brow. That wasn't exactly true. Still in thought, he got inside and looked around. 

Somehow his first instinct was to look for not his brother, but the guy he met here. Why did he do that? Maybe because he was attracted to him? His visuals… his voice… heck, even his weird personality he saw in the limited time they met, were fascinating to him. 

"You should stop being so nice to him," Seonho's rambling ended and Hyunyeong was slightly disappointed and even say, saddened. Hwa was his brother, of course. He would try to help him, listen to him, and accommodate him. Especially when they had only each other. Well, and their grandparents at home, but that was all.

"Let's go and sit. The match is already on." Hyun showed him the row they were supposed to sit in and watched the huge screen before them. A sight he wasn't prepared to see was the small icon of the player, down on the right. 

There he was. The guy that Hyun thought was just a substitute. The one he was reassuring he would get on the stage once, and yet, he was the member of the team that Seonho liked. 

"That's the one Chinese team, the one I like. HNYG, the one that speaks Korean sometimes." Hyun opened his mouth in awe, seeing the exact name under the shot of a guy that occupied his mind.

He watched the game, fascinated by the gameplay. Fascinated by the movement that the assassin could do, disappeared at his will and reappeared when he was needed. Dealing damage while being invisible, yet being somewhere where his teammates needed him. 

"HNYG?" he asked, his voice low, so Seonho hadn't heard him at all. And maybe it was a thing. He would hear the fascination in Hyun's voice that even Hyun was scared about.

When Shan finished his match with, of course, their win, he was smiling brightly. He noticed a person in the second row that wasn't there before. But his happiness wasn't long enough. He saw the man next to Hyun jump up and down and hug him, with a poster with Shan's name. He frowned. 

"We won. Why are you frowning?" Huobai asked, the dark circles underneath his eyes deepened even more. 

"I… I'm sorry. I should be happy, right?" Shan was confused. Why was he suddenly feeling down? Huobai shook his head and led them to the middle of the stage. They bowed and went to grab back their things, then they were led back into the waiting room. 

"Have some water, wait for me to finish the interview and then we will go back," Huobai said, and all of them nodded. He left with Yixing, but soon, Hyun's twin came in with three people with him. One was the MC, the other was Hyun, and the other man was holding Hyun's hand, with sparkly eyes and board holding in the other. 

"Hey, Shan, can we… disturb you?" MC asked in English. Shan nodded but did not smile much. He was staring Hyun hard in the eye.

"I can speak with them," Shan said in Korean, fluently, because he never forgot it. But his teammates were quite surprised by his ability.

"Can you sign your name for me, please?" The man said in a small voice, quite shy, blushing, and intimidated. Shan finally smiled. There was no need for him to be pissed. 

"Sure, no problem. Only me or do you want others too? And for whom, in which language?" Shan shook off the feeling and chose not to be interested in Hyun or whatever was going on with him. To the disappointment of Hyun, who was watching emotionless Shan sign his boyfriend's card and inside, he was feeling dreadful.