
Chapter 26: Negotiations

Hey guys, before we start don't forget to drop power stones if you like the story so far.

Every time we hit 150 power stones I will update and extra chapter, so get cooking guys I know you can do it easily.



Facing Vincent's working room, we knocked on his double doors.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in!" Vincent replied. We opened the door and walked to take a seat facing him, he offered us cups of coffe that I refused. Im in tea team after all, I hate coffe I dont know why. When I needed my cafeine portion I used to buy a monster energy drink. Less healthy, but tasty.

Sipping his cup of coffe, Arthur already started his moves. Vincent was clearly nervous when he's looking at Art than when he looks at me.

"Listen Vincent the reason for our intrusion is because we have a few thing to ask you. For me there are three items I would like you to retrieve for me." Arthur placed the cup back on its plate elegantly, he uses those technqiue only when needed since they are really dangerous for the world.

"Oh! And what might those items that you are looking for be?" Vincent placed his interlocked finger on the desk.

Lifting his hand up, indicating the number three with his finger, Arthur said. "A protective cloack preferably a hooded one, a decent sword for my size and a mask capable of altering my voice."

Without even realising Vincent accepeted to provide him with those things before he realised it, even though he was drowning in work preparing for an anniversary event. "Okay I will definitly try to find those things. What about you Meliodas is there something you are looking for too?"

"Yeah, but unlike this greedy monkey next to me I simply want you to take me to a very talented blacksmith you know." I joked pointing my finger to Art when I said monkey.

"Hey!" A veined popped on Arthur's head.

"A great blacksmith huh? I actualy know the best one in Xyrus city but he is know to be very big trouble maker... Maybe I should take you to anoth..."

"No!" I didnt let him continued what he was going to say, he already said he knows the best one, so there is no need to add anything else. "Take me to the best one you mentionned. Trouble makers are my favorite."

"Alright then, if you say so then its settled. I will take you there tomorow." Vincent stood up from his seat thinking that we finished our conversation.

"Now let's talk about compensation, Meliodas has a lot of money but I know that this is not something you actualy lack or need so how about that..." As Arthur was about to make his proposal, Vincent tried to stop him.

"It's fine guys, your father has been a great help since the day he started working for me." He lifted his hand as a form of goodwill.

"Yeah but this is father not us, now it's us who are asking you for things not father." I explained to him.

"To repay you for your help, while im helping my sister to awaken her manacore with a new technique I discovered recently, I will help Lilia as well." Arthur interlocked his finger next to hid mouth with his elbows on the desk, closing his eyes to look cool probably.

"Neither you nor your wife are mages which reduce the possibilitie of ylur daughter becoming a mage herself, but with the help of my brother not only is she going to become one, but she will be way sooner than normal kids!" A beam of hope turned on in the eyes of Vincent when I said this.

"Is... is what you are saying real? Are you not lying?" He stuttered.

"Of course we aren't lying! What do you take us for?" I said with a smile since his recation was priceless.

"If that true... If there is hope for my child to become a mage and achieve her dreams then im willing to give you any item or help you need." He excitedly said leaning forward on his desk with both his hands smacking it.

"Then I conclude from what you are saying that we have a deal?" Arthur said with a smile too.

"Of course, of course! And if there is something else you need don't hesistate to let me know!"

"Perfect, in that case we will be leaving." I said leaving my seat.

"Bye bye uncle Vincent." Arthur followed me waiving his hand.

Coming out of the room, we closed the door behind us and smacked our fists excitedly.

"Mission completed! Hahahahaha." x2.




Going Back to my room, I decided that I will train my beast will powers. Of the things I noticed is that when Amaya is in physical contact or close to me I can use these powers for longer and stronger.

"Papa, are you training again? You need my help?" Amaya asked while wrapping around my neck and lifting her head to face me. Our faces are only centimeters away form each other

"Yes Amaya, im going to train now, and I will try to do it without your help to get better at it." I placed her on my bed to train more efficiently.

"Okay then papa, Amaya is going to sleep." She made a circle with her body and went to sleep.

Okay, now I can better focus on my training. I interlocked my finger to have a best concentration which made the weird golden luminous runes appear on bith my body and face. This meant that everything is going well and that im using the beast will powers.

I thought about the point A which is the spot where im standing right now. I closed my eyes to be at my peak concentration power then I thought of the point B which is Arthur room next door, and after 3 seconds...


"AAAAHHH! What the hell are you doing here? Where did you come out from?" Arthur fell on his butt, he was shocked and scared that he was almost shaking. I scared him since I just appeared out of thin air.

"YES! It freaking worked finaly." I uppercuted the air out of happiness for this achievement.

"Please explain to me what is going on man." Arthur seemed to calm down a bit.

"Well you see those runes right? They are just like yours, they allow me to control space man. What about you?" I asked him losing my focus, which caused the runes to disapear.

"Bro please never do that again, I almost had a heart attack." Arthur said holding the left side of his chest, where his beating heart is.

"Hahaha my bad, I just didn't have somewhere to teleport. I didnt want to just appear next to Vincent of Tabitha, they might just shit themselve hahahah." I laughted with my hands on my waist.

"Hahahah, right." Art laughted imagining the situation happen.

"So?" I extanded my hand to help him get up. "What are yours?"

"Well I control time." He held my hand and got up.

"Coooool~ We are the space and time bros duo huh?" I joked.

"Yeah, hehe." I stayed with Art for a while chatting with him, before leaving to my room and to have a good night of sleep.



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